Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1818 Overestimating one's capabilities?

This one by one Du Mou has only been to Yuntao State, Kangyang State and Zhongshen Continent in his life. The scope is only half of the entire Dongzhou. There is no thunder vein in these three continents.

I really don’t know about this matter... but I can inquire for you. Maybe some people in the Great Soul Sect know about it. After all, the disciples of the Great Soul Sect of the Nine Sects and Thirteen Sects go out for training, and they often tell the sect everything they see and hear. This is part of their training. "Du Qing shook his head. The Immortal Gang Continent is boundless, and few people have been to Dongzhou alone. He has traveled to four continents in his life, including Tianniu Continent, which is already extraordinary.

Wang Lin nodded slightly, with thoughts flashing in his eyes. After a moment, he looked at Du Qing, as if casually, and slowly spoke.

Donglin Sect, in which continent is it located? "

Donglin Sect? "Du Feng's expression condensed, his eyes fell silent for a moment, and he began to speak slowly.

Donglin Sect is also one of the nine sects and thirteen sects. Its location is in the north of Dongzhou, within the Great Holy Continent. It is said that this sect is extremely mysterious and few disciples go out. "

After Wang Lin asked a few more questions, he showed a hint of exhaustion. How could Du Qing, a mature man, not understand? He quickly stood up and left. Before leaving, he swore a solemn promise.

Fellow Taoist, don't worry, I will mobilize all the power of the sect to find the location of the earth fire branch. If I can personally take the soul of the dish, I will definitely let the disciples in the sect bring it to my fellow Taoist. "

After Du Qing left, just as he said to Wang Lin, he immediately issued orders to the sects one after another. Suddenly, three great magical monks headed by the three elders led the Canglong Sect disciples to the three. Dispersed in various directions.

The elder who was turned into wood and punished with a seal was also released by Du Qing, giving him the opportunity to make meritorious deeds and search for the Earth Fire branch.

Wang Lin was sitting cross-legged alone in this rather luxurious cave, shrouded in the light of the night pearl, and his whole person looked as if there was a wisp of mist lingering outside his body, making it unreal.

His eyes were always in deep contemplation, and Du Qing's previous words were swirling in his mind.

Lei Yuanyuan also needs to condense the true form of the original body... We can't place all our hopes in the Donglin Pool of Donglin Sect... After all, the memory of Su Dao, the Seven-color Immortal Lord, may be exaggerated. "

If the source of thunder wants to condense its true body, the power of thunder required is extremely huge..., since this Xiangang Continent has earth fire veins, then it must have thunder veins...\

,"But the most important thing right now is the condensation of the true form of the fire source... I can't say, I have to go to the great soul gate myself... Wang Lin frowned slightly.

In his opinion, the Great Soul Sect is like a huge monster, which is difficult to shake.

Du Qing said that the ancestor of the great soul sect had unfathomable cultivation, and he actually condensed his true form. "...Wang Lin rubbed his brows and sighed secretly.

My cultivation is still not enough... However, it is not without Fang Ru... Wang Lin's eyes flashed, and he thought of Guiyi Sect. After all, the old man surnamed Ma knew the relationship between Xuan Luo and himself...

But soon, Wang Lin gave up the idea of ​​seeking help from a sect. There were too many unknowns in this idea, and Wang Lin's character was not willing to act under the guise of others.

Relying on yourself, although it is difficult, it is not impossible to be able to perform it in this Immortal Gang Continent if you shrink to an inch. "...Wang Lin closed his eyes in a daze, no longer thinking about the true body, and It is to spread out your spiritual consciousness and slowly find a way to integrate into the world and shrink it into this.

This magical power is extremely important for Wang Lin's future actions in Xiangang Continent. Once he can regain it, Wang Lin's confidence will be doubled.

As his consciousness dispersed, it slowly dispersed out of the cave and lingered in the surrounding heaven and earth. However, no matter how Wang Lin tried, he was still unable to fully integrate into the heaven and earth.

At most, he can only blend in a little bit. This fusion cannot be moved away and can only be teleported away in a short distance. But this is not what Wang Lin wants.

There seems to be an invisible barrier that prevents his fusion. This barrier is not only the law of the Immortal Gang Continent, but also an invisible pressure. Under this pressure, it is difficult for a person's consciousness to squeeze in. .

This place is not like the world of Dongfu. In the world of Dongfu, there is no barrier between heaven and earth, and there is no pressure. As long as the monks can understand how to shrink to this place, most of them can merge into the world and leave.

But now under this pressure, the spiritual consciousness can't squeeze in, naturally it can't be integrated, and it can't be used to shrink to an inch.

Wang Lin vaguely understood that this pressure was not just for him, but for the entire Xiangang Continent. Therefore, even with Du Qing's cultivation level, he could not do it.

Perhaps only when his cultivation level is higher and reaches a certain peak, can he forcefully squeeze into this pressure and move away. "...A few days later, Wang Lin tried many times, but still couldn't succeed.

But he didn't give up! Wang Lin's character has always been like this. The more difficult it is, the more determination he can arouse. His consciousness was changing within the Canglong Sect, constantly trying to squeeze into the pressure.

