Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1846 The first meeting!

With this press, the sea surface remained normal, but Wang Lin left a trace of spiritual consciousness in the sea water. He was cautious. This trace of spiritual consciousness seemed useless now, but it is likely to be useful in the near future.

The fusion of spiritual consciousness with the sea is difficult to detect at all.

After doing this, Wang Lin's eyes immediately became filled with bloodshot eyes. In an instant, his entire pupils were completely replaced by a thin line of blood, which looked quite terrifying.

With his eyes that contained the origin of restriction, Wang Lin looked at the sky. At this glance, his expression immediately changed!

The dark sky was shrouded in layers of thin mist. This mist was invisible to the naked eye, and even to the divine sense. Only Wang Lin, with his eyes that restricted the origin, could see clearly by looking at the origin. to all this.

"One layer...three layers..." Although the mist in the sky is thin, it has seven layers. The seven layers of fog cover the entire alchemy sea, boundless, like a huge bowl. Pull it over and cover the Danhai and the earth.

Above the seven layers, there is a compass. This compass is illusory and rotates slowly. It emits bursts of coercion and merges with the seven layers of mist.

"This compass is an illusion, not a real thing..." Wang Lin's eyes narrowed. When he looked at it, he could faintly see that there seemed to be a wisp of breath on the compass behind the seven layers of mist, spreading and connecting to the distant sea of ​​​​dan. far away.

"The center of this formation should be transformed into a real object, at that location..." Wang Lin concentrated, looking into the depths of the Dan Sea, his eyes flashed, and he began to think.

If he wants to complete the transformation of his true body, he needs to absorb a large number of different restrictions. Wang Lin has never seen this large array of restrictions covering the entire sea of ​​pills, and he can't help but feel a little moved.

But this heartbeat was quickly suppressed by him." With a wave of his right hand, he raised his eyes and sleeves, and behind him, two huge eyeball pupils suddenly appeared. The pupils were illusory, but the red light "In a flash" the darkness seemed to be dispersed.

After these two illusory huge bloodless pupils appeared, Wang Lin immediately sat down cross-legged and stared at the sky, his eyes flashing with the color of deduction. He wanted to break through this restrictive formation as quickly as possible.

As his eyes deduced, the pupils of the two giant arrows behind him also emitted bursts of derivation. He stared at the sky, looking for a way to crack the seven layers of fog.

Slowly, Wang Lin's eyes became more bloodshot, as did the two huge pupils behind him.

Time passed slowly, and half an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

The three white tigers looked solemnly and looked around cautiously. They were protecting Wang Lin. Whether the three of them could get out depended on whether Wang Lin could break through the formation.

After half a stick of incense, Wang Lin's eyes shone brightly. He suddenly raised his right hand and pointed three fingers at the sky. With each finger falling, a streak of blood would emanate from the two huge pupils behind him. Wang Lin pointed his finger straight into the sky.

Outsiders couldn't see it, but what Wang Lin saw with his eyes was that the blood streaks flying out of each of his three fingers entered the gap in the first layer of thin mist. When the three fingers fell, the three thin threads completely penetrated the air. As the first layer of mist entered, they formed a circle and intertwined with each other.

This round shape is exactly one of the few small holes in the first layer of fog. It is thin and there is no fog! It is said to be a small hole, but it is enough for a person to pass through!

"Seven layers of mist, each layer is flowing and turning. It is a bit difficult to break through this formation..." Wang Lin was sullen, looking at the sky. After waiting for a moment, he suddenly raised his hands at the same time, continuously After playing it nine times, every time it popped up, a thin red line would fly away.

However, in Wang Lin's eyes, he saw that these nine thin lines suddenly penetrated into the first layer of circular holes that he framed with the restricted thin lines. After penetrating this small hole, the nine thin lines immediately separated. After going out four ways, I found the same thin place in the second layer of fog, connecting with each other to form a second circle!

At the same time, the remaining five red blood threads penetrated the second layer of circles, and in the same way, the same circle holes were arranged in the third layer!

In this way, Wang Lin found a way to break out of the first three floors!

Bai Hu and others could not see all of this, and the three people at this moment had quite solemn expressions. Sometimes they looked at Wang Lin anxiously. After all, a lot of time had passed.

Until now, no monk from the Green Demon Continent has appeared. This kind of thing is too weird, like the calm before the storm, giving people an extremely depressing feeling.

Wang Lin's expression was calm. Most of his mind was focused on the seven-layer prohibition formation. The more he deduced, the more majestic the prohibition felt to him. From the fourth layer onwards, the same kind of existence existed as the first three layers. The thin holes are even rarer, and even if they are deduced, they are difficult to find.

But Wang Lin has the origin of the restriction. He not only relies on deduction, but more importantly, relies on the gaze of his origin. Under his gaze, all the restrictions in the world are invisible.

After another half moment, Wang Lin's eyes suddenly flashed in the first three floors, his hands quickly raised, and he popped seventeen times in a row! Seventeen blood-colored filaments galloped away, reaching into the sky, directly penetrating the round holes in the first three layers. On this fourth layer, six filaments were connected, and a solid structure was formed from the fine mist. Smaller circles.

