Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1832 Hidden Soul!

"Deep in the Great Soul Sect, there is a mountain peak that shoots straight into the sky. This peak is green. Because it is so high, it looks like it supports the heaven and the earth. This is the forbidden area of ​​the Great Soul Sect." This is the retreat of the Qingniu Ancestor. location.

Wang Lin galloped all the way, and the restrictions of the Great Soul Sect turned into layers of ripples in front of him, without any effect. Until outside Qingtian Peak, Wang Lin stopped, looked at the mountain, and the sound of clapping his fists could be heard loudly.

"Junior Wang Lin, Senior Qingniu is here!" The Qingtian Peak shook, and all the restrictions outside the peak disappeared, and an old voice floated from within.

“At the top, I’m waiting for you here.

Wang Lin subconsciously spread his consciousness and glanced at the Qingtian Peak. His eyes suddenly became solemn. This peak seemed ordinary, but in fact there was a very strong aura within it. This aura "is the peak of this mountain." scattered.

"This is the stop transformed by a magic weapon,..." Wang Lin said without saying a word. His body swayed and he ran straight to the stop. The top of the peak seemed to be soaring into the sky, and he quickly reached the top of the mountain.

At the top of Qingtian Peak, Master Qingniu was sitting cross-legged. He was dressed in green clothes, fluttering in the mountain wind. With his white hair blowing up, Wang Lin looked as normal as he came to the opposite side of Master Qingniu and sat down cross-legged.

"The art of Soul Evolution is indeed extraordinary." After 178,000 years of practice, it may be comparable to the Immortal Emperor's Imperial Master. Wang admires the depth of the Great Soul Sect. "Sitting there, Wang Lin slowly spoke.

Upon hearing this, Master Qing Niu burst out laughing. He didn't look embarrassed at all, but looked quite calm.

"Well, what Elder Wang said is right. He has just entered my Great Soul Sect and is proud of it." This is very good. In fact, I have always thought so. If there is someone who can persist in seclusion, he will be in seclusion. After practicing the art of soul expansion for thousands of years, "I will definitely have calculation power comparable to that of a national master!", "I practiced a magical power one hundred and seventy-eight years ago." If the cultivation level does not increase, the vitality and longevity in the body will be insufficient." Is there such a person?" Wang Lin's words were rude, and those 178,000 years made him quite helpless.

"Haha, anyway, I have never heard of anyone in the Great Soul Sect who has cultivated the Soul Evolution Dao to great perfection. Even the first generation ancestor only imprinted 4.1 billion rune inscriptions.

However, Elder Wang's talent is astonishing, and there must be many opportunities. Maybe there will be a way to master this unique skill of my Great Soul Sect to great perfection. "Master Qingniu smiled slightly" and said.

"Fart!" Wang Lin was not polite. "He rarely spoke like this. At the moment, the expression of Master Qing Niu was really too evil.

As soon as these words came out, Master Qingniu was obviously stunned for a moment. He obviously never thought that Wang Lin would reply like this." He blinked.

Master Qingniu did feel a little guilty and smiled.

"Forget it" don't talk about this, I have three gifts here "prepared for you by the Great Soul Sect" which should be of great use to you! "As he spoke, Master Qing Niu quickly raised his right hand and waved forward." Suddenly three rays of light transformed, forming three brocade boxes, heading straight for Wang Lin.

Wang Lin flicked his sleeves and put the three brocade boxes into his sleeves without even looking at them.

"It won't be time to open the brocade box again. It will take 178,000 years."

Ancestor Qingniu coughed dryly and said quickly: "I don't know, these three gifts were prepared for you by the ancestors back then, and they are just kept by the generation of the Great Soul Sect for you." Now they say they have been taken away, as for the specific contents inside "What item?" I don't know. Even if you get rid of the problem, don't come to me..." Seeing Wang Lin frowning, the Qingniu Master stood up, raised his right hand and pointed towards the sky, and immediately a huge crack rumbled outside Qingtian Peak. When he got up, the crack seemed like another space, with a huge nine-story attic inside.

The attic was shrouded in mist, and a pressure from the soul was looming. Before entering the crack, Wang Lin immediately felt the pressure just by looking outside.

"I still have a furnace of elixirs that I am refining." Go into the Soul Hiding Pavilion and choose a magical power. According to the rules of the past, you can only choose once. If you want to choose the second magical power, you need to complete the sect's mission. Only then! ", Qing Niu Ancestor said, his body disappeared in an instant, but he teleported away and left here in a hurry.

Wang Lin stood up and ignored the departing Qingniu Ancestor. Instead, he looked at the crack in the sky. After a moment of silence, he stepped into the crack.

The moment he entered the crack, a majestic pressure enveloped his body. This was a fuzzy space. "There was no sky, no earth. The whole space only had a huge nine-story attic, filled with fog."

Outside the attic, there are two huge statues of ferocious beasts, entrenched there, lifelike.

The attic door was closed, and there was silence all around. Only on the sixth floor, there seemed to be a group of lights flickering in the mist, as if someone was walking around on the sixth floor.

Above the gate, there are three large characters.

Hidden Soul Pavilion!

