Renegade Immortal

Chapter 169 Toriyama

Immortal Rebellion Chapter 169 Extracting the Marrow

This scene is for everyone. It's like the sky is falling. A gust of wind suddenly descended from midair. Without further ado, Wang Lin slapped the storage bag. Pull out a lot of defensive jade charms. He has many of these jade talismans. After killing and seizing treasure. Such low-level magic weapons. It can be said that there are countless.

These jade talismans turned into layers of light curtains one by one. In a blink of an eye, Wang Lin's body was wrapped. He calmly moved aside. The moment the wind falls. Jumped out from the side.

At the same time, the ancient emperor and the Demon Lord of Six Desires stopped. The two of them didn't talk nonsense. There was a serious look on Gu Di's face. Throws an ancient clock from the stash bag. After the ancient clock appeared, it immediately became larger. Then shake it lightly. There were bursts of bells ringing. Circles of invisible ripples immediately spread out. Stones all around. They immediately shattered under the ripples.

The snake-like creature that descended from the sky. body twisted. Just turned around. Then hit the ripple head-on. It immediately growled. A black mist spewed from the mouth.

This black mist is extremely powerful. The surrounding stones just touched. It immediately turned into black ash and dissipated suddenly.

Black mist from snake-like creatures. I have Meng Tuozi to collect it. He felt the abscess on his face. Crush one of them at once. Suddenly there was an unbearable stench. Scattered from the ruptured pustules. A plume of black liquid. Drain from pustules.

The hunchback disappeared instantly. When it appeared, it was already before the impact of the black mist. He has a hideous face. He opened his mouth and took a sharp breath. The black mist rushed in immediately. All were sucked into his mouth. Gradually. The hump gradually gets bigger. When all the black mist was sucked away by him. It was as if there was a hill behind him.

Standing unsteadily on a stone nearby. eyes sparkle. Staring at the snake-like creature in silence. on his face. Inside the pustules that were crushed just now. A trace of black gas escaped from it. All were toads lying on their shoulders. Inhale into the abdomen.

The Demon Lord of Six Desires threw the huge bell at the moment when the ancient emperor threw it. With both hands pinching the strange formula. There are words in the mouth. Then he glanced away. It fell on Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's eyes flickered. The body immediately took a few steps back. Without hesitation, he took out the Nascent Soul-level Magic Treasure Jade Talisman. At the same time, he opened his mouth and spit out a crystal light. Crystal light flashed in front of him. The tip of the sword points to the Demon Lord of Six Desires.

The Demon Lord of Six Desires paused for a moment. Then swept away. This time it fell on the young man beside him. The young man looked shocked. Staring nervously at the snake-like creature. The body trembled slightly.

Yumo Jun's eyes flashed. A word suddenly came out of the mouth.

The young man's body shook suddenly. A puff of black air escaped from his mouth and nose. Quickly condensed into a black sharp sword. Out of body. Floating in front of the Demon Lord of Six Desires.

The young man swayed. He stood there blankly. His eyes showed a blank look.

Point the right hand on the black sword. The Demon Lord of Six Desires uttered a few complicated and incomprehensible words. Gradually. The sword body is getting bigger and bigger. In the end, it almost turned into a handful of heaven. All this happened in a very short period of time. At this time, it was the snake-like creature that slammed into the giant bell ripple head-on. When breathing out black mist. The Demon Lord of Six Desires hurriedly said: "Go!"

In front of him is a black sword. Instantly waved. Quickly cut off seven inches above the snake-like creature's head. Just a bang. The sharp sword cut on the top of the snake's head. The giant snake ate the pain. The head flicked violently. The black sharp sword was knocked out of the way immediately.

At this time, the young man next to the Demon Lord of Six Desires. Suddenly blood spurted from the mouth and nose. His body became extremely weak immediately. But its eyes. But even more confused.

The ancient emperor called with his right hand. The giant clock spun immediately. Its voice is getting louder and louder. more and more dense. The ripples are endless, one circle after another. Scattered towards the creatures frantically.

The giant snake had just smashed into the black sword. Immediately hit by this giant bell ripple. The body trembled suddenly. Both eyes showed a bloodthirsty light. Suddenly opened his thick mouth. Its size is no less than the moment when the mouth of a small mountain opens. A phantom flashed out from its mouth. at the same time. The ancient emperor's complexion changed. His huge clock suddenly disappeared in mid-air.

Wang Lin's consciousness has been locked on the snake-like creature. He watched carefully. The moment the creature opened. Another snake head appeared in its mouth. This slightly smaller snake head flashed out. He bit the giant clock and suddenly retracted.

Meng Tuozi on a rock in the distance. His eyes suddenly lit up. Stare at the snake-like creature. Added lips. The body was about to rush out. But the creature gulped. But it's already closed.

Meng Tuozi's abnormality. Seen by Wang Lin, he has been alert to everyone here. Of course, we must not forget that the use of poison is extremely high.

At this time, the Demon Lord of Six Desires turned his eyes to the young man beside him again without saying a word. The right hand is a little between his eyebrows. He shouted in a low voice: "Rage!"

A stream of purple-red gas. Scattered from the seven orifices of the mouth and nose of young people. It formed a sharp sword again and came out of the body. Floating in front of the Demon Lord of Six Desires.

