Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1820 Great Soul Gate

The Great Soul Gate is located among the mountains. The peaks that rise straight into the sky are filled with red light. From a distance, they look like a burning mountain of flames.

On the outskirts of the mountain, there were ripples echoing in the sky and the earth. There seemed to be a power from the soul within the ripples, which faintly transformed into countless shrill souls, making silent roars.

Here are the Great Soul Sects of the two strongest sects in Tianniu Continent!

The green snow fell from the Tianshan Mountains, falling piece by piece on Wang Lin's body, hair, and ground. He stood in the snow, looking into the distance, motionless.

Looking from here, the peak of the Great Soul Gate does not seem to be very far away, but in fact, even flying often takes several days. The reason for such an illusion is that in addition to the height of Tianshan Mountain, there is also the The ripples emitted by the Great Soul Gate caused a visual gap.

For a long time, Wang Lin closed his eyes, and his consciousness slowly spread. Slowly, he felt steadily that under the mountains of the Great Soul Gate, there was a main vein of earth fire that spanned Niuzhou today. The veins spread out into countless branches, spreading deep underground throughout Niuzhou today.

And on this main vein, there is an astonishing will of fire. This will cannot be violated in the slightest. Only at the peak of the Great Soul Gate, this will has been weakened by most.

Under the peak of the Great Soul Gate, this main vein emerges from the depths of the ground. Rather than saying that the peak is the gate of the Great Soul Gate, it is better to say that it is the main vein of earth fire that is exposed above the ground.

All of this is not caused by man-made magical powers, but by natural changes of heaven and earth. It can only be said that the location of the mountain gate chosen by the Great Soul Sect is very clever.

Inside the great soul gate, there is majestic vitality lingering. Wang Lin took a cursory glance outside and found that there were no less than a hundred thousand monks in the boundless mountains.

There are a large number of one hundred thousand monks, but they are hidden in the mountains, but they are nowhere to be seen.

In those mountains, there are extremely powerful auras of origin, which represent the great powers who have entered the third step.

"The Great Soul Sect of Xiangang Continent... is indeed very strong. The strength of this sect alone can sweep across the cave world." Wang Lin's expression was calm, with a heavy look in his eyes.

If it weren't for the true form of the fire source, Wang Lin would not provoke such a behemoth, but now the earth fire main vein under the Great Soul Sect is extremely important to Wang Lin. Even if it means pulling out a tooth from the tiger's mouth, Wang Lin will try it.

This part of his Sun Hand has absorbed a lot of sub-veins, and gradually the source of fire in his body has reached a certain degree of saturation, and can no longer have an effect on the real body.

at this point,

He had been mentally prepared before. After all, this so-called tonic is actually similar to the monk's elixir. Once the elixir of the same quality is swallowed in too much, the effect will naturally become less and less until it has no effect at all.

Unless you can swallow higher quality pills, such as the will of this main vein of earth and fire!

With his eyes slightly closed, Wang Lin swung his hands in front of his body, and silently, without even a hint of a rainbow, he floated down from the Tianshan Mountain and headed straight for the Great Soul Gate.

Its figure flickers as it walks, and every flicker is an endless distance, as if it is an instant, approaching rapidly.

A few hours later, Wang Lin walked through the journey that usually takes several days for monks, and saw beyond the mountains where the Great Soul Gate is located. Here, the fluctuations of souls between heaven and earth became more and more intensive, and countless repulsive forces faintly appeared. , preventing Wang Lin from entering.

"It's a pity that the Ghost Face Sail cannot be taken out from the storage space. Otherwise, maybe you can use the Ghost Face Sail to enter the Great Soul Gate." Wang Lin paused and looked at the mountains not far away, as well as the red mountains in the mountains. The mountain peak sighed.

The aura of his body has been completely hidden here, not revealing at all, and the whole person looks like several people. After giving birth cross-legged, Wang Lin closed his eyes and waited.

The moment he sat down cross-legged, his body slowly blurred, and finally turned into a stream of smoke, floating uncertainly and lingering to the side.

For a sect like the Great Soul Sect, the prohibition formation at its mountain gate is extremely powerful. If someone other than the disciples of the sect touches it, they will be immediately noticed by the Great Soul Sect.

If you want to go in, you must wait until someone among your brothers goes out and the mountain gate formation fluctuates.

If you are an ordinary monk, you may choose to enter the Great Soul Sect by entering the body of a disciple who has left the Great Soul Sect. However, this method has some disadvantages. Although it seems good, in fact there are Hun Zhiyu obviously has a very thorough understanding of the soul.

Otherwise, there would be no Zhongtong with so many phantom trees.

In this way, after integrating into his brother's body and entering the formation, it is very likely that Wang Lin's identity will be discovered by the formation before he can detect the clues.

This kind of trial can only happen once. Wang Lin is not willing to waste it by taking such a risk. He would rather believe in his own cultivation and understanding of the restrictions.

All he needs is the moment when the formation fluctuates.

Three days passed by in a flash. During these three days, a total of 314 disciples came in and out of the formation outside the mountains of the Great Soul Sect, and the formation fluctuated 314 times.

Every time there was a fluctuation, Wang Lin's tobacco did not act rashly, but kept observing, using his understanding of the restrictions to find flaws in the waves. After all, there is an extremely rare source of restriction in Wang Lin.

