Renegade Immortal

Chapter 166 Ancient Teleportation Formation

Immortal Rebellion Chapter 166 Ancient Teleportation Formation

But as soon as the idea appeared, it dissipated immediately. He sighed secretly. If not to enter that place. It is also possible to accept this person as a disciple. But now. Whether this kid will survive in the end is still a matter of debate.

At this moment, his expression suddenly changed. Looking up and staring into the distance. Wang Lin immediately noticed an abnormal fluctuation of spiritual energy. It came slowly from the sky. This fluctuation is extremely long. But full of majesty.

I saw a man wearing a Gebu gray shirt. A middle-aged scribe wearing a square scarf. Floating from afar. This person's face is as white as jade. A slight cold light flashed between the eyes opening and closing.

His body is like catkins in the wind. Floating down from the sky. Flick the sleeves. He said in a flat tone: "Duanmuji. I'm sailing on the earth. But I'm still very vigilant. This person's cultivation base is the same as that of the eight-pole demon king. He can't see through it. But judging from his tone, this person is very careful. The Baji Demon Monarch talks like an ordinary person, and his cultivation level is definitely not much different from it.

Duanmuji, the eight-pole demon king. He hummed softly. Take out the soil boat from the storage bag. Reach out and throw it away. He said in his mouth: "It's so easy to use! You still treat this crap as a treasure. It's free for me. I don't even want it."

The scribe in white took it. With a flick of the right hand. The earth sailing boat in his hand disappeared without a trace. He rolled his eyes. It fell on Wang Lin. Said plainly:

"Why is there a junior in the alchemy stage?"

Duanmuji rolled his eyelids. Said: "I have a place to use it. Let's go. That place is about to open." Said. The gourd flew out immediately. After getting bigger, he jumped on it.

Wang Lin glanced at the scholar in white. Lighten your feet. fall on it. He has been secretly vigilant. After the white-clothed scribe appeared. Spiritual consciousness has been sweeping over his body as if nothing.

at this time. Duanmuji's voice transmission suddenly came to his ears: "This person is Wang Qingyue. He is the emissary of the Yin Yang Sect of the fourth-level cultivation country. His cultivation is terrible. Don't provoke him."

Wang Lin looked as usual. But the heart is more vigilant. The speed of the three is fast. Immediately rushed into the Sea of ​​Demon Cultivation. Wang Lin observed coldly. That white-clothed scribe Wang Qingyue. There is no magic weapon under your feet. But its speed is comparable to that of a gourd. The fog in the magic sea. Often it is three feet away. It was pushed away by an invisible force. Spread out to both sides.

Not long after. The three of them sank to the bottom of the Demon Cultivation Sea. Galloped all the way. soon. Nandou City is within sight. But the three did not stop. Shuttle directly from the sky above Nandou City.

All the monks who saw the three of them along the way. All of them changed their complexion slightly. Hastily dispersed. Some of them seem to know the gourd. He quickly stood aside respectfully. After the gourd passes. Dare to fly and move.

Wang Qingyue looked calm.

During the flight, he said slowly: "The Eight-Extreme Demon Lord is quite majestic. There are people on the outskirts of the Sea of ​​Demon Cultivation. Surprisingly, someone recognizes him."

As fast as three people. But the voice came smoothly without saying a word. Duanmuji, the old man in green shirt, knew more about the old man with a sweep of his eyes. If you see. Wouldn't it be more cold to say a few words? "

Wang Qing laughed lightly. He glanced at Wang Lin. He said to Duanmuji: "You take a monk at the alchemy stage to that place. Don't you want him to die?"

"Don't underestimate this person. He can spell death. It will be of great use in the third level!" Duanmu said very flatly.

Wang Qingyue was taken aback. But then. His eyes suddenly flickered with a brilliance that had never been seen before. Staring at Wang Lin. There was a quirky smile on the corner of his mouth. But soon. The light in his eyes faded. He shook his head and sighed: "It's a pity. If you are in the Nascent Soul Stage, Wang must ask for advice."

Wang Lin remained silent. Did not speak.

"Duanmuji. You went there a thousand years ago. You must have caught some treasure. Otherwise, how could you be so concerned. Where is that place? That thing you mentioned. Is it really there?" Wang Qing The more he stared at Duanmuji. asked suddenly.

Duanmu was very silent. Slowly said: "My emerald green gourd. I got it from that place. Wang Qingyue. I can only tell you so much. When you get there, you will naturally know. Sorry."

Wang Qingyue took a few glances at the gourd. There was nothing unusual about his demeanor. Not a word after that. Closely follow Duanmuji. The three of them flew high all the way. A month passed in the blink of an eye.

This month's time. The three almost never stopped. Along the way, Wang Lin saw four cities passing by. The monks I saw. And more and more. Compared with the day of Nandou. In front of the three of them. An extremely large mountain can be seen in the distance. Straight up. Can't see bottom. Duanmuji slapped the gourd. Immediately flew towards the mountain peak.

After a short detour around the mountain peak. over there. There is a huge inner valley. The valley was unusually quiet. There is no interest.

Duanmu is very light and familiar with the road. Soon came to the center of the valley. Jump off the gourd. Right hand pinch. Push forward. Suddenly there was a strange wind all around. The fog was rolled up layer by layer. Dissipate away. A clearing was revealed.

