Renegade Immortal

Volume 11 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1726 Reuniting the Origin

Wang Lin sat tiredly on the back of the Netherworld Beast. If the Netherworld Beast's body was spread out, it would be huge, but at this moment it has shrunk a lot, only about a thousand feet in length, but despite this, here Moving forward within the starry sky will still create a sense of pressure in the hearts of everyone who sees it.

This pressure comes from the body of the Nether Beast, and also from the coldness and ruthlessness of its eyes. This ruthlessness is indifference, indifference to life and death, reincarnation, time, and all living beings!

It seems that in the eyes of the slanderous beast, all living beings don't matter. It is the way of heaven, the real god in the world of tears. Everything here is derived from it, whether it is a monk or a ferocious beast. , all like flying ashes!

Similarly, this pressure also comes from Wang Lin, who is sitting on the Youqi Beast. Although Wang Lin is just sitting there calmly, the aura emanating from him is like a god!

Wang Lin has ancient Taoist bloodline, and the high-level wives of that bloodline can be compared with the immortal bloodline of Crazy Taro. Although Wang Lin is still from the Tears Mansion Realm, he still has the talent to go to the Xiangang Continent. Looking down at the mustard!

Youqi Beast's fir tree moved silently, or it could be said that it didn't move at all. What moved was the starry sky, as if in this starry sky, it wanted to go anywhere in a single thought, because this starry sky, here Everything is contemptuous of it!

Wang Lin sat there calmly, gently caressing You Qi Beast with his right hand, and scenes with Tian Yunzi kept reappearing in his mind.

"Unexpectedly, the beast recovered back then was actually part of the way of heaven... Tianyunzi was also part of the way of heaven... No wonder he believed in heaven's return... The destiny he believed in was actually himself. "Wang Lin lowered his head and looked at the Netherworld Beast under him, with deep emotion in his eyes.

"The fragments that flew out of the ancient divine chair that the Seven-Colored Immortal Master obtained back then were used for storage. He discovered the way of heaven from it... I think he also discovered the heavenly rebellion.

That's why there is that compass. "

"Everyone is looking for this Heavenly Dao, Qicai Taoist, Si Laogui, and others. Their purpose of searching for the third soul is not only to fuse it, but also for the Heavenly Dao... and The storage fragments obtained by the Colorful Immortal.

By chance, I became the master of Heaven's Dao... From then on, I am the master of Heaven's Dao. I can't be sure about the Xiangang Continent, but in this cave world, no one can take away Heaven's Dao from me!

This Heavenly Dao should be complete now. It could swallow even Daofei back then. Now I think it is the only one who dares to provoke me. He will become the first person to be swallowed by Heavenly Dao after all eternity, my old friend! "

Wang Lin felt a strong sense of self-confidence. He looked at the starry sky.

The eyes are shining!

Without letting go of his consciousness, Wang Lin allowed the ghost beast to wander freely in the starry sky. He closed his eyes and placed his hands on the demon. After adjusting his breath for a while, he opened his eyes in a hurry, bit the tip of his tongue and squirted out a mouthful of blood. .

This mouthful of red blood floated in front of Wang Lin after being ejected from the outlet, keeping pace with the movement of the Youqi beast beneath him. The blood squirmed and emitted a dazzling light, as if boiling, and bursts of fragrant fragrance came out.

"When the clone dissipates, then every time I condense another clone! This clone, guided by my blood, will become an eternal avenue!" Wang Lin murmured, raising his right hand and pointing towards the blood.

Under this finger, the blood squirmed faster, and in an instant it continued to expand, slowly turning into a human figure. However, the blood on it was gone, and it looked like a bloody man.

"My blood contains the power of the ancient Tao. If I want to create this clone now, I must pull out the power of the ancient Tao within it. This is not difficult!" Wang Lin's eyes flashed, and the stars of the three races in his eyebrows and eyes were It suddenly came out, and it was like there were bursts of suction under the rotation. The moment it enveloped the bloody man, the bloody man twisted, and a fluffy breath like tobacco floated out from it, constantly drilling into the stars of Wang Lin's three clans. Inside.

The process was very fast. In about one stick of incense, all the Taoist power in the bloody man was taken out by Wang Lin. The blood that existed at the moment did not have any Taoist aura.

With the separation of Daogu's aura, the bloody man's red light flashed. Under the twists and turns, his blood slowly became restrained. What appeared in front of Wang Lin was a clone that looked exactly like him!

This clone is like a newborn child. Although it looks like an adult, it actually has no soul, just a body.

"Soul condensation!" Wang Lin placed his right hand between his eyebrows. Immediately, a part of his soul separated from the seven orifices and penetrated into the seven orifices of the clone. Slowly, when the separated strand of Wang Lin's soul merged with the clone's body, it Wang Lin sensed that he and his clone were as fused as water, indistinguishable from each other.

After doing this, Wang Lin looked even more exhausted. He slowly closed his eyes, as if falling asleep.

At the moment when his eyes were closed, Wang Lin's clone suddenly opened his eyes, revealing a bright light. He lowered his head and glanced at his newly condensed body. Wang Lin's expression was calm, and he raised his right hand to point at the starry sky.