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, it was a month.

During this month, Wang Lin seemed to be in seclusion, but his spiritual consciousness was roaring, making the remaining disciples of the Canglong Sect afraid to approach the Houshan Cave Mansion. Nephew

Du Qing has always been in the Canglong Sect. He was aware of Wang Lin's consciousness when it first came out, but after watching it for a long time, he couldn't imagine what Wang Lin was doing.

It wasn't until several days of observation that he suddenly understood Wang Lin's thoughts.

This is to integrate the spiritual consciousness into the heaven and earth, and then move it in this way after merging with the heaven and earth... This is simply impossible... Teleportation can be done, but his method is obviously far beyond Teleporting distances can only be accomplished by those old monsters who have reached the Sky Tribulation Wei Peak, who know a lot about the laws of Immortal Gang, and whose cultivation can withstand the pressure.

"Du Qing shook his head and slowly stopped observing Wang Lin's actions.

In one month, the disciples of the Canglong Sect were not able to find the location of the Earth Fire Branch Vein that was beyond the range of Wang Lin's spiritual consciousness. Even the four elders were unable to do so.

They continue to search farther and farther.

Wang Lin forgot the passage of time, and his consciousness crossed his legs again and again, tirelessly, constantly trying to merge with the heaven and earth. If he failed once, he would do it twice, and if he failed twice, he would do it ten times!

Another three months passed. Wang Lin himself couldn't remember how many times he tried, but the result was still the same.

In four months, some disciples of the Canglong Sect have found the branches of the Earth Fire that have not withered, but more disciples are still looking for them.

Wang Lin is still trying persistently. He has to find a way to shrink the ground into an inch. Otherwise, it will be difficult to complete the subsequent series of ideas.

Du Qing has become accustomed to Wang Lin's Shen Yi lingering in the world of Canglong Sect. He watched the other party try countless times every day, seemingly unwilling to do so, and disdain slowly rose in his heart.

It's just that he will never show it externally, but the disdain in his heart is getting stronger and stronger.

This is simply impossible. This person is too stubborn and has wasted all this time. If it were so easy to integrate into the world, wouldn't everyone be able to do this...

It's obvious that his cultivation is not enough, yet he insists on doing this. I really don't know how much the Great Heavenly Lord values ​​Ga..., how stupid. "Du Qing shook his head.

Time flies, and it’s three months again!

Wang Lin had been in seclusion to ponder this magical power for seven months. He had almost forgotten everything. His eyes were red and bloodshot while he was sitting cross-legged, and his consciousness was vaguely irritable.

This scene was observed by Du Qing, and he couldn't help but sneer.

I really don’t know whether I should say that he is overestimating his abilities. Even though he is valued by the Great Heavenly Lord, even though he has many magical weapons and extraordinary ferocious beasts, his current actions are really overestimating his abilities!

I want to see how long he is going to try and what his expression will look like when he still fails to succeed..." Du Qing's eyes flashed with contempt, but more of it was jealousy.

Why is it that I, Du Qing, am not as serious as the Great Heavenly Lord? Could it be that the Great Heavenly Lord only likes such stupid people? "Du Qing was very dissatisfied.

Over the course of seven months, what seemed to him to be a very stupid move by Wang Lin gradually changed Du Qing's mind. From his point of view, Wang Lin seemed to have something wrong with his brain.

In the cave where Wang Lin is, there are more bloodshot eyes in his eyes. His consciousness has been spreading for seven consecutive months without any rest. Even he can't bear it, but he still hasn't given up. At this moment, he seems to be still alive. He is constantly trying to integrate with heaven and earth, but in fact, he is forcing himself!

To be precise, he is using this method to activate the clone that is connected to his mind and grows in the stone shell in the void layer!

After Wang Lin tried for several days before, he understood that with his own cultivation, even if he tried for ten years, a hundred years or more, he would never be able to shake the pressure of heaven and earth.

But he still has the last resort, which is this growing clone! This clone was born within the Immortal Gang Law, and it can even be said that it is part of the law itself. In this way, the key point of whether divine consciousness can integrate heaven and earth falls on its clone.

However, in Wang Lin's telepathy, his clone was already asleep and could not be awakened. To wake it up, extraordinary measures were needed. Therefore, during these seven months, Wang Lin continued to disperse his consciousness, making himself exhausted. Even the soul is slowly showing signs of withering.

On the last day of the seventh month, when Wang Lin's soul showed signs of withering due to no replenishment, his eyes suddenly revealed an extremely bright light.

At the same time, between the cave world and the Immortal Gang Continent, somewhere in the boundless pitch-black void layer, in a huge stone shell floating in the void, the clone of Wang Lin, who was sitting cross-legged and meditating, suddenly swayed. Trembling, he opened his eyes suddenly.

The moment the clone's eyes opened, Du Qing, who was preparing to laugh at Wang Lin's joke with a disdain and sneer in the Canglong Sect, suddenly changed his expression, and once again showed the shock he had seen after seven months!

He stood up abruptly, his expression almost dull, as if the scene he noticed now made him forget to breathe.

Heart..., this is impossible! !

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