Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang No. 10 Yang Chapter 1812 Comparing the Origin with Wang Lin

Du Qing has been practicing Taoism for many years and has experienced a lot. Moreover, his body is made of wood. He has seen through all these strange things. He can clearly see that there are few things that can make him so horrified.

But when it came to the white-haired monk in front of him, Du Qing felt shocked and numb in his scalp one after another.

First, he saw the dry and dead earth fire veins everywhere, and then caught up with him, and then saw the spells from the World Sect, Donglin Sect and Songyundao in his opponent's right hand.

All this made it impossible for Du Qing to judge Wang Lin's identity and origin. From his perspective, the other party was covered with a mysterious veil. After one layer was lifted, there were countless more layers inside.

"Either he really learned it secretly, such as worshiping various sects, and learned those uninformed methods! Or, he has a very deep background... and can obtain the magical powers of those sects..." Du Qing's face turned pale, and as he stepped back continuously, his mind was racing with thoughts and countless speculations.

"If it is the former, it means that this person is cunning and good at hiding. His cultivation is definitely not what he shows now, and he must have many tricks up his sleeve... Although such a person is difficult to deal with, there should be no trouble if he is killed... But If it's the latter..." Du Qing's pupils shrank.

"If it is the latter, this person must not be provoked! It is difficult to let Donglin Sect and World Sect send the exercises, but compared to the three great sects appointed by the Immortal Emperor, Songyundao can teach them that The art of burning the world's ancient umbrella, this... this is too terrifying... what kind of background can do this..." Du Qing thought of a guess, and his face immediately became paler.

Although Du Qing's look was horrified, Wang Lin could still see some of it. He was standing on the fire dragon soul, and it would take some time to absorb the power of the soul's flames. During this time, although he was not afraid of being disturbed, he could still see some of it. If you can absorb it calmly, the effect will naturally be better.

I thought that there would be a fierce battle with Du Qing, but now it seems that it doesn't need to be too fierce to let Du Qing leave on his own.

"Are you still going to fight Wang..." Wang Lin looked calm, and spoke slowly while absorbing the earth fire source above the fire dragon.

Its voice is majestic, swirling around the heaven and the earth.

"The second possibility is unlikely. This person may only know these three arts, and he used them in front of me, maybe just to scare me away! This should be his limit!" Du Qing has been practicing Taoism for many years. How could he change his mind so easily? When he heard Wang Lin's words, he immediately let out a long roar.

His body swayed and he headed straight towards Wang Lin. His whole body flickered and twisted, revealing his purple wood body. A flame spread out from his body and enveloped his whole body.

Looking from a distance,

Quite amazing!

"I don't believe you can know the fourth great art!"

The moment Du Qing's words came and his body whizzed closer, Wang Lin burst out laughing. His laughter fell on Du Qing's ears, and it seemed to be a mockery, which made Du Qing's heart tremble.

Then he saw Wang Lin sitting and controlling the iron chains made of sixteen fire dragons. He raised his right hand and waved it toward the sky.

The whole world was immediately filled with howling black wind. The black wind roared and roared, but thirteen black dragons were seen transfiguring and shuttled away in the black wind.

At the same time, these thirteen black dragons opened their mouths, and a wind of death roared in. There were countless raindrops in the wind, moving with the wind, like the Dragon King casting rain!

It would not be surprising if this were the case, but the moment each drop of rain fell, it emitted a dazzling crystal light. However, the drops of rain suddenly turned into illusory souls, and each soul let out a shrill roar. , overwhelming, rushed towards Du Qing.

"Call the wind and rain to withdraw the beans into troops...the earth cracks and landslides..." Wang Lin's cold voice rose, and the earth roared. Huge cracks appeared out of thin air, and illusory volcanoes appeared in this land containing the veins of earth fire. On top of the illusion, the volcano exploded, black smoke billowed, and endless magma erupted.

"The cloudy moon will bring sunshine!" Wang Lin roared, raising his right hand to point to the sky, and saw a bright moon suddenly appeared in the sky covered by the black wind.

It is clearly daytime at this moment, but the appearance of the moon is extremely strange!

At the moment when the moon appeared, Wang Lin lowered his finger and pointed it at the approaching Du Qing. Immediately, Du Qing's face immediately transformed into a trace of the moon, which spread rapidly.

"How about this technique!" Wang Lin Dayou flicked the top of the fire dragon's head, looking down at Du Qing, whose face was pale and shocked again!

"Yin...Yinyue Sect...Yinyue Dafa's starting position..." Du Qing's mind was like thunder crashing and roaring continuously, Yinyue Sect is also one of the nine thirteen sects of Dongzhou!

Du Qing raised his head fiercely, his eyes red. He had been restrained by Wang Lin's continuous magical power, but if he was asked to retreat, he had been chasing for so long and he had no face to retreat!

Even up to now, he has only made one move!

