Renegade Immortal

Volume 11 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1697 The Ghostly Face of Canvas

Wang Lin calmed down, and the sound of the colorful Taoist blasting away the forbidden light curtain seemed to be cut off from his ears. He was completely immersed in the study of the forbidden light.

At this moment, a gust of wind seemed to appear strangely. The wind blew onto the pole of the soul demon boat and lifted the canvas, causing the gloomy faces on the canvas and the eyes to reveal a strange light.

This grimace seemed to be staring at Wang Lin, with a strange smile faintly appearing on the corner of his mouth, as if he was alive.

Wang Lin frowned, feeling vaguely uneasy and unable to calm down. He raised his head and glanced at Canbu's ghostly face, making eye contact with him.

After a while, Wang Lin's mind gradually calmed down. He lowered his head and was immersed in the restraint again.

Gradually, the forbidden light on the deck under Wang Lin's feet flickered, and layers of ripples swirled, filling the entire deck and spreading farther away.

"Among the four major taboos, I know the most about the Destruction taboo. The Life and Death taboo and the Time taboo are also okay. But I have seen very little about the Ancient Soul taboo. I only saw that huge turtle beast in that fallen place.

But among the restrictions on this deck, there are many ancient soul restrictions..." Wang Lin muttered, and the color in his eyes became more intense, and where his right hand was pointing was a restriction rune.

This rune is exactly a shrunken ancient soul ban! There were faint roars and roars inside. As Wang Lin glanced over, he could vaguely see that there was a huge python inside the restriction. This python was extremely ferocious and kept roaring towards Wang Lin, as if it wanted to charge. It was as if Wang Lin was swallowed up by this restriction.

Time passed slowly, and it was three hours in the blink of an eye. During these three hours, the forbidden light curtain outside the ship roared continuously. Under the violent flickering of the light curtain, there were faint colorful lights that seemed to penetrate through and shine on the deck. .

Fan Shanmeng's eyes gradually turned cold. She stared at Wang Lin. The previous shock had completely subsided. From her perspective, Wang Lin seemed to have entered a bottleneck and was almost motionless for three hours.

"How can this soul demon boat be so easy to study and understand? This person was able to open the deck's restricted protection before, which is already the limit. Trying to unlock this boat's restricted area, Wang Lin, Wang Lin, you are so arrogant!" Fan Shanmeng's expression was calm, and there was no hint of the sneer in her heart.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, it's been three hours. Now that you're in charge of the altar, maybe someone can come..." Fan Shanmeng spoke softly, her words rising faintly.

Wang Lin turned a deaf ear, as if he didn't hear it. He kept staring at the restriction touched by the fingers of his right hand, and his eyes became more inferential.

"The ancient soul ban... is guided by the soul,

Integrate into the restriction and make the restriction become a living thing. In this way, it can be ever-changing. The stronger the sealed soul, the more powerful the restriction will be... This restriction is not difficult! "

At the fifth hour, Wang Lin suddenly closed his eyes and pointed his right hand hard at the forbidden rune. At this point, the forbidden rune suddenly trembled and collapsed with a crash. At the moment of its collapse, an illusory The python turned into a stream of black energy and spread out directly, but before it could spread too far, Wang Lin grabbed it with his right hand and pinched it hard. The black energy immediately disintegrated, but it did not dissipate. Wang Lin made a gesture with his right hand, and the black energy turned into a restriction again and landed in its original place.

"This is the first one..." Wang Lin opened his eyes and looked at the forbidden rune on the deck that he had studied, understood and completely controlled. With a calm expression, he looked up at Fan Shanmeng.

"There's no rush, there's still enough time."

Fan Shanmeng frowned. Although Wang Lin broke a forbidden rune, the number of forbidden runes on this deck was almost unimaginable, and even so, it was only on the periphery. There were also internal restrictions on the Soul Demon Boat. .

"It only takes five hours to break one. At such a speed, I am afraid that in three days, fellow Taoist disciples will only break through a dozen. You... before Fan Shanmeng could finish her words, suddenly the king There were banging sounds all around the forest.

As she was stunned, she saw with her own eyes that with a wave of Wang Lin's right hand, all nine of the restrictions on the deck collapsed, turned into black energy, and then condensed into new restrictions, falling one by one into their original places.

"Past..." Fan Shanduo took a deep breath, but before she could completely take the breath into her body, her eyes bulged wildly, revealing an incredible look.

But Wang Lin waved his right hand again, and the roaring sound suddenly reverberated, and the rune restrictions that made up the deck collapsed one by one. Dozens, hundreds, thousands, and eventually tens of thousands, all exploded. , the black gas they emitted turned into a black storm, rolling up high on the deck and swirling around.

In just a few breaths, there were no restrictions within a hundred feet around Wang Lin. There was only the roar of the black storm. Finally, the storm broke into pieces and turned into runic marks again. After they all fell into their original places, that Fan Shanmeng's shock had just begun.

"It made fellow Taoist laugh." Wang Lin smiled slightly.

