Renegade Immortal

Volume 11 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1695 3 Souls and 7 Souls!

,...I didn’t see that battle with my own eyes. Everything was my sister’s memory. Lian Daofei was a man of great cultivation. He alone had four battle generals and many Seven Dao Sect disciples.

With overwhelming strength, everyone was seriously injured. At this time, my sister and several fairy concubines rebelled and helped Lian Daofei.

At this most chaotic time, Lian Daofei passed by everyone and went to Qicai's retreat, forcing Qicai to come out to fight with him.

That battle was very fierce. Qicai was already injured. When he was defeated, he summoned the Heavenly Dao stored in the cave world and used the Heavenly Dao Devouring Technique to fight against Lian Daofei.

In the end, Lian Daofei was seriously injured and was swallowed up by the way of heaven. He never knew where to go, but with his immortal immortal body, he should not die and is still in the cave world.

However, Heavenly Dao was also seriously injured and on the verge of death. Countless Heavenly Dao's blood was scattered and eventually dissipated. However, since this cave world can transform all living beings, it means that Heavenly Dao is not dead!

The seven-colored golden body collapsed and turned into three main souls. One of the souls contained his lifetime of divine channel skills, and he became the person he is outside the ship today.

The other soul, which contains the original power of its artistic conception, escaped after the battle and should exist in the world.

The last soul carries all the memories of Qicai, including how to summon the way of heaven, including where he hid the things contained in the fragments he obtained back then.

This last soul has no origin and no magical powers, and no one knows where it is until now. He may be a monk, a mortal, or a ferocious beast... In countless reincarnations , maybe he himself has forgotten his identity, and his memory is always sleeping.

One of the three souls that inherited his magical power, the colorful Taoist, this person has the highest combat power. He forced several fairy concubines to obey his orders, and even subdued Lian Daofei's palm print boy, entrenched outside the boundary, and countless Over the years, I have been looking for the third religion...

He gradually has his own will. If he finds the third soul, swallows it, and then swallows the second soul that controls the original artistic conception, then he can become the new Colorful!

Similarly, the second soul in that world is also looking for it. Whoever finds the third soul can become the leader!

And because the third soul controls the memory, without this important third soul, the other souls cannot fuse and devour each other. Therefore, the colorful Taoist and the second soul can never devour each other.

Not to mention them, even when Qicai collapsed, the other souls who were scattered could not devour each other.

colorful death,

In addition to the separation of the three main souls, there are also seven souls separated. These seven souls have changed various identities again and again in countless years of reincarnation, but their souls belong to the colorful souls!

The Qicai Taoist and the second soul simply ignored the seven souls. Even if they found them, they could not devour them. Instead, it was better to give them freedom and let them practice on their own. In this case, once they finally found the third soul, they would devour them. , the other seven souls will be attracted by themselves, and form a complete Seven-Colored Immortal with them!

All of this is the secret of this cave world! "

There was a big wave in Wang Lin's heart. What the woman said about what happened in Xiangang Continent before, Wang Lin could still remain calm, but what he heard now made him take a deep breath, take a few steps back, and his expression changed rapidly. stand up.

He finally knew what the third one was! !

He finally knew why the colorful Taoist statue outside the ship was different from the statue he had obtained!

He finally knew why the woman in silver clothes in the storage space meant that she did not open the door. This door was probably the door to the cave.

The door to the cave was not opened by anyone, but by the woman in front of him who told the madman how to open it!

There may be some discrepancies here, but Wang Lin didn't see those details with his own eyes, so he could only use the woman's words to make up scenes in his mind.

The facts may be different from these, but the truth is probably like this!

"Three souls and seven... It turns out to be three souls and seven souls! The Master once said that Old Ghost Zhan should have died. When the two met in the sea of ​​clouds, the Master's shock didn't look like a lie!

Even he didn't know... and in Kunxu Qicai Realm, when I went to rescue Qing Shui, this Qicai Taoist also appeared. He admired Old Ghost Zhan very much in his words...

He once said that Old Ghost Zhan was an anomaly... Could it be that Old Ghost Zhan was the second soul!

Only in this way can he be qualified to fight against the colorful Taoist! In other words, there is still a soul in the body of the old ghost Zhan, and this soul is the second soul of the Immortal Lord!

This must be the case. The war inside and outside the world is also unfolding between Old Ghost Zhan and the colorful Taoist. Their purpose is to find the third soul in this endless killing!

So who is this third soul? ! "Wang Lin was shocked. For him, this news was like a roar that tore away all the fog in his mind, allowing him to see the essence clearly!

