Renegade Immortal

Chapter 149 Core Formation (final)

Wang Lin kept meditating and breathing out, sometimes he opened his eyes and looked out of the mansion, his eyes flickered with coldness. Gradually, a medicinal fragrance wafted out from the alchemy room. Wang Lin took a few deep breaths, calmly opened the storage bag, and tidied up the contents one by one.

When he took out the dragon tendon, his eyes narrowed. The magic weapon of dragon tendon is not very effective. Although it can disperse countless branches, it can trap everything with his mind, but if it encounters a sharp flying sword, this dragon tendon will still be destroyed. cut off.

Even some powerful fire suppression spells can burn it out. Wang Lin touched the dragon tendon, his eyes became more cold, he sneered, thinking in his heart that once the alchemy was successfully formed, then the dragon tendon would be useful.

The sound of the bombardment outside was even louder, and it almost felt like it was right in front of him. Wang Lin looked at Danfang where Li Muwan was, and he sighed softly, his heart sank.

Li Muwan bit her lip, blood flowed from the corner of her mouth, and tears rolled in her eye sockets. The semi-finished Tianli Pill failed at the moment it was finished.

As an alchemist, she had failed quite a few times, but she had never felt so uncomfortable. This time, it can be said that she must succeed. Unfortunately, God's will is unpredictable, and success or failure sometimes only happens in a flash.

Li Muwan glanced sideways at Wang Lin who was meditating outside. Tears finally flowed down her cheeks. At this moment, she looked extremely weak. After a while, she gritted her silver teeth, took out the magic blood vine from the storage bag, and put it in the pill. In the furnace, since the first Tianli Pill failed, then hurry up and refine another one with the Demon Blood Vine.

As time passed, the cave had already collapsed, some small stones gradually fell off, and the mist outside gradually thinned, ready to be broken at any time.

Wang Lin had a flat expression from beginning to end. It also gradually changed, revealing a trace of anxiety.

At this moment, Li Muwan suddenly rushed out of the pill room with disheveled hair. His eyes were bloodshot and his expression was extremely tired. He threw Wang Lin a crimson elixir, and traces of majestic spiritual energy emanated from the elixir, making people feel refreshed.

"This is the Ditian Li Pill refined with the Demon Blood Vine, the slightly inferior."

Wang Lin said nothing. Clamp the pill with two fingers. He glanced at Li Muwan. Throw it into your mouth without thinking. The entrance of the pill melts. Suddenly, a fire rose from his stomach.

Wang Lin patted the storage bag. Turn out the aura liquid. After gulping down his stomach. Take a deep breath. Close your eyes and meditate. Impact the knot period.

Shifu shook the ground. The stones fell even faster. It was foggy outside. There is only a trace left. Li Muwan stared blankly for a while. Silver teeth bite again. Pull out the flying sword. Stand at the entrance of the cave. To protect Wang Lin. At the same time, break all the falling stones into pieces. Don't let it fall on Wang Lin.

Qian Kun waved the giant peak.

Constantly falling down. He glanced away. The other monks all looked excited. Control the magic weapon to launch a forcible attack on this mountain formation.

The corner of his mouth moved slightly. He said gloomyly: "Big-headed scorpion. The little girl can give it to you. But after the formation is broken, we need to let us play first. Would you like it?"

The big-headed monk paused. He smiled bitterly. Said: "Great Elder. You have already spoken. How dare I disagree."

Qian Kun sneered, swung the giant peak down again, and said: "This kid is just a fake alchemy realm, and he has such supernatural powers. It's not easy to kill an alchemy cultivator, but today, he is dead." After finishing speaking, his eyes flickered , secretly said in his heart: "Especially that blue flame, it is definitely a treasure."

The big-headed monk was depressed in his heart. He just glanced at the little lady, and immediately felt an itch in his heart. He let go of his words at the moment, thinking that no one would provoke him to snatch him, but he didn't expect that the big elder, who has always been not good at women, would come out. In a word, depressed, the magic weapon in his hand became more violent and let out.

The fog of the formation gradually thinned out, and only one of the ten hundred-foot dragons was transformed, and its size was reduced to more than thirty feet. With a throw of Qian Kun's right hand, the giant peak shrunk immediately, turning into a stone seal and falling into the hands of its original owner, Kunsang.

After throwing the giant peak, Qian Kun let out a low cry, jumped out, and came to the side of Jiaolong. He combined his hands, and when he pulled it apart, a grid appeared, covering Jiaolong's head. Qian Kun shouted with a grim smile: "Broken!" !"

The Misty Flood Dragon let out a mournful cry, and its body dissipated immediately, and what disappeared with it was the last trace of mist in the entire Jiuli Corpse Array. Although the Jiuli Corpse Array was powerful, it was finally destroyed after a three-day delay under the forcible destruction of ten alchemy monks.

If Li Muwan did not make alchemy, but was in charge of the formation, the formation would definitely not be broken like this.

As soon as the formation was broken, a cave in the broken mountainside was exposed. The demon cultivators of the Fighting Evil Sect immediately rushed up, but as soon as they walked within 20 feet of the cave entrance, bursts of thunder and thunder fell from the sky. Although the power of this thunder and lightning is not great, it is better than the large number, and it is quite spectacular for a while.

