Renegade Immortal

Volume 12, Immortal Gang 10th Yang, Chapter 1900: Cultivation has increased dramatically! !

Sitting there cross-legged, Wang Lin was surrounded by the calm guardianship of the four true bodies. With these four true bodies, Wang Lin could calm down and increase his body's cultivation in this silent scorpion temple. !

His previous cultivation had already reached the peak of ethereal power, and he had attained the perfection of his eight origins, one of which had even become his true form! Now, as if the world has been shaken, Wang Lin not only has three more original bodies in his body, but also obtained the ninth source! !

This ninth source is extremely important and is the most critical point in Wang Lin’s improvement in cultivation! !

He possesses the nine origins of life and death, cause and effect, truth and falsehood, prohibition, killing, thunder, fire, water, and earth!

"Attack Kongxuan!!" Wang Lin's eyes flashed, and he took a deep breath while crossing his legs. From the four true bodies around him, each of the four true bodies emitted the original energy and merged into Wang Lin's body. The nine sources in the body rotated rapidly. The rotation is getting faster and faster, heading towards the Kongxuan realm, impacting away!

There is a word difference between emptiness and emptiness, but they are very different from each other! Monk Kong Xuan, to understand the principles of heaven and earth, must have at least one virtual source to achieve it.

Once the cultivation level reaches Kongxuan, it is equivalent to stepping into the ranks of the strong. Even on the Xiangang Continent, except for the nine sects and thirteen sects, the Kongxuan monks also have sufficient strength. And the most important thing is that once your cultivation reaches the realm of Kongxuan, you can use some mysterious magical powers. Although it is of little use to Wang Lin, becoming Kongxuan can make his cultivation move forward. Take a big step!

The nine origins in the body were roaring. Under the constant rotation, the ethereal peak aura erupted from Wang Lin's cross-legged body suddenly increased sharply. The speed of this increase was extremely scary. In the blink of an eye, he was right above Wang Lin. , the illusory shadow of heaven and earth appeared.

It was a piece of swirling cloud and mist. The vortex of cloud and mist rotated rapidly, as if keeping the same speed as the nine origins in Wang Lin's body. Under this crazy rotation, Wang Lin's soul seemed to be transformed, emitting a dazzling light. Although this light flickered within Wang Lin's body, it penetrated through the skin and was exposed to the outside world.

Today, Wang Lin seems to be completely transparent, and he looks full of indescribable majesty. At this moment, his cultivation level roars out of his body, and he suddenly breaks through from the ethereal peak and climbs to the ethereal realm. Early days! !

The moment he entered the early stage of Kongxuan, the world immediately changed in Wang Lin's feelings. Many places that were blurry to him before became clear at this moment.

He opened his eyes and looked around, his eyes showing wisdom.

"Kong Xuan is just a transition for me. My goal is to step into the Sky Tribulation!!" Wang Lin murmured. As he said, Kong Xuan is just a process. The fortune he has gained at this moment, especially the accumulation in his body, The power of heaven and earth in the green demon furnace for many years,

Once this power is absorbed by the soul, his cultivation level will skyrocket again.

The most important thing is that Wang Lin possesses the origin of the nine paths. What he has to do now is to unify the nine origins! ! If he can finally do this, he can face nine mysterious tribulations! !

Once the Mysterious Tribulation is over, Wang Lin will become the Master of the Sky Tribulation! !

His eyes showed a decisive look. He had been waiting for this blessing of cultivation for a long time and would never let it go. At this moment, without thinking, Wang Lin took a deep breath, immediately made a hand gesture with his hands, and suddenly pointed forward!

"Nine origins, the art of unification!" With one finger of his finger, he saw the surrounding flame origin true body, the earth origin true body, and the water origin true body. These three origins were shocked at the same time. Each of them exudes a large amount of original aura from their true body and heavenly spirit.

These three original auras were swirling in front of Wang Lin. Looking from a distance, the rotation was filled with flames, the earth was shining, and there was a ripple of water vapor echoing.

"These three types belong to the origin of the five elements. Once these three origins return, it will be an opportunity for me to reach the middle stage of Kongxuan! Especially since they have all reached the level of the original true body. After they are unified, the power of this true body will be Bigger!" Wang Lin's eyes showed a strange light, and while he was making seals with his hands, the three original auras in front of him began to rotate again. Flames filled the air, water vapor crisscrossed the ground, and the earth trembled.

These three sources of the Five Elements collided with each other in the constant rotation. Under this collision, the heaven and earth roared, and the three sources did not merge, but suddenly dispersed.

Wang Lin's eyes flashed, he bit the tip of his tongue and spurted out a mouthful of blood. He used the blood as a sticking substance to control the three origins again and fuse them together! !

"Water and fire are the sources of mutual restraint, but I use the source of earth as a medium. That earth can submerge water, and earth can also submerge fire. In addition, my pure blood of the soul contains my Wang Lin's Will, I don't believe it, these five elements and three origins are not fused!!" Wang Lin roared, his hands quickly made seals, and he shot forward continuously.