The remaining filaments galloped and connected in the fifth layer, making the first five layers all have small circular holes that could be passed through.

But at this moment, the Danhai suddenly roared, and the sea suddenly roared. The sound was earth-shattering. The entire seawater seemed to be divided into two halves, with a long line as the center, rumbling towards both sides.

This scene was so sudden, without any warning, that the expressions of the three white tigers changed drastically. Just when they were about to use their magical powers, Wang Lin's pupils shrank. Without any hesitation, he stood up abruptly, and the man behind him suddenly The two huge pupil shadows quickly dissipated. Wang Lin flicked his sleeves, and the strong wind swept the three white tigers, and their bodies turned into a rainbow and rushed into the sky in an instant.

The moment Wang Lin rolled White Tiger and the three men straight into the sky, an indescribable terrifying sword energy burst out from the thin line on the sea that seemed to divide the sea water into two halves.

There is no thin line here, this is clearly a sword slash! This sword slashed out from the bottom of the sea can actually split the sea water, its power is earth-shattering!

The sea water roared, and at the moment when the sword shadow was completely cut out from the sea surface, the sea surface roared and was completely divided into two parts, a huge crack. Between the two parts of the sea water, you can see the dark sea floor. .

This sword shadow was tens of thousands of feet long. It rose from the sea and slashed the sky with one sword. It went straight towards Wang Lin and the four of them. The moment they felt the sword intent, the faces of the three white tigers suddenly turned pale, especially It was Suzaku and Xuanwu who were seriously injured, but now they suddenly spurted out blood, with shock in their eyes.

"This is the way of the sword! You don't cultivate the artistic conception of heaven and earth in your life, you only cultivate a sword, blend the sword with your mind, blend the sword with your body, destroy all nature, and even regard yourself as a sword!

This..., this...there is such an extreme monk in Green Devil Continent! ! "Xuanwu was well-informed and took a breath at this moment.

The shadow of the sword was extremely fast, and the moment was approaching, but Wang Lin just flew out one step ahead. Almost at the moment when the sword came, he and the three white tigers turned into a rainbow and rushed directly into the small hole in the first layer of mist. , without any pause, the connection penetrated the second, third, fourth, and fifth layers!

Behind him, the sword shadow suddenly cut into the forbidden formation, roaring and whirling, but he saw that the first three layers of mist of the formation were swept away by the sword energy, and immediately collapsed, and the aftermath collapsed, carrying with it the hidden content of the sword shadow. The will of the fourth layer was rolled up, causing the fourth layer of fog to collapse!

One sword destroyed four levels of restrictions. Even Wang Lin couldn't help but gasp at the power of this sword. gas! He was currently in the fifth layer of mist, and he could clearly feel the mist in this layer shaking. There was a faint and extremely domineering will, as if the sword was the only one in the sky and the earth, rushing in and blasting into Wang Lin's mind.

Wang Lin took a deep breath. This will was just a lingering thought, but Wang Lin could clearly feel the domineering power within it.

"No matter what this person's cultivation level is, but with this sword alone, he must be a prominent person in the Green Demon Continent!" Wang Lin's eyes flashed, and the three white tigers were shocked by the sword, their eyes filled with red light. , bloodshot eyes occupied all of his eyes, turned into rainbows and went straight to the sixth floor.

The mist on this sixth layer was already quite thick, and there was no gap at all. However, as Wang Lin was galloping, he could see his hands constantly making seals, and streaks of forbidden blood whizzed up from his face, weaving into a fine mesh in front of him. , after a few breaths, he suddenly came into contact with the sixth layer of mist.

With a bang, Wang Lin led the three white tigers and broke into the sixth floor!

"Yunkong is not talented. He came from thousands of mountains away. Why should this fellow Taoist leave in such a hurry!" A deep voice swirled on the sea, but I saw the sword shadow that destroyed the first four layers of mist. Became a monk in green clothes.

This monk looked like just a young man, dressed simply, with no embellishments on his green clothes, and his long hair draped over his shoulders, looking very elegant.

He was extremely handsome, but he seemed to be full of coldness. In his hand, he held a seven-foot long sword. In this dark night, there seemed to be a stream of light turning, glowing with a cold light.

What came was not Yun Kong's original form, but a clone of his sword intent. Although it was a clone, it possessed nearly 60% of the sword intent of the original form!

As he spoke, Yun Kong raised his head, stepped forward lightly, and headed straight for the fifth layer of mist! His right hand was raised, and the sword in his hand suddenly swept towards the sky.

In this sweep, a crescent moon sword shadow roared and shot straight into the sky. The invisible fifth layer of fog suddenly collapsed, making Yunkong see it at a glance. The figure that had just rushed into the sixth layer turned back to face him coldly. The white-haired Wang Lin looked at each other!

Wang Lin is about to become famous as an immortal, and the miracle of the Three Hundred Alliance of Immortals is about to appear. Thank you without saying anything. Shenzhen Artillery joined the ranks of the leaders of the Immortal Rebel Alliance. With the third step of powerful body, they followed Wang Lin to break through the cave prison and bravely conquer the Immortal Gang world. On the occasion of Ergen being extremely grateful, I would like to send disciple Yanluan a bodyguard to express my gratitude!

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