He was not anxious, he had enough time and patience. He continued to observe calmly, and another seven days passed.

In seven days, the disciple's hands came in and out nearly a thousand times, and the formation ripples shook nearly a thousand times. Slowly, Wang Lin saw the difference. The fluctuations of the formation changed depending on the identity of the disciple's hand.

In this ten-day period, Wang Lin saw more than a thousand disciples of the Great Soul Sect with different cultivation levels, and he also saw some changes unique to the Great Soul Sect monks in them.

For example, if the soul of every disciple of the Great Soul Sect is compared to fire, it is extremely strong and will not fluctuate easily.

For ten days, Wang Lin still did not take action. He continued to observe, until another ten days passed. On this day, a disciple of the Great Soul Sect who was out came to the formation near the mountains. He blended in and the formation appeared. At the moment of the ripples, the tobacco that Wang Lin turned into suddenly rushed out.

The shredded tobacco was invisible, and it appeared next to the body where the disciple's hand entered the formation. At this moment, the ripples of the formation reverberated, and the moment the disciple's hand and body were completely integrated into it, the tobacco shredded by Wang Lin slipped in seamlessly.

The moment it penetrated, Wang Lin's forbidden source of protection not only offset the formation, but also quickly simulated all the disciples he had seen in the past twenty days. In just a few breaths, the simulation changed hundreds of times. times or more.

Not until the figure of the disciple's hand appeared from the formation, and flew towards the mountains without any notice, the shredded tobacco turned by Wang Lin also entered the formation.

His entry did not cause the slightest change in the formation. His entry did not cause the slightest change in the formation. In other words, all the changes were hidden in the ripples that appeared when the younger brother's hand entered the formation. Inside.

Silently, the shredded tobacco that Wang Lin turned floated slowly in the mountains. Along the way, he saw many disciples of the Great Soul Sect coming one by one. I went in a hurry, but I didn't find Wang Lin's presence.

Wang Lin was very cautious. He stopped occasionally while flying, and slowly moved towards the red mountains deep in the mountains.

The mountain peak was approaching. The closer it got, the more clearly the aura of the main vein of earth fire entered Wang Lin's heart.

god. Approaching the crimson peak deep in the mountains, the closer he got, the more clearly the aura of the main vein of earth fire entered Wang Lin's mind.

Seeing that we were still not far away from the crimson mountain peak, there were three rainbows roaring in the sky in the distance. There were two women, one man and three people in the rainbow, and these three people went straight to the crimson mountain peak.

Wang Lin had no time to check. He had seen too many Changhongs like this.

But at this moment, a spiritual consciousness suddenly burst out from the crimson mountain peak, spreading rapidly towards the bottom of the mountain, covering most of it in an instant. This spiritual consciousness is extremely powerful, and it is not something that ordinary monks can possess. This is the degree of After nine mysterious tribulations, the strong men who have truly entered the early stage of the empty tribulation have dispersed.

Moreover, the bell consciousness is slightly soft, which is difficult to detect unless you have a certain level of cultivation. The moment Wang Lin felt the divine consciousness, he immediately judged that it was a female cultivator!

His spiritual consciousness was so sudden that if Wang Lin hadn't been cautious at all times, he would have been discovered in a panic. Almost at the moment when his spiritual consciousness swept over, the tobacco that Wang Lin had turned rolled back.

Almost at the same speed as Zhong Shiyu, one protected him and the other retreated, barely able to avoid it.

However, the moment when this spiritual consciousness swept across, centering on the red mountain peak, it spread to all directions. Even if Wang Lin could avoid it for a while, it wouldn't take long before he would be noticed.

And at the moment when his spiritual consciousness swept across, the mountains of the Great Soul Gate immediately reverberated and were blocked. This change shocked Wang Lin.

"Have you been discovered?" Wang Lin didn't have time to think too much. At this moment, the spiritual consciousness roared towards him and was about to cover him. At this moment, Wang Lin retreated hastily, as if he had nowhere to hide, and he ran straight towards the place without thinking. Three long rainbows flying from a distance in the sky flew away,

At the fastest speed, he rushed directly into the body of the male hand among the three people. The reason why he entered the body of this man had nothing to do with his cultivation level, but because the spiritual consciousness was dispersed by a female cultivator. According to Wang Lin's judgment is that most women who have reached this level of cultivation are arrogant, and they should not search too carefully for the body of a male disciple. After all, there is no difference between searching and seeing naked body.

Almost at the moment when the tobacco that Wang Lin turned into entered the man's body, the spiritual consciousness came roaring and swept through the man's body.

Without stopping, it swept directly and spread out into the distance. After covering all the mountains, it slowly dispersed. After the spiritual consciousness dispersed, the mountains formation no longer blocked, but re-opened. Get going.

"It's not that I'm aware of my existence, but that in this great soul gate, powerful people have the habit of emitting their spiritual consciousness from time to time to protect themselves..." Wang Lin swirled together inside the man's body and turned into a cyclone. , wrapped by its prohibition.

"Why are you standing still and not following up? We can't afford to delay sending the soul-relieving fruit to the senior sisters." Wang Lin was deep in thought when he heard a female cultivator next to the male hand scolding him. sound.

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