Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1877 Can Ye Change!

Volume 12, Immortal Gang Tenth Yang, second update)

Wang Lin made up his mind and suddenly turned around. In two directions in front of him, the two green scorpions looked gloomy, but they hid a sense of fear. At this moment, they did not move forward, but quickly retreated. To get back to the ground.

Wang Lin's strength exceeded the expectations of the four green demon messengers. They never expected that Wang Lin would be able to explode with such powerful strength after gaining the approval of the Tianniu. This kind of cultivation was enough to obliterate Kong Jie. In the mid-term, it is infinitely close to the late stage of Air Tribulation!

"As expected of the Immortal Gang Continent... If I could have such a beetle soul armor in the cave world, no one would be my opponent, be it the colorful Taoist or the old ghost Zhan..." Wang Lin sighed with emotion.

"In such a strange Immortal Gang Continent, there must be a way to revive Wan'er!" Wang Lin's eyes were firm. Seeing the two scorpions retreating sharply, he sneered at the corner of his mouth, took a step forward, and rushed forward to pursue them.

The two scorpions fled quickly, but Wang Lin's pursuit was slow. With one step, the ground shook and he immediately came closer. He raised his right hand and his eyes revealed a strange light.

"Service Spirit Seal!" Following his words, Wang Lin's right hand suddenly pointed forward!

With this finger, the sky on the Jitian Grassland immediately changed. However, the clouds in the sky suddenly dissipated, and even the light was completely driven away. A huge palm print was as big as the entire Jitian Grassland and thicker. It cannot be measured or seen.

This palm print transformed and roared toward the earth madly. It covered the sun and replaced the sky, as if a giant opened its big hand and slapped the earth, coming with a roar.

When it was halfway down, the thickness of the palm print was still not visible. This palm was shocking!

But the strange thing is that as this seemingly ordinary palm print with clear fingerprints suddenly appeared on it, countless fine folds appeared on it, and they suddenly tore apart violently, as if it was originally covered with a layer of seal-like seal. The veil, at this moment, has reached the critical point of this technique, so the seal cannot exist and suddenly collapses.

After the collapse, the huge palm print that appeared in the sky looked similar, but its appearance was indeed completely different!

This palm print no longer has five fingers, but six! ! The extra finger is completely red, and has extremely long nails. It is shocking and completely different from the other five fingers. The other five fingers and the palm are black, which is in extremely obvious contrast with the bright red finger. !

This palm print now looks like a blend of Tao and demon, and the extra sixth finger is like a demon finger!

On the Jitian grassland,

At this moment, the more than a thousand Green Demon Continent monks who remained had expressions of horror and fear, staring blankly at the sky, their bodies trembling violently, and a despair growing crazily in their hearts.

The two female cultivators who were in the early stage of the Sky Tribulation were also trembling. The moment they saw the palm prints, they did not hesitate to use their strongest defensive powers and take out the strongest protective magic weapon.

At this moment, they had no time to pay attention to others. The only thought in their minds was how to keep themselves safe from this terrifying palm fall.

That Daozong looked dull, looking at the huge palm print with disbelief in his eyes! !

"The Dao Demon Mahamudra!! This is the Dao Demon Mahamudra!! And it is the Dao Demon Mahamudra with the sixth finger opened!!! This is the highest magical power of our Dao Demon Sect, a secret that cannot be passed on!!

This technique can only be mastered by the sect leaders of the past generations. It is impossible for ordinary people to learn it, let alone spread it to the outside world! This Wang could he do this seal! ! "

There was also the old man surnamed Zhao, whose eyes were shocked at this moment. Without thinking, he immediately flicked his sleeves, and his whole body was suddenly enveloped in a blur. He made quick gestures with his hands and continuously used his protective powers.

Soon after the change, the palm print fell suddenly and went straight to the earth. At the moment it fell, the entire Jitian Prairie collapsed. The more than a thousand Green Demon Continent monks did not have the slightest trace of damage at all. The power of resistance, the first one to die when this palm print falls!

Both body and soul are destroyed!

Killing a thousand people with one palm, such terrifying power, even Wang Lin was stunned when he unleashed it.

All this is not over yet. The two women from the early stage of the Sky Tribulation used all their magical powers and magic weapons. When the palm prints fell, blood spurted out and their expressions were sluggish. Although they were not dead, they were immediately seriously injured, and their physical bodies collapsed. , only a breath of soul energy is left to support him! But they didn't last long. Their bodies exploded immediately, leaving only their souls!

Zhang Daozong and the elder named Zhao also spurted out blood under this palm, and their faces instantly turned pale. Below them, there were four green demon envoys cross-legged on the ground. The moment the palm touched the earth, They were all shocked, and blood spilled from the corners of their mouths, but because of the green mirror above them, they were not seriously injured!

