Renegade Immortal

Chapter 181 Forbidding the explosion

He didn't move, looked a little carefully, and couldn't help cursing in a low voice, "There is another serial restriction, this person is really wicked to the extreme!" "

With a wave of his right hand, he immediately threw out four small white flags, which immediately spun and fell around him.

Afterwards, his eyes were gloomy, and as he tapped his hands, the small flags around him immediately grew larger. The flags automatically turned into bursts of white light and flew towards the place where Wang Lin was.

These white awns hovered here for a while, and then suddenly moved, all gathered at one point, pointing directly at a certain rock among them.

Wang Lin is within many restrictions, his expression is as usual, his eyes are calm, without the slightest panic, he has a certain degree of confidence in his own attainments in the restrictions in the past ten years, if the restrictions that have been placed in a hurry may not be able to hide the other party, But you know, it took him a year to complete the ban here.

Wang Lin was still sure about this, so seeing the other party's unique way of probing, Wang Lin sneered and didn't move.

Especially the point that the other party attacked was a flaw that Wang Lin had intentionally exposed. If this person couldn't see it, then Wang Lin would have to spend some time on it.

The white awns released by the four small flags were gathered together, and their speed increased dramatically. Almost in the blink of an eye, they landed on one of Wang Lin's many prohibitions.

It was a seemingly unremarkable mountain rock. Under the erosion of white light, it gradually faded and finally disappeared completely, revealing a path that people can walk on.

The ancient emperor's eyes flickered, staring at the path, and after a little silence, he didn't go away. Instead, he waved his right hand, retracted the white glow, and then observed carefully again.

Judging from the ancient emperor's experience in cracking the prohibition on this mountain all the year round, this prohibition definitely contains extremely insidious killing moves. If one is not careful, it is likely to touch some large-scale prohibitions.

And this place is already very close to the top of the mountain. Mountains are inherently prohibitive. Its power made him a little tired to deal with. If it weren't for the systematic learning of the art of prohibition over the past thousand years. Avoid the serious and take the light. It will definitely be more difficult.

So Gu Di was very careful. He simply sat cross-legged. Control Baimang with both hands. Slowly erode from the periphery. Break the ban little by little.

Wang Lin still sneered at the corner of his mouth. In fact, there is a distance between him and the ancient emperor. Less than ten feet. But Gu Di couldn't see him. Even if it is a sweep of consciousness. It is also difficult to enter the ban. After all here. Except for Wang Lin himself. No one knows how many restrictions he has placed.

With Wang Lin's cautious temper. Forbidden here. Definitely not less.

He has practically learned what he has learned in the past ten years. All restrictions are placed here.

a month later. The ancient emperor stood on the trail that had been opened up that month ago. His face was rather ugly. I thought the ban here must be very complicated. It must have been arranged by the sinister person. But he spent a month studying it carefully. Finally found out in astonishment. Here to prohibit. It is simply extremely simple. This strong contrast. It made him extremely depressed. Fortunately, things like that. He met several times along the way. After taking a few deep breaths. He looked up at the top of the mountain. Secretly decide. If you can see this mysterious person after going up. Be sure to have a good meeting for a while! He hated this person. It has reached the point of being unforgettable.

But secretly. The ancient emperor was still extremely cautious. Always hold your breath. What the mysterious man is best at is the transformation of reality and reality. Often it appears to be true. In the end it turned out to be a fake. But in fact. When you are most negligent. But will be shocked to find out. It's not fake here. But true!

In this way, the ancient emperor's mind was almost all around, and he walked forward slowly.

He walked forward along the path, but just after he walked less than five feet away, the surrounding rocks suddenly squirmed, and stone thorns appeared instantly at lightning speed.

When the ancient emperor saw these stone thorns, not only was he not surprised, but heaved a sigh of relief. He swung his right hand in front of him, and suddenly a blue halo appeared around his body. Those stone thorns fell on it, and were immediately attacked by the blue light strangely. turned blue.

Looking at it at this time, in this short path, there are blue stone thorns everywhere, intertwined together, full of majestic color.

Immediately afterwards, a strange wind blew, and all the stone thorns shattered from their roots and fell to the ground, laying a thick layer of bluestone ice on the ground.

