Renegade Immortal

Volume 11 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1740 Uncle Ma!

There was a blur in the wind and sand. Wang Lin shrank and hugged himself into a ball. The fist of the wooden man on the outside came with a bang. The punch was not very powerful, but it contained the power of the old man at this moment. Through the armor, he achieved the magical power of the late Kongxuan period.

This is not a punch of strength, but a punch of supernatural power!

The moment the fist fell, the wind and sand shrank rapidly, rushing straight towards Wang Lin's body inside, as if it was about to tear it apart.

The roaring sound was earth-shaking at this moment, and the five planets were whirling wildly, spreading in all directions, and even the five planets were heard, echoing in the starry sky.

Wang Lin's body was impacted by the two original powers from wood and earth. Daogu Immortality suddenly erupted and enveloped his body. He continued to recover under the impact, preventing Wang Lin from dying!

At the moment when these two sources of power hit, Wang Lin's body took advantage of the force and suddenly bounced away from the group. Like an arrow leaving the string, he rushed away from the surrounding sand storm with a roar. , and bounced straight into the distance!

His speed is too fast. In addition to his own Daogu and cultivation power, this speed also contains all the power of the old man Kong Xuan in the late stage. This power, if it were not for Wang Lin's Daogu immortal magical power, he would be Even the current physical body will definitely collapse and die!

But with the protection of this ancient immortal magical power, as long as the time is not long, in this short moment, Wang Lin's body will not be destroyed!

With the help of the opponent's power, Wang Lin's speed has exceeded Kong Xuan's limit, and he is almost similar to those who have survived several Xuan tribulations. At this moment, when he rushes out, the world roars, and the five planets seem to collapse, leaving only The rainbow transformed by Wang Lin seemed to be about to burst out of the cave world!

This Changhong went straight to the tall tower protected by the aperture in the distance, and met the aperture in an instant. However, it was Wang Lin who used himself as the most powerful magic weapon to break through the tower's protection in one fell swoop!

The aperture outside the tower made a clicking sound and twisted immediately, but before it completely collapsed, it shattered where Wang Lin's body touched, causing Wang Lin's body to rush directly in!

It wasn't until he rushed in that the aperture could keep up with his speed, and it collapsed into fragments on a large scale and rolled back.

Wang Lin's body broke through the aperture without any pause, and with that strong force, shrouded by the immortal Daogu, he crashed into the second floor of the tower with a loud bang.

When the tower shook, a huge gap was opened by Wang Lin. The fragments turned into dust and spread out, quickly dissipating in front of Wang Lin's eyes.

The moment Wang Lin broke into the second floor, he saw at a glance the center of the second floor.

Walking cross-legged was an old man whose whole body was filled with the power of the Five Elements.

Although the old man's skin is aging, his hair is indeed black! He was sitting cross-legged and breathing, as if he was practicing some magical power in seclusion. At this moment, Wang Lin suddenly broke in and shocked his mind. The old man opened his eyes suddenly!

The moment he saw the other person's eyes, Wang Lin's heart roared! !

If this old man looked younger, he would look exactly like Nado! ! And in the pupils of this old man’s eyes, there are nine heart chakras spinning around!

"Get out!!" A shocking low roar roared from the second floor, carrying a wave of anger that spread throughout the five planets. This voice made the old man in armor who came out from the third floor tremble. , with a look of awe and fear in his eyes.

Even Yun Yifeng's lazy expression immediately dissipated and turned into one of reverence.

All outsiders who were awake at the moment were trembling, obviously extremely afraid of the owner of this voice.

This voice entered Wang Lin's mind, and his Daogu Immortal Body immediately showed signs of collapse. A mouthful of blood spurted out from his brain, and his body quickly retreated uncontrollably, as if he was being yelled at by the other party. , we must force out this second level!

There is a huge gap between the two sides in terms of cultivation!

But Wang Lin was not willing to be kicked out like this. He had not yet seen the people on the first floor. At this moment, his eyes flashed, revealing a decisive and ruthless look.

Wang Lin was ruthless, not only to others, but also to himself. As he was retreating and raising his right hand, there was a flash of blood, but the blood sword came out, and his body was blasted by the roar. The moment he came out of the tower, he gritted his teeth and fought for his body to be injured, and swung his right hand outward fiercely!

With this swing, the bloody sword roared out and went straight to the first floor! At the same time, Wang Lin spurted out blood again, raised his left hand, and thrust towards the second layer.

"How courageous!!" At this moment, the old man in the second floor stood up, his eyes were indifferent, and he raised his right hand to grab the blood sword in the air.

But at this moment, the finger of Wang Lin's left hand that he had pointed out in advance unleashed his magical power!


Wang Lin has tried his best. He knows that under the protection of his immortal body, even if he is seriously injured, he will never die. Since he will not die, then he can try his best!

And even if he is seriously injured, he still has the means to leave here!

Under the Immobilization Technique, the old man raised his right hand to grab the blood sword and immediately paused. This meal collapsed in an instant. Wang Lin was counterattacked by the Immobilization Technique. His body was roaring, and there was immediately a large amount of sweat in the pores of his body. Blood mist spurted out. But all this is worth it in his opinion! !

The old man's meal caused the blood sword to rush into the first floor of the tower with a bang, opening a three-inch gap, and flashed past in the other direction of the tower!

Wang Lin retreated, staring at the three-inch gap with shock in his eyes!

