Renegade Immortal

Chapter 154 Dragon Battle Formation

In this way, their speed naturally accelerated a lot.

While flying, Wang Lin adjusted his spiritual consciousness in his body. After this series of battles, the extreme spiritual consciousness was slightly worn out, and the red lightning was deeply integrated into the sea of ​​consciousness, slowly nourishing it.

At noon on the second day, the head of the Fighting Evil Sect was within sight. Wang Lin's spiritual consciousness had recovered. Looking up, he saw a huge mountain in front of him. It was as if a huge dragon was hovering above. On the dragon's head, there was a person standing. This person was pale, with a gloomy complexion and cold eyes, looking at Wang Lin in the air.

In the air above the dragon's head, ten monks at the alchemy stage formed a sword formation. After seeing Wang Lin, each of them showed complicated expressions, showing fear and fear in it. Surrounded by ten people in a circle, the ten flying swords intertwined with each other in the middle, there was a sound of collision, faint electric sparks flashed among them, and two faint lights immediately lit up, bursts of spiritual power came from the dragon's body, especially Looking carefully at the scales of the dragon body, one can see that there is a cultivator standing on each dragon scale. In this way, thousands of sword lights flashed at the same time. From a distance, the whole body of the dragon was shining brightly, as if it was alive!

"Dragon Fighting Formation!" Shangguan Mo looked at it intently and pondered.

Mu Bei quickly explained from the side: "This dragon fighting formation is the suppressing formation of the Fighting Evil Sect. It is rumored that unless it is a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage, it cannot be broken, but most of these rumors are false. In the entire Fighting Evil Sect, few I believe, after all here in Nandou City, no sect has such a powerful formation."

Wang Lin is a little proficient in formations, after reading a little. Li Muwan beside him suddenly said: "This is not a formation, but a wonderful magic that gathers all the spirits of these ten thousand people in the leader, so that he can temporarily have a certain level of cultivation."

At this moment, the person at the head of the dragon came with lightning-like eyes and a whistling voice: "Fellow Daoist who has a killing order in his body, old man Xie Donglai, the head teacher of the Douxie Sect, the head teacher of the Douxie Sect is 13,560 Two people. All here. Great Elder Qian Kun provoked you, so kill him. Since you are here today, if you can break through the Elder Sword Formation, the Fighting Evil Sect will obey your orders from now on, but if you lose, Then don’t blame the old man for taking down Xiudan. How dare you fight!”

The sound was loud, like thunder falling from the sky. Shocked, and at the same time, the ten thousand people on the dragon scales shouted in unison. The thick mist above the sky turned into ripples under this drink. Layers rolled and spread out. The light of Wan Dao Sword was shimmering, and the spiritual power was quickly transmitted from the disciple at the bottom. Gradually, a halo of spiritual power was visible to the naked eye. From bottom to top, the more you condense towards the leader, the greater the aura of spiritual power will be, and the stronger the pressure of spiritual power will be.

At the same time, the ten alchemy cultivators in mid-air quickly flew towards Wang Lin.

Wang Lin let go of Li Muwan and jumped out. Red lightning flashed in his eyes. Before the ten alchemy cultivators approached, he trembled and stopped where he was, not daring to go forward. These ten people had recently known through various channels. The strength of the opponent, seeing the opponent rushing at this moment,

Can't help but pause.

Wang Lin glanced at them. With a flick of the right hand. Thousands of corpses behind him were pulled by dragon tendons. He slammed into the giant dragon fiercely.

Thousands of corpses crashed into the dragon's body. But they were all blocked by a layer of light curtain that suddenly appeared. They all turned into blood mist. immediately. The entire Fighting Evil faction defended against the light curtain on the outskirts. It was dyed dark red.

The huge aura passed from the dragon body to the head dragon. An unconcealable breath. It spread out from the old man's body. His clothes shredded amidst the sound of tearing. The body suddenly swelled several times.

Huge spiritual power. Like a stormy wave. spread out from him. The old man growled a few times. The cultivation level climbed straight up. From the peak of the middle period of alchemy. All the way up to the later stage. Break through with the last leap. Reaching a state between the initial stage of Nascent Soul. But there is no phantom infant realm of Nascent Soul.

This phantom baby realm. It usually only appears on some humanoid puppets refined by the superior cultivation country.

Xie Donglai growled. The body soars into the air. His eyes were cold. Look at those alchemy monks. He shouted: "Useless waste. Get out of here!"

The ten alchemy stage monks all showed resentment, and quickly stepped aside, watching with cold eyes.

Xie Donglai swept his gaze, stared at Wang Lin, and said with a sinister smile: "I have all the rumors about you along the way. It seems that no one is your opponent under the Nascent Soul, but now, the old man is already Possess the strength of the Nascent Soul Stage, this time, let me see how you beat me!"

Li Muwan's face was pale, and she looked at Wang Lin with concern, and when a slight sarcasm flashed in Wang Lin's eyes, she felt relaxed for some reason.

The two brothers, Mu Nan and Mu Bei, were complaining secretly at this moment. They thought that Wang Lin should win steadily, but looking at it now, the situation has reversed. However, the Fighting Evil Sect has a cruel system.

Shangguan Mo's soul blood was in Wang Lin's hands. Once Wang Lin died, he would also have to be buried with him. At this moment, he was beating a drum in his heart, secretly thinking about how to break the formation.

