Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1872 Head!

Volume 12, Immortal Gang Tenth Yang, third update)

This voice, as cold as the winter wind, caused a big wave the moment it appeared in the world!

Yan Luan's eyes narrowed, revealing a look of surprise. Compared to Lu Wenran, she didn't know why, but she hoped that Wang Lin had this soul armor!

And the old man surnamed Zhou, his expression changed drastically, with fear in his eyes.

Xu Dongde's eyes showed a strange look as he looked at Wang Lin, wondering what he was thinking. As for the other three Kongjie monks, their eyes flashed and they paid attention.

There were also more than a thousand monks below, all of them were stunned. Apparently they did not expect that such a change would happen. Some people disagreed with Lu Wenran's decision the moment the soul armor appeared!

You must know that although Lu Wenran was injured, his cultivation level was still there. How could an ordinary monk challenge such a level of cultivation!

The moment Wang Lin's words came out, he flashed his body, shrunk to an inch as he had been prepared for a long time, and appeared in front of the soul armor, stopping Lu Wenran from moving forward!

"Wang Lin!!!" Lu Wenran's eyes showed crazy murderous intent. He also did not expect that Wang Lin was actually in this underground palace. When he fled back to the earth, he had already seen Wang Lin and deliberately sealed the earth immediately after he entered. , just to kill someone with a borrowed knife!

But now that he saw that Wang Lin was not dead and had come forward to destroy what he desired, he no longer concealed Wang Lin's murderous intentions at all!

"You dare to stop me, you are seeking death!!" Lu Wenran stepped forward and walked straight towards Wang Lin. When he raised his right hand, his mid-air calamity cultivation level exploded!

"In full view of the public, you dare to hurt me? I am the elder of the Great Soul Sect, the person assigned by Patriarch Qingniu to guard this place. How dare you hurt me through internal strife??

You are not afraid of the pursuit of the Great Soul Sect, you are not afraid of the wrath of the Qingniu Ancestor, and you are not afraid that you will no longer have a place in Tianniu Continent because you slaughtered your fellow sects during the war! ! "Wang Lin didn't dodge at all, but shouted loudly with a loud voice!

As he shouted, the more than a thousand monks below remembered that the elders from the Great Soul Sect who came here were not only Lu Wenran, Yan Luan and Xu Dongde, but also a fourth person!

Lu Wenran's expression changed, and his body subconsciously paused slightly.

Wang Lin seized the opportunity and leaned back, but when he touched the soul armor, there was no sign of fusion at all. This change made Wang Lin's eyes freeze.

Lu Wenran stared at Wang Lin,

While there was murderous intent in his eyes, there was also sarcasm!

"Soul Armor, you haven't taken the last step yet, you can't fuse it!"

"It doesn't matter if you can't fuse, but I don't agree with your fusion!" Wang Lin looked calm, stared at Lu Wenran, and spoke slowly.

Since he first entered this underground palace, he has always kept a low profile, and many people have even forgotten that he is also the elder of the Great Soul Sect. But at this moment, he is no longer low-key, but becomes arrogant.

His words and actions immediately attracted the attention of more than a thousand monks below, and they all looked at him with shock. Many of them did not understand that with Wang Lin's cultivation level, he actually dared to confront Lu Wenran.

But the sharpness of his words could surpass all magic weapons, making Lu Wenran dare not take action!

As Wang Lin said, if he, Lu Wenran, takes action today, in full view of everyone, unless he can kill all the people here, the Great Soul Sect will never tolerate him if something unexpected happens!

And even if everyone here dies, the ancestor will definitely deduce such a huge matter. Once the answer is deduced, he will also be hunted down by the Great Soul Sect!

Once that time comes, there will be no place for him in the entire Tianniu Continent. He will break out in a cold sweat just thinking about this kind of thing, and how dare he take action again.

"It turns out to be Elder Wang. Before you suddenly appeared, Lu thought that someone had sneaked in and wanted to steal the soul armor, so he took action... Now that he recognized Elder Wang, it was naturally a misunderstanding before." Lu Wenran stared at Wang Lin. , spoke slowly.

"It doesn't matter. Since Elder Lu has admitted his mistake, Wang will naturally not mind. However, Elder Lu, I don't agree with you owning this soul armor." Wang Lin said slowly.

Lu Wenran's one arm was hidden in his sleeve and he clenched his fist fiercely, but there was a smile on his face.

"Oh? I wonder who you think should own it? Is it yourself." Lu Wenran didn't ask the reason, but changed his words and counterattacked Wang Lin from another direction.

"If Elder Wang has taken a fancy to the soul armor and wants to own it for himself, Lu's behavior just now is understandable. For his own personal gain, he ignored the life and death of more than a thousand monks here. Elder Wang, I'm watching you.

However, even if you don’t agree, even if you want to own it yourself, you have to ask everyone if you have such qualifications! "Lu Wenran has a high level of cultivation and an extraordinary mind. With just a few words, he completely offset Wang Lin's previous aura and his own lapses, and completely defeated them.

"I think Elder Wang is qualified!" The moment Lu Wenran finished speaking, Yan Luan suddenly spoke. His words were soft, but they were loud and powerful in the underground palace, making everyone feel shocked!

