Renegade Immortal

Volume 11 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1718 Reincarnation 1

After a long time, Qinglin frowned, withdrew his consciousness from the soul of Tianyunzi's clone, and returned it to Wang Lin.

"There are no clues... This soul is no different from an ordinary split soul. It is extremely weak and can die at any time."

"You haven't noticed it either." Wang Lin pondered for a moment and then spoke again: "If this is not the case, I will merge with it and integrate your consciousness into my body to see if there is any change in my origin.

Qingshuang nodded.

It is extremely dangerous to let a person enter your body when all your mind is integrated into Tianyunzi's clone soul. If the other person has any inappropriate thoughts, it will be extremely harmful to Wang Lin.

But Wang Lin trusted Qingshuang. Although he and Qingshuang didn't meet many times, the past events over the years were enough to earn trust.

Regarding Wang Lin's words, Qing Shuang was also very emotional. He knew Wang Lin a little bit and knew that he was cautious in his life. Being able to say such words now shows how much Wang Lin trusts him in his heart.

Wang Lin didn't say much, and sat cross-legged in front of Qing Shuang. In front of him was the soul of Tianyunzi's clone who was meditating. Wang Lin's eyes suddenly closed, his consciousness dispersed, and all his mind immediately merged into the soul of Tianyunzi's clone. , instead of slowly integrating.

Qing Shuang's eyes were shining brightly at the side, and he swept away all the distracting thoughts in his heart, focusing entirely on observation. He even spread his consciousness, integrated into Wang Lin's body, and carefully looked at everything in Wang Lin's body. At this glance, Qingshuang was stunned for a moment, with a look of disbelief in his eyes.

"Seven origins!! I only heard that he has six origins before. Six paths are already unimaginable. Now there are seven! How did Wang Lin cultivate the seven origins? ... This is amazing!" Qing Shuang took a breath and looked at Wang Lin in shock.

But what shocked him even more was that the moment his consciousness entered Wang Lin's body, he not only felt the original power, but also felt a shock that made his heart tremble, like an ant facing the sky. This made him The shocking aura was the power of blood in Wang Lin's body!

The breath that exists in this bloodline is ancient and long, and seems to be with heaven and earth! It seems that all living beings bow their heads in worship before it, and tremble with fear and awe.

This aura is even more domineering, as if if there is even the slightest disrespect, it will destroy all reincarnations and wipe out life!

Qing Shuang's face immediately turned pale, her body swayed and she subconsciously took a few steps back. When she looked at Wang Lin, her eyes were no longer shocked, but filled with horror.

"I only know that he has the physical body of an ancient god.

But the aura in his body's bloodline is definitely not that of an ancient god! ! What kind of breath is this? It’s so terrifying! ! "

After a while, Qingshuang suppressed the shock in her heart and forced her mind to observe the changes in Wang Lin's fusion. At this moment, it was also the critical moment for Wang Lin to merge with the soul of Tianyunzi's clone.

As he watched, Qing Shuang's expression suddenly changed. He could faintly feel the seven origins in Wang Lin's body, especially the forbidden origin. Without Wang Lin's control, a trace of it was faintly separated and running in Wang Lin's body. , as if there is some strange force controlling it.

Wang Lin barely noticed all this, but he just felt that something was wrong.

As Wang Lin and Tianyunzi's souls merged deeply, a trace of the source of the restriction circulated around Wang Lin's body at a high speed.

"That's not right!" Qing Shuang looked more and more weird. Without thinking, he raised his right hand and pointed it directly between Wang Lin's eyebrows.

"Calming Soul Technique!!" With one finger, Wang Lin's whole body trembled, and his body paused for an instant. All movements and integrations were forcibly stopped by this Calming Mind Technique at this moment.

At the same time, Qingshuang's finger that was pointed at Wang Lin's eyebrows suddenly swiped downwards and directly touched Wang Lin's chest. With a pull, a faint light flickered out from Wang Lin's chest. This faint light flickered out. Like silk, wrapped around Qingshuang's fingers.

Qingshuang's eyes flashed, staring at the filaments of ghostly light. This filament was a small part of the origin of the restriction that operated on its own. Qingshuang's consciousness moved with a bang, all condensing on this filament. The moment it blended in, his mind roared, and the world in front of him suddenly became chaotic. When it became clear, what he saw was a familiar starry sky.

This starry sky is Zhao'er!

"The origin of Wang Lin's restriction, the trace that runs on its own, was actually brought here!!" Qing Shuang's consciousness was transformed at this moment. He saw a thin thread in front of him, which stretched directly into the starry sky in front of him. No trace.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and Qingshuang swung his body along the thin threads and ran straight ahead.

"I want to see if it is Tian Yunzi himself who is causing trouble, or someone else!" Qingshuang looked gloomy, and disappeared from the place in an instant, following the thin thread, straight into the distance.

It didn't take long, after about half a stick of incense, Qingshuang had already chased him far away. But at this moment, suddenly in the starry sky in front of him, where the filaments extended, a piece of colorful light suddenly shone.

The moment the colorful light appeared, an old voice swirled in the starry sky.