The hundreds of small basic formations that Wang Lin had deployed before started to work at this time, but this formation was only a foundation after all, and its power was limited. Under the roar of these alchemy cultivators, they were broken one by one one after another.

Qian Kun has been watching coldly, but he didn't make a move. His target is the fake pill junior. A ball of power grid rises in his palm. Qian Kun has already planned. With the current distance, as soon as the junior shows up, he can immediately Use this fairy net to trap it.

When the last of those hundreds of basic formations was destroyed, the entire Shifu, without any defenses, was exposed naked in front of the demon cultivators.

A graceful figure suddenly appeared at the entrance of the cave. She was well dressed, elegant and refined, with red lips and white teeth, emerald eyebrows, which made people's heart skip a beat.

Even Qian Kun couldn't help squinting his eyes, but soon, his eyes passed through the woman and fell into the cave. The cave was pitch black and he couldn't see clearly.

Li Muwan looked at the alchemy cultivators in front of her, raised her jade hand, and the Beast Pill Stove appeared in her hand. She said in a cold voice, "Do you want this?" The chasing monk, Kunsang, immediately stared straight at the Hundred Beasts Pill Stove, and said with a grin: "I didn't expect this little bastard to actually have a Pill Stove, and it's also a Hundred Beasts Spirit Stove with 100,000 top-grade spirit stones in the Refining Pavilion." That's right, the old man and Pu Shu came here for this alchemy furnace in the first place, girl, bring this alchemy furnace!" As he spoke, he stretched out his big hand, and the alchemy furnace immediately separated from Li Muwan's hand and flew into his hand . These people all know the value of this alchemy furnace, but Kunsang directly pointed it out on this point.

"Great Elder, this alchemy furnace belongs to us, and we will be rewarded with generous gifts in the future, how about it?" Kunsang said while standing with Pu Lin, who had chased and killed Wang Lin before, and clasped his fists.

Qian Kun glanced at the alchemy furnace, nodded and remained silent. At this time, the big-headed cultivator's eyes were full of lust, he stepped out, grabbed Li Muwan, and said with a strange smile: "Little lady, after today, after serving the old man's colleagues, you will be the old man's furnace. "

Li Muwan's complexion was pale, with a trace of desolation. The moment the other party caught her, she was about to sever her own heart, but at this moment, the big-headed monk who was caught by him suddenly screamed, with an extremely miserable voice.

Blood spurted from his mouth and nose, and a large amount of blood gushed out from his seven orifices. As if his body was hit by a strong force, he was thrown out fiercely, but before he landed, he was grabbed back by an invisible force, and his head slammed , turned into a blood mist, leaving only a headless corpse, his consciousness was shattered, the golden core flew out of Li Muwan, and fell into the cave.

"From this moment on, Wang will be the first person under the Nascent Soul Stage. If you and the others don't have a Nascent Soul Stage monk with hidden cultivation, then you can... die"

An extremely cold voice came from inside the cave, and then, a slender black figure slowly emerged from the cave, gradually appearing in front of everyone.

He has black hair, a stern face, and ruthless eyes, standing between the sky and the earth like a piece of black ice that will not melt for a lifetime.

A heart-wrenching feeling, as if encountering a natural enemy, hit the minds of every demon cultivator present like a raging sea. Behemoth.

Waves of fluctuations from the soul caused the sea of ​​consciousness of the people present to set off big waves one after another, and even showed signs of shattering. Under the tumbling, it was like countless spring thunders exploding in their bodies and ears at the same time.

Pu Lin was wounded in his body. His consciousness was suppressed by extreme fluctuations before, but he had no time to concentrate on recovering. At this time, there was a huge wave in the sea of ​​consciousness, and the sea of ​​consciousness burst into pieces. He took a few steps back and fell headlong to the ground, his body twitched uncontrollably, and every time he twitched, a large amount of blood gushed out from the seven orifices.

Qian Kun's expression changed drastically, and under the shock of his mind, the power grid in his hand slapped a few times, and it shattered involuntarily. His face was terrified, and he took a few steps back. Without any hesitation, his body immediately turned into a rainbow and flew out in an instant, with the idea of ​​capturing Bingyan It has long since disappeared, and I can't get excited. He was afraid. As a monk in the middle stage of alchemy, Qian Kun had never been afraid in the area of ​​Nandou City. Even if he was a monk in the late stage of alchemy, he had encountered it. Every year, there would be messengers in the inner sea Come to forcibly collect the materials, the envoy is in the late stage of alchemy, although he can't fight, but he never shows fear.

This is the first and only time after he formed the alchemy, he was afraid. So, almost without thinking, he ran away immediately. In the past, even if he was fleeing, he would never choose the first one. With his heart, he would definitely wait for others to flee first, and then choose a safe direction to escape.

But now, he has a feeling that if he doesn't escape immediately, immediately, as soon as possible, he will end up dead!

Looking at the rest of the alchemy cultivators, each one of them also changed their expressions in an instant, especially after Pu Lin fell to the ground without a trace and the Great Elder Qiankun fled without hesitation. It turned into several long rainbows in all directions and dispersed in a hurry, fleeing for their lives, fearing that they would be slowed down.

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