Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1814 Xuan Luo’s Induction

"This golden seal actually has such an effect..." A flash of light flashed in Wang Lin's eyes, and he opened his mouth to inhale. Immediately, the golden seal turned into a golden light and disappeared on Wang Lin's face, which was transformed into the huge fireball. As the golden seal disappeared, the golden light dissipated between heaven and earth. "I won't give it away!" Wang Lin took away the gold seal and spoke slowly.

Du Qing secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the golden seal disappearing. He took a few steps back and Ya wanted to leave quickly. He chased him all the way and was shocked by the opponent several times. In the end, he was frightened by the aura of the Great Heavenly Lord on the golden seal. , at this moment, I have long given up all thoughts of fighting and wish I could leave immediately.

"It's a rip-off! It's really a rip-off!!" Du Qing was depressed. After chasing him out of Baizhang, his expression suddenly changed, he stopped and glanced at Wang Lin, who was wrapped in heat.

"This person has a very profound background, and he also possesses a magic weapon given by the Great Heavenly Lord. It is my fate that such a person can be met by me! I am a dog, how can I just leave Nong like this? Through him, if If you can get the guidance of the Great Heavenly Lord, your cultivation level will definitely increase!

And once I follow him, with such a background, I will still worry about the Great Soul Sect. I no longer have to send any treasures and good things to the Great Soul Sect as soon as possible! "Thinking of this, Du Qing suddenly lost his depression, and his expression showed excitement and excitement.

"Yes, that's it. This is an opportunity that countless monks dream of. If other sects in Tianniu Continent know that this person has a magic weapon sent by a certain Great Heavenly Lord, they will go crazy and immediately invite him to serve. For the honorable guest, satisfy all the requirements... The sky has eyes, Du Qing's creation has come, and now it is very likely that only I know his identity and must not let others know. The good thing is that I have to take advantage of it... ...I just don't know which one the Great Heavenly Lord is behind him... No matter which one it is, it doesn't matter!" Du Qing's wooden body has no heart, but at this moment, he still vaguely heard that his heart was beating faster and faster. sound.

"Haha, what a blessing, what a blessing." Du Qing's eyes were shining, and he looked straight at the fireball where Wang Lin was. After taking a deep breath, he quickly hugged Ji with both hands, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding fellow Taoist, this matter is a misunderstanding. I thought that the mountain gate of Canglong Sect was too dilapidated before, and I wanted to destroy it and rebuild it. It happened that fellow Taoist came to help at this time. Du was extremely grateful for catching up with me. In fact, it’s just a matter of gratitude.” Du Qing started talking without blinking.

"Oh?" Wang Lin glanced at Du Qing, his expression half-smiling but not smiling, as if he had read Du Qing's thoughts.

"Fellow Taoist is devouring the flames. This matter is very important. How can Du leave? Don't worry, fellow Taoist, with Du protecting you, no one will be allowed to get in here!" Du Qing was swept away by Wang Chu's gaze. There was no embarrassment, but instead he was worried that Wang Lin would be unprepared. He immediately raised his right finger to the sky, looked extremely serious, and spoke again.

"The Immortal Gang Law is above, and I will protect the Taoist friends today. If you have even the slightest evil intention,

It will be destroyed by thunder from the sky, the thoughts of Tao will collapse, and the spiritual principles will disappear! As soon as he said, "A red rune immediately appeared in Du Qing's right hand. The rune flickered. Du Qing's oath was revealed in the rune, and it turned into a red light that shot straight into the blue sky and disappeared without a trace. This is Immortal Gang. Once the oath talisman on the mainland is used, there are very few people who do not obey it. The Immortal Gang Law in the net can be used as a witness!

"Well, since you are willing, I will give you a chance to protect the law." Wang Lin looked at Du Qing thoughtfully and spoke slowly. This sentence fell into Du Qing's ears, and Du Qing immediately cheered up. What he was most worried about was that the previous misunderstanding aroused Wang Lin's caution and disgust. Once this happened, he would never have the chance to approach Wang Lin again. In this case, There is no talk of obtaining good fortune.

At this moment, when he heard that Wang Lin agreed to protect the law, Du Qing quickly cheered up, looked extremely serious, and nodded towards Wang Lin.

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Wang, I risked my life to keep Fellow Daoist safe!" As he said that, he took several steps back and appeared hundreds of feet away, sitting cross-legged in the sky, and his consciousness suddenly dispersed , shrouding the surroundings, but the world around Wang Lin did not contain the slightest bit of Du Qing's spiritual consciousness. This was obviously done deliberately to appease Wang Lin's heart.

Wang Lin's expression was as usual. Du Qing's thoughts were not hidden, but clearly revealed. Wang Lin could naturally see that this person was frightened by his golden seal and had thoughts of currying favor with him. His purpose was to create this The great deity with the golden seal.

"That's fine. When I first came to this Xiangang Continent, there are still many things that I can't know by soul searching, and I need such a person to be around...and he came here on his own, not on my own initiative. In this way, he has You asked, so I took the initiative!" Wang Lin sneered inwardly, simply closed his eyes, and his face slowly disappeared from the huge fireball, disappearing without a trace.