This is the Holy Land of the Great Soul Sect, "where the martial arts and magical powers of the past are stored. It seems peaceful." However, Wang Lin could vaguely see that murderous intent was everywhere here, and there were countless terrifying murderous intents.

After a moment of silence, Wang Lin raised his steps and walked towards the door of the ninth-floor attic. As he approached, he suddenly stopped and turned his head sharply to look at the huge stone statue of the ferocious beast on the right side of him.

This ferocious beast looks like a unicorn, but it is different.

The moment Wang Lin looked at it, "the stone statue of the ferocious beast suddenly started to squirm, and a low roar echoed in Wang Lin's mind as the surroundings twisted."

"Bring it to me!" Wang Lin's eyes flashed. He saw that this stone statue actually sealed the soul of a very powerful ferocious beast. This soul was suppressed here, and after being fused with the stone statue, it could transform into various forms. Supernatural powers.

He raised his right hand and flipped it over, and the Yu Jian given by Master Qingniu appeared in Wang Lin's hand. As soon as the Yu Jian appeared, Wang Lin felt a flower in front of his eyes, like a flash of red light, and the Yu Jian disappeared without a trace. "Shadow" The squirming stone statue seemed to be chewing in its big mouth, and spit out the Yu Jian after a moment.

"You can enter the Hidden Soul Pavilion and choose a magical power!" After the stone statue sent out his spiritual thoughts, it slowly stopped squirming and lost the distortion of space. It became normal and motionless there.

"What a fast speed!" Wang Lin's pupils shrank. He had not seen the movement of the stone statue clearly just now. After thinking about it for a moment, he realized that the flash of red light was actually the tongue of this ferocious beast.

After the stone statue stopped moving, the door of the nine-story attic slowly opened a gap, and waves of souls emanated from it, making the place even more coercive.

Wang Lin quietly walked towards the door and stepped in through the gap. The moment he stepped into the first floor of the Soul Hiding Pavilion, he saw the secret of the Soul Hiding Pavilion.

This is a room about several thousand feet in size, with a small human being floating cross-legged here, sitting in meditation with his eyes closed, motionless, but there are powerful fluctuations in his cultivation on their body.

Wang Lin's sunlight swept over these thousands of little people. There were men and women, old and young, but without exception, they were all soul bodies. Each soul body contained a kind of magical power. Kung Fu.

"The Hidden Soul Pavilion..." Wang Lin murmured. "After scanning his eyes," he saw the stairs leading to the second floor. The stairs were emitting a faint light, and there seemed to be a restriction. If you were not strong enough, you would not be able to go up.

Obviously, on the ninth floor of the Soul Hiding Pavilion, the higher you go, the more sophisticated the skills are. Wang Lin flicked his sleeves and walked past the hundreds of souls towards the stairs. The moment his footsteps fell, a force of repulsion hit him. He stood up suddenly, as if to stop Wang Lin from going up.

This force of repulsion is quite powerful and can stop everything that is not the third step, but for Wang Lin, it is really insignificant. With a calm look on his face, he stepped lightly onto the stairs, making a clicking sound. , walked to the second floor.

There are also thousands of souls on the second floor of the Soul Hiding Pavilion, and the aura of the techniques emitted by them is many times more powerful than that on the first floor. However, after Wang Lin glanced at it, he didn't realize it. Find the two magical powers he wants, multiple illusions and the technique to summon the souls of the ancestors of the Great Soul Sect.

"Most of the techniques here can be understood clearly through the cultivation of Kong Nirvana." When used, they are extremely powerful...but for me, they are no longer useful. "Wang Lin was in a daze and walked along the stairs of the second floor towards the third floor.

The third floor, the fourth floor, the fifth floor! Wang Lin paused for a short time and arrived at the fifth floor of the Soul Hiding Pavilion. In this floor, the number of soul bodies suddenly decreased. Only five hundred of them were floating there, and the aura of the skills emanating from them. Faintly reaching the realm of Kongxuan, it is obvious that this place belongs to the monks of Kongxuan.

Although Wang Lin couldn't see the changes or formulas of each magical power technique, he could tell with his induction that each one had great power.

Wang Lin didn't know what kind of effects any of the souls here would have if taken outside, but if placed in the cave world, it would be enough to cause a huge catastrophe!

However, although these magical powers are tempting, they are not Wang Lin’s choice now! He looked at the stairs leading to the sixth floor, his eyes flashed, and he walked there.

The moment his footsteps fell, Wang Lin suddenly heard a bang in his mind, as if he had been hit hard, his body suddenly shook, his footsteps fell there, and his body remained motionless.

On the sixth floor, Yan Luan was sitting cross-legged, with a soul body floating above her head. A trace of soul energy spread out from the soul body and penetrated into her heavenly spirit.

The moment Wang Lin stepped onto the steps leading to the sixth floor, Yan Luan suddenly opened his eyes, revealing a strange look.

"At this time, the person who can come to this Soul Hiding Pavilion is probably Wang Lin! Huh, this person's cultivation is weird. He can't just be in the late stage of Kongling. Let's see if he can come up, and then we can judge his True cultivation

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