Renegade Immortal

Chapter 173 The Second Devil

Wang Lin didn't intend to deal with these little beasts all at once. It's about pushing them away. Sure enough, those little beasts scattered again under the impact of flying swords like rain. Without saying a word, Wang Lin stepped out in a flash. Along the gap between the little beasts, rushed towards the black tower. Outside the black pagoda gate, Wang Lin stood up. The hundreds of flying swords immediately spun around in mid-air, and he took them all back into the storage bag.

At the same time, he summoned the devil. The devil is happily devouring the little beast's consciousness. He ignored Wang Lin's call at all, Wang Lin's consciousness of the extreme realm flashed in his eyes, and he snorted coldly.

The voice fell into the ear of the devil. Immediately let it shudder alive. He hurriedly didn't dare to continue devouring it, his body condensed immediately, turned into a black smoke and entered the tower together with Wang Lin, floating beside Wang Lin in aggrieved manner. He watched helplessly as the consciousness of the little beasts outside dispersed and returned to their respective bodies.

It didn't understand which muscle in the head of this evil star was broken, and it kept so many enemies from killing. Instead let it come back.

Wang Lin's eyes were serious, he stood in the black tower and stared at the little beasts, he didn't let the devil continue to devour them. There is a reason, Wang Lin just thought of this question. From the number of critters, they gather together and form a hurricane. In this land of earth, the most. It is a hurricane.

It can be seen from this. The number of these little beasts. unimaginable. At the same time, the attacks of these little beasts were carried out simultaneously by sound waves and consciousness. compared to this. Their bodies appear fragile.

In this way, if there are not many of these small beasts, it seems easy to eliminate them. Especially with Meng Tuozi's ability. Once the poisonous mist was sprinkled, it was even more relaxing. But Wang Lin couldn't forget the scene he saw at the top of a certain black tower a few days ago, the boundless black hurricane, all flying in one direction and condensing.

This is flying with a purpose. It can be seen that these little beasts have a special summoning method, once they slaughter too many, they will summon their companions, and once they fall into such a cycle. Then waiting for him must be death, and it must be an endless hurricane.

At the same time once the killing is too large. It is very likely that those hurricanes that were originally attracted by Meng Tuozi will be called back. In this case, it is not Meng Tuozi who helped him clear the way, but he helped Meng Tuozi contain the hurricane.

The battle just now. About 200 little beasts' consciousnesses were wiped out by Wang Lin and the devil. At this time, Wang Lin's eyes flickered. Staring at the herd outside. Gradually, those little beasts gathered together again to form a hurricane. Rao walked around the giant tower where Wang Lin was located for a few times. I don't care about it anymore. Instead, move forward.

After the hurricane goes away. Wang Lin heaved a sigh of relief, and at the same time couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. This place of earth is extremely strange. It's almost counterintuitive that no matter who it is, as long as they are surrounded by these little beasts. After seeing his consciousness and sonic attack. Knowing the fragility of their bodies, I am afraid that the first thought is to wipe them out as soon as possible. So as not to attract more herds.

But in this way,

As long as it is eliminated to a certain extent, once the little beast starts to summon companions. Then unless one has a heaven-defying cultivation base, it is doomed. There is only one dead end.

Wang Lin meditated cross-legged in the black tower. After breathing a little, he stared at the dark hurricane in the distance that was still moving towards a certain direction. He remained silent for a while, and simply didn't rush out. Instead, stay in the black tower.

He glanced at the demon head, who had a gloomy expression on his face, and watched helplessly the hurricane flying away from the tower. There is a look of reluctance in the eyes.

Wang Lin didn't explain either. He said coldly: "I don't care how much consciousness you have swallowed, just spit out half of it!"

The devil struggled for a long time, thinking in his heart that if he rushed out immediately. He hesitated for a long time whether the evil star would chase it out, and finally the evil head sneaked a peek at Wang Lin's eyes. Immediately, his body trembled, and he quickly spit out the soul consciousness of the little beast.

After vomiting about twenty, he quickly put on a weak look. He said proudly in his heart: "No matter how capable you are, you still have to eat what I spit out of my mouth. If you have the ability, don't eat it!"

