Renegade Immortal

Volume 11 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1792 The Wang family will be reincarnated tonight!

As people around Wang Lin leave one by one, each one will bow to Wang Lin before leaving and walk towards the gate of the cave to pursue their dreams. **

Thirteen knelt in the void in front of Wang Lin and bowed to Wang Lin. He raised his head with determination in his eyes.

"Master, Thirteen is gone. Even if his memory has not awakened, Thirteen firmly believes that he will never forget the grace of Master's preaching. Even if he is reincarnated, he will never forget it!" Thirteen's words were categorical. His will is extremely firm, and this firmness is likely to allow him to still have his instincts exist even if his memory is sealed.

This instinct is what he cares about most, the master-disciple relationship with Wang Lin.

Thirteen years later, it was Situ Nan. Situ Nan had always had a free and easy personality. At this moment, his laughter turned into a rainbow and walked towards the gate of the cave. A wine bottle transformed from his hand, and he threw it back and went straight to Wang Lin. He was Wang Lin caught it in his hand.

"I like drinking in this life, but I don't know what I will do in the next life. I'll give you this jug. After you find me, give it to me. Haha, I must be reincarnated as a prince! Grandma's must be a prince!" Situ Nan's laughter echoed. , followed it until it disappeared outside the gate of the cave.

But I don’t know whether he can be reincarnated as a prince in Xiangang Continent as he wishes. Xuan Luo is not sure about this, and Wang Lin is not sure either.

"I hope he can get his wish..." Wang Lin looked a little strange. He always felt that this matter was very possible and would not be what Situ Nan imagined.

The last person to leave was Li Qianmei. Li Qianmei looked at Wang Lin with a smile, without any extra words, just a gentle word, and then walked towards the cave door.

"I will wait for you... If you can't find me, I will wait again and again in reincarnation..."

The words are soft, but the determination expressed in them fully reveals her character. This is Li Qianmei. She has no regrets if she chooses!

In the starry sky, only Wang Lin and Xuan Luo were left outside the cave gate. "They have all gone in. I am going to use my magical powers to fight against the Immortal Gang Law. When are you going to go in?" Xuan Luo looked at Wang Lin and spoke slowly.

Wang Lin's eyes flashed, he looked at the gate of the cave, and suddenly said: "Senior, can you send more people to the Xiangang Continent for reincarnation?"

"It doesn't matter. I originally thought there would be hundreds or thousands of people, but now there are less than twenty people. It won't cost me too much. As long as you don't bring too many people again, it doesn't matter." Xuan Luo smiled slightly.

"Senior, thank you for waiting for me for a while longer. I want to bring some more people.

Send them to reincarnation! "A cold light flashed across Wang Lin's eyes for a moment, and he spoke calmly.

There are some people that Wang Lin cannot take away this time because he is worried about the pressure that Xuan Luo can withstand, and because the hatred towards each other is not direct, there are even some people who have no hatred at all, but for the sake of the future peace of the cave world, they are in a situation where they can be killed or not. Suddenly, after hearing Xuan Luo's words, Wang Lin changed his mind.

Holding a fist towards Xuan Luo, Wang Lin turned around and took a step towards the starry sky. His figure directly twisted and dissipated. When he appeared, he was already at the edge of the formation between the outside world and the inside world.

The new formation of two realms was arranged by Wang Lin himself back then. Now he stepped into the formation. With his familiarity, without any pause, after half a stick of incense, he passed the formation and stepped into it. The ancient stars outside the boundary!

"The five ancient gods, the palm master has been sealed and taken away by me. Taoist master Lanmeng has moved to live in the immortal world. There are still three left, Miaoyin, Xushen, and Jiuda. Keeping these three will be a disaster in the future. Taking advantage of their current weakness , simply find them one by one and send them to be reincarnated!" Wang Lin looked indifferent. The moment he stepped into this ancient star, his consciousness spread out and spread in all directions.

After passing through all kinds of cave cores, his cultivation has reached the peak of Kongling, and his Daogu inheritance has almost been completed. At this moment, Wang Lin's combat power is enough to fight against the late Kongxuan!

With this kind of cultivation, at this time, combined with his Seven Origins and Dao Ancient Divine Powers, the remaining three injured statues are no match at all!

As Wang Lin's powerful consciousness swept over him, his eyes flashed, he took a step forward and disappeared in an instant. ####

In the eastern part of the ancient stars, there is a cultivation star formed like a crescent moon. This star is irregular, and its spiritual energy is rare. It is like a piece of death, and there are only a few ferocious beasts.

The ground is covered with yellow sand. There is no white sky on this star. It is all night. Moreover, because of its incompleteness, the vegetation here has become extinct. Only a large number of stones are floating on the earth, spinning unconsciously.

At the top of the star-crescent shape of cultivation, all the yellow sand there is floating in the air. The ground is dark, but there are cracks. In the middle of the cracks, there is an old man sitting cross-legged. The old man's face is pale, and at this moment his eyes are He closed his eyes tightly and continued to heal his wounds, but bursts of black blood occasionally flowed from the corners of his mouth, dripping onto the ground and making a magnetic sound.

Pieces of smoke-like breath, following the old man's healing breath, emitted from the cultivation star and penetrated into his seven orifices, becoming an aid to his healing.

This old man is none other than the Nine Demon Lords who were seriously injured by Lan Meng!