The ancient emperor raised his footsteps and walked forward until he reached the end of the trail. He was about to walk out of the restriction. Wang Lin was inside, his eyes flickering. On his right hand, there was a circle of afterimages. Throwing it in a circle can completely open the attack within the surrounding prohibition.

Although it is unlikely to kill the opponent, it is still possible to injure the ancient emperor.

After pondering for a while, Wang Lin let go of his right hand, put away the circle of afterimages, and watched the ancient emperor walk out of his restraint. The reason why he didn't make a move was because he didn't want to break the balance. Generations of people will definitely look for a place to heal their wounds, and will not move on unless it is absolutely necessary. This was obviously not the best effect Wang Lin wanted.

However, Wang Lin still made a move. With a flick of his right hand, the circle of afterimages in his hand immediately turned into a ring, and suddenly spread towards the surroundings. Countless afterimages were quickly melted into each restriction. In an instant, the huge forbidden group arranged by Wang Lin was opened.

With the ancient emperor's accomplishments in restraints, when he walked more than half of the distance in the trail, he suddenly found something wrong. The restraints here can be said to be connected layer by layer, and there are infinite changes in them. His complexion changed, and he rushed forward without saying a word.

At the same time, the ban is on.

A beam of colorful light suddenly appeared from the surrounding mountain walls and flew towards the ancient emperor at an extremely fast speed.

The ancient emperor's complexion changed slightly. He knew that this colorful light had no offensive power, but it was the light of prohibition. As long as it was touched by it, it would be sent to the specific place where the person who released the restrainer was immediately transported.

The ancient emperor waved his right hand quickly, and the four white flags immediately floated in front of him. He glanced at the flags with heartache, and spit out a mouthful of spiritual energy without saying a word. Suddenly, the four small flags spun quickly, and a dark passage suddenly appeared in front of the four flags. among.

At this time, the forbidden light had already arrived, and the ancient emperor jumped into the passage, and when he appeared, he was already ten feet away.

After getting out of the restriction, his speed suddenly increased, and he leaped forward a few feet. His forehead was covered with sweat, his face was gloomy, and he looked back at the restriction that had returned to normal.

After a little silence, he turned and walked forward, with four small flags spinning around him.

Wang Lin's eyes had been staring at the four small flags with flickering eyes. The reason why he launched the attack was precisely because these old fellows were insidious and cunning. If they let them pass in a calm manner, they might become suspicious instead, and something would happen.

In this way, it is better to launch an attack and let the opponent break it with their own strength. In this way, there will be no suspicion. After all, on this mountain of prohibition, there are restrictions everywhere, and breaking it is inevitable.

It's just that Wang Lin didn't expect that the four small flags beside the other party were so powerful that they could open a passage in the restricted area and let him leave safely. These small flags were obviously the ancient emperor's trump card to break through.

Wang Lin pondered for a while, and continued to sit quietly, but his gaze was looking at the huge vortex on the top of the mountain hundreds of meters away.

Six Desire Demon Lord

A hundred feet away from the top of the mountain, his face was extremely gloomy. If it wasn't for that young man T, he would have come here two years ago.

Even if it is him, he dare not easily touch the restriction here. After the previous cracking failed, the restriction was touched, and a light of restriction appeared. The most troublesome thing for the Demon King of Six Desires is this kind of thing. Once it is transmitted to other restrictions , then it would be an extremely dangerous thing. Seeing that he couldn't dodge in time, he had no choice but to replace it with the young man beside him, and then escaped by luck.

The Demon Lord of Six Desires didn't worry about the other party's life or death at all. He spent a lot of effort on this young man. After the other party was sent away by the forbidden light, he immediately chased after him. After all the troubles, he took it back again. return.

At this time, the young man was standing beside him, his eyes closed tightly, lifeless. In fact, the moment his forbidden light was sent out, he was already banned and killed.

But he kept moving strangely, closely following the pace of the Demon Lord of Six Desires. At this moment, the Demon Lord of Six Desires suddenly turned his head, stared closely behind him, and sneered in his heart. He could feel that the restriction behind him had been broken again.