Naturally, Wang Lin didn't know what was going on in the demon's mind, but there was a hint of complacency on its face. Roughly guessed a few points. However, Wang Lin was too lazy to argue with him about such matters. his attention. All of them were placed on the souls of the twenty little beasts floating in front of them.

After observing carefully for a while, Wang Lin's eyes flickered. Grabbing these twenty souls, he got up and walked towards the upper floor of the black tower. On a certain floor in the middle, he looked around, and the size of the place was quite suitable. As soon as the extreme spiritual consciousness dispersed, it immediately wrapped up the surrounding area.

The devil has been following behind Wang Lin. I want to watch him eat the soul that is stained with my own saliva. At this time, under the pride. Suddenly, he found that his surroundings were covered by anti-anti-spiritual consciousness, and the red lightning that made him feel so painful and terrified kept wandering around. The whole body immediately softened. Withered down, he thought to himself: "It's over, it's over, this evil star seems to be going to punish me..."

He just begged for mercy out of fear. But found that Wang Lin didn't even look at him, just stared at the twenty little beast souls in silence, so he swallowed his begging for mercy, secretly wishing good luck.

Wang Lin observed the souls of these little beasts. This beast's consciousness is equivalent to a monk in the early stage of alchemy, whether it is strong or not, it is not weak. If it wasn't for the fact that the devil was born with a trace of wandering spirit characteristics. I'm afraid he won't swallow these divine senses that are similar to his current cultivation level so easily.

It was precisely because of the success of the devil that Wang Lin had the idea of ​​creating another devil in his heart. He knew that Baishen's biggest flaw was that he didn't have many magic weapons. Not much is available. So far, it's just a flying sword. As for the other places, they are all low-level magic weapons, which are not very useful.

Except for Feijian. Then there is the devil. There are many things this monster can be used for. For example, just now, if it wasn't for throwing out the devil to deal with the divine consciousness. I'm afraid Wang Lin will waste some hands and feet.

In addition to these two, there is a dragon's tendon and a scroll, but unfortunately the aura inside the scroll is too weird, Wang Lin doesn't intend to use it until he fully understands it.

The point of raising a devil. It lies in the particularity of the soul. The first demon is because he has the potential of Nascent Soul. It is somewhat similar to a wandering soul, so under Wang Lindi's forced training, it finally has a trace of the characteristics of a wandering soul. It's just that compared with the real wandering soul that can cause havoc in the living world, it's still a lot different.

If it is a wandering soul, it ignores any cultivation and can swallow the soul and absorb the essence of flesh and blood with just one pounce. Unless you encounter some great supernatural powers. Only then can it be wiped out, otherwise. Its natural enemy is only Soul Swallowing.

And Xu Liguo turned into a devil. Then it can only devour the same level as itself. If it is higher than one rank. Encountered the Nascent Soul Stage. Words swallowed by force. It may fail to devour at any time.

At this time, Wang Lin was attracted to the soul of the little beast because of its fusion, this was the first time he saw it. So many individual consciousnesses. They will actually merge with each other to form a new consciousness.

this particularity. Wang Lin raised the idea of ​​using it to make a monster.

Wang Lin pondered a little. With a tap of the storage bag, several soul flags flew out. Floating on either side of his body. In these soul flags. There are many souls sealed, most of them are demon cultivators, and some of them are the souls of creatures in the demon cultivator sea.

He slashed with his right hand. A spiritual cage immediately appeared. Trapped the souls of nineteen little beasts. There is only one left. Floating alone in mid-air. like a statue.

Wang Lin's eyes flickered. He stretched out his hand and pulled out a soul from the soul flag on the side, left a mark on it, and threw it out.

It's a pity that like Xu Liguo back then, the little beast's soul wouldn't devour it at all. Instead, he looked around in a daze. But Wang Lin was not in a hurry. After going through the process of raising a demon head for the first time. He knows it well. Turn a normal soul consciousness into a wandering soul. What is needed is time.