Fan Shanmeng took a deep breath, forced out a smile, and nodded: "Fellow Taoist's attainments in restraints are indeed extraordinary, but there are tens of millions of restraints on this deck. Fellow Taoist has finally solved a hundred of them." One of them is quite difficult to treat..., but...,

Wang Lin raised his right hand, holding the Forbidden Destruction in his hand, and his eyes were shining brightly. Fan Shanmeng paused for a moment. In this moment, the Forbidden Destruction in Wang Lin's hand suddenly flashed out, turning into a black light that filled the entire deck. diffusion.

The roaring sound started again, and all the Destruction Barriers on the deck trembled at this moment and collapsed at the same time. Among the tens of millions of Destruction Barriers, there were millions of Destruction Barriers alone. At this moment, they all collapsed, and this soul was suddenly The demon boat trembled violently.

At the same time, the life and death ban and the time ban were transformed on Wang Lin's right hand, sweeping across the entire deck, roaring continuously, and black air rose into the sky. Within half a stick of incense, countless restrictions collapsed and transformed. Make black energy rotation.

The black energy was lingering, and even the colorful Taoist outside the ship focused his eyes and looked over carefully.

Not to mention Fan Shanmeng, whose sight was blocked by the black air. She stared at all this blankly, and her mind went blank for a moment.

"From five hours... How is this possible? Although the restrictions on the deck are only peripheral, it is impossible for anyone to completely unlock them in five hours. Moreover, he is not simply cracking them, but cracking them and then controlling them in reverse... ...get up..., get up...

During the roar, the black air gradually dissipated, and all the restrictions fell on the deck. In the blink of an eye, most of the tens of millions of restrictions on the deck belonged to Wang Lin!

Wang Lin's eyes were bright. He raised his right hand, and four forbidden runes floated on it. These four forbidden runes were very different. They were exactly the forms of the four forbidden runes! It is not difficult for Wang Lin to break the deck ban. What is really rare is that he has to learn the ancient soul ban. During those five hours, Wang Lin seemed to only study that one ban, but in fact, as long as he studied this ban thoroughly, he could It’s like realizing the ancient soul ban!

After all, Wang Lin didn't know anything about the Ancient Soul Restriction before this. Wang Lin had also studied the Ancient Soul Restriction in the Fallen Land. However, the restriction seemed to be complete, but in fact there were still many flaws. It was these flaws that affected Wang Lin's understanding of it.

But this is not the case with the Ancient Soul Taboo on the deck, it is extremely complete!

Today's Wang Lin is no longer the same person as he was on the Forbidden Mountain. He has been studying the restrictions for several years. Today's Wang Lin is already in the middle stage of ethereal cultivation, with the six origins in his body. To understand the restrictions, five hours is enough to see through everything!

Wang Lin stood up and flicked his right sleeve. The roar echoed and all the remaining restrictions on the deck collapsed, including the ancient soul restrictions and some strange restrictions that Wang Lin had never seen before.

He doesn't have the time to thoroughly understand all the restrictions he has never seen before. He only needs to take a brief look at them, remember them in his heart, gain some knowledge, and then destroy them by force.

This method may make the deck's restriction power much weaker, but it will allow Wang Lin to completely restrict the Soul Demon Boat and open a gap in a very short time. !

Roaring and whirling, in the shock of Fan Shanmeng, all the restrictions on the deck were controlled by Wang Lin. Standing on this deck, Wang Lin was the master of this deck. His eyes showed a strange light and glanced at Fan Shanmeng.

"This boat has nine levels of restrictions. The deck is the first level, and there are eight levels below! Fellow Taoist, you just said that if Wang breaks the restrictions, will you give me this boat?"

Fan Shanmeng's face turned pale. As the first layer of restrictions on the Soul Demon Boat was broken, she clearly found that part of her control over the boat seemed to have been snatched away by life, as if it were a magic weapon. Two owners are the same!

She never expected that such a drastic change would occur in just five hours.

Seeing that the other party did not speak, Wang Lin shook his head with a smile. In a flash, his figure disappeared on the deck. When he appeared, he was already inside the Soul Demon Boat, on the second deck.

Staring at the place where Wang Lin disappeared, Fan Shanmeng's eyes showed a cold light.

"So what if the first level is broken. The restrictions on this boat become more difficult the further you go. I don't believe that he, a mere cultivator from the cave world, can completely control this soul demon boat!"

Time passed, one hour, two hours, three hours, and in the blink of an eye, it was seven hours. The whole day passed quickly. The colorful light outside the boat became more dazzling, and the soul demon boat trembled even more. Lie, the outer light curtain has been mostly broken by Qicai Taoist.

Just when the seventh hour passed, a shocking aura suddenly burst out from the second deck, and the Soul Demon Boat shook violently.

"Impossible!!!" Fan Shanmeng stood up directly. The shock in her eyes could not be concealed by any light. Part of her ability to control the soul demon boat was taken away from her at this moment. Because the main body cannot enter here, she does not have much control over the boat and can only exert less than 30% of its power. Now that part of it has been taken away by Wang Lin, at this moment, she is only a little more powerful than Wang Lin.

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