This person has cracked countless restrictions on himself along the way, and he has been rated as the enemy this time. He licked his lips and said inwardly: "It must be the ancient emperor who came up, but it is a pity that there are too many restrictions here, otherwise we will really get rid of them." His good opportunity...but the old man has already placed several strong restrictions within these few hundred feet, I want to see how you break it!" He glanced at the young man beside him, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He withdrew his gaze and looked at the vortex hundreds of feet away. This last hundred feet could not be deciphered based on his research on the restriction. Even his master stopped here.

This time, the Demon Lord of Six Desires has the confidence to break through the barrier, so how can he be unprepared? He glanced at the young man next to him, with a proud smile on his lips, and said inwardly: "This old man has spent a hundred years to come up with a trump card, which will definitely help me succeed." Enter the body of the ancient god."

He sat cross-legged on the ground, and when he summoned his right hand, the young man immediately sat down as well, and the Demon Lord of Six Desires made a tactic with both hands, and made several magic seals in succession, a whirlpool rolled up around the two of them.

Besides, the ancient emperor, after going from bottom to bottom, the restrictions he encountered along the way became more complicated, and the degree of danger increased several times. If it wasn't for his cultivation in the stage of transformation, he might be buried for sure.

Even so, it took a lot of magic weapons for him to walk out slowly.

There are even some restrictions that are no longer simply broken, but require powerful magical powers to overcome them. The ancient emperor's complexion became more and more gloomy.

When the ancient emperor walked out of a restriction again, he was less than two hundred feet away from the top of the mountain. His eyes suddenly shrank at the moment he walked out of the restriction. The restriction in front of him did not block his sight, so he saw clearly. A hundred zhang away, with the gloomy face of the Demon Lord of Six Desires, behind him, there is a vortex, which is pitch black and leads to nowhere. In the vortex, there is a person sitting cross-legged, it is the young man who has been following the Demon Lord of Desires.

The Demon Lord of Six Desires stared at the ancient emperor. He didn't expect that the other party would come up so soon. As long as there is another stick of incense, the vortex passage can be completed. Although there is only three breaths to open the time, for him, it is already enough.

But at this moment, the other party came up earlier than he expected, so he couldn't help but change his plan.

The moment he saw this vortex, the pupils of the ancient emperor's eyes shrank slightly. He was very familiar with this vortex. It was the master of Liuyu thousands of years ago.

"Six Desires..." Gu Di's eyes were flat, and he suppressed the hatred in his heart. Compared with the Six Desire Demon Lord, he wanted to find that mysterious person. His eyes swept away and fell on the young man. Gu Di suddenly frowned , thinking to himself: "Could it be him! But this person has no life..."

"I didn't expect brother Gu to come here too, it's really gratifying and congratulatory!" The corner of Liuyu Mojun's mouth moved slightly, and he said calmly.

Gudi put on a smirk, suppressed his anger, and said darkly: "This old bone of Gu, thanks to the care of you and the tail left by this little brother along the way, he was lucky enough to come here."

The Demon Lord of Six Desires was stunned, glanced at the young man, his eyes flashed coldly, and said with a smile: "What do you mean by Brother Gu?"

The ancient emperor looked gloomy, glanced at the restriction between him and the other party, and did not speak.

The Demon King of Six Desires sneered in his heart, but he couldn't see any change on the surface, and said with a smile: "Brother Gu, there are only you and me here, we have the same level of cultivation, and there are many restrictions here, once you make a move, it will definitely cause trouble. Large-scale forbidden contact. Regarding the previous incident, I apologize to you, but Brother Gu should also understand, after all, we and other demon cultivators act in extreme ways."

The ancient emperor was silent for a while, and said in a cold voice: "You break this restriction first, and let the old man pass."

The Demon Lord of Six Desires glanced at the four small flags spinning around the body of the ancient emperor, his eyes flickered, and he pondered for a moment.

At this time, the ancient emperor glanced at the vortex seemingly casually, and said with a sneer: "It seems that the restriction of the vortex has not been fully opened. If the old man tries to touch the restrictions around him, I wonder if this channel will disappear permanently."

The Six Desire Demon Lord looked as usual, nodded with a smile, and with a wave of his right hand, the restriction was immediately split into two. After all, this restriction has already been broken by Liu Yu.

