Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1858: Disaster!

A roar with a ferocious meaning suddenly came from the fog outside and inside Wang Lin's body. However, he saw the scarlet tongue in the fog curling up. Sisi, who had lost an arm, rushed out frantically, heading straight for Liu Zhiyuan. go.

All this was as fast as lightning, and the distance of several hundred feet was only a blink of an eye for Ji Si. Almost at the moment when Liu Zhiyuan turned around, Ji Si was swept up in the mist and roared towards him.

Liu Zhiyuan's expression changed. He clearly felt the initial wave of air disaster coming from the black mist. His eyes showed a look of horror. He naturally saw that this was a puppet, and he quickly retreated without thinking. With a flick of his big sleeves, seven black lotuses appeared in front of him and touched him.

The roaring sound was earth-shattering, attracting the attention of six people who were fighting thousands of feet away. The expressions of the three Liu Zhiyuan's companions changed, and they were about to check, but were stopped by three monks from Tianniuzhou. At this moment, I have no time to spread my consciousness to check, but this scene is obviously beneficial to me!

The seven black lotuses collapsed, and Si was roaring, with multiple wounds all over his body, but his tongue seemed to penetrate the seven collapsed black lotuses, like a sharp sword, suddenly hitting Liu Zhiyuan's chest.

Blood suddenly rose, and Liu Zhiyuan felt a pain in his chest. He didn't have time to check. He didn't have much immortal power in his body at the moment. Coupled with the strange absorption of the mist, and the crisis of using seven lotuses in succession just now, he was almost exhausted at this moment. He stepped back, raised his right hand, and a ghost-colored ball of light immediately appeared in his hand, about to be swallowed.

Wang Lin suddenly raised his right hand, and a large white sail appeared in his hand, and he rolled it forward suddenly. Under this roll, the sound of crying suddenly circled around, and it was clearly transmitted into the injured Liu Zhiyuan's mind. In his mind, a vague figure of a woman in white suddenly appeared. This figure had her back to him and was crying.

The moment this figure appeared, Liu Zhiyuan's right hand, which was holding the ball of light that he wanted to swallow, had a meal.

At the same time as he paused, Wang Lin stepped forward, raised his five fingers with his right hand and slapped it towards the sky. During the roar, he saw the mist in the sky rolling, and a huge palm print suddenly appeared above Liu Zhiyuan, towards the sky. Liu Zhiyuan came with a bang.

At the same time, behind Liu Zhiyuan, there was a flash of fire, and a flaming palm print appeared like burning mist, heading straight for this person!

This scene was extremely fast, but it was played out several times in Wang Lin's mind.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Zhiyuan's palm prints were blasted from behind, and the woman in white in his mind was crying more and more violently. Jisi, who had been blasted away before, roared again and rushed towards him crazily, as well as the one who had been blasted away before. The blood sword flashed with blood and turned into a huge sword light that went straight to Liu Zhiyuan and slashed him down!

All kinds of magical powers are coming together,

Taking advantage of the moment when the immortal power in Liu Zhiyuan's body could not be replenished, Liu Zhiyuan came with a bang.

However, it was extremely difficult to kill the monks in the early stages of the Sky Tribulation. Although Wang Lin's timing was extremely clever, at the moment when such magical powers struck, Liu Zhiyuan's pupils shrank, and without thinking, he bit the tip of his tongue and spurted out blood. As soon as it came out, it immediately turned into a piece of blood armor that filled his whole body. Even his head turned blood-colored at this moment.

The skin all over his body was even more like this. In the blink of an eye, he turned into a bloody man. He hugged him with both hands. At the moment when the magical power came, Liu Zhiyuan suddenly stretched out his arms.

"Blood Armor Shock!" The moment his words came out, the blood on Liu Zhiyuan's body immediately dried up and turned into armor. When he stretched out his arms, the blood armor all over his body immediately exploded, forming A bloody storm swept across.

The huge palm print above it collapsed the moment it touched the bloody storm, and the flaming palm print behind Liu Zhiyuan also collapsed when the bloody storm roared.

The blood sword flashed, slashing at the bloody storm, and the madness of Sisi was approaching, and he also rushed into the storm with a roar. All of these, at this moment of death, set off a shocking roar.

As the roaring sound arose, Wang Lin swung out and headed straight for the bloody storm. This storm was obviously Liu Zhiyuan's life-saving magical power. At this moment, he resisted many of Wang Lin's spells, and there were faint signs of twisting and breaking. Liu Zhiyuan inside was spitting out blood and looked ferocious, but he retreated crazily.

Just as he was retreating, Wang Lin, whom he was staring at, disappeared without a trace in the middle of a step. Liu Zhiyuan's pupils shrank, he turned around suddenly, raised his right hand and slapped directly behind him.

But behind him, Wang Lin's figure transformed and punched out. This punch did not have Daogu's shadow, but it was Daogu's punch!

With the roar of orchid, the lotus flower on Liu Zhiyuan's right arm flashed, his flesh and blood were blurred, and his body turned into a rainbow and rolled back. Wang Lin also had blood flowing out of the corner of his mouth, but he did not pause, but took steps to catch up.

