Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang No. 10 Yang Chapter 1799 Immortal Gang is shocking!

"Wang Lin looked at the solid stone shell and couldn't see anything inside it with his naked eyes, but he could feel that there was another version of himself inside.

It can even be said that when he closes his eyes, he will have the illusion that he is not able to tell whether he is outside the stone shell or inside the stone shell. Vaguely, he seems to be sitting cross-legged inside the stone shell, and he can feel his own body outside. My true self.

Wang Lin had experienced this strange feeling before, but it was far from as strong as it is now.

"This is..." Wang Lin's eyes were blank. The mosquito king next to him rubbed his body with his mouthparts, and there were waves of joyful and intimate neighing.

The Mosquito King's body is much smaller than before. At this moment, it looks like a blur of mist, which seems to be ready to dissipate at any time, but there is a majestic vitality permeating his body.

The transformation of the Mosquito Beast made Wang Lin's eyes narrow. He raised his right hand in a deep mood and pressed it on the Mosquito Beast's body. His hand seemed to have touched nothingness. There was no real feeling at all.

But the mosquito beast looked comfortable, as if it would be content and happy as long as it was by its owner's side.

This Mosquito King has been following Wang Lin for many years, and they have become mentally connected. The moment Wang Lin's right hand touched the Mosquito Beast's blurred body, Wang Lin's spiritual consciousness spread out and merged with the Mosquito Beast.

Soon, the memories of the mosquito beast after he was imprisoned and forcibly sent away emerged in Wang Lin's mind. This was not a soul search, but a kind of transmission. Wang Lin had done such a thing before, no. It will cause harm to the mosquito beast, because there is a connection between the two people for more than two thousand years.

Gradually, Wang Lin saw the mosquito beast's crazy transformations one after another. Its desperate evolution even devoured nine companions, all just to find himself.

He saw the Mosquito Beast turn into a hundred thousand copies "pervading the void" and slowly find himself who was sleeping or dead. He even felt the Mosquito Beast's shrill and desperate roar, and took himself and Li Muwan with him, Rushing into the depths of nothingness” came here.

Wang Lin saw everything that happened after that.

For a long time, Wang Lin was moved. He looked at the happy mosquito beast, which kept rubbing its body with its mouthparts, and patted its body gently a few times.

"troubled you……"

The owner's few pats, soft eyes, and ignorant words made the mosquito beast even more happy. It hissed "with a layer of ripples all over the body, as if the happiest time in life is now." .

The loyalty of the mosquito beast,

Wang Lin has never seen any ferocious beast in his life. This beast "is the only one that has never changed! Whether it was when Wang Lin became a mortal or when the stars were separated, plus this scene of nothingness" it all means that this The mosquito beast can sacrifice its life for Wang Lin.

Wang Lin is a person who knows how to be grateful. He can also do everything for this mosquito beast! Because this beast is no longer his pet but a relative.

Patting the mosquito beast's body, Wang Lin's eyes fell on the solid stone shell again.

"In the mosquito beast's memory, this object seems to be the same as the birthplace of its ancestors... What exactly is this stone shell?" Wang Lin's eyes flashed, he took a few steps closer to the stone shell, raised his right hand and slowly pressed it on it, But the moment his right hand fell, a counter-shock force suddenly came out from the stone shell. His right hand immediately bounced up, and Wang Lin was not allowed to touch or go deep.

He tried several times from different positions. The counter-shock force still existed. In the deep sleep, Wang Lin gave up the idea of ​​controlling his inner clone to escape. He had a vague feeling that for him, "this will be a heavenly event." Great creation.

This creation is the clone that appears in the stone shell for unknown reasons. This clone is obviously growing in the stone shell now. Perhaps a few years later, once this clone breaks through the shell and comes out, it will have an extremely terrifying power. strength.

This power is the Immortal Gang Law, because this clone, like the mosquito beast ancestors, was born in the Immortal Gang Law!

Forcibly interrupting was really not worth it, and most importantly, Wang Lin knew that the reason why he could wake up from that deep sleep or death, and why all the cultivation levels in his body were restored, was because inside this stone shell, There is a clone of myself.

Relying on the connection with the clone, the "growth of the clone" can drive the original body to gradually become stronger. This kind of thing is very strange and cannot be explained clearly.

Wang Lin was silent for a long time. When he was in the Dongfu Realm, he had seen some ancient slips about Feng Shui when he came into contact with the Restriction. He had a vague feeling that things today seemed to be very similar to Feng Shui.

"Feng Shui pays attention to the point of burial." Then can I regard this stone shell as the most noble burial place in the world, and the clone is born in it, which is equivalent to burying the clone here. I can then slowly gain nourishment through the growth of my avatar...

"I thought this kind of thing was nonsense at the time, but now it is very similar." Wang Lin was ecstatic and slowly backed away. He looked at the stone shell and gave up on breaking it open or walking out separately. plan.