The ancient emperor walked forward without saying a word, but his gaze was fixed on the Liuyu Demon Lord. When he walked more than half of the distance inside the restriction, the ancient emperor suddenly shook his body, and the four small branches around his body The flag spun immediately, forming a passage at an extremely fast speed, and the ancient emperor flashed out and entered the passage.

At the moment when the opponent's body moved, the Demon Lord of Six Desires put his hands together, and the restraints were immediately closed and opened.

It's just that he didn't expect that the little flag of the ancient emperor was so powerful. The moment the restriction was opened, the ancient emperor had already walked out of the passage and crossed a distance of nearly ten feet.

The moment he appeared, without any hesitation, he spat out a flash of spiritual light, the target was not the Demon Lord of Six Desires, but the young man in the vortex. This time, the ancient emperor did not hesitate to expose his magical powers just to kill this person. It can be seen that his hatred for this person is already overwhelming.

The Six Desire Demon King's complexion changed, he pinched the Yin Jue with both hands, and shouted in a low voice: "Abdominal desire!" Suddenly, a yellow breath quickly flowed out from the young man's seven orifices, forming a flying sword, bombarding with the spiritual light spit out by the ancient emperor .

A wave of spiritual power spread out immediately, and several restraints around were immediately touched, bursts of coercion spread from the restraints, the ancient emperor's eyes showed hatred, and it was too late to continue attacking, but immediately rushed to the side of a restraint, Do everything you can to prevent it from opening.

The same is true for the Demon Lord of Six Desires. After making up for it in this way, he finally calmed down the restrictions opened by the fluctuation of spiritual power. At this time, he was pale, staring at the ancient emperor, and said ferociously: "If you are looking for death, just break into it now. Entry ban is!"

The ancient emperor also had a gloomy expression, pointed at the young man with his right hand, and said, "I, the ancient emperor, swear by the power of the heaven and the earth, and leave this person to me. Before you and I enter the third level, a truce!"

The Demon King of Six Desires frowned, and thought inwardly: "Could it be that he saw it?" But on the surface, his face was slightly gloomy, and he said: "He is a dead person, how did he offend you?"

The ancient emperor showed a ferocious look on his face, and laughed loudly: "A dead person? Even if he is a dead person, the old man has to live

Even if his body consumes mana, he will summon his soul against the sky, T3! offend? How can the old man's hatred for him in recent years be described as offending! "

Liu Yu was taken aback, he glanced at the young man beside him, frowned, and said, "Brother Gu, this must be a misunderstanding..."

The ancient emperor sneered, and said: "Misunderstanding? This time, the old man entered the second pass, and encountered two kinds of restraint methods along the way. Besides you, the other kind of restraint was not from this person, who else could it be?" What’s more, the old man has encountered countless restrictions, cracked them all the way, and has judged the cultivation base of the caster. He will definitely not pass the Nascent Soul Stage. You said, the people who entered this place this time, except him, Who else has a cultivation base that has not surpassed Nascent Soul? Don't you tell the old man that it is the boy named Wang Lin. You and I can see clearly that he sank into nothingness with the giant dragon. Even if he is not dead, is it true? Do you still think that with his mere alchemy period, he can pass the first level, pass the point of no return, and walk in front of me in this second level!"

The ancient emperor said his guesses in his heart in the past few years in one breath. In the past few years, he has analyzed countless times, who is this mysterious person, and finally, the target is locked on the young man next to the Liuyu Demon Lord. Only he, and finally Standards compliant!

After Liuyu finished listening, his complexion changed, and he immediately analyzed that if what the ancient emperor said was correct, then there were not three of them here, but four of them!

If this is the case, there must be many changes, and this person did not come up, he must be hiding somewhere, his purpose of allowing the ancient emperor to come up is self-evident!

Thinking of this, he secretly scolded the ancient emperor for being stupid, and flashed towards the whirlpool without saying anything.

Liu Yu secretly hated him, but this time was not the time to fight with him, his eyes flickered, he glanced at the direction behind the ancient emperor, and suddenly sent a voice transmission to the ancient emperor.

The ancient emperor's complexion changed, and he said in a deep voice: "Are you sure?"

The Demon Lord of Six Desires did not speak, but quickly cut his fingertips, squeezed out a drop of blood, waved his right hand, and the blood immediately released demonic flames, which slowly floated in front of the ancient emperor.