Du Qing strictly abided by his oath and took close precautions against all surrounding circumstances. He had already made up his mind to take this opportunity to show off himself and try to make the unpleasant time before the test pass slowly. In the blink of an eye, it was three days.

During these three days, Wang Lin used a trace of his spiritual consciousness to guard against Du Qing. At the same time, his body quickly absorbed the source of the flames in the fire ball.

This fire ball is transformed from a sub-vein. It is not a branch vein, and its absorption is naturally slow. Moreover, its inner energy is extremely majestic, and it seems to have laws within it. This law is that fire has enough will. What Wang Lin wants to swallow is not only the origin of the fire, but also its will.

The sixteen fire dragons outside the fire training disappeared one by one in the past three days and were merged with the fire training. Gradually, a will of fire spread out from the fire training. Du Qing was the first one. When he felt it, his expression straightened, and he glanced sideways at the fire edge without saying anything. In the early morning of the fifth day, the rising sun between heaven and earth raised its head, and bursts of rays of light enveloped the eight wastelands. The moment the darkness was driven away, the fire where Wang Lin was was erupted with an earth-shattering roar.

The sound was extremely violent, and the roar continued, but the fire edge shrank rapidly. In the blink of an eye, it was only ten feet in size. The flames inside were twisted. Deyin could still see Wang Lin's figure in the turbidity, and Wang Lin was There seemed to be a red bird whirling around.

Waves of Suzaku screams emanated from the fireball, echoing around the world. The fire suddenly shrank again. This time, it shrank not very quickly. It took several hours to shrink to seven feet in size. But within this seventy-foot fireball , but there was a will of fire that suddenly burst out. This will enveloped the world and seemed to be trying to compete with the will of the earth's earthly fire veins. It's as if in Tianniu Continent, at this moment, two wills of fire appeared!

This feeling is very strange. One of these two sharp wills is the earthly fire vein of Tianniu Punishment itself, and the other is the seven-foot-long fire connection that Du Qing sees now!

"As expected of a person who was given a magic weapon by the Great Heavenly Lord, his fire origin can actually resist the will of fire here!" Du Qing looked at the seven-foot fire ball and took a deep breath.

At this moment, the fireball suddenly roared violently again, shrinking crazily and condensing from seven feet to three feet! And Wang Lin's figure flashed inside, and he walked out of the three-foot fire ball!

With white hair fluttering, Wang Lin stood next to the fireball, sitting cross-legged. His expression was very solemn, and he pointed towards the fireball with his hands. Under this finger, the Suzaku screamed earth-shatteringly in the fire ball. It was faintly visible that the three feet of fire shrank again. Slowly, only one foot was left!

Within this one-foot-long fire bead, a greatly reduced Suzaku can be seen, whirling rapidly inside, and bursts of Suzaku's sound are continuously emitted. This scene made Du Qing's eyes immediately shine with a strange light. He looked at Fei Zhihuo Lian, and a thought suddenly appeared in his mind.

"This Suzaku is his fire origin body... He has now sent all the origin power of this earth's fire veins into this Suzaku body. Could it be that he wants to... When he thought of this, Du Qing opened his eyes wide, and once again Showing horror.

"He must have condensed his original body!! Du Qing took a breath, and the look of horror in his eyes became more intense

"Once the source comes out, you can cultivate into the realm of the third step of Kongxuan, absorb the vastness of the world with the power of the source, and be invincible! Often the actual source is easier to obtain, but if you want to cultivate to the level of Kongxuan, you must personally understand it The changes in the origin of Chuxu. The more origins, the stronger the strength. This is something that all the monks in Xiangang Continent know!

And this origin is also divided into levels. From the initial appearance of the origin, to the condensation of the original magic weapon, until the origin is completed, one needs to go through it one by one. However, according to legend, there will be some talented people who can promote the origin to grow again after the completion. Finally, an original true body is condensed! This true form is quite rare. Once it appears, it is so powerful that it is terrifying! In my life, I have only seen one true form of the origin of the soul in the ancestor of the Great Soul Sect, and I have never seen another one... ever... Could it be that this fellow Daoist Wang is really trying to condense the true form of the soul! "Du Qing looked at Wang Lin with disbelief. In Xiangang Continent, among the thirty-six counties of the ancient country, the Daogu lineage occupies twelve counties, and among them, Tiantian County is where the Daogu lineage royal family is located.

In Sky County, there is a place with green mountains and green waters. Leaves are flying and the river is murmuring. Deep in the fallen leaves, you can faintly see a towering green altar.

The altar was filled with the atmosphere of vicissitudes of life. On it, there was a young man in black, sitting cross-legged and meditating. He looks young, but in fact he gives people the feeling that he has been around for eternity, as if he has been alive for a long, long time.

He is Xuan Luo.

While Wang Lin was taking out the golden seal in Tianniu Continent, Xuan Luo, who had chosen to retreat, suddenly opened his eyes.

"He's here..." A smile appeared on Xuan Luo's face. He knew that the disciple he chose would not die in nothingness, but would definitely come to Xiangang Continent!

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