Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1816 True Body Regret

Du Qing's cultivation has survived seven mysterious tribulations. Although it is not the true early stage of the empty tribulation, it is still unfathomable. If Wang Lin hadn't had many tricks, it would have been very difficult to convince him.

This person has a cautious and changeable personality, and he is flexible and flexible in order to achieve his goals. Now in order to curry favor with Wang Lin, he used his strongest magical power to take action at this moment, but he saw a flash of purple light in his body, and the source of Zhong spread out.

As soon as the dragon soul approached Du Qing during the roar, his whole body was shaken. It seemed to have increased its weight countless times out of thin air. It let out a shrill scream and fell directly from the sky and hit the ground. It continued to roar while struggling. , but couldn't break free.

Following the roar of the sub-meridian dragon soul, flames immediately spread out of Du Qing's body as if uncontrollably, as if the desire was about to backfire.

This scene was swept by Wang Lin's peripheral vision, and Jiang Lin had a new understanding of Du Qing's true origin. Ignoring Du Qing, Wang Lin used all his energy on the roaring fire dragon, except for using a trace of his consciousness to be on guard.

The whole body of the Zi Pulse Fire Dragon was emitting thick heat, and in the process of approaching, it may have rubbed and burned with the breath of heaven and earth, causing a large amount of black smoke to grow outside the body. It did not look like a fire dragon soul, but rather like a Immortal Gang Demonic Dragon!

At the moment when the fire dragon soul shrouded in black smoke rushed toward Wang Lin, Wang Lin's white hair was fluttering, and he took a step forward. He raised his right hand and waved it forward under the seal. Immediately, there was a flash of blood, and he saw The blood sword appeared out of thin air from Wang Lin's hand, turned into a streak of blood light that opened the sky, and slashed towards the sub-vein fire dragon soul from top to bottom!

Under this slash, the color of the sky and the earth changed. During the roar, the blood light touched the fire dragon soul. At the same time as there was a loud roar, the fire dragon soul was in pain. It roared and retreated back to avoid the blood light sword.

But the blood light was too great, and almost at the moment when the Fire Dragon Soul retreated, it swept across its body. With a shrill roar, the Fire Dragon Soul's body was suddenly swept across by the blood sword, and a slash was struck. cut!

The roar shook the sky. It was the fire dragon that had lost a part of its body. It continued to retreat. Wang Lin's eyes flashed with cold light. He was the key to condense the original body at this moment. Without thinking, he took a step forward. With a grasp of the void in his left hand, he took out the sub-meridian. Dragon Soul caught a part of its body, threw it backwards, and landed within a foot-long fireball.

The fireball absorbed this section of the dragon soul, and the flames suddenly became fierce again. The original body that had limbs inside it suddenly showed signs of condensing into a body.

Wang Lin was as fast as lightning, covering a thousand feet in a flash, and appeared in the sky above the retreating Dragon Soul of the Zi Pulse in an instant. His movements were smooth and smooth. Although he could not suppress the Dragon Soul with just one source like Du Qing, at that moment The sword is shocking and equally sharp.

At this moment, above the fire dragon soul,

Wang Lin suddenly raised his right hand, and golden light spread out from the palm of his hand. The golden light flashed, and Du Qing, who was not far away, was immediately shocked.

In his pupils, the golden seal shimmering in golden light was reflected in Wang Lin's hand!

As soon as this golden seal appeared, not to mention that Du Qing, this dragon soul immediately trembled, with a look of fear in its ferocious eyes. It did not want to come here, but was captured by Wang Lin. At this moment, it is here After seeing the golden seal, his first reaction was to run away. His body swayed and he was thousands of feet away. Looking from a distance, he could only see a black dot.

Wang Lin's expression was calm, and he pointed his right hand towards the place where the fire dragon fled in the distance. Immediately, the golden light flashed violently, and the golden seal roared into the air and flew straight into the distance.

Wang Lin didn't even look at the result and turned to look at the other fire dragon that was suppressed by Du Qing.

The moment he turned around, there was a loud roar in the distance that shook the earth, followed by a flash of golden light, and the golden seal that had gone away roared in and floated next to Wang Lin. Inside the golden seal, A fire dragon that had shrunk countless times clearly existed, roaring in despair as it struggled.

Du Qing's heart was frightened when he saw this scene.

"It is indeed a magic weapon made by the Great Heavenly Lord. This power... Looking at this man's expression, he has obviously not used all his strength... Du Qing blinked, smiled quickly, and clasped his fists towards Wang Lin.

"Congratulations to fellow Taoist for obtaining two sub-veins of dragon soul. This true body can almost be completely condensed.

Wang Lin shook his head slightly and said nothing. Instead, he raised the golden seal with his right hand. Suddenly, the dragon soul inside was surrounded by a ball of golden light and went straight towards the one-foot-long fireball.

The fire ball absorbed a complete sub-vein dragon soul, and the flames roared inside it, but the original body with limbs was condensed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But after half of it was condensed, the flame gradually dimmed and showed signs of extinguishing. Wang Lin frowned and glanced at Du Qing.

Du Qing, not to mention the Qiqiao Exquisite Heart, understood immediately, raised a finger on the suppressed dragon soul with his right hand, and flew straight towards the fireball a foot away as the dragon soul struggled and screamed.