Wang Lin sneered from the bottom of his heart, jumped out, stood thirty feet away from Xie Donglai, and looked at him coldly.

"Don't you know the death spell? Let me see the power of your death spell!" Xie Donglai disappeared in an instant, and was already thirty feet away when he appeared.

The moment the opponent disappeared, Wang Lin floated backwards, retreating fifty feet away from the giant dragon, Xie Donglai teleported again, Wang Lin retreated again, and finally stood seventy feet away, looking at Xie Donglai coldly , showing a thoughtful look.

Xie Donglai frowned slightly, stared at Wang Lin, and sneered, "What do you mean?"

The thoughtful look in Wang Lin's eyes became stronger, his eyes flickered, and he said flatly, "I won't fight anymore." As he spoke, he flew to Li Muwan's side, hugged her soft waist with one hand, and hugged her softly. Immediately retreated to a mountain peak hundreds of feet away. After landing, his eyes flickered, staring at Xie Donglai, and sneered endlessly.

Xie Donglai frowned more and more, and said in a deep voice, "If that's the case, then this matter..." He hasn't finished yet. The body suddenly disappeared in place, and when it appeared, it was already in front of Wang Lin. He let out a grinning grin, and shot out a white light from his mouth. The white light turned into a fierce tiger, and rushed towards Wang Lin with a roar.

At the same time, he swung his right hand, and within three zhang around Wang Lin, a large net with electric light fluctuations immediately appeared, shrinking towards the center fiercely.

Wang Lin's expression was normal, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth. At the moment when the tiger pounced. The devil on the dragon's tendon jumped out immediately, and swallowed the tiger with a big smile.

At the same time, the Jingguang Feijian flickered out, and the power grid within three feet in all directions. With a crackling sound, the flying sword flashed and attacked several times in a row, and the power grid was immediately shattered.

As for Xie Donglai, a ball of icy flames suddenly appeared on Wang Lin's right hand, emitting bursts of icy air. The moment the ice flame appeared, Xie Donglai's complexion changed drastically, and he backed away immediately. But then, he saw a red lightning flash in Wang Lin's eyes. His own consciousness immediately vibrated.

His consciousness shook, causing his body to pause slightly. Under such circumstances, Bingyan hit his chest silently. Where it hit, the blue crystal light spread rapidly to the surroundings like a spider's web, blood gushed from the corner of Xie Donglai's mouth, and his body retreated quickly, until he was within 30 feet of the dragon's head before stopping.

He pinched with both hands, tapped his chest for a few times, and took several pills in his mouth. After a few low growls, the blue spider web-like crystal glow that spread half of his body slowly retreated to the center point, and came out with a bang. His chest was forced out.

The ice flame flickered, its color dimmed a lot, and it flew back to Wang Lin's hand.

From the beginning to the end, Wang Lin didn't take the initiative to make a move, but stood a hundred feet away, sneering, and a sarcasm flashed in his eyes.

Xie Donglai clapped his hands on his chest, stopped, stared at Wang Lin, and after being silent for a while, suddenly said, "How did you find out?"

Wang Lin said flatly: "I didn't find anything. I just know that your aura is different at thirty feet and fifty feet. As for hundred feet, you are on the verge of falling into the Nascent Soul Stage."

Li Muwan was originally ice-snow smart, so she immediately understood, and said softly: "It must be fake that he was injured."

"As for being injured by Bingyan, although it is true, when he returned to thirty feet, he was already healed by the aura of the giant dragon. This pretense is just to lure me to fight him within thirty feet. That's all." For the first time, Wang Lin said so many words to Li Muwan, but even though these words were addressed to her, Wang Lin's gaze was always on Xie Donglai.

The moment he saw the giant dragon just now, he was quite shocked in his heart. He secretly thought that if there was such a spell, wouldn't it be a sight to behold? As long as there are enough spiritual power providers, it is not impossible to achieve the cultivation level of turning into a god. If this is the case, wouldn't the Douxie sect have long since taken over Nandou City and become the number one person within a million miles.

Therefore, this spell must have a fatal flaw. The time is short, which is the first thing everyone will think of. side to make up for this shortcoming.

If there is only this shortcoming, then the power of this spell is still extremely strong. After Wang Lin carefully observed, especially when he heard that the opponent repeatedly asked him to fight, instead of killing immediately after meeting, he made a little calculation. The place where he stood was nearly ninety feet away from the opponent.

With doubts in his heart, Wang Lin rushed out and stood thirty feet away to observe. After that, fifty feet, seventy feet, and finally one hundred feet, he analyzed the fatal flaw of this spell.

The farther away from the dragon's head, the lower the opponent's cultivation base will be.

Xie Donglai's complexion was cloudy and uncertain at this time. He had a whole body of cultivation, but he couldn't use it. Although the other party's prediction was slightly different, it was roughly the same. In fact, he didn't need a hundred feet, as long as he passed ninety feet, he would be able to cultivate. A big drop, hundreds of feet away, the possibility of defeating the opponent is unlikely. Even if the opponent is more ruthless and does not fight with him, he only needs to retreat a few feet. If he chases after him, his cultivation will immediately fall back to the alchemy stage.

I changed it in advance, I can’t stand it anymore, I’m going to lie down. Today’s votes are up to now. Now it’s 262 votes, and there’s still 12 votes left. 304 votes, two chapters will be added tomorrow, thank you for your support. (To be continued, if you want to know what will happen next, please read Chapter 6 for more, support the author, and support genuine reading

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