The ancient emperor was silent for a while, and also threw out a drop of blood. When the two sides collided, they immediately turned into two symbols, each flew back, and was caught in the hands of the two.

This is the highest level oath of Xiumohai, called the oath of the heart demon! The ancient emperor looked gloomy at this time, and said: "Is it really him? Impossible!"

The Demon Lord of Six Desires also had a gloomy expression. He sneered and said, "Regardless of whether it is possible or not, it is better for you and me to leave this place!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his face suddenly changed drastically. Regardless of the ancient emperor, he jumped out and came to the side of the vortex passage. He grabbed the young man and was about to step in.

"It's late!" A cold voice slowly came from all directions, and immediately after that, within three hundred feet of the mountain peak, countless circles of afterimages appeared. Wherever they passed, all the restrictions were touched and destroyed. The might of heaven and earth suddenly descended.

Wang Lin is on a boulder five hundred feet away, but his forbidden technique, the afterimage circle, has accumulated countless in this year. Usually, these afterimage circles are stored in the prohibition he created around him. At this time, the unity burst out, and immediately triggered most of the restrictions beyond two hundred meters above him.

It can even be said that every restriction personally made by Wang Lin is actually a circle of afterimages. In this way, under a large number of fluctuations, the ancient emperor and the Demon Lord of Six Desires immediately fell into a passive state.

Liu Desire was originally to plot against others, but it was a pity that he was still plotted by others in the end. As for the ancient emperor, due to the misleading from the beginning to the end, and the exclusion of Wang Lin from the bottom of his heart, it is inevitable that there will be misunderstandings.

At this moment, he immediately reacted, and his eyes showed deep hatred, which was lingering.

Within three hundred feet of the entire mountain peak, a large area of ​​prohibition was opened, and suddenly one after another of forbidden lights, thick wind blade fireballs, and five-element sharp swords that would cause headaches even for monks in the transformation stage, flickered and destroyed one by one The multicolored light spots of the breath quickly appeared from all directions.

The opening of this large-scale restriction immediately caused the restriction on the sky to be touched, and suddenly a dense black cloud slowly descended from the sky, within which purple light shone, and occasionally electric light flashed past.

In addition, there is a ring-shaped black light, which suddenly appeared at a distance of three hundred feet, and quickly pushed upwards. All the substances that blocked the black light along the way, and even the inherent restrictions of this mountain peak, all disappeared within it.

This scene left Wang Lin stunned. He didn't expect such a strange scene to appear after all the restraints had been triggered, especially the black light, which was astonishingly powerful wherever it passed.

After the restriction on the top of the mountain was touched, its mission was to destroy all living beings within the three hundred feet.

Originally, according to Wang Lin's analysis, Liu Yu and Gu Di were blocked by layers of restrictions, if they really gave up going up, they would come down to trouble him. Then there are nearly a hundred circles of afterimages around him, which are enough to attract all the restrictions within a thousand feet of this mountain.

At that time, it would be a big deal for him to leave backwards, and after the restraint here was calm again, he would think of a way to come up.

But now it seems that these preparations are completely unnecessary. If the Demon Lord of Six Desires and the Ancient Emperor were not lunatics, they would never choose to retreat. After all, the black light flying upward and shrinking is too terrifying.

According to Wang Lin's plan, it has nothing to do with him whether the Six Desire Demon Lord or the ancient emperor can pass through this place. His purpose of letting the ancient emperor go first is that he is not sure how to get through the restriction because the front is too powerful. There is a reason, and that is to see how powerful the restriction within five hundred feet is, so that it can be easily broken in the future.

Now the goal has been achieved, but Wang Lin's gaze was attracted by the ring-shaped black light. This black light was not included in his calculations, so he couldn't help but observe carefully at this time.

"What is this!!" The Demon Lord of Six Desires only took one look at the black light, and his scalp immediately became numb. He didn't say anything to arrest the young man. As soon as his body touched the vortex channel, the channel was immediately affected by the surrounding restrictions and quickly collapsed. , He stared blankly at the collapsed passage, with a ferocious face, turned his head suddenly, his eyes were like lightning, and looked coldly at Wang Lin's position, which was covered by a layer of mist, making it difficult to see the details clearly.