He was seriously injured by Lan Meng, the Incense Realm was destroyed, and his mind was broken. He still survives to this day, maintaining the remaining vitality in his body, and using the death energy of this star, he wants to restore the Incense Realm. There was silence all around, and the earth was dark, but at this moment, the old man suddenly opened his eyes, and the pupils of his eyes contracted rapidly.

At the same time, the dark sky suddenly erupted with a dazzling light. As the light shrouded the earth, a young man in white walked out of the light.

With his white hair fluttering and a cold and cold expression on his face, Wang Lin's appearance made the Nine Demon Lords take a breath. Without any hesitation, he swayed his body and turned into a long rainbow, got into the crack around him, and went straight to the ground.

Wang Lin did not move, but raised his right hand, tearing it violently toward the ground below. As soon as he tore it apart, the void in front of him immediately roared, and a huge crack appeared out of thin air, roaring toward the ground below. In an instant, When it touched the ground, the entire Cultivation Star earth suddenly shook violently, and cracks were torn open, spreading and extending to both sides.

Roaring and whirling, the earth was torn open too fast. In the blink of an eye, Wang Lin saw the nine demon kings galloping deep underground!

The Nine Demon Lords were almost out of their minds. He clearly felt that the ground behind him was being torn apart by a powerful force. He also felt Wang Lin's gaze, staring at his back.

"Wang Lin!! You must kill them all! You and I don't have such deep hatred at all! If you let me go once, I swear I will never step into the realm again!!!" The scalp of the Nine Demon Lords was numb. There was a huge wave in his heart. Wang Lin's strength once again exceeded his expectations. He didn't expect that Wang Lin would become stronger in this short period of time!

"Don't be afraid, Wang won't kill you, he will just send you to be reincarnated!" Wang Lin said, raising his left hand and pointing towards the earth of the cultivation star below, using both hands at the same time to tear apart the earth!

"Kill if you want to, why don't you send me to reincarnation!!" The Nine Demon Lords screamed, desperately clasping their hands, deploying all their magical powers outside the body, and filling the air with a large number of magic weapons, trying to resist this. He was shocked by the shocking strength.

The earth roared, and there was a collapse in the earthquake. However, the cracks in the cultivation star were seen expanding wildly. In just an instant, the entire crescent-shaped cultivation star was completely torn apart from the middle by Wang Lin. With the roar, Became two halves!

The impact of this collapse turned into a driving force like a big wave, swept into the starry sky, and spread rapidly in all directions.

In this impact, a loud banging sound was heard outside the body of the Nine Demon Lords. All their magical powers collapsed, all magic weapons collapsed, and blood spurted out from his whole body. He gritted his teeth and struggled to escape, but Wang Lin's figure was silent. In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of him, raised his right hand, and pressed directly on the eyebrows of the Nine Demon Lords.

"I do want to send you to be reincarnated, not to kill you!" Wang Lin spoke calmly. This was the last voice heard by the Nine Demon Lords. The moment Wang Lin's palm fell, the Nine Demon Lords' minds exploded. Sealed by Wang Lin and stored in the storage space.

Wang Lin sealed the Nine Demon Lords who were injured by Lan Mengdao very calmly. There were only a few breaths of time from arrival to sealing. At the end of the moment, Wang Lin's eyes were filled with cold light and he looked to the west.

There, he could feel that it was the place where Immortal Wonderful Sound healed his wounds.

The place where Miaoyin Immortal Lord is located is a cultivation star with extremely rich spiritual energy. Looking from a distance, the cultivation star is a mercury planet. There is no continent on it, only some islands, and the rest is filled with sea water.

The sea water is not blue, but golden. The golden ocean looks very beautiful with layers of waves in the wind. There are also some sea beasts swimming in the sea water, sometimes revealing a group of black shadows. , but his body is huge.

In the deepest part of the sea, Taoist Master Miaoyin sat cross-legged, surrounded by darkness, but if you look carefully, you can still see a dense mass of white bones.

Most of these white bones are the bones of animals. As Taoist Master Miaoyin heals his wounds, in the depths of the dark seabed, there are sometimes roars transmitted in a special way in the water.

"Wang Lin, Lan Meng, you two will not die well!!!" Taoist Master Miaoyin opened his eyes, and his pupils were twisted and bloodshot. He was seriously injured in Lan Meng's hands, and his cultivation level fell to the ethereal level. He could not return to his peak for a hundred years, so he could only Keep healing and try to shorten the time.

While roaring, Miaoyin raised her right hand and grabbed it into the sea. Immediately, a whirlpool appeared in front of her hand. A black sea snake a hundred feet long, trembling without daring to struggle at all, was swept up by the whirlpool.

Miaoyin grabbed the sea snake's head, put it in front of her and bit the sea snake within seven inches. With a sharp breath, she absorbed the essence of the sea snake's body. In an instant, the sea snake turned into white bones, and Miaoyin was still there. aside.

Just as she was about to continue vomiting, Miaoyin's expression suddenly changed and she suddenly looked up.

Above this golden ocean, amid the distortion of the sky, Wang Lin, dressed in white, stepped out of the void. His eyes were like lightning, looking directly at the water below.

"Miaoyin, Wang Mou is here today to send you to reincarnation!"

I made up for yesterday’s major, and I’m still 4,000 words short of this month. Mingda will make up for it! The monthly ticket is last, please check it and vote for Ergen.

To be continued)

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