Renegade Immortal

Volume 11 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1730 The Origin of the Earth!

"Should we inform Elder Nado about this matter one by one?" Among the four people, there was also an old man. This man was wearing a monk's robe and had some brown spots on his face. At this moment, he hesitated and spoke hoarsely. .

The voice belonged to Yin Dongshen, who had been very vicious to Wang Lin just now.

"I also suggest not to provoke this Wang Lin before Elder Naduo gives instructions. This man has a great reputation. Since he is here to visit, what if we..." The last person to speak was a middle-aged man, who frowned. , said slowly.

"When have we, the Five Planets Guidance Sect, ever been afraid of anyone! It doesn't matter if this Wang Lin is famous. Even if he is a dragon, he still has to lie down in front of our Five Planets." The middle-aged woman said in a sharp voice.

"Stop arguing. I have made a decision on this matter, and Elder Nado may not be unaware of these things. Since he has not stopped him, let us see what Wang Lin has." The black man with the mole under his right eye The old man in the robe flicked his big sleeves and spoke in a cold voice.

As he swung his sleeves, the void between the four people immediately became distorted, and then turned into a mirror. In the mirror, it was Wang Lin who was walking in the interlacing five circles!

At the same time, on the ninth floor of the tower, two people were sitting cross-legged. They were both middle-aged. One of them was wearing a colorful robe, with a calm expression, and looked up with a strange light in his eyes. The sky outside the tower.

This person's appearance, if Wang Lin were here, he would recognize him at a glance. He is the Nado whom Suzaku Star met before! !

Over the years, there are no traces of boats on Nado's body. He is still the same as before, looking at the sky with a smile on Nado's lips.

"He was just a Nascent Soul cultivator back then. Over the past thousand years, he has grown to such a height... Even I am no longer his opponent.,,

"I am not his opponent, but what does it matter? We are just their descendants after all. It is enough to guard this place." The middle-aged man sitting opposite Nado "wears purple clothes and has a rather handsome appearance." Handsome, he laughed after hearing Nadeau's words.

"If an enemy really comes in, we don't need to take action. Any of the ancestors on the upper floors can wake up at will and it will be enough to resolve everything. But having said that, do you think Wang Lin can get out of the Five Elements Formation?"

"The five elements may be possible, but under the nine turns, he should not be able to get out of the third turn! You must know that this formation was set up by nine ancestors at the same time. Even though so many years have passed, it is definitely not something that ordinary people can break. ! I generally know Wang Lin’s cultivation level, he is only in the middle stage of ethereal stage,” Nado said with a smile.

"In this case, let's just treat it as watching a show.

,, the middle-aged man also smiled, looked outside the tower, and spoke leisurely.

Outside the five planets, within the five rings of light, Wang Lin looked as usual and walked forward step by step. The roaring sounds from the rings around him echoed in his ears, but none of this could hurt Wang Lin at all.

His ancient Taoist body is so strong that these magical powers can break through it. As he moves forward, the power of the five elements continues to transform. Sometimes the flames surge into the sky, sometimes the wind and sand turn into storms, and there are even angry seas that cover the sky, mixed with the screams of thousands of gold, There was even a wood spirit roaring and rushing toward him.

Wang Lin's footsteps didn't stop at all. He was fully prepared when he came to these five planets. Even if it was a dragon's pool and a tiger's den, he had to break into it!

There is a second variable besides Tianyunzi hidden here. Wang Lin doesn’t know how much hidden power this variable has. In this case, it will be extremely detrimental to the search for the third soul!

The purpose of his coming here is to lift the veil of this variable. He wants to know clearly how strong the power hidden by the other party is!

Only in this way can Wang Lin feel at ease!

He is not arrogant enough to think that he can crush this power, but he is confident that no matter how strong the opponent is, if Wang Lin wants to leave, no one will dare to stop him!

Without this confidence, he would never have set foot here alone!

As he took a step, the five elements of magical power continued to roar and collapse around Wang Lin. Until Wang Lin took the fourteenth step, he penetrated deep into the five interlaced rings of light outside the five planets!

The light here was bright and dazzling, and the power of the five elements suddenly changed. Everything surrounding Wang Lin suddenly turned into the power of the five elements of earth!

Everything that had appeared before was just the periphery. What Wang Lin had to face now was the first of the real Five Elements Formations, the Earth Formation!

When Wang Lin entered the five elements halo and the earth formation was activated and opened, his vision immediately blurred, as if he was in another world.

In this world, there is only earth and no sky! Below is the endless earth. Looking up, the place that should be the sky is also an upside-down earth! Baidu Xianniba is the fastest

Pieces of soil particles fell from the upside-down earth above, like rain. In front, there was a roaring storm, connecting the upper and lower earth. The storm was not one, but nine. Nine storms surrounded Wang Lin, howling. The sound shook this place and sent endless echoes.