While speaking, Yan Luan smiled slightly at Wang Lin.

"Elder Yanluan, you must be responsible for your words!" Lu Wenran's pupils shrank, staring at Yanluan, his expression turned cold.

"If Elder Lu reminds me, Yan Luan will naturally know." Yan Luan looked at Lu Wenran and said leisurely.

"Xu also thinks that Elder Wang has this qualification!" Xu Dongde said suddenly on the side.

As soon as his words came out, more than a thousand monks below suddenly became uproar. You must know that the words of a Kongjie monk were already very serious, but now, two Kongjie Masters agreed at the same time, which is enough to explain the problem. .

And most importantly, they are all elders of the Great Soul Sect!

"Okay, okay!!" The coldness in Lu Wenran's eyes became even stronger. His eyes swept over Xu Dongde, and he was already angry to a certain extent.

"You three, do you think Elder Wang's level of cultivation is qualified to obtain soul armor? Do you also want to hand over the lives of more than a thousand fellow Taoists below to the hands of a monk with his level of cultivation!!" Lu Wenran stared at the three Kongjie monks from nearby sects and gritted his teeth.

The three of them were silent. Lu Wenran and the others did not want to offend, but similarly, they did not want to offend Yan Luan and Xu Dongde. After all, these people were elders of the Great Soul Sect.

As for Wang Lin, the three of them didn't pay too much attention to him.

The silence of the three great masters made Lu Wenran sneer. He glanced at the more than a thousand monks below. Wherever his eyes passed, everyone lowered their heads, not daring to say anything at this time.

"Since everyone else is silent, and Elder Yan Luan and Elder Xu Dongde think that Wang has this qualification, what do you think, Elder Lu?" Wang Lin looked calm from beginning to end and spoke slowly at this moment.

Lu Wenran stared at Wang Lin and suddenly smiled after a while. His anger dissipated in an instant and he regained his composure.

"Elder Wang is indeed qualified, so now the choice is between you and me. I really want to know why you don't agree with me getting this soul armor!"

"Your contribution to this war is not enough!" Wang Lin said coldly.

When Lu Wenran heard this, he immediately laughed.

"Did I not contribute enough? I led you to fight back twice, and I led you to escape back to the underground palace. In the first battle, I held back the opponent's mid-air tribulation monks, and in the second battle, I did the same!

If it hadn't been for me, there would never have been more than a thousand monks left here, and I'm afraid they would have been killed long ago!

My contribution is not enough? ? Well, Elder Wang, I would like to ask, what contribution have you made! "

Wang Lin did not hesitate. He raised his right hand and flipped it over. Immediately, Liu Zhiyuan's head appeared in Wang Lin's palm and was lifted up by him.

"He is the Sky Tribulation cultivator of the Green Demon Continent. You should have seen him. I will kill him!"

As soon as these words were spoken and the head appeared, the underground palace suddenly became quiet, but soon a huge wave was set off. If you want to know the death of the Sky Tribulation monks of the Green Demon Continent, all the Tianniu Continent monks here know about it, and even more so. Countless speculations arose between them as to who was the monk who killed the other party!

But there is still no answer to this question, but now, at this moment, the moment they saw the head, after hearing Wang Lin's plain words "I killed him", it was a His heart was pounding, and his expression showed shock and disbelief.

"It's him!!!"

"It turned out to be him who killed the opponent's Sky Tribulation cultivator!!"

" is this possible? His cultivation is obviously not as good as Kong Xuan, but he can actually kill Kong Jie!!"

"To kill the Kongjie monk in such a short period of time, this... this person must have something hidden in his cultivation. He must not be who he seems!!"

"He is also an elder of the Great Soul Sect. How can he be a weakling? The Great Soul Sect sent him here with a thorough plan. It cannot be as simple as sending a person to death!"

"This person is very low-key and does not compete with others for the palace to live in. Instead, he chooses the cave just like us. If such a person obtains soul armor, it is also possible!"

Except for the monks below, when Yan Luan saw the head, even though he had already made some guesses, he still took a deep breath and looked at Wang Lin with a very different look.

"It's indeed him!!"

Xu Dongde, who was next to him, also had his eyes and pupils shrunk, and his mind was agitated.

As for the three Kongjie monks from the nearby sects, they were even more shocked, with expressions of disbelief on their faces, and they all looked at Wang Lin fiercely.

The old man surnamed Zhou felt a thump in his heart and stayed there. The thought of the other party's cave door that he had destroyed and which had not yet been repaired suddenly appeared in his mind.

Bursts of discussion came and went, falling in Lu Wenran's ears one by one, causing his calm expression to fluctuate. He stared at the head on Wang Lin's right hand that still had the reluctance and fear before death, and his mind A shock.

He clearly knew that if this matter continued to spread like this, then the other party's contribution would indeed be similar to his own. He would never allow such a thing.

"Elder Wang was joking. Lu Mou saw with his own eyes that a senior with unpredictable cultivation took action at that time. After killing this person, he threw the body aside and turned away. I didn't expect you to cut off this person's head. , take it here and pretend to be it.”

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