Renegade Immortal

Volume 11 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1663 Destruction of the Formation!

The power of the original source, the great power from outside the world, is condensed in the form of incense, nourishing the whole body, and will last forever.

But for the great powers in the world, the scarcity of incense has become a natural obstacle, not only preventing them from becoming the third step, but also after becoming the third step, once they are injured or their original power is consumed too much, it will be difficult to recover. .

Wang Lin became the third step. He did not rely on incense, but relied on perception to complete the three virtual origins, and relied on devouring to make the real origins of thunder and fire complete.

In this way, in the third step, he does not need incense. What he needs is the origin that has been condensed by others. Devouring the endless origin can restore and improve his cultivation!

Similarly, in his body, there is no world of incense and fire, and there is no ordinary ethereal monk. He must integrate the world of incense and fire into one body, and he himself is the world, reaching the level of perfection.

Wang Lin's body is the ancient god's physical body, which inherently transcends all perfect existences. Therefore, with the cooperation of the ancient god's power, he can match the cultivation level of Kong Ling in the middle stage and kill the power of Kong Xuan in the early stage!

Even in the middle stage of Kongxuan, Wang Lin dared to fight, but the outcome was difficult to determine, but it was extremely difficult for Su to kill him!

The third step Wang Lin took was completely different from that of any monk. Even the Seven-Color Immortal Lord was different from him. After all, even the Seven-Color Immortal Lord still needed incense, but it was just that The incense he absorbed was non-toxic.

Wang Lin's road, not to mention that no one has walked on it, is extremely difficult. The end of this road is endless and extremely rugged. If he wants to become a Kongxuan monk, he must let his origin develop a few more paths, and then he can improve after reaching perfection again!

Compared with others who can almost never fully attain the origin after taking the third step, Wang Lin is completely different. He can also obtain the seventh origin, the eighth, the ninth and even the tenth origin.

Moreover, because he is not absorbing incense, his origin does not have a fatal flaw that cannot be achieved after the third step! What he needs now is to find or comprehend the seventh source. Once the seventh source is completed, he can reach the late stage of ethereal spirituality!

If the eighth source appears again and becomes complete, its cultivation will be able to reach the Void Spirit Peak!

When the origin of the nine paths appears, he can step into the realm of Kongxuan! After that, if Jiujiu Guiyi has great wisdom and great fortune, and completely integrates the nine origins into a force called emptiness in Xiangang Continent, then this emptiness will allow him to try to face the enemy. Regarding the third step of the great calamity, if this calamity passes, then it will be the great void calamity!

Kong Jie, Kong Xuan, this calamity between the two is life and death, success leads to life, failure leads to death, throughout the ages, without exception, this is a ravine.

Must face it!

This calamity is also called the Mysterious Calamity. It is divided into nine times. You must survive all nine times to succeed! Really step into the realm of space robbery.

As strong as Palm Master, he has only survived three mysterious tribulations and does not have the courage to face the fourth time.

For example, Taoist Master Lanmeng has not even survived the first time. He has always stayed at the perfect Tan Peak in the later stage of Kongxuan. He is not afraid of death, but to cut off the worries in his heart. He has not completed the last thing. , he could not face the regret after failure.

In the entire cave within the realm, many talented people have been born in these countless millions of years, and a few of them have become three steps. But in the end, to this day, there is only one person. As a cultivator of the Cave Mansion, I have survived the eighth tribulation of the Mysterious Tribulation. As long as I survive it once more, I will be honored!

He is the old ghost Zhan! He failed during the fifth calamity and should have died. The Palm Master knew this, but what the Master didn't know was that this old ghost had somehow obtained a great destiny!

This celestial fate caused his cultivation to increase dramatically, and he managed to survive the eighth calamity continuously and stopped before the ninth calamity.

Kongjie's cultivation is called Great Master in Xiangang Continent! This kind of cultivation is already at the pinnacle of the third step. If you can take that legendary step, you can achieve success!

The Seven-Colored Immortal Lord is the Great Lord of the Sky Tribulation, but his cultivation level is not the Great Perfection of the Sky Tribulation, but the middle stage of the Sky Tribulation!

Although he is in the middle stage, it is enough for him to become famous in Xiangang Continent and start a sect! The Seven Dao Sect was established!

Wang Lin did not know all these things, and he had no time to think about it at this moment. The moment he opened his eyes, he stood up. His figure did not look tall from a distance, but there was an aura coming from his body. Rising with might, he stood there, as if supporting the starry sky, with his back facing the inside, like the wrist guard protected by the ancient gods, giving people an indescribable sense of security.

With a calm look on his eyes, Wang Lin took a step forward. With this step, he stepped onto the already dim and dying sealing formation. The sealing formation trembled, and distant lights flashed on it. Far inferior to the brilliance of the past.