Knowing that time was running out, he quickly threw five stones from the storage bag. As soon as the stone came out, it immediately turned into five light curtains, wrapping his body. At the same time, he suddenly rushed towards the top of the mountain.

As for the ancient emperor, after looking at the black light with fear, he took out four small flags again, plus the previous four, a total of eight small flags spun rapidly up and down his body, with bursts of white lights flashing, those The forbidden attack immediately unleashed. At the same time, his thoughts are the same as those of the Demon Lord of Six Desires, rushing forward instead of backward.

The two started almost at the same time and rushed towards the top of the mountain.

Jundu, the Demon of Six Desires, was flying fast, and the light curtain made of five stones around him blocked most of his attacks, but some of them still penetrated in, and he was forced to rush a few hundred feet away under the embarrassment all the way.

The same is true for the ancient emperor, except that the eight small flags outside his body, every time he defends against an attack, his complexion will become a bit ugly.

At this time, the black light behind them followed closely and gathered evenly. The dark clouds in the sky are also getting closer, and the electric light inside them flickers violently, a purple thunderball the size of a skull, slowly

Appearing in the cloud, it flickered with lightning and descended with a crash.

An earth-shattering loud noise came from the sky. Immediately afterwards, the purple thunder ball fell towards the Demon Lord of Six Desires, and the five layers of light curtains outside his body could not stop him from falling, and immediately shattered one by one.

Liuyu Mojun's eyes were red, he gave a low drink, grabbed the young man with his right hand, and raised it upwards, the thunder ball immediately landed on this person, at this moment, this person suddenly opened his eyes, there was no expression in his eyes, he slammed Opening his mouth, the thunder ball was actually swallowed by him.

Immediately afterwards, there were bursts of roaring sounds in this person's body, and bursts of cracks appeared on his skin, and the face of the Demon King of Six Desires showed ecstasy. He didn't expect this thing to be able to resist the forbidden purple thunder, so he said nothing , rushed forward again.

Wang Lin's eyes and pupils shrank. He stared at the young man's corpse, feeling horrified in his heart. Looking at the appearance of the Demon Lord of Six Desires, he was clearly afraid of thunder and lightning, but the corpse was able to resist and not be destroyed!

Wang Lin's heart sank slightly, and he focused his eyes on the black light again. He gritted his teeth and swung more than a dozen afterimage circles in a row, hitting the black light, and analyzed it carefully.

The ancient emperor glanced at the young man, and was shocked in his heart, the heart-dao Six Desire Demon Lord really did not deceive him, this person really is that thing...

Greedy eyes flashed across his eyes. At this time, he was only less than fifty feet away from the top of the mountain. He took a deep breath, tapped his hands a few times, and suddenly the eight small flags rotated faster, and a dark passage suddenly appeared. appeared in front of him.

He stepped forward and disappeared from the passage. When he reappeared, he was already on the top of the mountain. He laughed wildly and was about to enter the exit of the second pass. At this time, the Demon Lord of Six Desires had also rushed up.

But how can the restriction within a hundred feet be so simple, the reason why the two of them can jump over is not only because of their extremely strong cultivation, but also has a great relationship with the things in their hands.

These two things have a great origin, and they are the trump cards for the two to break through this time.

Leaving aside the young man's physical body, the eight small flags in the hands of the ancient emperor are the magic weapon of a certain sect famous for prohibition in the fifth-level cultivation country.

The eight small flags can be combined into countless restrictions, and the combinations within it can change tens of millions. If it weren't for the fact that the ancient emperor didn't have many combination techniques, he might not be so embarrassed along the way.

But if you look at the speed by comparison, among Wang Lin, Liu Yu, and Gu Di, this person is actually the fastest, which in itself also explains the problem.

It's a pity that the ancient emperor spent a lot of effort to get this thing!

If they had this thing in their hands thousands of years ago, they certainly wouldn't have suffered so many casualties.

But even so, the restriction within a hundred feet is not a child's play. At the moment when the two were about to enter the vortex, all the attacks were concentrated, and the dark clouds in the sky even dropped several purple lightning bolts in succession.

Even the black light's speed increased in vain, and it quickly gathered upwards.