At the same time, the nine storms that rolled in were extremely fast, approaching suddenly almost instantly. Thousands of feet away around Wang Lin, they suddenly turned into nine huge human faces. These nine faces were made of dirt and sand. Formed, he roared straight towards Wang Lin and said, "Come on

The ground under Wang Lin's feet was shaking even more, and the layers were rolling back, squirming like an ocean, as if there were strange and ferocious beasts hidden within.

The roar was raging in his ears, Wang Lin looked calm and looked at everything coldly.

"It's just a five-element formation spirit, but Wang hasn't taken it seriously yet!" Wang Lin took a step forward and was in front of a human face. When the face roared and swallowed him, Wang Lin clenched his right hand into a fist. Blast forward and blast away!

With a bang, the sandy face collapsed, and a large amount of soil flowed away from Wang Lin. Wang Lin turned around fiercely, approached the second face in a flash, and punched it away again!

The roar continued. Wang Lin took nine steps and punched out nine punches. The nine faces all collapsed. But at this moment, in this strange world, the earth hanging upside down was squirming and violently moving downwards. squeezed from the ground.

At the same time, the earth below was lifted up by the vibration. All of this happened in an instant. In the blink of an eye, the two continent-like earths above and below gathered together, and with a bang, Wang Lin's body was blown away. The figure is submerged.

In the Five Planets Tower, the four old men in black robes all focused their gazes on the huge mirror. When they saw this scene, the old men in black robes laughed.

"How can the Earth Formation be so easy to break? Wang Lin is here to avoid some of his friends overestimating their abilities. Even if he is on his third step, it will still take some trouble to break through the Earth Formation."

"That's right, this is the second transformation of the Earth Formation. There will be seven changes next. I think Wang Lin will be seriously injured even if he survives the Earth Formation." The middle-aged woman's voice was sharp and she stared at the mirror. Wang Lin inside showed a look of hatred and pleasure.

"Wang Lin, you and Situ Nan are acquainted, today you accept the punishment on behalf of the unfaithful person!,,

The other two people were stunned for a moment and then frowned. They looked at each other and both felt that something was wrong. It seemed to be going too smoothly.

At this moment, the time in the mirror suddenly changed. This drastic change immediately interrupted the laughter of the old man in black robe and the middle-aged woman. The moment they saw everything clearly, the two of them His expression changed immediately.

But in the mirror, the condensed earth had been completely closed, pressing Wang Lin tightly in the middle. There was no gap in the closure, but at this moment, the two pieces of earth were emitting a shocking roar." The roar was very rhythmic, boom, boom, boom, as if someone inside was punching away calmly.

Cracks suddenly appeared on the ground. The cracks became more and more numerous. In the end, they suddenly collapsed and split into pieces. Wang Lin's expression did not change at all as he walked out of the collapsed earth step by step.

If only this was the case, it was not enough to shock the black-robed man and the middle-aged woman. They saw with horror that Wang Lin in the mirror raised his right hand and did not know what kind of magical power he used. Suddenly, the collapsed earth exploded. ", turned into countless soil particles" and headed straight for Wang Lin. As it whirled outside his body, it finally shrank strangely and condensed on the palm of Wang Lin's right hand!

Turned into a handful of soil!

This handful of soil "reveals a rich spirituality, which is the spirit of the Five Elements Earth Formation!"

The four of them were silent, and the old man in black robe took a breath, with shock in his eyes. He stared blankly at Wang Lin holding his right hand in the mirror, watching the handful of soil disappear, and looking at Wang Lin in the mirror. Raising his head and looking sharply at himself, the old man subconsciously exclaimed.

It wasn't just him. "The moment Wang Lin glanced at Wang Lin in the mirror," the middle-aged woman and the other two people all felt numb and retreated.

"It's impossible for him to find us, we are outside the formation!!,,

"He...he actually accepted the spirit of the earth!!,,

On the tenth floor of the tower, Nado kept staring at the sky outside the tower and gradually frowned.

"It would be okay if he just broke through the earth formation, but he actually took away the earth ghosts... He is indeed a Wuxi warrior with a great reputation... He is indeed very strong," the middle-aged man opposite Nado said softly.

"No problem, the Five Elements still have the power of the four levels and the last nine turns. Let's see how he can take it!" Naduo's eyes showed a cold light. He and Wang Lin were not friends at all, and they had known each other for more than a thousand years. It has long since dissipated by the middle of the year.

"At this moment," no one in the entire cave world noticed that a piece of blood appeared in the starry sky of the Kunxu Star Region. This blood disappeared in a flash and turned into a black young man.

This young man was wearing a black gown. He glanced around and then his eyes fell into the distance, with a cheerful smile on his face.

"Where is he... Anyway, I don't understand this child's character, so I followed him to check."

In the next time, Ergen will not rest, but will outline and carefully consider the final plot of the cave world. Several people will also have to think about how to write.

I don’t want the quality to be affected by the competition for monthly tickets. Outlining takes more time than writing one more chapter. I understand, even though today is two chapters, give me your monthly ticket, thank you.











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