Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1864 Golden Cicada Escapes

At the edge of Jitian Grassland, the female cultivator of Kongjie, who was surrounded by thousands of cultivators, suddenly opened her eyes while crossing her legs. The illusory compass in front of her clearly revealed where Wang Lin was.

She had seen the light spot representing Wang Lin before. It disappeared in an instant and appeared far away. She immediately informed the fellow monks who were chasing Wang Lin.

At this moment, the same thing happened again to this light spot, which gave the woman a sense of something bad. One time was acceptable, but two times meant that it could appear three or four times. In this way, it was necessary to kill the king. Lin, it is extremely difficult!

"He must have a magic weapon that can be moved in his hand. There is only one such magic weapon in the entire sect, and there are only three in Green Demon Continent. Even in Tianniu Continent, I am afraid there are not many, but this person can actually have it!"

In her eyes, she was shocked to find that the light spots representing Wang Lin appeared next to a group of green dots. In an instant, all the green dots disappeared. Immediately afterwards, Wang Lin's light spot disappeared again, and when it appeared, it was far away from there, next to another group of green dots!

"The third time!!" Without thinking, the woman immediately informed all the Kongjie monks of this strange change in a special way.

At this moment, where Wang Lin was, bursts of screams echoed. More than a dozen Green Demon Continent monks were filled with mist. The screams quickly calmed down, and the mist squirmed, eventually transforming into Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's face was slightly rosy and no longer so pale. During the battle with Xu Decai, he was continuously hit by magical powers and the injuries in his body became more serious. Only then did he choose the way in the cave world again, devouring the flesh and blood of monks to heal his wounds. .

After devouring two groups of Green Demon Continent monks in succession, Wang Lin's eyes flashed and he disappeared on the spot. After a stick of incense, the Green Demon Continent monks who chased him and the third group also died, becoming Wang Lin's healer. part.

At this point, in the center of the grassland, there are only two old monsters in the middle stage of the air tribulation and the two monks in the early stage of the air tribulation! These four people were very cautious and did not spread out too much. Instead, each old monster in the middle stage of the Air Tribulation was paired with a monk in the early stage of the Air Tribulation. They would not be separated from each other and came straight to Wang Lin.

All this was seen by Wang Lin. He looked at the compass in his hand with a cold light. His target was the Kongjie cultivator who could use his magical powers very quickly. Such magical powers on this man made Wang Lin's heart beat in a rare way.

At this moment, the sky is getting brighter and dawn is about to pass, but the rain is getting heavier and falling. There is also a lot of mud on the grassland on the ground. If you step on it, you will make a squeaking sound.

Looking into the distance, it was blurry due to the heavy rain, and only the sound of the rain could be heard, which was particularly clear in this murderous night.

His eyes fell on the compass in his hand again,

The four green dots on it were rushing from two directions. Wang Lin paid attention to one of the green dots for a long time and determined that it was the Kongjie monk who had fought before.

"It's a pity this compass... But I already understand its internal structure and restrictions. As long as I have enough materials, I can make one myself at any time." Wang Lin murmured and raised his left hand, waving it forward. Immediately a dim soul appeared in his hand.

This soul was the one he chose from the three teams he was chasing. It had reached a certain level of cultivation and was very full. It had not suffered any other damage.

The will of this soul has been wiped away by Wang Lin. What is left at this moment is just a confused body of the soul. Holding this soul, Wang Lin suddenly squeezed it hard with his left hand, and immediately everything about the soul collapsed, and the body of the soul collapsed. Before it could dissipate, Wang Lin immediately integrated a trace of his own consciousness into the compass in his right hand.

At the moment when the soul entered the compass, it turned into a piece of white smoke, winding around the inside and outside of the compass. Wang Lin raised his right hand and swung it forward. Immediately, under the integration of the soul, it seemed to be burning, and a kind of madness unfolded. At such a speed, he ran straight ahead and disappeared without a trace in a flash.

This soul controlled the compass, burned itself out, and turned into an extremely fast speed, galloping towards the end of the world. It may not be able to fly for too long, and will slowly dissipate in the burning. After the soul is completely dead, the compass will fall down, and no one knows where it landed.

But it didn't take long, but it was enough for Wang Lin.

Although the compass is no longer in his hand at this moment, Wang Lin's consciousness integrated into the soul can sense the location of the four people chasing him on the compass.

In this way, similar to a golden cicada shedding its shell, Wang Lin instantly changed from prey to hunter!

He swayed and left the place. When he appeared, he was somewhere in the Jitian grassland. He sat cross-legged and meditated with his eyes closed, feeling the changes on the compass. It had the origin of fire. The moment he sat down, The muddy water beneath him dries naturally.

In his induction, time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, it was an hour. In this hour, the four monks of the Sky Tribulation gradually had a difference in speed. The two old monsters in the middle stage of the Sky Tribulation, Obviously he didn't want to continue like this for a long time. After knowing Wang Lin's direction and target, he accelerated his speed, gradually widened the distance, and headed straight for the compass thrown by Wang Lin.