Wang Lin suddenly stood up at this time, his eyes flickering, originally he planned not to participate in the three hundred feet, but now this opportunity is really extremely rare, if he gives up, he will definitely be quite unwilling in the future. A cold light flashed in Wang Lin's eyes, and he moved his hands again and again. Suddenly, dozens of circles of afterimages flew up and wrapped him in. But then, Wang Lin stopped immediately, his eyes flickered, staring at the front, and then Slowly spread out the circle of afterimages.

Wang Lin forcibly stopped his footsteps. He knew that even if he was struck by a bolt of lightning, he would immediately die physically and mentally, so he must not take any risks!

Moreover, the Demon Lord of Six Desires and the Ancient Emperor were both at the stage of transforming gods. If he rushed out suddenly, although the opportunity was precious, but the two hated him deeply and had murderous thoughts in their hearts, he would definitely die. Escape to death. And most importantly, if the black light doesn't disperse, he doesn't have the confidence to break through it.

Wang Lin's mentality gradually calmed down. He looked at the two of them from a distance, and he had already decided in his heart that he would never step forward. Everything must be cautious, cautious, and more cautious!

The moment the Demon King of Six Desires rushed into the vortex, more than a dozen thunderbolts descended. Although he waved the corpse in his hand to stop him, he was still caught by the rest of the body. One arm was broken by thunder and lightning, and it was thrown flying. However, the Demon Lord of Six Desires spurted blood, gritted his teeth and jumped, rushed into the vortex and disappeared.

As for the severed arm, it fell directly into the ensuing black light, but it shone strangely with a golden light, bursts of green smoke burst out, quickly passed through it, and fell outside the black light, but the flesh and blood on it had already disappeared. Disappeared, only the bones with slightly golden spots remained, and the bones were also shattered. Obviously, the black light also had a certain degree of damage to it.

At the same time, the ancient emperor was also bombarded by more than a dozen thunderbolts, and the eight small flags were scattered immediately. He finally sacrificed four, and then rushed out of the thunderbolt and entered the vortex. It was just a purple lightning ball, But it chased after him closely, and landed on him the moment he entered the vortex.

Wang Lin stared at the broken arm that flew out, his eyes flickering coldly, and he patted the storage bag on his waist with his right hand, and there were bursts of whistling sounds from inside, and small animals flew out immediately. Form a small hurricane about three feet high.

Wang Lin pointed with his right hand, and the hurricane rushed out of the mist and flew forward. It followed the black light along the way and reached the top of the mountain almost without encountering any resistance. Rolled up half of the hand bone of the young man's corpse in the hands of the Demon Lord of Six Desires, and quickly retreated.

It's just that before flying back far, it was hit by a purple lightning, and the entire hurricane immediately collapsed and dissipated, leaving only the broken bone and falling to the ground.

From Liuyu and Gudi rushing towards the top of the mountain until they finally entered the vortex, all of this happened in a very short period of time, which was unimaginably fast. , the surroundings immediately calmed down, and the dark clouds in the sky gradually dispersed. Only the black light, after condensing on the top of the mountain, quickly spread downwards. Look, it is obviously much weaker than before. Without a millennium recovery, it may be difficult to have the previous power.

Wang Lin stared closely at the hand bone. It was obvious that this bone could not withstand the second attack of black light. He gritted his teeth, and seeing the dark clouds in the sky dissipate, he rushed out like lightning. Grabbing, immediately grabbed the bones of his hand back.

He didn't stop, and quickly backed away.

The ring-shaped black light continued to spread, and when it reached the position of three hundred feet, it suddenly disappeared. Wang Lin was in a cold sweat, and his eyes flickered. He carefully observed the restriction within three hundred feet, and immediately noticed the difference.

After pondering for a while, Wang Lin returned to the rock where he was, sat down cross-legged, and took out the hand bone. The moment he saw the golden spots on the hand bone just now, he immediately thought in his mind that in the first level, the king of beasts The golden phalanx protruding from his forehead!

He looked at it for a while, and pinched it with his right hand. After being attacked by lightning and black light, the bone had become extremely fragile. At this time, when Wang Lin pinched it, cracks immediately appeared and slowly fell off, leaving only Eight golden particles the size of rice grains shone with golden light.

There was no fluctuation of spiritual power on it, Wang Lin looked at it for a while, and pondered. (To be continued, if you want to know what will happen next, please go to 6**m, there are more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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