Renegade Immortal

Volume 11 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1737 Idealism!

At the moment when the five planets were rotating in Wang Lin's eyes, on the ninth floor of the tower within the five planets, the gloom and solemnity on the face of the old man in gold robes disappeared, and a sinister smile gradually appeared.

"The nine-turn heart chakra, even in the Xiangang Continent, few people can break it. The focus of this array is on the heart. The faster the heart beats, the harder it is to break this array!

You just said that this person was extremely cunning and had a high level of intelligence on the Suzaku Star. So now, after so many years, not only has he not died, but his cultivation has greatly increased. He must have experienced life and death over and over again, so his mind has been tempered in this temper. , he must have become a demon!

The smarter the person, the harder it is to struggle out of this nine-turn heart chakra! He is still in the first turn now. The further back he goes, the more murderous he will be. Once he reaches the ninth turn, this person will be trapped here for the rest of his life until his mind is exhausted and he dies! "

"With the ancestor sitting in charge, this person absolutely cannot get out. When Yibanduo heard this, he smiled and bowed to the old man with his fists in his hands. With a look of reverence in his eyes, he spoke.

The old man in gold robe laughed, looked down at his right arm, and a flash of resentment flashed in his eyes. Until now, his right arm is still hurting, and even if he is running his immortal power, he can't slow down the cultivation. At the same time, Xuan Luo Tianzun, who is always standing there observing in the starry sky at the outermost part of the five planets, has both hands at this moment. His eyes narrowed.

"Although this Nine Turns Heart Chakra Array is average in power, it is extremely difficult for monks who don't understand its structure to break it... I'm afraid this kid won't be able to break it..., that's all, take another look, if you are trapped Inside, I will take action."

Xuanluo Great Heavenly Lord shook his head slightly. He did not expect Wang Lin to break through the famous formation of the Immortal Gang Continent's unified sect, but there was still a trace of hope in his heart.

It's just that this expectation is very weak. Even he himself laughed dumbly after noticing this glimmer of expectation.

"Don't expect too much from him... Even the Daogu Emperor of this generation will definitely be trapped if he has never seen this formation and breaks in rashly!

Next to the five planets, Wang Lin looked solemn and stared at the huge five planets. However, the more he looked at them, the faster the rotation of the five planets accelerated.

At the beginning, it was just rotating slowly, but now it is several times faster. Under its continuous rotation, Wang Lin felt a stinging and dizzy feeling in his eyes, and his mind was even more anxious in the gaze just now. consumption. This sight shocked Wang Lin and he closed his eyes without hesitation. But even with his eyes closed, his consciousness could still see the five planets whizzing around without any pause.

"What kind of formation restriction is this!!" His eyes suddenly opened, Wang Lin's expression was extremely gloomy, no matter whether he looked at it or not, closed or opened his eyes, or looked in other directions to ignore the star, but his spiritual consciousness observed, This star is spinning, still the same!


Nine breaths passed, and at the moment of the tenth breath, the rotation of the five planets suddenly accelerated. This speed immediately made Wang Lin's dizzy feeling more intense, and a large amount of mental wear and tear was dissipated without his control.

Wang Lin had never experienced such a strange thing in his life, and he couldn't figure out why it happened. What kind of restrictions existed here!

Wang Lin's eyes flashed coldly, and without any hesitation, he straightened up and stepped forward!

"Even though this star is weird, it's not far away from me right now. I just ignore it and go straight to this star!" Wang Lin is very fast in his obsession. If he takes one step, he will have an endless range. But after one step, Wang Lin It's the sleeping hole that suddenly shrinks. He found that after he was supposed to take a step into the five planets, he seemed to be standing still after falling. The five planets were still turning in front of him, and the distance between the two sides was not even half..., as if Wang Lin When it moves, the five planets also move!

Wang Lin was silent. At this moment, the second nine breaths passed. The formation entered the third rotation. The rotation speed of the five planets increased sharply again. In Wang Lin's view, the five planets had already formed shapes.

"What kind of formation is this! So weird!" Under the constant rotation of the five planets, Wang Lin felt vaguely irritated. This irritability did not come suddenly, as if it had already existed, but it was just here. The moment they appeared, the rotation of the five planets in Wang Lin's eyes suddenly exploded.

This sudden increase suddenly caused the rotation of the five planets to appear in a large area. At a glance, it seemed that the movement had become a huge cyclone.

Wang Lin's face was slightly pale, and the irritability in his heart could not be suppressed at all. It was getting stronger and stronger. Likewise, the rotation of the five planets was getting faster and faster!

"Something's wrong!" Wang Lin didn't hesitate and retreated suddenly, about to leave here, but no matter how fast he retreated, from his perspective, the distance to the five planets did not decrease at all! ! This extremely strange change shocked Wang Lin's mind, and he became more and more irritated. At this moment, the fourth nine breaths passed, and the five planets entered the fifth revolution.