"And that Qicai... When I was in Kunxu Qicai Realm, I once noticed that Qicai Taoist looked at Qingshui as if he was looking at himself. I was surprised at that time, but I never guessed the answer. Now I Look, the answer is already there!

Senior Brother Qingshui is one of the Seven Souls of Immortal Lord! ! ! No wonder his life was miserable, no wonder he was able to obtain the origin of killing... No wonder he became extremely powerful as soon as he took the third step!

Of these seven souls, I only know Qingshui, and who are the other six...I...I, Wang Lin, yes or no..." Wang Lin was silent, with a cold light in his eyes.

"My purpose is to kill Qicai. Only by killing him can I eliminate my resentment. Your purpose is the same as mine. Our cooperation will be a win-win situation!

I can go to the Master to take you into the Immortal Gang and reduce the punishment for you to enter the world. I can also refuse the Qidaozong. Once Qicai dies, all the mountain gates of the Qidaozong will belong to you!

As for the other people in this cave world, they cannot get out of here. They cannot bear the punishment of entering the world. Even if my master takes action, they cannot do this.

But I still have a way. Although they cannot enter the Xiangang Continent normally, they can reincarnate. Using the method of reincarnation, let their souls follow you and be brought into the Xiangang Continent for reincarnation. In this case, after their memories wake up, you You can search for them one by one.

This is the best method I can come up with! "

Wang Lin was silent for a long time, looking up at the woman with thoughts in his eyes.

"Even if you and I cooperate, with the cultivation of Qicai Taoist and the old ghost Zhan, we can't fight against him. How can we kill him!"

Hearing Wang Lin's words, the woman laughed. It must be said that this woman's appearance was absolutely beautiful. When she smiled, she was like a flower branch trembling. She was so graceful and charming that it made people's hearts flutter.

"I have two ways to kill Qicai!"

"The first method is that due to the seal that has been in place in this cave for countless years, and the war that year destroyed many places, I cannot come in personally, so I can only use my sister's body to gather a trace of my soul.

But if I can lead the colorful Taoist or the second soul to the core of the cave, which is the gate of the cave, there, I will gather more souls. In this way, with my cultivation, I can kill people! "

"This method is not perfect. I have a second method. The focus of this second method is the third soul. I will teach you a magical power. If you can find the third soul, use this magical power to devour it completely. to obliterate all its existence.

From now on, you are the third soul. I will help you swallow the Qicai Taoist and the second soul. Then you absorb the other seven souls. From now on, you are Qicai!

My sister and I can stay with you, she will be your concubine, and you and I will become Taoist couples. In this way, everything will return to its original track.

If you have other women, they can also become your concubines. Even on the Xiangang Continent, if you have a female cultivator that you like, I can help you capture her and you and I can practice together.

That was the case for Qicai back then. I helped him capture many female cultivators. Except for my sister, I helped him find most of the other eight concubines...

And with the help of my master, after you and I practice together, our souls will be fused, and our cultivation will increase. With the fragments of the ancient divine realm you obtained, we will definitely be free in the Xiangang Continent, which is better than you suffocating in this mere cave. boundary! "The woman smiled charmingly and spoke slowly to Wang Lin.

Wang Lin calmed down and glanced at the woman. For some reason, he thought of something he had encountered a long time ago.

That incident left a deep impression on Wang Lin. Even now, more than a thousand years have passed, but he still has an unforgettable memory.

In the Land of Demon Spirits, Wang Lin once met the daughter of the Master, the Saint Ancestor of the Rune Clan. This woman was extremely miserable. Her eyes were gouged out, her whole body was suppressed in the Qingshuang Cave, and she was full of resentment.

This woman's resentment towards Qing Shuang was very similar to that of the man in front of her. The words spoken by the Holy Ancestor of the Rune Clan back then resonated in Wang Lin's mind, each word was sad and stern. Wang Lin had already believed it, but in the end he heard Qing Shuang's words. The words spoken by himself made Wang Lin confused.

He doesn't know who is correct here.

"We'll talk about this later. The most important thing right now is how to avoid the pursuit of the colorful Taoist outside!" Wang Lin sneered in his heart without thinking about the other party's words. However, he was very scheming and would not refuse like this. After all, the early cooperation with this woman and killing Qicai would be beneficial to everyone.

"This is not difficult. You and I exchange blood oaths. After confirming our cooperation, I will control the ship to move until you are safely sent out." The woman smiled slightly.

"Pledge of blood?" Wang Lin's eyes narrowed, and he suddenly understood that this was the other party's guide, leading him to this place, and those words clearly had a deep meaning.

"This is not urgent. Where is the altar you mentioned back then?"

It will break out tomorrow, please vote for me! ! ! ! (To be continued

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