Renegade Immortal

Volume 11 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1787 I would rather stay with my wife forever

As the words came out, Xuan Luo's figure was carved out clearly in the void where Wang Lin worshiped, and finally appeared in the starry sky. The moment they saw Xuan Luo clearly, the expressions of Taoist Lanmeng and Tosen suddenly changed, and the pupils of their eyes suddenly shrank, becoming extremely solemn. They were not aware of this sudden Xuan Luo at all. Even at this moment, they could only see it with their eyes, but if they closed their eyes, their spiritual consciousness would not notice it at all. Xuan Luo didn't even look at Tao Sen or Lan Meng. He looked at Wang Lin with an interested smile on his crotch, waiting for Wang Lin's answer. Xuan Luo was not surprised that Wang Zhu knew that he was hiding. But someone called out his name, which made Xuan Luo couldn't help but make some guesses and realize something.

"I know, you took the Rose of Divine Consciousness from the Five Planets monk in the world of rules set by the White Tiger guy in the First Flower World! I think you searched for this Rose in secret. , from which I learned about the scenes that happened on the five planets after you left!" Xuan Luo spoke slowly with a smile. Wang Lin was silent for a moment and nodded. In fact, as Xuan Luo said, Wang Lin did get his name from the five-planet monks.

There are not many memories in that rose, and it is not comprehensive. It only retains some recent events. Among them, the scene where Xuan Luo appeared after Baozi Five Planet King Lin left. This also confirmed the suspicion that Wang Lin had in his mind when he first saw the Five Planets cultivator. Surprisingly, he did not see the old man who died in Xuan Luo's hands and uttered arrogant words of contempt for the ancient clan!

To be precise, the search for gems was at the moment when Wang Lin and Qifu Qianhou were preparing to collect the fish. The strange disappearance caused Wang Lin's heart to be horrified. After that, he searched carefully for the reason, and finally found the answer in that soul. . Wang Lin noticed it in the Donglin Sect where the Second Flower Girl Ancient God was. Afterwards, in the ancient cemetery, he confirmed the answer he knew to Ya Yan, who took three steps back and stood behind Xuan Luo. , the moment Xuan Luo took action, Wang Lin understood that what he knew was true.

"The reason why you can accurately detect the position of my face should be related to the fish... but I ignored the mutual aura induction between the beasts and girls." Xuan Luo shook his head. He was indeed negligent on this point. But being able to be discovered by Wang Lin and knowing his figure and identity, from this point of view, Wang Lin has exceeded his Xuan Luo's temptation, which makes him extremely satisfied.

"Are you right?" Xuan Luo smiled and looked at Wang Lin. Wang Lin nodded again with a strange expression.

"So, you not only know my name, but also my identity?" Looking back, I had a vague aftertaste, and even felt that Wang Lin should have discovered it later.

"Immortal Gang Continent, one of the ancient celestial beings of the Nine Suns!" Wang Lin was silent for a moment and spoke softly. When he knew all this in that moment, he felt a huge ghast in his heart, and it took him a long time to calm down. But his expression was well hidden at that time, and no one could see the slightest clue.

"The reason why Five Planets Cultivation gave up the purpose of competing for the third manifestation and them,

It is also because of the seniors that even helping me live here is what the seniors said. For this, the juniors are grateful. "Wang Lin looked at Juan Xuanluo and said slowly.

The more Xuan Luo looked at Wang Lin, the more he liked him. After inspecting it all the way, he found that every aspect of Wang Lin exceeded his imagination. He was extremely satisfied. Hearing Wang Lin's words that were not arrogant and unreasonable, he couldn't help but laugh three times... What he appreciates even more is that Wang Lin clearly knew that he existed, but from the beginning to the end, he never said a word to help him. This time, the search for the core of the Dongfu world was completely based on his one-man power. With power, we can turn the world around. At this point, Xuan Luo no longer hesitated and decided to accept Wang Lin as his only disciple.

"Follow me back to the territory of the Daogu lineage in Xiangang Continent, and become my only disciple, Xuanluo, to protect the Daogu lineage. Guys, are you willing?" Yi Xuanluo looked at Wang Lin, his expression was kind, and his voice was not harsh at all. Instead, he took the tone of an elder and discussed it with the juniors. His expression and tone made Wang Lin feel warm in his heart. But he did not speak to agree, but fell into deep thought. Xuan Luo had been observing Wang Lin for more than a day and a half. He already knew a little about Wang Lin. Seeing Wang Lin's appearance, he vaguely guessed his thoughts. With a frown, Xuan Luo glanced at the golden mén and said lightly He sighed. His frown was not directed at Wang Lin, but because of what he guessed was Wang Lin's thoughts.