He saw that there were no monks on the first floor, only a set of black armor! ! The black color of this armor is like the night, capable of swallowing up all light!

Wang Lin retreated quickly, and blood spurted out from his mouth again. As he retreated, there was a flash of blood outside the tower. Just as he was about to retract the blood sword, he was grabbed by a white hand.

It was the old man on the second floor who stepped out of the tower and grabbed the bloody sword! No matter how hard the sword struggled in his hands, he could not break free.

"Welcome Brother Ma." Outside the tower, the old man wearing wood and earth armor looked extremely respectful at the moment, clasping his fists and speaking in a low voice.

"I've met Uncle Ma.

"And Yun Yifeng, who was arrogant in his heart, also looked serious at this moment, with fanatical reverence in his eyes, cupping his fists and whispering.

"I've seen Brother Ma." The three people who had been blocked by the collapse of Daogu's shadow in the distance all bowed with their fists clasped and their expressions were respectful.

Wang Lin retreated to a distance and stared at this scene. He already understood that he had forced out all the foreign monks on the five planets. If the old man named Ma was younger, he would look exactly like Nado. Obviously That's what the Shanlei Clan saw as the leader of the foreign monks!

The nails have been pulled out, and everything about the other party is no longer hidden in the dark, but has been clearly seen by Wang Lin. Now, he will no longer choose to stay here, but leave!

With a determined mind, Wang Lin still did not panic even though he was seriously injured at the moment. Instead, he stepped back and raised his right hand to point to the sky.

The moment his right hand pointed to the sky, the old man surnamed Ma who walked out from the second floor stared at Wang Lin with a cold light in his eyes, took a step forward, and was approaching in an instant.

"You deserve to die for interfering with my practice!"

"You take one more step and you deserve to die!" The moment the old man surnamed Ma spoke, Wang Lin suddenly spoke in a cold voice. There was still blood at the corner of his mouth, but these words were decisive!

The sky suddenly darkened, as if a huge figure covered the sky. At the same time, a pair of huge eyes appeared in the sky!

These eyes are ruthless and without any color, as if all living things are in their eyes, no different from a grain of dust.

The old man surnamed Ma was suddenly startled. He raised his head and looked at the eyes in the sky. The pupils of his eyes suddenly shrank. His footsteps immediately stopped, and he did not dare to take another step! !

Being stared at by those eyes, the old man surnamed Ma stirred up huge waves in his heart. His expression changed rapidly, with a hint of disbelief, and even more shock and horror that could not be concealed were clearly revealed from his expression.

Apart from him, the one who didn't dare to move was the old man in wood and earth armor. The old man's whole body was shaken at this moment. His face turned pale when he looked at his eyes in the sky. When he was swept by that gaze, his heart immediately roared. stand up.

There were also three other people around, all of them trembled, frightened by the eyes in the sky.

Yun Yifeng was stunned for a moment, and his eyes were replaced by shock. He looked sharply at the old man named Ma. After seeing the other man's expression, his face immediately turned pale.

"What a blessing..." The old man surnamed Ma was silent. After a long time, he looked deeply at Wang Lin, with murderous intent and greed hidden in his eyes, but he still did not dare to take a step.

He doesn't dare to gamble!

"Give me the sword!" Wang Lin slowly stepped back and stepped into the sky with one step. The position where he was located, as seen by everyone below, was between the eyebrows of those ruthless eyes.

The old man surnamed Ma clenched his right hand tightly, clutching the blood sword tightly. After a moment of silence, he suddenly raised his head, stared at Wang Lin, and spoke slowly.

"The way of heaven is in your hands. I'm surprised. However, if I don't believe in the way of heaven, you have the power to swallow me! Otherwise, you wouldn't have been so injured!" The old man surnamed Ma said, raised his right foot, and slowly The ground was about to fall, but his eyes were fixed on Wang Lin, not letting go of any change in his expression.

"It's true that I can't swallow it, but you still have to return that sword to me." Wang Lin smiled slightly and spoke softly.

His verbal admission made the old man named Ma frown and feel a little unsure. The raised steps stopped and he could not put them down. He stared at Wang Lin for a long time, but he did not get any clues from the other person's expression.

"Since he dares to come, he must have someone to support him..."

"Give me the sword within three breaths!" A cold light flashed in Wang Lin's eyes.

Three breaths passed in an instant, and the old man surnamed Ma finally took back his steps. He swung his right hand forward, and the bloody sword went straight to Wang Lin. Wang Lin did not catch it, but the illusory netherworld emerged from behind him. The beast suddenly opened its mouth and swallowed the bloody sword.

"Farewell!" Wang Lin clasped his fists, stepped back, and exited the five planets directly, stepping into the starry sky!

Three thousand avenues, three hundred alliance leaders! Thanks to Palido and Boring to come to Shule, fellow Taoist priests have joined the ranks of the leaders of the Immortal Rebellion Alliance. With the third step of being a powerful person, they will follow the Immortal Rebellion King Lin to bravely enter the five planets. Er Gen is extremely honored and has given the forbidden origin as a special gift, which will definitely become famous in the Immortal Gang Continent in the future! At the same time, I would also like to thank fellow Taoists Ziyue Yue, Hao, Zui Xin Lou, and Ni Yao Ni Mo for finding a unique way to achieve the three-step powerful body. Ergen has benefited a lot. I will send you the ancient mirror magic weapon to express my gratitude!

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