Just this first step. It needed him to push it, and Wang Lin's eyes flashed red. The extreme consciousness immediately turned into a red net. Appearing around the little beast's consciousness. Shrink slowly.

under duress. The little beast's consciousness immediately floated inward. Seeing that the red net was getting closer and closer, it paused slightly. I can only fly towards the soul, gradually. Getting closer.

Wang Lin's eyes were serious, and he stared at it closely. Suddenly, he saw the little beast's spiritual consciousness suddenly increased, and it hit the soul all at once, without swallowing it. Instead, it merged with it, and Wang Lin could clearly feel it. The consciousness of the little beast. One point stronger.

He was quite surprised. I thought it would take a lot of strength to force the opponent to swallow it. After all, the demon leader Xu Liguo came here in this way. Unexpectedly, this little beast only needs a little push. It will be automatically fused immediately. Although it is not devoured, the effect is indeed the same.

Without further ado, Wang Lin retracted the red net, and took out a soul again, leaving behind a trace of spiritual consciousness. Throw it out, this time you don't need Wang Lin to force it. The little beast's consciousness immediately rushed forward. Blend with it.

In this way, Wang Lindi's interest was completely mobilized, his eyes flickered, and he counted points on the soul flag with both hands. Immediately, dozens of souls flew out, and he threw them out after leaving their consciousness one by one.

At this moment, the little beast's consciousness suddenly moved, colliding with these souls at an extremely fast speed, and every time it hits one, it immediately fuses together. And hit the next one.

In less than a stick of incense, these dozens of souls were fused by it. At this time, the consciousness of the little beast became stronger, and there were faint signs of breaking through the early stage of alchemy and entering the middle stage.

Wang Lin became more interested. He grabbed a soul flag with his right hand and shook it violently. The remaining hundreds of souls flew out of it. After leaving the consciousness one by one. Swept towards the little beast's consciousness.

Immediately, the beast's consciousness let out a sharp howl, which was the first time it made a sound in the tower. As soon as the howling sound came out, it immediately turned into circles of ripples and spread around, and Wang Lin's face lit up with joy. His eyes flickered and he kept looking.

he knows. I picked up the treasure by myself, the consciousness of this little beast is extremely weird for some reason, it seems that it is naturally suitable to be a devil. Almost without urging, they started to fuse autonomously. besides. What surprised Wang Lin even more was the sonic attack that his physical body could only launch. Unexpectedly, divine consciousness can also be released.

And from the looks of it, the sonic attack of the scatter of consciousness is obviously an attack method specifically aimed at souls. After the sound wave appeared, those souls that had swarmed up. All of them suddenly slowed down, showing signs of collapse.

at this time. The little beast's consciousness came out with lightning, in less than half a stick of incense. Swallow up all these hundreds of souls, and then follow. The whole soul turned into a cloud of red mist with a bang. It spread for about ten feet, and slowly fell silent.

Wang Lin's eyes flickered, and the soul flag waved. Immediately, the consciousness of the remaining nineteen little beasts was sucked into the soul flag. After putting it in the storage bag, Wang Lin couldn't take his eyes off it. Staring at the red mist, he could feel it. The divine consciousness I left in those souls is in this beast fusion. Little by little, it merged into its consciousness.

A side to the devil. He stared dumbfounded at the scene in front of him. He cried out inwardly: "Vigorous! This little brother is too fierce! No way. I have to work harder. Otherwise, it is very likely that the evil star will feed this little brother!" The devil trembled and immediately stepped back a few steps. Apart from anything else, he floated cross-legged in mid-air, quickly digesting the soul accumulated in his body during the past few days.

This stay. Just three days, within three days, the red mist remained unchanged. Always nothing changes. In addition to observing the red mist every day, Wang Lin. I also saw countless hurricanes whizzing by from the tower window. Among them is a hurricane that is about a thousand feet thick, like a hurricane king. Shuttle from the black tower.

The moment the biggest hurricane passed by, there was a slight pause. Wang Lin immediately noticed that countless divine senses were roaring towards him, and the target was not him, but the red mist in the pagoda.

It's just that these consciousnesses touched the black tower at the moment. He was bounced back alive. That kingly hurricane. After a little silence outside the black tower, he left slowly.