After Wang Lin jumped off the gourd. Immediately the first sight is above the open space. There is a huge circular formation. There are countless densely packed small characters engraved in this formation. A trace of primitive atmosphere slowly exudes.

After Wang Qingyue saw the formation. There was a strange expression on his face. He glanced thoughtfully at Duanmuji.

Duanmu pole one shot storage bag. Preciously took out a rhombus-shaped spirit stone with a milky white halo. Showing a rather heartbroken expression. It is placed in a groove at the center point of the array.

"This damn formation. It's like eating spirit stones. My top quality spirit stone. I'm afraid it will be scrapped after the teleportation." Duanmuji murmured.

Wang Qingyue's eyes were bright again. Staring at the diamond-shaped spirit stone with milky white light. Shen Sheng said: "Duanmuji. This top-grade spirit stone. Also got it from...?"

"That's right. At the beginning, the old man got three yuan. Otherwise, it would be impossible to enter there. Only this ancient sending array can do it. Back then, the old man and a few friends left clues based on ancient books. It took thousands of years to find the location. It took a lot of spirit stones and materials. I bought several top-quality spirit stones from Suzaku Kingdom. This is how I entered." Duanmuji waved the formation. Said angrily.

"Need-grade spirit stones... the entire Suzaku Star. These top-grade spirit stones are very rare. It is rumored that this is the main currency for exchanges between cultivation stars. If there are such spirit stones in that place, then even if there is no baby transformation pill, it is still worth exploring Already!" Wang Qingyue stared at the top-grade spirit stone in the array. Said slowly.

"This teleportation array. It's not as you imagined. It's not going to that place. It's a teleportation array to repair the demons in Hai Nei Hai Chao Xing Chao. When you get there, meet a few friends. Then go there together. Otherwise, from From here to the inner sea. The distance is too far. If it is flying, it will not take a hundred years. It doesn't matter if you're careful, but this kid is sure to die. Otherwise, you think I'll be so extravagant as to use top-quality spirit stones to travel." Duanmuji glared at Wang Lin. muttered.

Duanmuji continuously played out several formulas with both hands. Gradually. The best spirit stone in the center of the teleportation array. Suddenly it lit up. Immediately afterwards. The densely packed characters in the formation. It also lights up one after another. Gradually. When all the characters are flashing. The best Lingshi sounded. shattered. A teleportation array suddenly moved. Exude a huge spiritual power. This spiritual power is almost solidified. Turned into a whirlwind. Fog all around. Immediately sucked in. That is, in the blink of an eye. A huge spiritual vortex thicker than ten feet. Lifted off from the teleportation array in vain. The more upward. The bigger the vortex.

Such a mighty scene. Let Wang Lin take a deep breath. his gaze. Involuntarily put it in the groove in the middle of the formation. The top grade spirit stone inside has turned into fly ash. Blown away by the vortex.

But the spiritual power contained in the top grade spirit stone. But it made Wang Lin's heart skip a beat. compared with it. Even top-grade spirit stones. Even tens of thousands of pieces piled up together. It is also impossible to achieve such an effect. This is not a level of spiritual power at all.

Duanmuji's body flickered. Came to Wang Lin's side. Opened the mouth and said: "Go in

Wang Lin sneered inwardly. You can see through Duanmuji's thoughts at a glance. The other party must be worried that if he is the last to enter. Mishaps will occur. Wang Lin looked as usual. Without saying a word, he floated forward. through the vortex. Stand in the array.

Duanmuji followed closely behind. Walk into the formation. The last one is Wang Qingyue. He carefully checked a little. Only then did I step in slowly.

Immediately afterwards. The vortex in mid-air suddenly paused. Crazy pouring down. The whole mountain was shaken. Wang Lin and the other three in the formation. The figure disappeared immediately.

After a long time. Calm was restored here. The mist that was pushed away. Slowly cover the surroundings again.

The scope of the Sea of ​​Demon Cultivation is huge. Inner Sea and. There is even a layer of red mist. If there is no certain cultivation base. Just a little bit of red mist. The body will be corroded immediately. Don't talk about it. Spiritual consciousness is even more difficult to escape. Trapped in the red mist for life.

This red mist. It has almost become a natural barrier between the inner sea and the outer sea. Only during the annual foggy sea period. Only one day. The red mist dissipated.

Often want to enter the inland sea. Or the monk who left. Will choose this day. hurried through.

After passing the red mist. Even in the Inner Sea of ​​Xiumo. There are many strong ones here. There are many masters. Many big devils with great reputation outside. They all live in seclusion here.

the extent of the inland sea. It is also huge. If flying. I am afraid that there will not be a hundred years. Can't reach the edge. In the extreme north of the Inner Sea. There is a plain. This place is called Broken Star Chaos!

This is the only place in Xiumo Sea, even the foggy sea. It will not affect the place. A ring-shaped zone composed of countless mysterious gravels. It has become a natural barrier here.

The child is sick today. Just sleep now. This chapter is coded intermittently. I will continue to write now. Play the maximum speed. Strive for another chapter at 12 o'clock. owed. Extended to 1. Sorry. (To be continued. If you want to know what happens next. Please go to 6. There are more chapters.

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