Renegade Immortal

Volume 11 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1762 Small Decisive Battle

An old man wearing a coarse green shirt was walking forward in one of the starry sky at this moment, but just after taking a few steps, he suddenly raised his head and a strange light appeared in his eyes.

"Whose war incense is lighting this... Could it be that he has discovered something..." The old man swayed, and a vortex appeared in front of him, following the scent.

A middle-aged man wearing a purple robe was sitting cross-legged on a cultivation star in another world. He spread out and searched carefully. Suddenly his nose moved, as if he smelled something. His eyes flashed and he immediately disappeared without thinking. .

All the disciples of the Seven Dao Sects from the ancient immortal realm outside the realm were aware of the burning incense in the first realm and moved in unison.

There was also the sixth concubine who also entered the core of the cave, and the third concubine who met Wang Lin and was still a virgin. The two of them were in different realms and noticed the incense smell of the seven sects at the same time. There was a look of resentment in the eyes of the sixth concubine. She had a lucky escape in Wang Lin's hands back then, but now she bit her silver teeth and immediately left in pursuit of the fragrance.

As for the third concubine, this goddess had a cold complexion and a complex look in her eyes. She hesitated for a moment, not knowing whether she should go or not. Her purpose of coming to the core of the cave was completely different from the others. She had only one purpose, which was to go home. !

She missed her hometown and her master. She wanted to leave this cave world and return to the Xiangang Continent.

Hesitating, she bit her tongue and disappeared.

In addition to burning incense as a guide, there was also the jade slip in Zixia's hand. The moment the jade slip shattered, within the Three Hundred Remnant Realm, the three generals Qinglong, Xuanwu, and Suzaku felt something at the same time. , and go looking for the sound in sequence.

There was also the old ghost Zhan who was following a group of monks, frowning and vaguely suspicious. After the jade slip was broken, his body suddenly froze, and his expression immediately became gloomy. He turned around and looked behind him, with a flash of light in his eyes. With murderous intent, he immediately turned around and left.

Let’s talk about the colorful Taoist. He kept passing through, and the barrier connecting the worlds could no longer bear it, and collapsed suddenly. But at the moment of collapse, the colorful light flashed, completely solidifying its collapse.

Qicai stood there, looking at the empty space in front of him. Wang Lin's aura dissipated as the barrier collapsed, causing Qicai Taoist to immediately guess the cause and effect. His eyes revealed the wrath of Tao Tian, ​​and he let out a crazy cry. He turned around sharply at the roar and stared behind him.

"Wang Lin, if I don't kill you, I will never give up!!" The colorful body took a step forward and disappeared in an instant. Where Wang Lin was, the dual attraction of burning incense and jade slips emitted the slightest hint of concealment. Breath, this breath is like the black smoke in the sky during the day, which can be clearly felt by everyone.

Qicai also noticed it at this moment,

The full speed is approaching suddenly.

Wang Lin's clone sat there calmly, holding Li Guanggong in his right hand. The bow was curved like a crescent moon. One end of the bow touched the yellow sand on the ground and sank three inches deep.

Wang Lin held the bow and closed his eyes. Looking from a distance, he seemed to be no longer a monk, but a hunter waiting for his prey.

After a long time, whirlpools suddenly appeared in the star field where he was, and from the large number of whirlpools, people who came looking for them walked out one by one.

Among the four generals, except Bai Hu, the other three came. The sixth concubine and the third concubine also appeared, as well as several disciples of the Seventh Dao Sect from the ancient immortal realm outside the world, headed by the old man in a rough blue shirt.

Palm Master and Tao Master Lan Meng also appeared in this star field amidst the roar of the whirlpool. The two of them looked slightly tired. When they looked at each other, they both had a chill. Obviously, in these three hundred remnants of the world, they both had a chill. There was a fight inside.

There were many monks who came to this world, but after they appeared, no one took the first step towards the cultivation star where Wang Lin was, even though Wang Lin's aura was very clearly felt the moment they entered here.

The third concubine looked at the Cultivation Star in the distance with a very complicated expression. She didn't know whether she was an enemy or a friend of Wang Lin, and couldn't tell clearly.

Not long after, the old man surnamed Ma from the Five Planets and others walked out of the whirlpool that appeared. After scanning the crowd, they looked towards the Cultivation Star in the distance.

At this moment, a huge vortex appeared out of thin air, and was suddenly torn apart by the seven-colored light extending from it, causing the seven-colored light to flash, and the seven-colored Taoist appeared.

Almost at the same time that Qicai appeared, Old Ghost Zhan also walked out of the void. He was thousands of feet away from Taoist Qicai. The two looked at each other and looked away.

With a cold snort, Taoist Qicai took the lead and headed straight for the Cultivation Star in the distance. Old Ghost Zhan was a little behind and followed slowly. Behind them, everyone around them moved forward, except for the old man named Ma from Five Planets. , stood motionless in the starry sky, looking coldly.

And the third concubine also hesitated and did not take a step.

The figure of the colorful Taoist was the fastest, and he appeared outside the cultivation star in an instant. He took a careful look at the star, and frowned. With his cultivation, he could naturally see the clues on the star, especially the He felt the aura of the ferocious beast in the center of the earth that frightened him.

