Renegade Immortal

Volume 11 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1757 Chess Game!

Did you set the rules? One by one, it doesn’t matter if Wang steps in." Wang Lin stepped forward and scanned it with his spiritual consciousness, only to see some clues from the third cultivation star.

The rules here are very likely to be like playing chess. The divine consciousness is separated and integrated into the soldiers below. They use their mortal bodies to face this million-person battle that kills Tao Tian!

Moreover, the cultivation level was completely suppressed and unable to fully explode.

"The White Tiger will become a general, and the people from the five planets will become an army. This is what Bai Hu thinks is the advantage! The three hundred remaining realms here cannot seal the bloodline, but if the power of the entire realm is used on two or three people, it can be The bloodline is suppressed, even the bloodline is suppressed, let alone the cultivation level. The white tiger is not only an immortal, but also cultivates the power of the physical body. Although the immortal bloodline is also suppressed, his physical body is still strong, although it has also been suppressed a lot. , but the fierceness is still there, so he became a general!

As for those people with five planets, they do not cultivate the body and are like scribes. In this way, they are naturally divided into soldiers and generals! "

Wang Lin narrowed his eyes, showing wisdom.

"The rules here suppress cultivation. White Tiger is an immortal, and when he saw me using Li Guang Gong, he should have sensed that there is no immortal blood in my body. The reason why I can use Li Guang Gong is because of the immortal blood!

As a result, here, for me, a person without immortal blood, my cultivation will be severely suppressed. Even if my spiritual consciousness turns into a soldier, it will only be an ordinary mortal. And because of their bloodline power, even though they were suppressed, they were still able to exert some of their power.

This is what he thinks is his advantage! And because he believes that I do not have immortal blood, it will not have a burdensome impact on the rules of this world, and will not let the rules be diluted by allocating more power to suppress new people with blood.

He may also know that I have ancient Taoist heritage and the body of an ancient god, but he never knows that my ancient Taoist heritage also has the power of blood. Although this bloodline will be suppressed, in conjunction with my cultivation, not only is it not weak to the white tiger, On the contrary, it is stronger! "Wang Lin took a decisive step forward.

Taking one step forward, the moment he stepped into this world, a loud roar erupted from the remaining world. While reverberating in the starry sky, it seemed as if the heaven and earth were torn apart, and a force was forcibly integrated into it, slightly dispersing the white tiger's determination. the rule of!

As Wang Lin expected, applying the power of the entire world to two people may suppress more than 90% of the bloodline. But if a third person appears and also has the power of the bloodline, then the suppression will be spread out and the effect will be spread. will inevitably decrease.

The moment Wang Lin entered this world, on the third cultivation star, the eyes of the five-planet middle-aged man shone brightly. He clearly felt that the blood in his body was loosened by the force of suppression. At the same time, his spiritual consciousness transformed into The soldiers below immediately emitted a golden light!

This golden light is very faint,

But being surrounded by this soldier refreshed his spirit. Even the spear in his hand seemed to be a sharp blade. Several enemy soldiers who were fighting in the way were directly killed by this man.

The white tiger's expression changed even more, and there was a look of disbelief in his eyes. As Wang Lin thought, he did not think that Wang Lin had the power of blood, but the current changes in the rules of this world made his mind shake.

"He actually has the power of blood!! It's impossible. I clearly didn't feel the existence of immortal blood in his body. Even if there was, it was only integrated into Li Guanggong!"

As soon as Wang Lin's body entered the residual world, he immediately twisted and dissipated in an instant. When he appeared, he was in the sky above the third cultivation star, forming a triangle with the white tiger and the people from the five planets!

The moment Wang Lin arrived, his consciousness branched out without his own control and went straight to the battlefield below. Among the enemies of the White Tiger General, he immediately merged with an ordinary soldier.

The soldier held a long knife in his hand, and he was raising the knife to slash at the enemy in front. However, he did not notice that far behind him, the white-armored general transformed into the White Tiger War General pulled out a long spear from the saddle and roared. With a fierce swing, the spear roared and flew straight towards the soldiers with Wang Lin's spiritual consciousness integrated into it!

After Wang Lin's consciousness merged into the soldier's mind, he paused for a moment. His eyes flashed, and his hair turned white. His appearance became blurry, and he transformed into Wang Lin in an instant.

He raised the long knife and was about to drop it. He held it in his hand and turned around violently. He roared and slashed behind him, and then it collided with the flying spear.

With a bang, the spear was cut in half by Wang Lin's knife! It whizzed past him, penetrated into the chest of the enemy soldier behind Wang Lin, and nailed the enemy soldier's body to the soil on the ground. After the gun was fired, the soldier transformed by Wang Lin's consciousness suddenly raised his head and stared at the general riding on the white horse outside the thousands of troops!

At this moment, in the sky of this killing plain, Wang Lin himself was sitting cross-legged, with a cold expression on his lips.

The rule here is to play chess. The chessboard contains millions of troops below. As for the chess pieces, they are the soldiers and generals transformed by the consciousness of each of the three people!