Wang Lin clearly noticed it. At the moment when the hurricane came. There was an abnormal fluctuation in the red mist. To this. Wang Lin was secretly surprised. Observe more carefully.

Gradually. More and more hurricanes appeared, and the targets of these hurricanes were all in the same direction. Wang Lin sneered inwardly, knowing it without guessing. That direction is exactly where Meng Tuozi is.

Meng Tuozi's face sank like water. In fact, as early as after killing the first wave of little beasts, he was immediately surrounded by the second wave of ten times the number of little beasts, and he guessed that he had made a mistake.

He was based on his experience in the land of glaciers. There, there is also a kind of creature, and there are many of them. It must be killed immediately after encountering it, otherwise it will definitely attract more.

But this damn land of earth is just the opposite. This made Meng Tuozi smile wryly, but the matter has come to this point, even if he doesn't kill them anymore, these little beasts are still entangled with him. Constantly attacking with consciousness and sound waves.

In the end, Meng Tuozi's demonic nature was stimulated. Simply let go of his hands and feet. Sprinkle a large amount of poisonous mist, and so on. The call of the little beast became more and more frequent. So much so that even he hid in the black tower in the end. But the herd outside has not decreased. Instead, more and more. So much that it made his scalp numb.

He was standing in the black tower at this moment. Looking out at the endless hurricane, almost every moment. The number of those small beasts will increase. He also tried to use the black tower as a foothold. Poison from the tower window. But there is a powerful restriction in the black tower, which prevents the small beasts outside from attacking, and at the same time prevents the people inside from casting spells.

And if he walked out of the black tower, Meng Tuozi was not sure at the bottom of his heart. He believes that as long as he takes a step forward. Then waiting for yourself, the number will exceed hundreds of millions. Even the consciousness and sonic attack of billions of small beasts gathered together.

Even if he stomped his feet in the sea of ​​cultivating demons, thousands of monks would be terrified to transform into gods. At this time there is no way. It can resist the spiritual sense and sonic attacks of hundreds of millions of little beasts.

He was silent for a long time, and touched the toad on his shoulder, with a hint of viciousness on his face, without saying a word about the toad, the toad immediately fell from his shoulder. Lie on the ground and make a gurgling sound.

Meng Tuozi gave Toad a rather heartbroken look. Sighed. Take the toad back again. He pondered a little. Grab a ten-foot-long red python from the storage bag. This boa constrictor has a single horn on its head. As soon as it appeared, it emitted bursts of fiery air.

"If the Litian toad is used instead, the old man should not be injured. But in this way, this toad will undoubtedly die. The red-horned python is a peak middle-rank spiritual level. Although it can be used instead, the old man may have suffered some injuries." Meng Tuozi muttered to himself, and when he swiped his middle finger with his thumb, a drop of blood flew out immediately, and he uttered a few strange sounds. The blood drop immediately turned pale, and finally turned milky white, and quickly landed on the giant python's head.

Meng Tuozi looked solemn. Transformation formulas with both hands. Slowly press it on your forehead. Little by little, he raised his hand, a shiny silk thread. It was pulled out from his forehead, and slowly imprinted on the milky white spot on the python's head.

after a long time. Meng Tuozi took a deep breath. Standing up slowly, he threw the giant python on the ground casually, and the one-horned python landed on the ground. Immediately coiled up the snake array, crawled there motionless.

A vicious look flashed across Meng Tuozi's eyes. Without saying a word, stepping out of the stone tower in one step, at the moment of stepping out. The roar of those hurricanes outside. Immediately strengthened countless times, all the small beasts in the hurricane. Consciousness instantly condensed together. It turned into a series of lightning bolts, venting out crazily.

At this moment, the world changed color. Even the prohibition over the land of earth. It couldn't help shaking, and there was a roar of thunder.

Wang Lin is not very close to there, but he still feels the martial arts. The strongest abandoned young master of the Zhou royal family, the martial arts general, kills the gods and seals the throne at night, seeks the demon, proud of the world, and the ninth heaven. Arriving at the bursts of majesty, he opened his eyes from the meditation. Looking in the direction of Meng Tuozi.

at the same time. Changes in the Red Mist Mainland. Reappearing again, Wang Lin immediately withdrew his gaze. Staring at the red mist closely, his right hand slightly stretched out, and a ball of blue flame slowly appeared from the palm of his hand.