"On the Xiangang Continent, there are many dòngfu realms. It can be said that any sect with a large scale will have its own dòngfu realm. However, throughout the ages, it is rare for creatures from the dòngfu realm to come out, let alone turn against the guests! If it weren't for this The Qicai Immortal Lord's soul is scattered, otherwise, there will be no ending of being sealed." Xuan Luo looked at Wang Lin and opened slowly. . "Do you know why this is? This is because of the Immortal Gang Law Engraving! On the Immortal Gang Continent, each and every one of the 11th volume of ancient mysteries, Chapter Zhiyang, I Ning and my wife stayed together to guard the dòng mansion realm opened up by the boat, If the creatures within it do not have the bloodline of the Immortal Gang, they will not be able to pass the rules of the Immortal Gang that have existed since ancient times. It is said to be a rule, but in fact you can see it as a pressure that is incompatible with the world of the dòng government. This pressure is so great , will make all the creatures in the dòngfu world without blood lose their souls and be crushed to death the moment they walk out!" Xuan Luo's voice swirled, revealing a sense of vicissitudes of life.

"No one can resist this kind of Immortal Gang rule! I understand your thoughts. You don't want to leave here by yourself. You want everyone who wants to leave to go to the Immortal Gang Continent!" Xuan Luo sighed, "If you don't want to, This junior will not force you to leave here, but if there are people who want to leave here, this junior will indeed have this idea." Wang Lin was silent for a while and said softly.

"This is impossible! Not to mention you, even the woman named Wan'er you saw in the dream art can't live in Xiangang Continent! Yixuan, the words of the state are engraved here, Wang Lin raised his head crazily. "She can't go either? "Xuan Luo's eyes were complicated. He knew the importance of that woman to Wang Lin and nodded. Wang Lin was stunned for a long time.

"But someone told me before that if there are guides in Xiangang Continent, the number of Xianli Tao can be reduced...", "Whoever said this to you is counting you! This can't be done at all. , unless Jiuyang takes action at the same time, we can reach the supreme Immortal Gang rule! This Immortal Gang rule is established by the bloodline of the Immortal Ancestor and the Ancient Ancestor and cannot be changed!"

Wang Lin's face was pale, as if he had lost most of his blood. He staggered back a few steps, as if the last mouthful of blood left in his body overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

The brilliance in his eyes dimmed in an instant, and a sting of despair twisted in his heart.

"I also checked the woman named Wan'er. It's strange that her soul is incomplete and part of it disappeared. I also helped you search for it in this dòngfu world, but there was no clue at all. Things are very strange. But no matter what, her soul cannot be awakened if it is not complete. If I can make it complete, maybe I can let her wake up!

You can go to Xiangang Continent by yourself first, and if you have the opportunity in the future, you can find the missing gem and then come back here..." As he spoke, Xuan Luo stopped talking. He saw Wang Lin's eyes, which seemed to be filled with blood and tears. . "Really...can't do it..." Yi Wanglin lowered his head bitterly.

"I will not leave Wan'er alone here and go to Xiangang Continent alone... The reason why I want to open this gate and go to Xiangang Continent is all for her!!

In order to revive her, my original idea was to take Fei with her to Xiangang to find the deed for her awakening... If she couldn't go, I would go to Xiangang alone for thousands of years... It would be better for me to be in this house with her. I will never leave the world, until I die..." Wang Lin murmured, tears shed in his eyes, and the color of the tears was a faint red. Ruo Li was sad, Ruo Shen was sad, Ruo Ziya was filled with despair. , the blood and tears flow.

Wang Lin's words fell into the ears of Taoist Lanmeng. He remained silent, listening to the fact that the man his daughter loved was so attached to another woman, but this time, he had no angry thoughts. It was just sympathy and sadness that he wanted to carve out for his wife. Xuan Luo looked at Wang Lin for a long time. He sighed and suddenly spoke.

"Wang Lin, there is nothing you can do! I will risk it once to help you fight against the Immortal Gang Law and use the Tianyang Reincarnation Technique. Any of your friends who want to leave this house will be reincarnated under my reincarnation technique. Method, reborn on the Xiangang Continent!

After reincarnation, they will become the people of Xiangang Continent and have bloodline, but their memories will be sealed in dust. You need to find them one by one in the future and enlighten them to awaken their dust-covered memories!

This process may be extremely long. I can't calculate how long it will take. It may take only a few years for some people to be reincarnated, or it may take more than a thousand years!

And I can’t determine the location of this reincarnation. The Xiangang Continent is too big. You must be prepared and confident to find them one by one! "

"As for the woman named Wan'er... her soul is incomplete and cannot be reincarnated... but I will also help you. The moment you resist the rules of the Immortal Gang, you have a 50% chance of taking her there safely. Xiangang Continent!

But this possibility is only 50%! Once you fail, you will die with her! Tell me your choice! " Xuan Luo had to pay a huge price for his words, but at this moment, he looked at Wang Lin and spoke without hesitation.

There is no free help in this world, Wang Lin understands this. It's just that some people, with different actions, can get different endings, such as Duntian back then, and Xuan Luo today. Their actions have selfish motives, but Wang Lin's heart is warm, not cold.

And Wang Lin Zhongen, he deserves Xiaotian back then and Xuanluo today to do this.

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