All this caused Qicai Taoist to pause and hesitate outside the cultivation star.

"This star cannot be refined... Once it is refined, it will definitely enrage the ferocious beast, and it will not be worth the gain... This Wang Lin must have considered this when he chose to wait here."

Almost at the moment when the colorful arrival stopped outside the cultivation star, Wang Lin suddenly opened his eyes on the yellow sand of this star. Calmness appeared in his eyes. He raised his left hand and patted it between his eyebrows. In the raised hand, there was a faint sound. Surrounded by light, it was the third hún that was taken out of the body by Wang Lin.

Letting go of his hand, the third hún floated a foot above Wang Lin's head. The light spread out in all directions, and its aura came out far away without any reservation.

To others, the desire of the third hún was far less intense than that of Qicai and Zhan Laogui. The moment the third hún floated out from Wang Lin's hand, to Qicai and Zhan Laogui, it was as if It’s putting their life’s longing in front of them so that they can take it away with their hands!

Such temptation is simply impossible for the two of them to resist!

"Anyone who comes within ten feet of Wang, this hún is very valuable!" Wang Lin's words swirled, and the star came out, and it fell into the starry sky and turned into a series of loud bangs.

The colorful eyes glowed red. At this moment, he no longer considered the existence of an ambush on this star. He rushed out in a flash. He thought that with his cultivation level, except for paying attention to the ferocious beasts sleeping in this star, he did not need to pay too much attention to the rest. .

"Since he is ambushing here, let him trap himself in a cocoon!" Qicai fell in one step, completely stepping into the cultivation star from the starry sky, and appeared in the starry sky.

The old ghost Zhan couldn't bear the temptation and stepped into the star almost at the same time as Qicai. Behind them, the other monks hesitated for a moment and approached one after another. They had no intention of fighting for it, but they would not give up to take a look.

In particular, Qinglong, Xuanwu, and Suzaku broke out of their human form and stepped into the starry sky.

Facing these people at the same time, although Wang Lin's expression was calm, his heart was already boiling with blood. There was fighting intention in his eyes, and he held Li Guanggong tighter!

"I wonder how many people can be killed here to sacrifice to Si Si this time!" Wang Lin raised his head and stared at the sky. At this moment, the sky was roaring, moving like waves, and rolling continuously. Wang Lin saw the colorful Taoist and the old ghost Zhan behind him. I saw all the monks who came here.

"The first step, the ancient umbrella that burns the world, and the umbrella refines the common people!" Wang Lin made a seal with his left hand, and pointed to the sky at the moment when Qicai and the others arrived.

The sky and the earth shook, and the entire sky immediately turned red. The red was not blood, but a sea of ​​fire that appeared out of thin air and enveloped the entire earth. At this moment, the sky turned into flames and appeared under the roar. After seeing the layers of waves, I saw that the huge ancient umbrella was directly separated from the sky.

The umbrella ribs that disappeared before also appeared at this moment, and the umbrella pole that almost stretched the sky suddenly appeared like a pillar.

The umbrella cloth replaced the sky, blocking the retreat of all those who stepped into this star, like a closed door!

Taoist Master Lan Meng's body was filled with a force from the ancient umbrella, blocking him from the ancient umbrella, just like when a killing was about to start, all those who had no chance of killing were driven away.

After all, in the killing ground of Cultivation Star, Wang Lin had no time to distract himself from Lan Meng, so he had to keep him out.

Roaring and whirling, all the monks who stepped into this star and were blocked by the ancient umbrella cloth suddenly changed their expressions. Qicai and Zhan Laogui were also focused, but at this moment they could not think too much, the world was covered by The flames burned, and the fierce fire roared and whirled, heading straight towards the crowd.

This Burning World Ancient Umbrella does not belong to the magical power of the cave world. In addition, after Wang Lin used it with all his strength, it was integrated into his own flame origin. Under the virtual fire, the minds of the monks here immediately grew and burned.

This is the first time since Wang Lin learned the Burning World Ancient Umbrella that he has used it in such a crazy and desperate manner!

Wang Lin learned this technique from a madman. The umbrella will be opened first, and the umbrella will be closed to kill!

"Thirty percent, take it!" Wang Lin's expression was gloomy, and while he was roaring, he slapped his left hand towards the sky. The sky roared, but he saw the huge umbrella cloth appearing from the transformed surface shrinking with a roar!

As the umbrella cloth shrinks, it is like an open umbrella, quickly closing together. The more it does, the more the flames inside it increase sharply, and the heat reaches an extremely terrifying level. It is only less than three points, and suddenly, Among all the monks here, three of the seven disciples of the Ancient Immortal Realm who had not reached the third step in cultivation immediately let out shrill screams, their bodies burned inside and outside at the same time, and turned into ashes in an instant!

"Sixty percent, take it!!" Wang Lin whispered, veins bulging on his face, pushing the power of the ancient umbrella to an unprecedented 60%. The ancient umbrella shrank rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, screaming and spinning. This time Even the three generals and others all had their faces changed drastically!

They never expected that Wang Lin actually possessed this kind of great god passage method that was rare in the Immortal Gang Continent!

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