"Qingshuang... this is none of your business, get back here!" As the voice shouted, the seven-colored light flashed violently, and suddenly turned into a huge sickle. The sickle swept across and went straight to Qingshuang cuts it off!

The sickle almost occupied the entire starry sky. When it was swung down, the surrounding starry sky was shaken. Qingshuang's eyes were condensed, and after he paused, he made hand gestures and waved to both sides.

"The stars, the moon, and the sun, three lights protect the body, and three swords open the river!" Qing Shuang's body was suddenly filled with starlight, moonlight, and even sunlight swirling around, and in an instant, he met the sickle.

The roar echoed, and the sickle collapsed directly, but its collapse also shocked Qingshuang's whole body, and his figure disappeared directly into the starry sky.

In the fairy world, on the snow-capped mountains, the thin thread wrapped around Qingshuang's right hand collapsed. His body swayed and he took a few steps back, his face extremely pale.

Wang Lin also trembled, his concentration skills dissipated, he separated from the fusion, and opened his eyes.

"I have never seen Tianyunzi, but I have seen colorful! When you fused before, the forbidden origin in your body moved on its own, and was extended into the Zhaohe Star Territory by some strange power. I followed it and was attracted by the colorful The sickle he transformed into cut off the connection." Qingshuang spoke slowly.

"Zhaohe Star Territory..." Wang Lin's eyes flashed with cold light.

"If I'm not wrong, the soul of Tianyunzi's clone in your hand should be the connection between you and him. Through this soul, he can steal your origin! This person is indeed amazingly calculating. He can think of such a thing. The method is just how he did it and why he could steal your origin with just a clone...

And there is one thing that doesn't make sense. If he really stole your origin, why hasn't your origin been reduced at all... And the magical power that the other party used just now is also very strange. This magical power seems simple, but in fact it works. The power of the entire starry sky is not like ordinary means. "Qingshuang's eyes showed thoughts and she spoke slowly.

Wang Lin's eyes were filled with murderous intent, but he had also considered these issues, but could not figure them out clearly.

"Maybe he chose a method similar to rubbing..." Wang Lin's eyes flashed.

At this moment, an old voice slowly circled the snow-capped mountains and reached the ears of Wang Lin and Qing Shuang.

"I once heard of a spell in my early years. The name of this spell is called Reincarnation..." At the same time as this voice came, a blue light appeared in the sky, reflecting on the snow-capped mountains and the blue sky. Inside the mang, the figure of Taoist Lanmeng transformed and walked towards here.

"Qing Shuang has met Senior Dao Zun." Qing Shuang's expression became serious and she cupped her fists towards Dao Zun Lan Mang.

"Reincarnation Integration Technique?" Wang Lin's eyes narrowed.

Taoist Master Lan Mang stepped on the snow on the top of the mountain. After smiling at Qing Shuang, he looked at Wang Lin with kindness in his eyes.

"I heard about this technique from the Palm Master. It is said to be one of the magical powers of the Seven Color Immortal Master. But even the Seven Color Immortal Master doesn't seem to have mastered it...

The point of this spell is to regard each reincarnation as a clone of oneself in countless reincarnations, and eventually devour each other in a strange way. Only in this way can one hope to succeed, but there are still some complications. I have never seen this technique in other places, so I have no way of knowing.

But I know that if the clone cultivated by this technique is obtained by an outsider, then within a short period of time, the person who obtains the clone will become one with it!

Once you become one body and devour more of the other person, you can obtain all the breath of that person's clone, including the cultivation level... How much origin you have, how much the other person will have...

This magical power is too vicious, but once it is mastered, it is extremely powerful... Judging from your state, which is similar to what Qing Shuang described before, plus the soul in your hand, I am 40% sure that you have been possessed by someone else's reincarnation. Technique! "

Wang Lin was silent.

"However, although I don't know the specifics of this technique, there are ways to break any magical power, and the same goes for this reincarnation-in-one technique. If you can devour the opponent, then your cultivation will also increase." Taoist Master Lan Meng He spoke slowly, his eyes shining.

"I will help you find the person who performed this technique on you. I want to see how talented this person is that he can actually achieve a magical power that even the Seven Color Immortals have not developed!

However, if you want to kill him, you still need to take action yourself. You and this soul have merged into one, and you are connected through reincarnation. This may also be a blessing for you. "Taoist Lan Meng raised his right hand, and blue light dripped into the sky immediately in his hand. The dazzling blue light turned into a halo, condensed in Taoist Lan Meng's hand, and he pressed it directly on Wang Lin's hand. Above the eyebrows!

Wang Lin's mind roared, and everything in front of him was filled with blue light. In the blue light, he saw the starry sky. The starry sky was flowing rapidly in front of him, so that in an instant, he saw the Zhaohe Star Territory and the Zhaohe Star. Deep in the domain, a meteorite floats!

And inside the meteorite, sitting cross-legged, he suddenly opened his eyes to reveal the shocked Tianyunzi! His eyes overlapped with Tianyunzi's eyes at this moment!

Second update! Asking for a monthly ticket! ! (To be continued! 0

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