The three source vortices in front of him made a loud roar, but they saw scenes of illusory shadows appearing inside them. Within the shadows, there were sometimes monstrous floods, sometimes burning seas of fire, but both water and fire would While alternating with each other, they were filled with a piece of sand that rolled up the heaven and earth.

Gradually, with the passage of time, the images in these three source vortices flickered faster and faster. A few months later, Wang Lin spit out seven mouthfuls of blood, and suddenly saw the three source vortices. There were signs of condensation. In that condensation, Wang Lin cheered up and controlled these three origins, colliding hundreds or thousands of times!

Another seven days later, with an earth-shattering rumbling sound, the three sources suddenly merged. The illusory images on them flashed alternately, and it was faintly visible that the sand, floods, and sea of ​​fire seemed to overlap together, forming a complete picture. Screen! !

In the painting, the earth is in the middle, with the sky-burning sea of ​​fire above and the roaring floods below. With the earth as the center, they are completely complete with each other. At the moment when the three original bodies in front of Wang Lin trembled, they were in each other's original breath. After first merging, they suddenly condensed together and formed a body! !

This is the condensation of the three original true bodies. This reappeared true body contains the three original sources of thunder, fire, and earth. This new original true body is already independent and is no longer called the true body. , more similar to a clone of the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth!

The moment the body formed by the fusion of these three sources appeared, the soul in Wang Lin's body suddenly started to move, frantically absorbing the power of heaven and earth accumulated in his body. In his body, the cultivation level was already at the early stage of Kongxuan. The aura suddenly increased dramatically! !

He climbed crazily towards the middle stage of Kongxuan. After this process lasted for a month, Wang Lin let out a long roar. During this long roar, his cultivation was not at the early stage of Kongxuan, but at the level of Kongxuan. The middle stage of Kongxuan! !

Throughout the ages, no one has ever been able to reach the middle stage of Kongxuan from the early stage of Kongxuan in just a few months like him. If word of this spreads, Wang Lin will definitely be the focus of attention!

But all this is just the beginning for him, far from the end!

"The origin of killing and the origin of prohibition are both special origins. It is difficult for these special origins to be integrated with each other, but I use the origin of thunder as a guide, and use thunder to turn into threads. After temporarily merging these two special origins, I can make My cultivation level has risen again, reaching the late stage of Kongxuan!!

In particular, the origin of thunder already has a true form, and its level of power exceeds these two special origins. In this way, this can be achieved! "Wang Lin murmured, his eyes flashed, and he saw countless bloody filaments suddenly flashing and reflecting in the pupils of his eyes, turning into the source of the restriction, condensing in front of him, and at the same time, in his eyes. Within the body, a monstrous killing force erupted, causing the surrounding cold air to hit the person's body, and the source of killing roared out.

As these two special origins rotated in front of him, Wang Lin raised his right hand and pointed at the Thunder Avatar sitting cross-legged next to him.

The real body suddenly opened its eyes, and the eyes were filled with lightning. As soon as it stood up, it immediately turned into a slender lightning from the state of the real body, and went straight to the origin of killing and prohibition, constantly intersecting between these two origins. , connecting these two special origins like a thin thread, and started to condense rapidly!

This kind of cohesion is more difficult than that of the Five Elements Origin. A month later, Wang Lin tried several times, but could not succeed. The killing origin was extremely domineering, and the restraining origin was as in conflict with the thunder. They were basically incompatible with each other. Difficult to integrate.

Wang Lin's eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes. He stared at the three origins in front of him and frowned. If the fusion of the origins is found, it can be completed quickly, but once the opportunity is not right, no matter how many times he tries, it will still be the same. old.

"It's a pity that I only have two special origins. If I can have another one, it might be easier... But right now, I can't wait any longer. Since these special origins cannot be fused, then I need to find another way to condense them all into mine." The origin is true!" Wang Lin's eyes flashed, and he changed his method. He no longer used the thunder origin as an auxiliary, but used it as the main body to absorb and fuse the two special origins!

While Wang Lin was making a secret with both hands, he spurted out several mouthfuls of soul essence and blood, covering the true body of the thunder source. This true body absorbed the blood containing Wang Lin's will, and immediately thunder roared all over his body, stretched out his hands, and transformed into The two lightning bolts went straight to the origin of killing and restriction!

Use thunder body to melt and kill!

Use thunder body to melt the restriction!

Once successful, this thunder origin true body will advance by leaps and bounds, containing the three origins, and even the thunder will change. However, such a thing has been extremely rare throughout the ages. Wang Lin does not know what will happen, and he does not know what will happen. What kind of changes will the Thunder make, but now, he must do this!

Time flies, and several months pass. On this day, a few months later, the true body of Thunder in front of Wang Lin burst out with a shocking power. It successfully integrated killing and restraint in his body. Under the rumbling and loud noises, this thunder body underwent astonishing changes that stunned Wang Lin! !

Asking for all kinds of votes to help Wang Lin pass the test! !

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