"So what if you have a lot of magical powers from other sects! Your cultivation level must not be as good as mine, otherwise you wouldn't use this method to try to stop me from taking action! The more you act like this, the less you dare to take action!" Du Qing Roaring, he has never encountered such a difficult situation in his life, but now he is willing to risk it. He suppresses the shock in his heart and emerges in a flash. When he raises his right hand, flames roar all over his body and condense on his right hand. A large amount of purple energy emitted from its wooden body and headed straight for Wang Lin.

"I rely entirely on my own cultivation. Although I don't have as many magical powers as you, I have three origins! I have three origins that resist the suffering of the mysterious calamity. How can I be scared away by you, a person with only one fire origin! I want to Look, you are so arrogant, how many origins can you have!" Du Qing roared in a shocking voice, and the flame on his right hand was rushed by the purple energy emanating from his body, and immediately turned into purple fire, reflecting the heaven and earth. A wave of heat roared up, rolling up Du Qing's body and walking towards Wang Lin.

"The origin of the earth!" As Du Qing moved forward, he pressed his left hand towards the void of the earth below. Suddenly, the land full of cracks began to vibrate strangely. Dots of crystal light like yellow sand floated out and condensed in an instant. In front of Du Qing's left hand, it turned into a ball of yellow mist like tobacco.

In this mist, there is a strong aura of the origin of earth. When the aura spreads out, it immediately makes the ground look distorted, as if the surrounding environment has turned into a desert sand!

"The origin of weight!" Du Qing looked up to the sky and roared. The reason why he was able to become a Kongxuan monk and survive several mysterious tribulations was not only due to his physical body, but also had a profound relationship with the origin of weight that he understood. association.

He will even be protected in the Great Soul Sect, and he is also connected to this origin!

The origin of weight is to understand the weight of all materials in the world, from a small grain of sand to a large piece of land, and even spread over time. Understand all changes in weight and weight, control it with one mind, and change it at will.

This source of weight is rare in Xiangang Continent, and it often requires special talent to understand it. Du Qing does not have this qualification, but his wooden body contains a trace of the source of weight. Let him slowly explore it and feel it in his body.

Once this source comes out, it is invisible and invisible, but it makes the purple sea of ​​fire in Du Qing's right hand seem to have weight out of thin air!

Since ancient times, there have been two different understandings of fire on the Xiangang Continent. The key point of this understanding is whether fire has weight!

One side believes that it exists, while the other side thinks that fire is just a phenomenon in the world and should not have weight!

Until now, this understanding has still not been determined whether it is correct or not, but in terms of magical power, it is not hindered. This Du Qing, through its origin of weight, has impressively added weight to this fire!

In this way, the power of this fire increases dramatically!

At the same time, the earth source mist held in his left hand, under the influence of this heavy source, seemed to be holding a continent in Du Qing's hand!

All this sounds slow, but in fact it happened in the blink of an eye. All three origins were unfolded, and Du Qing came straight to Wang Lin like a war immortal.

"No matter who you are, you will die for me!"

Wang Lin stood on top of the fire dragon soul, his pupils shrank, and while controlling his mind, the fire dragon roared, and his body galloped backwards uncontrollably. At the same time, a series of magical powers that Wang Lin had launched before were all directed towards Du Qing. And go.

The seven-colored spear, the spirit seal, the opened ancient umbrella of Burning World, and the art of clearing the moon in the black wind, four of the top divine passage methods in the Xiangang Continent, are here. At this moment, Wang Lin unleashed his strongest power!

It is because of the existence of the fire dragon that Wang Lin seems to be connected to it. With the help of this dragon to offset the aftermath, Wang Lin can fight against this Du Qing!

He was even granted the title of Master, and even dared to take action against Old Ghost Zhan and Taoist Qicai. How could he be afraid of this mere Du Qing!

If it weren't for Wang Lin's failure to open all the storage spaces, Du Qing would be defeated if Si Zhi's puppet showed up!

The roar shook the earth in an instant. Du Ze's cultivation level was too high, and three sources came out at the same time. Although he didn't have the slightest magical power, that source was his strongest magical power.

The roaring sound echoed, and all four of Wang Lin's magical powers collapsed, but Du Qing's original power still roared in the aftermath, pressing in front of Wang Lin, making the fire dragon soul at Wang Lin's feet unable to bear it anymore. Screaming, he suddenly collapsed.

The fire dragon collapsed, forming a huge fireball that enveloped Wang Lin's whole body.

Du Qing rushed out of the impact of the disintegration of the four magical powers, and was about to catch up and give Wang Lin a fatal blow.

But at this moment, Wang Lin's voice slowly came out from the fire ball.

"Do you think that I only have one origin... Do you think that your three origins are just that..."

If someone else had said this, Du Qing would have ignored it, but when Wang Lin said it, Du Qing was shocked for some reason.

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