But the two green devil scorpions in the ground beneath them were unable to withstand it. The palm prints fell on the ground, forming an extremely terrifying shaking force that swirled around the ground, causing the two scorpions to roar shrilly. In the middle, in front of Wang Lin, his body was shattered and exploded.

"This is the real Spirit Serving Seal!!" Wang Lin's eyes flashed, and with a sway of his body, he rushed straight to the ground above. He was so fast that he was close to the surface in the blink of an eye, causing the ground on the Jitian Grassland to immediately collapse. Out of trembling.

He was about to rush out, but at this moment, fear appeared on the cold faces of the two Green Goblin messengers who spurted out blood after the death of the two scorpions.

"We must not let him come up!!" The four of them roared almost at the same time. As messengers of the Green Goblin, they can communicate with each other. At this moment, all four of them were filled with fear. In addition to pressing their hands on the ground, the four of them roared. He dropped his head hard, and with a bang, his forehead touched the ground.

Such an action is like praying!

But it was such a bow that caused the green mirror above them to let out a sharp roar and fall directly to the earth. The moment it fell to the earth, the mirror spread infinitely, covering the entire sky in an instant. grassland!

"Please Green Demon Scorpion Soul, suppress this person!!"

The four people spoke at the same time, turning into a voice that swirled around the world. However, after the mirror fell to the earth, the entire Jitian grassland suddenly changed. The grassland disappeared, and the land turned into countless swamps, and even the surrounding grassland outside All the mountains have disappeared.

All the scenery here has suddenly become the world of the Green Demon Continent!

Whether it is an illusion or real, at this moment, the Jitian Grassland can be seen as disappearing from Tianniu Continent and appearing on Green Demon Continent. In other words, it has not disappeared, but Green Demon Continent has appeared. On this Jitian grassland, because of the existence of the mirror, a projection of an entire continent has descended!

Use this kind of projection to suppress!

As well as Zhang Daozong and the old man surnamed Zhao, plus the other two female cultivators who were barely struggling under the spiritual seal, at this moment, they all desperately sank down and landed on the swamp ground, using all their abilities. Cultivation, cooperate with the four green devil messengers to suppress it! !

They understood that once they were unable to suppress Wang Lin, who had obtained the approval of the Tianniu, what awaited them would be a terrifying scene! !

"The Tianniu envoys from Tianniu Continent are obtained in a different way from us. They can obtain peak power in exchange for it, but it is only temporary. Although we don't know how long this time will be, it will never be too long. We only need to suppress him until the time is up." But, when he returns to normal cultivation, you can kill him!!" A Green Goblin messenger screamed.

Under his roar, Zhang Daozong and others seemed to have unlimited power and expectations, and they spread their cultivation crazily to suppress it.

The ground roared, and loud bangs were heard. Every tremor caused by the loud noise would make everyone look paler.

But it was Wang Lin, who was under the ground, constantly bombarding upwards, trying to activate the suppression of the Green Demon Continent's projection and rush out!

"Burning World Ancient Umbrella!" Wang Lin made a gesture with his hands in the dark armor, and countless restrictions were transformed, causing a huge fire umbrella to appear in the sky above the land suppressed by the projection of the Green Demon Continent!

The umbrella opened for a moment, and a sea of ​​​​fire suddenly fell down, as if to burn the projection with the heaven and earth. In the sea of ​​​​fire, the two female souls in the early stage of the Sky Tribulation suddenly screamed miserably, but they gritted their teeth and endured, They sacrificed their magic weapons, joined forces with each other, and resisted tenaciously with the strength of the two of them!

This Burning World Ancient Umbrella has not changed like the colorful spear and the battle spirit seal. It is still the same as Wang Lin's previous cultivation. It is just that the power is much greater, but it is more powerful than the colorful spear and the spirit seal. The Yi Ling Seal is a bit worse.

"This technique seems to be very powerful, but in fact, even that lunatic may have only scratched the surface. Even with my current cultivation level, I cannot exert its true power... In other words, this technique does not have any It was as powerful as I imagined, but now it has reached its limit." Wang Lin thought to himself.

"Then next, I want to try my self-created magical power!!" Wang Lin's eyes showed a strange light, and under the earth, he raised his right hand and suddenly waved upward.

Immediately, the land in front of him suddenly blurred and was replaced by a raging sea. This scene was the same even in the eyes of the four Green Devil envoys. The sea water spread crazily, and the fire umbrellas in the entire sky became even more... It suddenly dissipated and was replaced by darkness.

This darkness revealed endless cold, and gusts of cold wind roared past, drowning Zhang Daozong and others.

In the dark east, a golden-red thin line suddenly rose up, and a nascent sun slowly emerged, which contained a rich and extremely powerful power of the Taichu Rules!

This power can tear away all darkness, and can collapse all darkness in the world! Wang Lin was still ignorant of this power in the earliest days, and even when he created it, it was just an accident. But now, he saw an astonishing scene in the scorching sun.

This scene left him stunned!

Second update today! ! Another monthly ticket!

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