Duanmuji's eyes were gloomy. He glanced at Wang Qingyue. The two understand each other. The body jumped down immediately. Rush down. The speed of the two is extremely fast. In a blink of an eye, it came to the middle of the body of the snake-like creature. Immediately use the magic weapon. launched an attack.

Duanmuji no longer uses gourds. It was a huge awl shining with silver light. Every time the awl is hammered. Countless thunderballs condensed in the void. Hit together with the awl.

As for Wang Qingyue. There is no magic weapon in hand. But the five quaint characters of water between his hands crossed appeared out of thin air. Form an array of five elements. Qi Qi bombarded the body of the snake-like creature

Wang Lin was shocked. The spells of these five people are all extremely powerful. Far beyond human reach. This particularly caught his attention. It is the spell of the Demon Lord of Six Desires. This spell definitely needs a subject. that young man. It is unfortunate to be this person!

At this time, the snake-like creature was in pain. Howling again and again. The body immediately spun crazily. A vortex soon appeared around it. Stones fluttered around. He couldn't help being drawn into it.

After this huge vortex appeared. Duan Yue rushed out from below first. Both of them had gloomy faces. As for the ancient emperor. The complexion is even uglier. His magic weapon has lost its induction.

The vortex is getting bigger and bigger. The huge suction made everyone have to retreat quickly.

In front of the Demon Lord of Six Desires, the purple-red sharp sword radiates a demonic glow. With a flash of his eyes. The sharp sword rushed out immediately. At the same time, the black sharp sword that was knocked flying before also flashed out. The two sharp swords are extremely fast. In an instant, it pierced the eyes of the snake-like creature.

The moment he met his eyes. The sharp sword immediately turned into gas. Drilled in along the eyes.

The snake-like creature paused suddenly. Crazy roar. His eyes flashed red. Two gas. One black and one purple. He was quickly forced out of his eyes by him. At this moment he opened his mouth wide again. Another smuggler quickly rushed out of it. Swallow two streams of gas in one gulp.

In this instant. Wang Lin's eyes flashed coldly. He was waiting for this opportunity. The body jumped out. After entering the vortex, the speed doubled even more. In the blink of an eye, it got into the huge snake mouth.

At the same time, a green light flashed around him. I saw Meng Tuozi who had been watching coldly from a distance. Also with the same idea. He was slightly taken aback when he saw Wang Lin. Then he gave an appreciative smile.

Just this smile. It looks rather cruel.

Meng Tuozi flashed past. his goal. It was another snake in the snake's mouth. Wang Lin saw this with his own eyes. The body immediately turned around. Follow the big Shekou. The spine of the downward object!

Li Muwan once said that day. But this kind of dragon-like creature. The most precious part of its whole body. Not Jiao Dan. But its marrow fluid! The reason why Wang Lin ventured in. It is for the marrow fluid.

From the moment he saw this snake-like creature. He has been secretly observing. What Li Muwan said that day. All kinds of miraculous effects of spinal fluid. One of them is based on Jiaolong's age. If you live to a certain extent. Its spinal fluid can more or less increase the chance of conceiving a baby.

Although I don't know if the creature in front of me is a flood dragon. But from the looks of it. Even if not. It should also be the same. If you can remove its marrow fluid. Then presumably there will still be some effects.

So he was at the moment the creature opened its mouth for the second time. rushed in. In fact, Meng Tuozi also entered Shekou. Wang Lin has long been aware of this. When the creature opens its mouth for the first time. Meng Tuozi's various expressions. He was seen from afar.

In this way, his determination to enter Shekou is even heavier. He had some scruples before. Worried in case the spinal fluid is removed. There will be doubts. But now since Meng Tuozi also came in together. Then even if this creature is abnormal. It can all be counted on Meng Tuozi

Moreover, the two chose different directions. There is also no interleaving during. That Meng Tuozi would definitely not notice Wang Lin's actions. Presumably there will be no problem.

And even if someone doubts it. At this moment will not do anything to him. After all, the purpose of these people coming in. Not spinal fluid. It was the corpse of the ancient god. Wherever you go. The Crystal Light Flying Sword flickered out of his hand. But it couldn't leave any scars on it.

The more you go down. Wang Lin's heart sank. Inside the giant snake. In addition to having a slightly smaller snake body. Nothing. The surrounding flesh wall is black. Slowly wriggling.

Wang Lin controls Feijian. Take a sharp stab. It's a pity that there is still no trace left. The spine must be buried deep under this flesh. But now it can't hurt the opponent half a point. This made Wang Lin frown involuntarily.

His eyes flickered. The body moves sideways. This time his target was the junction of the snake's head and neck.

at this time. The slightly smaller snake body inside the giant snake. Suddenly trembling. A trace of black mist leaked out from under its skin. Wang Lin's body flashed. Quickly rushed to the snake head.

Soon he came to the snake head. At the junction of the snake's head and neck. There is a film of shimmering red light. Wang Lin took a deep breath. The whole body is full of spiritual energy. One shot storage bag. Immediately hundreds of flying swords appeared together. His consciousness was swept away. Condensed on it. All the flying swords pointed at the film immediately. Crazy lasing out. (To be continued. If you want to know what will happen next. Please read verse 6 for more.

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