In the silence, Wang Lin raised his right foot and stepped directly towards the sealing formation. However, with a loud bang, the entire sealing formation trembled with this kick, and the light on it flickered rapidly, piece by piece. The big net continued to transform, and eventually spread endlessly, appearing in all locations in the entire world.

Even the tens of thousands of monks in the realm who were recuperating in Luotian opened their eyes one after another at this moment and saw the realm-sealing formation!

With the force of one step, the great formation of sealing the world was completely transformed. Only when all of them appeared could Wang Lin let the formation, which was already about to die, pass its last years.

"You have blocked the inside and outside of the world for countless years. You prevented the outside from invading and the inside from going out. For the inside, you are the guardian... So, I want to pay homage to you!" Wang Lin clasped his fists and faced the transformed person. Pay homage to the sealing formation!

"But in the same way, it is precisely because of your existence that the rare third-step power in my world makes the power inside and outside the world completely disproportionate. Your existence makes the cultivators in my world trapped and sealed forever. !" Wang Lin raised his right hand and pressed hard towards the boundary-sealing formation.

With this press, the cause and effect print was printed, and Wang Lin's five fingers fell down. With a roar that shook the sky, he clasped his five fingers into a fist and pulled outwards.

"Karma!" Wang Lin roared, but when he pulled out his right hand, the boundary-sealing formation trembled violently, and a bolt of thunder rumbled from the formation and was pulled out by Wang Lin!

It was an illusory spear transformed by thunder. This spear contained the power of endless thunder, and it was the holy object of the Lightning Clan!

With a squeeze of his right hand, the spear transformed by the thunder suddenly collapsed and turned into countless lightnings that traveled around, spreading for millions of miles, making the starry sky shine brightly.

This thunder spear formation spirit was extracted and destroyed for the first time in countless years since it was integrated into the formation. From then on, there has been no such spirit in this formation!

As the spear collapsed, fine cracks appeared in the large net in the trembling sealing formation!

"I don't know who created you, but today, you have survived, so you will go back and dissipate. I, Wang Lin, will rearrange a large formation here. This formation is only born and exists only for my world. It It completely belongs to me within the realm!" Wang Lin raised his right hand again and shot six times in succession toward the realm-sealing formation!

Six roars, six causes and effects, six swings, fists and pulls, the boundary-sealing formation immediately collapsed. The boundless net that permeated all the world in the boundary was shattered to pieces.

In front of Wang Lin, redness filled the air like blood, making the entire formation bathed in blood. Wails and painful roars immediately spread across the world. A huge nine-headed meteor hammer suddenly materialized, and the whistling sound spread in all directions. The meteor hammer swung and swept across, exuding a shocking domineering force. There was black blood dripping from it, revealing endless blood, but it was After leaving the boundary-sealing formation, it collapsed and disappeared in Wang Lin's eyes.

Behind the meteor hammer, a heat wave hit the face, and a huge flaming catapult roared and transformed. This chariot was extremely ferocious. It was also the spirit of the world-sealing formation. Countless cultivators inside and outside the world have died on it throughout the ages. , most of them are people from the industry!

At this moment, the chariot was pulled out, shattered into pieces, and turned into a ball of mist that quickly impacted around and dissipated.

Behind the chariot, there was a golden light, and a golden sword transformed. After the golden light, a purple whip filled the sky. A purple whip about a thousand feet long came out illusoryly. There were countless rune marks on this whip, and it made a snapping sound. Twisted like a python!

After the whip appeared, the sealing formation trembled, and a breath of vicissitudes suddenly arose, and a huge mace appeared. There were countless sharp thorns on the mace, and it looked terrifying. The countless resentful souls entangled on it are enough to bear witness to the killings that this thing has done.

But the moment these three formation spirits appeared, they collapsed with a loud bang, dissipated in the world forever, and disappeared into the sealing formation!

Also destroyed was another formation spirit that had not yet completely condensed into a form and was just a mist. After it appeared, it collapsed and exploded.

The nine spirits in the seal formation have been destroyed at this moment.

Wang Lin looked calm as he looked at the realm-sealing formation with six formation spirits dissipated. At this point, the formation had already undergone irreversible collapse. The roar reverberated. Its collapse began within the entire realm. At this moment, all the realm-sealing formations The monks all saw that the sealing net in the starry sky was shattered layer by layer, and rolled back so that there was no obstacle inside or outside the circle at this moment!

"The eighth spirit of the Sealing Formation, the sacred object of my ancient clan, the Sky-Opening Axe. Do you want to return to the hands of Wang Lin, or will you be destroyed along with this formation? I will give you a choice!" Wang Lin raised his right hand and pointed towards the Sealing Formation. Swinging, the formation was violently shaken, and its eighth spirit appeared in the large-scale collapse!

The power of this spirit exceeds the previous seven spirits!

This spirit is the supreme magical weapon of the Ancient God Clan, the Sky-Opening Ax!

Under the roar and collapse of the sealing formation, a huge shadow of an ax slowly floated out from the formation with a strong aura of the ancient gods.

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