Renegade Immortal

Volume 9 The Top of the Sea of ​​Clouds Chapter 1459 Granting the Way

,...I assume this is Gu, then the other methods the Immortal Emperor thought of "are very likely to be related to Gu! The Immortal Emperor set up a trap to attract Dao Gu from the world where he was...the purpose was to plot against Dao Gu, and even They are scheming against the three tribes and want to use them to replace the Dao spirits to feed the Dao of Heaven!"

"For a figure like the Immortal Emperor, he must be absolutely sure of his actions. Since he can set up a trap to attract Daogu, he will definitely succeed... But why was Tiandao killed in the end...\

,""And in the Alliance Star Territory, when I was going through the tribulation, I accidentally opened a space crack. My spiritual consciousness entered there and saw a strange world where there were many statues of ancient gods, ancient demons, and ancient demons... …There, what kind of place is it, is it related to this ancient tomb, and is it related to Qicai Taoist..."

"Also, almost all the Suzakus of the past generations have been sealed by others, and the finger points are pointed at the master of the master... Who is the master of the master..."

"And when the woman in silver saw the statue of the colorful Taoist, she immediately screamed and went crazy, and kept saying that she was not the one to open the door... What kind of door was it, and why did the colorful Taoist massacre him so angrily after opening it..."

"Is this door a door that feeds heaven? Or is it a door that seals and traps its enemies? it a door that leads to another world?"

"Or maybe everything I guessed was wrong..." Wang Lin frowned. With all the clues, he could only analyze it so far. As for whether it was correct or not, he himself didn't know.

"When the fifth-level tomb was formed, the man who called himself Dao Gu Yewu once said that if he was a member of his tribe, he could enter the Reincarnation Gate and gain inheritance. If he was not a member of his tribe, he would go to the underworld... What is the underworld..."

Wang Lin rubbed his eyebrows and his eyes flickered.

"No matter what, the existence of this ancient cemetery must be closely related to the colorful Taoist. Is this the place where he raised the way of heaven...or is it really the place of inheritance left by Taoist Gu Yemo before his death?" yoke...,

This place is called the Tomb of the Ancients...Does it mean the Tomb of Daogu Yemo..." The more he thought about it, the more confused Wang Lin became in his mind and couldn't figure it out.

After a long time, he sighed secretly and stopped thinking about these irritating things. His eyes flickered to the remaining withered trees around the ground.

"If I hadn't guessed, the trees here should have been planted by people. While sealing the ancient god's head with a statue, these trees were allowed to absorb the ancient god's aura inside the head."

"The reason why they all withered and died is because the aura of the ancient gods in the skulls has dissipated over the years. These trees have no nutrients and will naturally wither. Greedy Wolf only saw one wood spirit when he came here. Only this one remains,

If the greedy wolf hadn't come, I'm afraid if a little more time had passed, the last tree would have withered.

It can also be seen from this that, except for Greedy Wolf, no one has been here for a long, long time, including the person who planted the tree, and it is very likely that he did not come back after planting it..."

Wang Lin's eyes flashed, and after thinking for a moment, determination appeared in his eyes. He sat cross-legged between the brows of the skull, took a deep breath, and under his hands, a large number of restrictions roared out, filling the sky and forming a protection.

He even transformed the thunder map into the sky and hid it deeply. The nine-color flames also filled the sky. Even the blood sword was swung out by Wang Lin and hidden in the sky.

His preparations were intertwined to form a powerful killing formation. If anyone broke in rashly, they would immediately hit the tip of the killing formation head-on.

With the protection in place, Wang Lin without thinking, the power of the Ancient God began to circulate throughout his body, gradually integrating into the skull underneath him along his body.

This skull was like a bottomless pit. No matter how much Wang Lin's ancient god's power poured in, it did not change at all. As time passed, Wang Lin did not pause, but always kept the ancient god's power entering the skull.

Gradually, the Ancient God star flashed on the center of his eyebrows. Surrounded by six star points, the power of the Ancient God surged out even more intensely.

A few hours later, as Wang Linmu Duan used his ancient god's power to turn into nutrients, he could clearly see that the skull of the ancient god under him seemed to be somewhat different, and the withered trees around him seemed to be nourished by nutrients. Just like that, a trace of vitality gradually spread out.

However, if he wanted to bring all the village trees to life, not only would it take too much time, but the power of the ancient gods in Wang Lin's body would not be enough.

After pondering for a moment, Wang Lin gave up on resurrecting everything, and instead concentrated the power of the ancient gods. Through the skull, he enveloped the nineteen blighted villages and supplied them with all their strength.

As time passed, the nineteen trees gradually transformed from withered to more and more vitality. The bottom of their trunks returned to their true colors and slowly spread upwards.

This process was relatively boring. While Wang Lin kept the power of the ancient gods pouring in, he raised his right hand and pointed it at the center of his eyebrows. Under the roar, the Emperor's Furnace materialized and floated in front of him.

This emperor's furnace can be big or small. It is only ten feet in size at the moment. The inside is turbid, and there is a faint scream. Wang Lin is doing two things at once, and he moves his hands towards the furnace.

Immediately, the turbidity in the Emperor's Furnace dissipated, and what appeared in Wang Lin's eyes was a black poisonous sea in the furnace. The water was dead silent, without any ripples, and there were a large number of poisoned incense souls inside.