If the devil in the Red Mist is out of control. Wang Lin intends to use his consciousness and Bingyan together. Be sure to destroy it completely. If it can be controlled. That's easy to say.

At the moment when the majestic spiritual attack came, Meng Tuozi did not dodge. He flicked his sleeves lightly, and suddenly a lot of black clouds came out from the sleeves.

As soon as these black clouds come out. Immediately spread to all small animals that touch it. Immediately fell from the hurricane, his whole body turned into black smoke, and the smoke rose, turning into a part of the black cloud.

at the same time. That series of divine senses full of destructive power came to attack. Meng Tuozi let out a miserable snort, his body gradually became illusory, and finally turned into a boa constrictor about ten feet long with a one-horned head. Roll a few times in mid-air. Then his body stiffened, and was shattered by the subsequent sound wave attack, and even his inner alchemy disappeared instantly.

In the black tower, the coiled giant python was also blurred at this time, and turned into Meng Tuozi. His face was pale, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and with a bloodthirsty smile on his face, he muttered to himself: "Old man!" Earth and Heaven Residual Poison, known as the No. 1 poison in the Sea of ​​Demon Cultivators, I have released all of them, and I don't believe it, it can't destroy your entire clan!"

The black cloud outside the tower where he was staying felt like a piece of black cloud, and any hurricane hit it. It will collapse immediately and turn into little beasts. Immediately afterwards, these little beasts all turned into black smoke and became part of the black cloud.

In this way. This black cloud is getting bigger and bigger, spreading at a crazy speed.

Besides, Wang Lin's eyes were dignified, staring at Hong Wu. The fluctuations in the mist became more and more dense, and the red mist gradually retracted. Wang Lin didn't even blink, and the ice flame in his hand made a burst of burning sound.

At the same time, red lights flickered in his eyes, and the extreme consciousness restrictions around him became stronger and stronger, even the devil who was meditating. It also noticed the abnormality, and it saw a little after regaining its sanity. Feeling happy in his heart, he secretly said: "It seems that this little brother is not so easy to subdue. It is best for you two to fight and lose both, and then I will swallow you all. Haha. This is a good idea!"

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became. His eyes flickered and he kept looking. Although Xu Liguo, the demon leader, had recovered some of his memory, it had only recovered a little bit. The rest of his memory had disappeared in smoke the moment he transformed into a demon leader. He no longer regards himself as a monk at all, but completely regards himself as a devil.

Time passed slowly, and the red mist became smaller and smaller, and finally it was collected suddenly. The red mist condensed into a ball of red light, and only a few clicks were heard. The ball shattered, and a wisp of crimson gas suddenly released. As soon as this gas appeared, it immediately turned into the head of a small animal. The long pointed mouth exudes a breathtaking breath.

As soon as it took shape, it immediately disappeared in place, and Wang Lin was shocked. But his eyes were calm and unruffled. Stare at the space on the right. The extreme spiritual consciousness escaped with lightning.

The transformed demon suddenly appeared where Wang Lin was looking, his eyes were filled with surprise. The body disappeared again. It was the first time for Wang Lin's extreme spiritual consciousness, and he missed it!

It can be seen from this. Wang Lin's expression was normal, not only was there no panic in his eyes, the speed of this transformed demon head was so fast. On the contrary, it was more calm and cold. The extreme consciousness flashed behind him.

A scream came immediately, and as soon as the transformed demon head appeared, he immediately bumped head-on into the divine consciousness, unable to dodge. Immediately, he was penetrated by the extreme spiritual consciousness.

The body floated up involuntarily. Slowly came to Wang Lin. There was a look of horror in the demon's eyes, and a whimpering sound.

The demon leader Xu Liguo took a deep breath, and quickly threw away all the rebellious thoughts in his heart. It didn't expect the evil star to subdue the little brother so easily, after a little thought, it vaguely guessed the answer and cursed inwardly: "Despicable!"

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