Renegade Immortal

Volume 9 The Top of the Sea of ​​Clouds Chapter 1443 The Void Fire Monk! !

More than twenty platforms seemed to be pulled by an invisible force, galloping forward in the mist in an incomprehensible way and at an incomprehensible speed. The speed of this platform was not weaker than that of a monk who was in the midst of a catastrophic devastation.

This strange movement of the platform made this ancient cemetery full of mystery and inexplicable traces. Wang Lin stood on the platform, facing the wind blowing at an extremely fast speed, causing his long hair to float up.

The mist surged out of his body like a gossamer, and Wang Lin's eyes revealed a pondering look. He had been observing this ancient cemetery since he entered it.

Everything here is extremely strange. Wang Lin doesn't want to act rashly before he has a clear understanding of it. He wants to see where this ordinary place will take him.

As for the sea of ​​fog below, it was boundless, and he didn't know how deep it was. But as he was galloping on the platform, Wang Lin had a vague feeling that there seemed to be a pair of eyes in the sea of ​​fog, staring at him. All monks included.

"The number of Muses who entered the ancient cemetery should be quite large, but they were separated. Perhaps others

Just like us, we are all on this platform and follow the platform..."

As I pondered, time passed slowly, and the heaven and earth seemed to be replaced by the whining and whistling sound of the platform galloping away. I don’t know how far I have walked...

A few hours later, Wang Lin looked forward with his eyes, and suddenly condensed. Although there was still fog in front of him, the fog was slightly distorted. But before he could take a closer look, the platform he was on suddenly penetrated into the twisted fog. Inside.

The world ahead suddenly changed, and bursts of exclamations suddenly came from the mouths of several monks who were shocked. The location where Wang Lin and his group of twenty-five people appeared was a place that seemed to have been sealed here eons ago. In the ancient tomb, there is a place where no one has set foot for countless thousands of years!

The area here is about hundreds of thousands of feet in size, and the surrounding edges are all twisted and torn apart by bursts of space, forming a huge siege that completely seals the place.

The platform of Wang Lin and others was broken through one of the spaces; the world displayed in front of him was covered in red!

The sky in this country is red, and the ground is not mist, but the real earth. There are small rivers on it, and the rivers are all filled with bright red blood!

The smell of blood is constantly filling.

In the very center of this world, there is a huge figure. This is an ancient god about several thousand feet tall! He is kneeling there on one knee, with a ferocious look on his face. There is a big hole between his eyebrows, and his blood seems to be flowing forever. The tears flowed from his face,

Drops fell to the ground.

His knee collapsed, and you could see the blackened bones inside. Apparently, he didn't want to kneel down, but someone broke his kneecap and had to kneel down!

He was kneeling on one knee, bent over, with a thousand-foot-sized gravel platform on his back. The gravel platform was covered in blood, and there were countless blood mist surrounding it, making it difficult to see its depth.

But faintly, there is a tyrannical restriction, shining in the mist, as if it is sealing the work.

On the right side of the ancient god, there is another figure about four hundred feet kneeling there. This figure has a single horn on the top of his head and a ferocious expression. The left eye shows madness and unwillingness, and the right eye is empty, but it has been dug away by life, and there is blood from it. Drainage from the eye socket.

To the left of the ancient god, an ancient demon more than three hundred feet tall also knelt down. His left eye was empty, and his right eye was full of fear.

The ancient gods were carrying stones, and the ancient demons and demons were kneeling on both sides, as if worshiping the gravel. This strange scene was shocking. But what really made those monks exclaim was that in addition to the blood-like rivers on the earth, there were also densely packed figures, raising their heads and staring at them with red eyes. An uninvited guest suddenly appeared in this sealed land.

Humanoid ferocious beasts, no less than tens of thousands of them, completely filled the sealed land. Many of them were still swallowing in the bloody river water, and some were fighting with each other. But when Wang Lin and others appeared At that moment, everyone raised their heads.

After a brief period of deathly silence, the ferocious beasts on the ground immediately let out shocking roars. The simultaneous roars of tens of thousands of ferocious beasts turned into a roaring sound that swept across the people above!

Several monks who were not too high in cultivation and had been injured before were suddenly forced to have air waves attack their bodies, spurting out blood. Two of them were thrown directly and fell downwards.

Before they could struggle, they were pounced upon by a group of hundreds or thousands of ferocious beasts, scattered and torn apart into flesh and blood.

The ferocious beasts on the ground jumped up crazily and came straight towards the crowd. However, after experiencing the previous battle with thousands of ferocious beasts, these monks knew the benefits of the ferocious beasts. Although they were shocked by the number at this moment, they But without much fear, they suddenly dispersed and ran straight towards the ferocious beasts galloping below.

"Swallow all these ferocious beasts, and my injuries will be fully recovered!" Wang Lin's eyes flashed, he licked his lips and took a step forward. He started late. There were already more than ten people in front of him, and the monks were one step ahead of him.

The eyes of these monks flickered, but they made up their minds. This time, Wang Lin must not be the only one to take the lead. Although these ferocious beasts were ferocious, if they absorbed the vitality, they would be enough to make people's hearts beat.

"If the monk in white clothes robs him again, we will join forces to kill him! Let him know the consequences!" Especially those monks who successfully robbed the platform before were all ruthless people. At this moment, they glanced at each other, but there was tacit agreement.

