Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1893 Everyone has his own agenda!

Volume 12, Immortal Gang Tenth Yang, Chapter 1893 Everyone has his own agenda!

The Thunder Origin Avatar, which was exactly the same as itself, looked at Wang Lin indifferently from above. The sound of thunder emitted from its whole body, and while it echoed in the space, the Thunder Origin Avatar suddenly moved, and its right hand was raised, towards Wang Lin suddenly took a shot, and saw countless lightnings suddenly appearing in the roar of thunder, rushing towards Wang Lin to suppress it.

Wang Lin sat cross-legged, looking at the ruthless suppression of his true form in the sky. His expression was extremely gloomy. When he woke up, the image of the master of the Dao Demon Sect immediately appeared in his mind.

Especially the condensation of the true body of Thunder, as well as the sudden changes, must be directly related to the master of the Demon Sect. Even in this true body, Wang Lin could faintly feel the influence of the master of the Demon Sect. breath!

"Capture me...but neither kill nor injure...but occupy my thunder, help me condense my true body, and use this true body of thunder to suppress...the not to suppress, but to use this true body to enter After I died, my mind and body became so powerful that all my life was wiped out!!"

Wang Lin's eyes flickered. In this short period of time, thousands of thoughts were running through his mind. He had calculated that this scene was just a one-sided scene, but it shocked him greatly. In order to prevent him from not knowing when this scene appeared, he At a loss, Wang Lin had already thought of a solution back then!

Almost at the moment when the true form of Thunder was suppressed, Wang Lin took a deep breath, and the soul in his body suddenly closed his eyes, calling for the appearance of Tianni in his soul.

The Tianni Bead condensed in his soul suddenly started to rotate. With this rotation, Wang Lin's soul, his soul memory, and everything else suddenly shrank when his body was blasted by thunder.

He remained unchanged in response to the ever-changing situation, retreated temporarily, and left his physical body for the thunder source to blend in. After this true body was completely blended in, it was the time for Wang Lin to resist.

This was the only way Wang Lin could think of to fight back when he couldn't figure out why the thunder avatar was acting like this.

In this green space, thunder rumbled and revolved, and countless lightning spread from the true body of the thunder source. At the end, as the true body approached, its whole body collapsed, turning into more lightning, crazy After getting into Wang Lin's body, under the will of the demon sect leader, it swept across Wang Lin's body and wiped out Wang Lin's mind, mind, and everything else.

Time passed, and a month passed in the blink of an eye. During this month, the lightning in Wang Lin's body gradually disappeared until it completely dissipated. He sat cross-legged, motionless, without any trace of soul fluctuation or cultivation, and even his vitality was almost extinguished. , like the living dead.

A powerful spiritual consciousness roared in from the outside, swept over Wang Lin's body carefully, and then slowly left.

At the same time, the leader of the Dao Demon Sect outside the Scorpion Building opened his slightly tired eyes. After taking a look at the Scorpion Temple, his words slowly echoed.

"Priest, his mind and heart, as well as his memory, have all been erased. At this moment, his body is empty. You can check it. If you are satisfied, our sect will leave."

When the words of the leader of the Demon Sect came out, a coughing sound came from the green space, and the old man, whose whole body was covered by a green robe, was seen walking weakly, and in some unknown way, he came When he arrived here, he stood in front of Wang Lin. Behind him, the two Green Goblin envoys were closely guarding him.

Looking at Wang Lin, the old man whose face was covered showed a satisfied smile at the corner of his mouth hidden in his robe. He raised his right hand, stretched out from the outside of his robe, and pressed it on Wang Lin's heavenly spirit.

Its right arm is extremely terrifying. It is covered with green hair. It looks shocking and does not look like a human arm!

The moment he pressed his right hand against Wang Lin, Wang Lin's mind, which was protected by Tianni's movement and was invisible to everyone, suddenly had a slight fluctuation in Wang Lin's body. However, this fluctuation was protected by Tianni. Down, outsiders still can't notice it.

"The Demon Sect leader hasn't left yet... This is not the time to resist... Wait a minute!" The fluctuations in Wang Lin's mind slowly calmed down.

After a long time, the arm was lifted from Wang Lin Tianling, and then, a hoarse voice slowly came from the mouth of the old man in green robe.

"Let's go. After the Green Goblin is resurrected, I will promise you nothing less!"

Outside the Scorpion Building, the Demon Sect Master's eyes showed a strange light. He stood up and took one last look at the Scorpion Temple. He swayed, turned into a rainbow and disappeared in an instant, and left here.

After the leader of the Demon Sect left, in the green space in the Scorpion Temple, the old man in green robe looked at Wang Lin with excitement in his eyes.

“The old man’s family has been waiting for a long time... Generation after generation, he has used his mortal body to become a sacrifice. For countless thousands of years, he finally waited for his body to come from the outer world like the Green Goblin!

Only such a body can be an opportunity for the Green Goblin to resurrect! ! It's just that the origin of thunder in this person's body still needs to be erased from the memory of the master of the Dao Demon Sect..." The old man looked at Wang Lin excitedly and murmured to himself, his voice in the green space. Inside, there is weirdness and madness.