After entering the fifth revolution, due to Wang Lin's irritability, the five planets had completely changed. They no longer looked like any cultivation stars, but turned into circles of circular vortexes, intertwined with each other, extremely fast. of rotation. Wang Lin's body trembled and his chest felt tight. With the rotation of the five planets, Wang Lin felt as if the sky and the earth were spinning, as if the stars in the sky were also spinning. The only one not spinning was himself.

But precisely because of this contradictory change, Wang Lin seemed to be out of place here. The dizzy feeling made Wang Lin extremely painful, as if he was about to vomit like a mortal body. He staggered, took a few steps back, and his face turned pale. The eyes were filled with a lot of bloodshot eyes. He stared at the whirlpool, his expression not only irritated, but also crazy!

But with this madness, the rotation of the vortex increased violently again, and it was indescribably fast in an instant. Under the rotation, Wang Lin seemed to be unsteady on his feet, and his body seemed to be being pulled to rotate at the same time without even noticing it. stand up.

On the ninth floor of the Five-Planet Tower, the old man in golden robe looked at this scene with peach blossoms and burst into laughter. There was a cruel look in his eyes. The sky outside the Longevity Tower looked like contempt and disdain.

"It's already the fifth turn, and he can't escape. Even if the boss steps into it, if he reaches the fifth turn, he will never be able to escape. He can only spend his mind and energy in it, transferring all his life energy. People, if you want to break into my five planets, you are really overestimating your capabilities!! 1

Nado also had a smile on his face, but his eyes were pointed towards the sky outside the tower, with lingering fear. Although he is not as good at cultivating the Nine Turns Heart Chakra as the old man in gold robes, he has personally stepped into it, and that was a long time ago.

He was very aware of the horror within this formation. Back then, he fell into a coma in the third rotation and was rescued by his ancestor. It took him a long time to recover before he recovered. From then on, he only had awe and fear for the ninth rotation. Outside the five planets, Great Heavenly Lord Xuanluo shook his head gently and sighed secretly.

"It's better not to have expectations. Even if there is a trace of expectation, it will turn into disappointment. But it is extremely rare that he can persist until the fifth turn... That's all, let him experience it again. In the ninth turn, I will take action. . Yi Xuan Luo Great Heavenly Venerate is still a little disappointed in his heart, but he also understands that if he had not become Great Heavenly Venerate before, if he did not know the famous formation of the Immortal Gang Continent's unified sect, and he entered rashly, I am afraid that he would also in this way.

Wang Lin's face turned pale. At the moment of his fifth turn and ninth breath, Wang Lin spurted out a mouthful of blood. This blood was caused by the loss of his mind. His body turned slowly, but he forcibly stopped it.

The veins on Wang Lin's face bulged, and his mind was filled with madness and irritability. He stared at the five-planet vortex that was spinning rapidly and seemed to be reaching its limit, and stood there motionless. He knew that whether he looked at it or not, the whirlpool remained the same.

He understands that the whirlpool will continue to turn whether he wants it or not! He even more clearly understood that if his body rotated with it, then the whirlpool of the five planets would suck all of his mind into it. After being completely exhausted, only death would be waiting for him!

"Every nine breaths, the rotation of these five planets will suddenly increase..." Wang Lin endured the dizziness and the uncomfortable pain, forcing his mind to calm down and think.

"The nine breaths changed... and my confused judgment, the rotation intensified... I felt a moment of healing madness in my heart, no matter how fast the rotation..." The more Wang Lin thought and studied, the faster the rotation became. He cannot meditate.

He stared at the whirlpool of the five planets. The more he couldn't calm down, the more he wanted to think about it. He wanted to find out what was the reason why everything he saw and felt was spinning.

Soon, the sixth nine breaths passed, the seventh nine breaths passed, the eighth nine breaths... in a flash,

The old man in gold robes on the ninth floor of the Five Planets Tower shook his head, and with laughter, he led Nado out of the tower and stood in the sky.

"Ninth turn, this person is dead! Nado, follow me to collect this person's body!" The old man in gold robe laughed, and just as he was about to walk away, his laughter suddenly stopped, and there was disbelief in his eyes.

"It's slow!!! The rotation is actually slow!! Impossible, this is the ninth rotation, this...

Nado was also shocked. He was still smiling, but his smile immediately turned into shock.

Similarly, outside the five planets, Xuanluo Great Heavenly Lord shook his head, suppressing the disappointment in his heart, and raised his right hand and was about to take action. But the moment he raised his hand, his eyes suddenly focused and he slowly lowered his right hand. His heart, which had survived for eternity, began to beat violently at this moment. Within the formation, just before the first breath of the ninth revolution arrived, Wang Lin suddenly closed his eyes.

"My heart is beating... my heart is beating! My heart is beating, so God is moving, my body is moving, and everything is moving, so these five planets are also moving when I see them... All of this is because my heart is not calm!" In Wang Lin's eyes, the bloodshot eyes disappeared, the madness disappeared, the irritability disappeared, and what was left was only an ancient well of calm!

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