"The origin of the flame that I sensed and disappeared in the starry sky is back!"

At the moment when these words were spoken, with You Qi Beast as the center, within the starry sky, pieces of ancient flames suddenly appeared. After reading these flames, eight flags came and finally connected into one. At first glance, it looked like a starry sky. It's burning, and the raging sea of ​​fire roars into the sky!

The sea of ​​fire formed a ring, swirling around Wang Lin, and gathered from the endless starry sky in all directions. This wave was like a big wave, roaring continuously.

Soon, when all the flames that appeared in the starry sky approached Wang Lin, it was as if Wang Lin's left eye turned into a black tear that swallowed the flames, and all the flames poured into his left eye under the roar of the sea of ​​fire.

In an instant, the starry sky and sea of ​​fire dissipated, and in Wang Lin's left eye, a mark of the origin of the flame flashed out.

"I merge into the origin of thunder in the starry sky. As the Lord of Thunder, I summon you to return to my body with my enlightenment again and again!" Wang Lin spoke softly and waved his right hand in front of him.

With this wave, the starry sky shook, and layers of dense streaks rolled around the place where the flames dissipated. As they continued to spread, a dull roar gradually came from the place where the flames dissipated, and the roar was getting closer and closer. , it came from all directions, and after a moment, the rumbling sound of thunder replaced all the sounds in the starry sky.

The roar was incessant and deafening, and under the thunder, lightnings appeared in the starry sky like a catastrophe. The lightnings connected in series into a large, boundless area, roaring directly towards Wang Lin.

In an instant, all the lightnings condensed towards Wang Lin's right eye, blasting directly into him one after another. The fusion of each lightning flash caused Wang Lin to swim around in countless arc-shaped electric lights. This electric light seemed to be cheering outside his body, cheering for him. Excited to be in control again.

Soon, all the lightning in the starry sky dissipated in front of Wang Lin's right eye. In his right eye, the imprint of the immortal lightning suddenly appeared!

Two origins, the flame in the left eye and the thunder in the right eye!

"The origin of emptiness that I have sensed in my thousand-year dream path carries the meaning and path of my life, Wang Lin. You are the ones who have been enlightened by me. Although it has dissipated at this moment, it can still be condensed and returned... This origin of emptiness, Chapter 1 One who returns is life and death!”

Wang Lin murmured and stretched out his hands.

"My left hand is life, my right hand is nothingness... As time goes by, my Taoist heart remains unchanged."

A trace of white energy emitted from Wang Lin's left hand. This white energy tickled his entire left hand and slowly emitted a soft white light. That was vitality, Wang Lin's vitality, and the origin of life and death that he had understood over the past two thousand years. part.

At the same time, in Wang Lin's right hand, black energy stirred and turned into a dark ball of light. There was decay and death in the black energy, as if his right hand could take out the souls of the dead from the underworld.

At the moment when the two breaths of black and white disappeared, the two breaths traveled along Wang Lin's arms, and finally condensed on his eyebrows, fused with each other, and slowly rotated, like yin and yang!

The origin of life and death, returns!

The aura in Wang Lin's body suddenly increased!

"What returns in the second path is the origin of truth and falsehood. Truth and falsehood are life." Wang Lin was silent for a moment. He thought about Tianyunzi in his mind and was quite emotional.

When his words came out, his body immediately became illusory, as if it had become unreal.

Especially Jue's eyes, they are like the starry sky. If anyone looks into them, they will be confused and unable to distinguish the difference between pupils and holes.

"When I close my eyes, everything is false. When I open my eyes, everything is true." Wang Lin murmured, closing his eyes, everything in the world disappeared in his heart, what a world of tears, what a third soul, Even the Youqi beast no longer exists. Everything in this starry sky, as Wang Lin feels at this moment, is illusory.

When he opened his eyes, the origins of truth and falsehood condensed.

While Wang Lin was condensing the origin of the monk's avatar, the Youqi beast under him was also constantly moving forward, gradually leaving Zhaohe and arriving at the Sea of ​​Clouds Star Territory.

But at this moment, in this cloud sea star field, there is such a group of people, galloping in the starry sky.

This group of people, led by four old men, were densely packed and looked like hundreds. They were flying in the starry sky, emitting thick patterns and whizzing away.

An extremely strong aura spread out from their bodies, especially the four who were the strongest. These four people had somehow managed to connect their spiritual consciousness together.

At this moment, the four people were walking forward, and above their heads, a huge gourd suddenly appeared. The gourd was green in color, revealing the traces of ancient plagues.

Inside the mouth of the gourd, there is a mass of green air ringing around, as if in the direction of the gourd.

The four old men had barely flown a certain distance before they stopped and bowed to the gourd in unison. Their spiritual thoughts blended together, as if they were communicating with the gourd.

These four old men were indeed the four great generals of the ancient Immortal Realm!

Behind this group of immortals, an old ghost wearing a Taoist robe, with a calm expression, followed him blatantly. He didn't care about the group of immortals in front of him, and similarly, the group of immortals didn't seem to care about his existence.

First update.




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