Wang Lin's mind was hidden under the protection of Tian Ni. He did not make any rash moves, but had a vague feeling that this crisis was not a life and death disaster for him, but a heart-pounding event. Great blessing! !

The old man in green robe was trembling. His family, generation after generation, had been waiting for this day for tens of thousands of years. Taking a deep breath, he raised his right hand and bit his fingertip, only to see a drop of green blood suddenly fly out. , went straight to Wang Lin, and clicked on Wang Lin's eyebrows.

The moment the green blood fell on Wang Lin's eyebrows, a green ripple immediately echoed in Wang Lin's body. Wherever the ripple passed, the source of thunder permeated Wang Lin's body, and the Dao Demon Sect leader who existed on it did not know. Whether it was forgetfulness or intentional will, it immediately evaporated and completely disappeared.

The true body transformed from the origin of thunder is in Wang Lin's body. At this moment, there is no other person's will. Wang Lin can easily occupy it with just a move of his mind. However, he endures life and death for the greater good. Resist this impulse and temptation.

After a long time, the eyes of the old man in green robe showed wisdom. His words just now did not need to be said in front of Wang Lin. All of these were his temptations!

A person who can become a sacrifice in the Green Demon Scorpion Temple with a mortal body has a very high level of intelligence. Even if he sees it with his own eyes, he will not believe it easily. There must be temptation.

He first pointed it out with words, and then took action to erase the will of the master of the Thunder Demon Sect, using this as a temptation to see if Wang Lin's sanity and mind were really completely gone.

After waiting for a long time, the source of thunder in Wang Lin's body still did not lure Wang Lin's mind. The old man felt a little relieved. Although he could not detect the existence of Tianni in Wang Lin's body, he still murmured to himself. stand up.

"This body is very good. Next, I have to accept the possession of the body by the Green Goblin..." As he spoke, his eyes narrowed and his body slowly retreated. The moment he exited dozens of feet away, he suddenly spoke hoarsely. The voice shouted loudly.

"Green Goblin Guard, kill him!! This man is still in his mind. Turn on the Green Goblin Formation and absolutely cannot let him escape!" The moment he spoke, his body retreated sharply, but his eyes were fixed. Staring at Wang Lin's body, he showed a strange look.

At the moment when he roared, the two Green Devil envoys on both sides suddenly showed a fierce look in their eyes. In a flash, they rushed straight towards Wang Lin from the left and right directions. They were so fast that they were pinching each other with both hands as they approached. In the technique, the powerful magical power that emerged from the mid-stage cultivation of the Sky Tribulation turned into two huge green demon scorpions, roaring and ferocious, heading straight towards Wang Lin.

Judging from their appearance, it was definitely not a test, but they really wanted to kill Wang Lin. At this moment, Wang Lin seemed to have only one choice. He dispersed his mind, integrated into the origin of thunder in his body, and left behind his own will. , converted the beetle soul armor at the fastest speed, killed three people, and quickly escaped from this place.

The words of the old man in green robe were extremely sudden. If it were anyone else, he would probably do this. However, Wang Lin suddenly calmed down at the moment when his mind was agitated, and remained motionless like an ancient well.

He never believed that the other party could detect the Heaven Rebellion. This was a calculated competition!

In the blink of an eye, the magical powers of the two green demon envoys were less than seven inches closer to Wang Lin, but his physical body remained motionless, six inches, five inches, three inches, one inch! !

A strong forgetfulness of life and death spread crazily from Wang Lin's heart. Even with his determination, he could not help but waver at this moment, but he still remained motionless!

With a bang, the two green demon envoys completely landed on Wang Lin's body with their magical powers. But at the moment they fell, a layer of green ripples echoed outside Wang Lin's body, softly canceling out the two green demon envoys. The magical power of a Green Goblin messenger bounced the two of them away.

This green ripple was formed by the blood that the sacrifice had just squeezed out. The blood not only dispersed the will of the master of the Dao Demon Sect and seemed to disappear, but in fact it stayed there and became the key to this sacrifice's temptation! !

It was only at this moment that the old man in green robe completely let go and laughed hoarsely. He was just laughing, but he was coughing violently.

"There is no problem. This body has indeed lost consciousness and mind, but... its cultivation is still too weak... it still needs to be cultivated before it can withstand the arrival of Lord Green Goblin..."

"His eight origins have no earth...and the origin of the Green Devil is the soil of the earth...need to add..."

"This body has eight origins, and after adding the soil of the earth, it becomes the nine origins... After the nine origins are unified, it is the body of the origin, which is completely compatible with the coming of the Green Devil. At that time, the Green Devil will seize his body and resurrect him. The old man and his family have completed their mission and can return to Zhongzhou to resume their lives and bring blessings to future generations of our family..."

"This matter is too big, I still have to prepare..."

The old man coughed and slowly walked away.

The climax is about to begin, so Ergen should prepare himself and think carefully about the next series of plots. There is only one chapter today, so I will make up for it immediately tomorrow!

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