Slowly, the two monks who were in the early stage of the Sky Tribulation fell behind, and the distance between them and the two old monsters in front grew farther and farther. Wang Lin suddenly opened his eyes, with a hint of cold light inside them.

He touched his chest. There was a space stone in his body. He always felt that this stone was extraordinary, but he didn't know its ultimate function.

The scene where the Netherworld Beast appeared and devoured the opponent's Heavenly Dao just now made Wang Lin's mind suddenly clear. He vaguely figured out some of the functions of this thing.

"It can be swallowed by the Netherworld Beast and strengthened on a large scale, because there are countless separate spaces inside this stone... When fused with the Netherworld Beast, a series of changes can occur..." Wang Lin's eyes flickered, and he opened his mouth quietly. The light flickered, but the space stone flew out of his mouth and fell into his hand.

Holding this stone, Wang Lin was silent for a moment, then ripples suddenly appeared on his body and disappeared in an instant.

Only that piece of space stone fell to the ground with a snap, hidden by weeds, and no one noticed it.

At this moment, Wang Lin was already in the space stone when he appeared. This was the first time that he physically entered this strange stone. The space he chose was one of the countless ones here. The space here is different from the space stone. There is no difference in the real world, but the scope is not large, only about hundreds of thousands of miles across

There are mountains, light, and earth, but no water.

Everything here, without water, seems real, but in fact it is still incomplete.

Sitting cross-legged in the space stone, Wang Lin stared for a long time with twinkling eyes. Without hesitation, he raised his right hand and waved forward. Immediately, a blue umbrella appeared and went straight to the sky. The blue and sky curtain Fusion slowly replaced the existence of the sky.

With another wave of his right hand, Wang Lin took out the gourd containing 30 million Dao souls and blended it into the earth. The moment it merged, the ground immediately shook, exuding waves of death.

After a moment of silence, Wang Lin raised his right hand. When he turned his hand, the golden seal given to him by Xuan Luo materialized. Looking at the seal, Wang Lin blew out a breath of soul energy towards it. The breath was washed away and the seal dispersed. The golden light was thrown out by Wang Lin, and it went straight to the sky covered by the blue umbrella, floating there, forming a golden sun!

After doing this, Wang Lin took out the ghost sail he made and spread it forward. The sail flew automatically and turned into clouds in the sky and earth.

This cloud layer looks very simple, but in fact, it can change everything.

The last ones he took out were Ji Si and the Mosquito King. The Mosquito King flashed and changed drastically, finally hiding in a white cloud in the sky and disappearing.

As for Najisi, he merged into the earth, and was completely covered by the death energy emitted by the thirty million souls on the ground.

"This world still lacks cause and effect..." Wang Lin murmured to himself as he crossed his legs. A vortex appeared between his eyebrows, condensing the origin of cause and effect, turning into a long sword, and disappearing between heaven and earth.

"There is also life and death, truth and falsehood..." Wang Lin said to himself, two sources flew out from his eyebrows, formed two long swords, and disappeared again.

"There are still killings and restrictions..." The evil spirit rose into the sky, and the white clouds in the sky immediately turned dark and turned into billowing black clouds, and bursts of white snow fell. The color of this snow was black, and each snowflake contained within , all containing the origin of prohibition, slowly fell to the earth, and soon the ground was covered with a thin layer of black snow.

"There are also fire, thunder, water..." Wang Lin suddenly waved his arms and stood up. The sea of ​​fire rose into the sky in his left eye, and the thunder in his right eye. The sea of ​​fire turned into a sword, and the sword rose into a volcano.

The thunder also turned into a sword, and the sword moved into a sea of ​​thunder! That sea is not water, but thunder and lightning!

After doing this, Wang Lin flicked his sleeves, and his body suddenly disappeared here. Somewhere in the Jitian Grassland, the space stone hidden in the weeds emitted a soft light, and Wang Lin's figure transformed. Pick up the space stone and look up into the distance.

The killing field has been completed, and the next step is to forcefully lead people into the killing field!

Based on the induction, the soul on the compass was about to perish. Behind it, the two old monsters in the middle stage of the Sky Tribulation galloped after it. It wouldn't take long for them to catch up!

Far behind the two old monsters, the two monks in the early stages of the Sky Tribulation were also galloping.

Wang Lin stepped forward slowly, ripples echoing under his feet, but he still did not melt away from the sky and the earth. He was still waiting.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths... Until the moment of the nineteenth breath, Wang Lin clearly felt that the compass collapsed, the soul within it died, and his trace of consciousness was also destroyed along with the compass.

Faintly, he seemed to hear two angry roars through his soul.

With a sharp step, Wang Lin's figure disappeared in an instant!

The fourth update is completed, we will continue to explode tomorrow and strive for the fifth update!

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