"Refining!" Wang Lin pointed his right hand forward and stood up. The poisonous sea in the fat spider burned like fragrance, making a muffled roar and making big waves, forming a large whirlpool and spinning loudly.

"This sea is poisoned by the strange tongue of Master Great Wilderness, and it also contains the incense soul of Taoist Master Miaoyin. After I refine it, it will be a powerful poisonous treasure!"

Wang Lin looked calm and started refining.

The roar of the sea water in the Emperor's Furnace grew farther and farther away, and the endless incense souls within it let out bursts of shrill screams. The sound was extremely harsh, but it was blocked by the Emperor's Furnace, and it was much less transmitted to the outside world.

The roar continued, and gradually, a large amount of black mist floated from this endless poisonous sea. This black mist was the gas refined by the sea water, and gradually filled the entire Imperial Furnace.

It's just that these black fogs cannot dissipate, they can only accumulate more and more. Finally, when the fog accumulates to a certain extent, it suddenly turns into black clouds, and drops of black rain fall from them and fall into the sea.

This scene seems to be a cycle, but in fact, when the sea water is transformed into rain, it is much less. The less poisonous water does not dissipate out of thin air, but condenses together, making the water in the sea water less. The poison is stronger!

Not long after, there were more and more black clouds in the Emperor's Furnace, and the rain fell like a torrent, causing the waves to roar. Under Wang Lin's continuous refining, the sea water slowly became less and less. Three days later, the entire sea surface Despite the constant rain, it was still down by almost half.

The color of the sea water is already so dark that even spiritual consciousness cannot penetrate it, and the poison in it is even more terrifying.

Seeing that nothing unusual happened, and the poisonous sea was still being refined, Wang Lin felt relieved and waved his right hand. The poisonous sea in the Emperor's Furnace immediately dissipated, and he appeared in another world.

This world is also filled with endless sea water, but the color of the sea water is purple, and it contains many extremely rare incense souls.

The body of Master Ling Dong was sitting cross-legged at the bottom of the sea water. With his hands clasping together, he was frantically refining the souls of these incense, trying to change them all and dedicate his own incense to him.

Behind Master Lingdong, there is a huge statue. That statue is the statue of the demon god of his Lingdong clan. His arms are wrapped around Feng. This statue emits a boundless light. All the incense souls enveloped by the light have expressions of confusion and confusion. struggle.

There are also a few incense souls that seem to have been changed. The incense that they dedicated themselves has been absorbed by Master Ling Dong. Ling Dong's face is rosy, hiding excitement.

Wang Lin frowned slightly when he saw this. These incense souls belong to Taoist Miaoyin. If you want to change them, even if you are smart, it will take a long time. Although Wang Lin is not in a hurry, in this ancient tomb, if he can It was of great help to Wang Lin to have Master Ling Dong speed up his absorption and successfully enter the third step.

While pondering, Wang Lin separated a trace of his soul and blended it into the Emperor's Furnace. Suddenly, Wang Lin's figure appeared in the sky above the purple ocean in the furnace.


A majestic word echoed in the Emperor's furnace. The smart eyes sitting cross-legged on the seabed suddenly opened their eyes, revealing a look of fanatical respect. His body jumped up and flew directly under the roar of the sea.

Dozens of feet away from Wang Lin, Ling Dong knelt on his knees in mid-air and whispered: "Gu slave Ling Dong is here to see the master. I wonder what the master has summoned for Gu slave to do!"

Wang Lin's transformed figure looked coldly at Master Ling Dong. After a long time, he slowly said: "I will give you a technique. With your cultivation level, you will be able to learn it quickly. With this technique, you can melt into the fragrance of this place as soon as possible." , take the real third step!”

Master Lingdong suddenly raised his head, his eyes becoming more fanatical. He cultivated Taoism all his life in order to become a three-step master. Unfortunately, due to the incense, he stopped for the rest of his life. For now, let alone being refined by Wang Lin Mengdao and the Emperor's Furnace, even if he didn't If Wang Lin could give him such a great blessing, he would definitely be willing to do what Wang Lin ordered!

As long as you become enlightened, no matter what!

Wang Lin raised his right hand and pointed forward. Immediately, a brand went straight to the center of Ling Dong's eyebrows. Ling Dong did not dodge at all, allowing the brand to penetrate deeply into his forehead and enter his soul.

"Taoist technique, Rong! You should understand this technique as soon as possible!"

Wang Lin withdrew his gaze. He was extremely satisfied with subduing Master Ling Dong. With the Emperor's Furnace and his various methods, he was not afraid that the other party could rebel.

"If we can meet another powerful person in the third stage of Kong Nirvana, and with smart cooperation, the battle will not be difficult... If we can capture and refine it and become an ancient slave..." Wang Lin felt dissatisfied. , the figure transformed by divine consciousness disappeared into the sea and sky, and returned to its body.

At the same time, outside the ancient tomb, the man from the Fengtian Wolf Clan stepped on the five-step tomb platform and rushed through the endless Anqi like a broken bamboo, gradually getting closer and closer to his goal.

"It's not far away. In three days, I can get there! If I can get nine of these leaves and cooperate with my clan's magical power, I can make Feng Tianlang Dao stay with me forever, seal his return path, and be used by me! By then, although my cultivation is still in the early stage of Kong Nirvana, I will be the strongest in the early stage of Kong Nirvana!" Excitement flashed in the eyes of the Fengtian Wolf Clan man, and he controlled the tomb faster and faster.

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