General White Tiger looked gloomy and glanced at Wang Lin. Suo Sheng closed his eyes and concentrated on the general who was transformed by his consciousness below.

The white-armored general's eyes were filled with cold light. He raised his right hand and pointed at the soldiers transformed by Wang Lin's consciousness in the distance. Immediately, there was black energy around him, and he transformed into ten black-armored soldiers. With cold faces, he rushed towards Entering the battlefield, heading towards Wang Lin.

Wang Lin smiled ferociously. Being in this battlefield, all he could hear was fighting, screams, and roars. All the sounds merged together and turned into the most spectacular music in the world!

Under this music, the blood will boil. Wang Lintian wiped the blood on his knife and stepped forward fiercely. He was wearing the armor of an ordinary soldier. As he moved forward, he cut down all the enemy soldiers in front of him with his low roar. open! Every time a person is killed, it will turn into a wisp of tobacco and merge into Wang Lin's body after death. Slowly, black energy will linger outside Wang Lin's body, looking like a fierce god.

Wang Lin knew that all the soldiers here were false. They were the rules established by the White Tiger Warlord. They were just chessboards, and everything was prepared for the three of them to play chess!

Kill kill kill! As Wang Lin continued to move forward, his right hand was like an iron branding the sword, sweeping in front of him. As soon as an enemy soldier approached, Wang Lin roared, jumped up, and directly stepped on the man's head, using his strength. As if taking off, the long sword in mid-air was like a crescent moon, falling towards the first black-armored soldier approaching below!

The black-armored soldier looked horrified and raised his head sharply. He saw that behind Wang Lin was the dark sky. There was a blood moon in the sky, and Wang Lin's figure replaced the blood moon and came ferociously!

The black-armored soldier hurriedly raised the big shield in his hand and was about to strike Wang Lin's shocking sword!

The light of the sword flashed, and screams rose up, causing everyone around to tremble and look around. They saw Wang Lin falling down and slashing the shield with his sword. The shield collapsed and shattered. Wang Lin's sword whizzed, and the sword was cut into pieces. This black-armored soldier was cut in half from head to body!

A large amount of black energy emerged from the body of the dead black-armored soldier and poured into Wang Lin's body, killing nearly a hundred people in a row. After killing a black-armored soldier who transformed into a white tiger, the black energy filled the outside of Wang Lin's body. Already as rich as black flames.

At this moment, as the clicking sound reverberated, all the black energy outside Wang Lin's body condensed and shrank, suddenly turning into a set of black armor, which was worn on Wang Lin's body, matching his white hair, which was shocking. !

The knife in his hand also became black and longer, like a crescent moon!

Raising his sword and smiling, Wang Lin wore this black armor and stepped forward. He waved his sword and killed more people. After half a stick of incense, the ten black-armored soldiers transformed by the white-armored general were all buried. Wang Lin's sword!

After killing these nine people, Wang Lin's armor almost covered his whole body, leaving only his head without a helmet. He stood among a group of soldiers, looking extremely majestic!

The five-planet middle-aged man who was also playing chess and whose consciousness became a chess piece, the soldiers transformed by his consciousness were surrounded by golden light. After killing several people in a row, the golden light on his body flashed and turned into a set of golden armor. This armor is very simple and far inferior to Wang Lin's.

This scene made the white tiger general in the sky suddenly open his eyes, his expression was extremely gloomy, and his veins were bulging! He took a deep breath and closed his eyes again.

The white armor transformed by his spiritual consciousness came down, and another spear came out from the saddle with his right hand, and at the same time he stepped back, trying to open the distance between him and Wang Lin.

But how could Wang Lin let him do so? He understood that his time was short. This time he entered this world, he had to end the battle as soon as possible, and there was no room for wasting time. Seeing the white armor coming and retreating, Wang Lin looked up to the sky and let out a low roar, and the long sword in his right hand struck the ground fiercely. With a sudden shock, he jumped up again with the power of this shock, stepped on the soldiers' heads continuously, and roared straight ahead!

With every step he took, all the people he stepped on turned into black energy and merged into Wang Lin's body. After taking a hundred feet in a row, the black energy that filled his body condensed and shrank again, and in the midst of a shocking and violent horse neighing, he suddenly Transformed into a black horse, Wang Lin rode on the horse's back, his whole body was like a black whirlwind, and no one was alive wherever it passed. !

Go straight to Bai Jia Advent!

The leader in white armor who was retreating changed his expression. He stared at Wang Lin who was riding a black horse roaring thousands of feet away. He held the spear in his hand tighter!

At this moment, in another residual world, Taoist Qicai looked gloomy. He had walked through nearly a hundred realms in succession, but still could not find Wang Lin. At this moment, anxiously, he raised his right hand and tore it fiercely towards the starry sky. With a roar, he tore open. He found a gap and stepped directly into it.

Suddenly, he paused and his eyes showed ecstasy. He felt Wang Lin's aura! Although this aura is no longer in this world, it is not far away from him. Taoist Qicai flashed his body, opened a gap again, and got in.

"We're close, I can feel that he's not far ahead!!" Taoist Qicai's eyes showed excitement.

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