The roaring sound reverberated, Wang Lin's body flashed sharply as he pursued, and he fired nineteen punches in a row. Liu Zhiyuan's face was pale, and his eyes were filled with horror. Wang Lin's pursuit was too fierce, and he didn't give him any reaction at all. Opportunity, with one punch, his whole body was filled with blood, and his appearance was extremely terrifying. "This method cannot kill me." Liu Zhiyuan deeply understood that today's moment was a rare life-and-death disaster in his life. The opponent's timing was extremely clever. Obviously it was not a temporary move, but it had been prepared for a long time!

At this moment, he was retreating, struggling to withstand Wang Lin's punch. At the moment when the black lotus transformed in front of him collapsed, he raised his left hand and waved, only to see a black bell appear in his hand.

This was the first time Liu Zhiyuan found time to take out a magic weapon in his battle with Wang Lin. Once he took it, it was his most powerful magic weapon! As soon as the bell came out, it immediately made a crisp sound as it shook in Liu Zhiyuan's hand.

The sound of the bell whirled around, and immediately outside Liu Zhiyuan's body, countless miserable female phantoms suddenly appeared. Each of these phantoms were naked, with miserable expressions and filled with resentment.

Under the dense mass, there were no less than hundreds of thousands of them. They spread out, and the souls overlapped, and the resentment was connected together to form a stream. The abominable sky filled the air, directly making all the monks fighting in the Jitian grassland clearly feel it. !

The six people in the early stage of the Sky Tribulation were fighting more intensely at this moment. After feeling the aura, they scanned their consciousness and were about to check, but the fog restricted their consciousness at this moment, so they couldn't see clearly! But those three monks from the Green Demon Continent were very familiar with Liu Zhiyuan's magical powers.

At this moment, when they felt this resentment, their expressions changed, knowing that Liu Zhiyuan must have encountered a life and death enemy, otherwise he would never take out this treasure!

As for the old man in the middle stage of the Air Tribulation of the Green Demon Continent who was fighting with the Yanza trio, and the monk surnamed Zhang who was fighting with Lu Wenran, their expressions also changed, but their consciousness was blocked by the mist and could not spread to see.

Lu Wenran's eyes flashed, and his consciousness filled the air, but there was an invisible barrier where Liu Zhiyuan was fighting, making his consciousness blurred and unable to see clearly the person fighting Liu Zhiyuan.

And Yan Sui and others are also like this.

At this moment of overwhelming resentment, the pupils of Wang Lin's eyes contracted. He was fully prepared. He had only performed part of the attack at the moment, and the two real killing moves had not yet been launched.

At this moment, without thinking, he suddenly raised his right hand and pointed to the sky. A gourd immediately appeared on his fingertips. The gourd contained 30 million Dao souls. If it exploded, it would be enough to threaten the mid-air tribulation, but at this moment However, Wang Lin did not control it to explode. Instead, he sprayed a mouthful of blood towards the gourd with one finger. The blood quickly disappeared into the gourd, and bursts of roars suddenly came from the mouth of the gourd. Thirty million Dao souls were poured out in large quantities. Flying out, spinning behind Wang Lin, spreading a bloody path!

"Use my essence and blood" to summon the heroic souls of the great soul sect's ancestors from the past to the present to break through the sky! ! The ghost returns! "Wang Lin's words were calm, but they revealed a strange power.

At the end of the bloody road, there is a huge whirlpool. The whirlpool merges with the surrounding fog, faintly exuding a gloomy meaning. In the whirlpool, at the same time as Wang Lin spoke, a bloody figure slowly appeared, slowly Yes, step by step.

Every step it takes will cause the surrounding world to bang loudly!

The overwhelming resentment caused by Liu Zhiyuan's magic weapon was rushed out by the momentum of the bloody figure, and it immediately showed signs of collapse. Liu Zhiyuan's complexion changed drastically, and he pointed at the sky with his hands, and saw that the resentment that filled the world immediately condensed and transformed into A huge figure was made. This figure was a woman. Her whole body was composed of more than 100,000 innocent souls, and more than 100,000 miserable faces could be seen on her body.

The moment the figure condensed, the huge figure suddenly opened its mouth, and lowered itself towards Wang Lin to devour him ferociously.

At this moment, behind Wang Lin, the figure of Luo Yunhai, the ninth ancestor of the Great Soul Sect, also walked out step by step from the vortex of the blood road. He raised his right hand, and a terrifying murderous intent exploded into the air, turning into a red spear. , was caught in his hand, and with a fierce flick, the gun whizzed away, and suddenly met with the huge figure composed of countless resentful souls.

At the moment of contact, the spear burst out with a light of command, like purification, causing the huge figure to collapse immediately, and the innocent soul inside screamed and rolled back.

There was a loud bang that shook the earth. Wang Lin shuddered and spurted out blood. He continuously retreated a hundred feet. The blood path behind him dissipated, and the figure of the ninth ancestor Luo Yunhai disappeared within it. But similarly, the huge shadow of the wronged soul collapsed, and Liu Zhiyuan A large amount of blood burst out from the whole body, and they all retreated with shrill screams.

But they saw the collapsed figure of the innocent soul, turned into countless innocent souls, like a backlash, pouring into Liu Zhiyuan's body, drilling in and out, making Liu Zhiyuan's voice shrill, and he retreated crazily, but he was not dead yet, just seriously injured. Now he is no longer alive. Don't think about this war, but run away!

"Shen Zhen, soldiers and cultivators!"

"Sorcery, a mountain of flames!"

"The devil's way, life and death are reversed!"

"God, demon, concubine..., the ancient way, no immortal!" Wang Lin stared at Liu Zhiyuan who was going away, and punched out!

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