The moment approached, and at the moment of contact, the one-foot-long fireball erupted with powerful suction, frantically absorbing the origin of the flames in the dragon soul. Under the roar of the dragon soul, it finally dissipated, and was all sucked away by the fireball.

After absorbing another sub-vein dragon soul, the fire ball was once again proud. Within it, Wang Lin's original true body, part of the ancient carvings of the body condensed, and after a stick of incense, the body was completely condensed!

At this moment, the original body in the fire ball has limbs and a body, but the head still looks like Suzaku, which looks very strange.

But the power of the flames had reached its limit, and the one-foot-long fireball collapsed suddenly, turning into little sparks and once again being absorbed into the real body, where only the head had not been transformed.

As the fireball disintegrated, an extremely powerful coercion spread out from the unsuccessful Yuan Yuan Zhen, covering all directions. Du Qing, who was not far away, was overwhelmed by this coercion and was secretly shocked.

With his cultivation level, he has an urge to retreat, which is enough to show that this true form is powerful.

"This is not a complete true body, but it has such a coercive force. Once it is complete..." Du Qing took a deep breath, with desire in his eyes. He also wanted to condense his original true body.

, One hundred and eighty-eight branch veins, three sub-vein dragon souls, cannot completely condense the original true body... The difficulty of this true body is really too great... According to this difficulty, it is no wonder that in the Dongfu world, it is impossible to I have never seen any true form. With the resources of the dòng government, it is simply impossible to complete it, not even one. "Wang Lin sighed secretly. He felt deeply at the difficulty of his true form.

"The further back you go, the more fire origin is needed. I don't know how many flames are needed to condense this head into peace..." Wang Lin was in the dark, and the half-completed fire origin true body took a step forward. Go, turn into a sea of ​​fire and merge into Wang Lin's left eye.

The moment it merged, Wang Lin's left eye immediately underwent an astonishing change. In his left eye, there was no mark of the previous flames, and double pupils appeared!

Those eyes gave people an extremely strange feeling.

After moving his head, Wang Lin walked forward. The moment his body moved, a shadow immediately appeared behind him, which seemed to be synchronized with his body, but his appearance could not be clearly seen.

This sudden change immediately made Du Qing take a breath.

"Could this be the mutation after the original true body appeared, the shadow moves with it! I once saw the ancestor of the Great Soul Men in the Great Soul Men, and it was like this when he appeared. There seemed to be a shadow always following behind him.

This is true wherever he goes, especially when he uses his magical powers. "

Wang Lin frowned, as if he was aware of the changes in his body after the original body was condensed. He sunk slightly, but saw that the shadow behind him slowly faded, and finally disappeared completely and no longer appeared.

, let’s go to Canglong Sect, I want to live there for a while. "Wang Lin glanced at Du Qing.

When Du Qing heard this, he immediately became energetic, with a smile on his face, and he clasped his fists and said, "It's a great honor for Du. Fellow Daoist Wang, don't worry. I will definitely mobilize all my disciples to find the location of the Earth Fire Dragon Vein, and even ask the elders of the sect to mobilize." , go and retrieve the dragon soul, take it back and give it to fellow Taoists for cultivation."

Wang Lin looked uneasy, happy and angry, and nodded slowly. He and Du Qing turned into two rainbows and flew straight into the distance. Behind the two of them, under the large mountains, the earth's fire veins gradually withered.

In Tianniu Continent, two long rainbows shot through the sky at extremely fast speeds, especially Du Qing. This person's cultivation level was already advanced, so he was naturally much faster than Wang Lin at this speed. He was moving forward at this moment. The corner of his eye glanced at Wang Lin beside him, and he had a different thought in his heart.

, what kind of cultivation level does this person have... He looks like an ethereal towering peak, but he can take on two of my magical powers, and he seems to have not tried his best...

However, cultivation can be hidden, but speed is also a criterion for judging cultivation... Let's see how fast he can be! "Du Qing remained silent and slowly increased his speed. During the roar, he was slightly ahead of Wang Lin, and the distance became wider and wider.

"It can't be too obvious, just a little bit is enough. After all, I have to rely on this person to contact the Great Heavenly Lord... Du Qing didn't dare to go too far. Seeing that Wang Lin seemed to be unable to go any faster, he was about to slow down. At the speed, the pupils of both eyes suddenly shrank.

Because Wang Lin's cold gaze fell on Du Qing's eyes. At the same time, Wang Lin raised his right hand and waved forward, and a black mist immediately filled his hand. In an instant, a sharp roar suddenly came from the black mist.

This roar was extremely harsh, and had a shocking effect on the mind. Du Qing was not far away. The moment he heard the roar, his mind was shocked, and he even had the illusion that his body was about to collapse. It seemed that in the roar, a burst of energy erupted. An unparalleled ferocious flame seemed to tear his body apart.

"What ferocious beast!!" Du Qing's expression suddenly changed.

In the black mist, the Mosquito King flashed out. Its ferocious appearance, huge mouthparts, body that was deliberately shrunk like a mountain, and the sharp black thorns all over its body made Du Qing frightened!

, Fellow Daoist Du, you are too slow, you have to keep up. "Wang Lin spoke slowly, took a step forward, and stepped on the Mosquito King. The Mosquito King rushed forward and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The speed was so fast that Du Qing was shocked again.

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