"Mortal emperors pay attention to dragon veins. If the ancestors are buried in the dragon veins, the descendants will be rich and powerful... Now I bury the clone here, but I want to see what kind of fortune will be in the future... Wang Lin's eyes flashed, Without hesitation, he turned around and walked straight into the void. The mosquito beast followed Wang Lin with cheers, and even rushed to lift Wang Lin up, leading him to disappear into the void at an extremely fast speed. middle.

Whistling forward, Wang Lin looked back at the direction of the clone, with a bright light in his eyes. Compared to the nonsense about Feng Shui, Wang Lin was more looking forward to the growth of this clone." And he was looking forward to the growth of this clone. The connection between them is extremely clear and cannot be severed. In this way, once this clone fully grows up and walks out of this stone shell one day, Wang Lin believes that the world will change drastically!

While the Mosquito Beast was flying, Wang Lin carried the sky-shielding coffin where Li Muwan was on his back, and galloped towards the depths of void, towards the exit of this place!

At this moment, he is in the void layer and does not know that in the Immortal Gang Continent, at the moment when his blood was brought to the curved platform by the mosquito beast, absorbed the blood and turned into a stone shell, what happened in the Immortal Gang Continent for countless thousands of years. , or it can be said that it is the third drastic change since the birth of Xiangang Continent, which is extremely rare, enough to shake the world and shock all sentient beings!

This drastic change caused a shock in the Xiangang Continent. Countless powerful people walked out of the retreat one after another. Countless sects had solemn expressions. The sect leaders and elders in them all raised their heads and looked at the sky. Countless spiritual consciousnesses roared and rolled up the heaven and earth.

Even this drastic change attracted the attention of the nine most noble Nine Suns of the Immortal Gang Continent. A rare event occurred, all nine suns appeared together!

No one can forget this scene." Even years later, it was the same. It became a suspense in Xiangang Continent and was speculated by countless people!

When the Immortal Ancestor was born, there were three phases of heaven and earth, one of which was gold, sky, black and earth! When the ancient ancestor was born, there were nine phases of his own body, among which the silver eyes were one phase!

This is an allusion. Although it is not known to ordinary monks, anyone with a certain level of cultivation or a strong lineage of the sect will know it more or less.

On this day, in the sky of Xiangang Continent, in the direction of the Immortal Clan, in Zhongzhou Xianming Continent, the capital of the Immortal Emperor that nominally rules the entire Immortal Clan, the sky above it twisted, and a huge vortex appeared. This vortex roared, Sweeping in all directions, spreading to all directions.

Its speed was so fast that it far exceeded the flight of the monks. Almost instantly, it enveloped all thirty-seven continents in Zhongzhou, and the boundless huge whirlpool turned into a golden sky!

With the emergence of golden light, the earth was strangely reflected into black, turning into the golden sky and black earth that appeared when the Immortal Ancestor came!

"At the same time," a vague shadow suddenly condensed in the whirlpool. The shadow was blurry, but it could be faintly seen that it was wearing a golden robe and a high crown on its head. It stood in the whirlpool as if " Standing between heaven and earth, "the immortal energy is lingering, earth-shaking!"

The first impression that comes to anyone who sees this shadow is a name that makes them tremble and get excited!

Immortal Ancestor! !

After countless years of absence, since the Immortal Ancestor disappeared into nothingness, this is the first time that an illusory shadow appears on the Immortal Gang Continent." This scene made the entire Immortal Clan excited.

Among the immortals, all the Great Heavenly Lords appeared and bowed to the sky!

"At the same time," in the thirty-six counties of that ancient country, a huge whirlpool also appeared in the sky. The whirlpool turned black and swept across with a roar, as if the dragon was competing with the immortals for glory!

Within the whirlpool, waves of terrifying, domineering and shocking aura continued to spread out, covering the world, causing all the people of the ancient country to kneel to the ground in excitement.

At the same time, Xuan Luo, who was in seclusion, and a total of four Great Heavenly Lords from the other two branches, all rushed out and stood in mid-air, looking at the huge whirlpool with a look of disbelief.

In the whirlpool, there was no phantom like the immortals, but a pair of eyes appeared. They were silver eyes, looking at where the immortals were, the silver light covered the sky!

The entire Xiangang Continent seemed to be boiling at this moment. On this huge continent, nine suns appeared at the same time. While covering the earth, they exuded an aura that made all living beings tremble.

If it were just like this, although it would shock the Immortal Gang, there would not be that amazing suspense. At the moment when the shadows and eyes of the Immortal Ancestor and the Ancient Ancestor appeared "in the sky between the Immortal Clan and the Ancient Country" Suddenly...the third huge whirlpool appeared!

The emergence of this vortex caused unbelievable shock and horror in the Xiangang Continent!

"This... this is impossible!! The Immortal Ancestor and the Ancient Ancestor are illusory coming" How could there be a third vortex! ! "

"Under the vortex of the Immortal Ancestor and the Ancient Ancestor, a third one can appear. What does this mean!!"

"Does this mean that there is an existence similar to the ancient ancestor and the immortal ancestor in this third vortex?"

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