"Fellow Taoist Pina with white hair, you can't kill more than ten ferocious beasts here, otherwise, the Taoist master will turn against you and destroy your soul and make you a god!" The monk, who was extremely fat and wearing a monk's robe, waved his abacus in his hand and smiled. said.

"Kill one more and you will die here today! No one can save you!" That body was dry

The thin black-robed monk with his eyes always closed spoke coldly as he walked forward.

"Although my fellow Taoist has extraordinary cultivation, if he offends the public, he will leave our group and live and die on his own. If you don't leave, I will let your body go!" The purple-robed man with the evil fish transformed behind him said, Murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and he snorted coldly as he stepped forward.

"Fellow Taoist, you were too reckless just now. Everyone in this place can get it. If you are too greedy, even I can't stand it. If you are greedy again, I will kill you. No matter how high your cultivation level is, if you Even if you don't obey me, you still need to be healed!" The gloomy voice of the old woman wearing a green robe and her face covered with pustules echoed.

"Although you have high cultivation, you act so ignorantly, wasting your cultivation and losing your life, but you are extremely stupid...Sigh, sigh! There are such greedy and stupid people in this world. Could it be that they think they are three You can't do this!" The middle-aged monk holding the wine flask in his left hand shook his head and took a sip of wine, then went straight towards the ferocious beast below.

These words revealed murderous intent. Apparently, most of the monks were dissatisfied with Wang Lin's devouring most of the ferocious beasts. Except for these few people who spoke, the remaining monks also showed murderous intent. The decision to kill has been made.

The girl who had not left the platform had a hint of joy in her eyes, but when she thought of Wang Lin's terror, her joy couldn't help but extinguish.

After hearing the words of everyone, Wang Lin looked calm, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and there was a faint fire burning in his left eye. Not only did he not flinch while snoring coldly, but he quickly crossed the endless distance in one step, using his strength. With his cultivation level, he blasted away like a meteor, directly surpassing all the monks in front and heading straight towards the many ferocious beasts leaping from the ground.

“What a courage!!”

"How dare you!!"

"You are so arrogant, you are seeking death! Ten'

Wang Lin's behavior completely angered everyone, and murderous intent arose. Some people even used magical powers. However, at this moment, Wang Lin's step umbrella suddenly approached among the roars of tens of thousands of ferocious beasts, and he could not be seen using it. What magical power? He just raised his right hand and waved it forward, and the heaven and earth roared!

The ferocious beast that leaped into the air suddenly screamed miserably. Flames burned out of their bodies, and their eyes were instantly replaced by fear. Their colors were distorted, and they were miserable. The screams became more intense.

In the blink of an eye, Wang Lin waved his hand, and nearly a thousand ferocious beasts crashed down. Their whole bodies were burned by the virtual fire born in their bodies, and they turned into fireballs. They all died!

White streams of life flew out and went straight into Wang Lin's body!

In the bodies of the dead ferocious beasts, virtual fire exploded out and spread crazily around. More ferocious beasts erupted with virtual fire at the same time. Under the burning, a heat wave filled the entire world.

The roar continued, and the ferocious beasts burned in weird ways, constantly turning into fireballs and turning into black ash. White vitality filled the whole world, and rushed into Wang Lin's body crazily and was absorbed by him.

The flames rekindled, and among the tens of thousands of ferocious beasts that spread, most of them immediately turned into part of the sea of ​​fire in the shrill screams... Wang Lin didn't pause at all, and the endless vitality in his body was quickly absorbed by the soul, and his The injury is recovering rapidly at an unimaginable speed.

One thousand, three thousand, eight thousand, one hundred and three... A large amount of vitality and white energy almost filled the air with Wang Lin's figure. Almost in the blink of an eye, all the ferocious beasts here had virtual fire raging in their bodies!

With the rush of life, Wang Lin's injuries suddenly and completely recovered at this moment!!

In the roar, all the ferocious beasts died!

Countless virtual fires, after destroying the ferocious beasts one after another, rushed towards Wang Lin from all directions, and finally all rushed into his left eye.

So simple and so amazing!

"Who wants to kill me?" Wang Lin turned around and looked coldly at the stunned people behind him.

Scanned over the stunned monk. In his left eye, a nine-color virtual fire burned.


"Void Fire Cultivator!!!" "It turned out to be a Void Fire Cultivator!! How is that possible!!" "It is rumored that the Void Fire Cultivator rarely appears once in tens of thousands of years. He... he turned out to be a Void Fire Cultivator." Tens of thousands of vicious beasts were killed with a wave of his hand. The virtual fire burned out, with this kind of cultivation...I...I just Huiran

I still want to kill him..."

The rumored Void Fire cultivator, with its unique flame, appeared in this sealed place! It fell into the eyes of each of the cultivators, and immediately set off a huge uproar in everyone's minds. !!

Under Wang Lin's gaze, everyone subconsciously retreated tens of feet, with horrified expressions on their faces and shock in their eyes, especially those of Shao who had just spoken such arrogant words, and their faces instantly lost all color. !

Even the woman in white, who was always calm, showed shock at this moment, with a strange light shining in her eyes.

Thumping, thumping, in the silence all around, the only sound is the rapidly accelerating heartbeat in everyone's body

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