Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 The 10th Yang of the Immortal Gang Chapter 1904 The Mysterious Tribulation and Youth!

Volume 12: Immortal Gang Tenth Yang Chapter 4: Mysterious Tribulation and Youth

Wang Lin shook his head. He didn't know how others survived this mysterious tribulation, but now, the snow tribulation couldn't break his true body, and this wind tribulation couldn't break his physical body.

Even if this wind disaster lasts for hundreds of years, it will not be able to tear apart his current body.

His physical body is no longer what it used to be. Under the transformation of the old man in green robe, it is already extremely strong and possesses unimaginable toughness. This combination of toughness and strength, this kind of wind disaster, cannot shake Wang Lin in the slightest!

Raising his left hand, Wang Lin suddenly grabbed the hurricane surrounding him. During this moment, he tore it outward at will! The roaring sound continued to spread. Under Wang Lin's tearing, the hurricane collapsed layer by layer. With the loud roar, it collapsed directly from the first layer to the ninth layer, causing the nine hurricanes to explode directly, shooting towards the surroundings. It swept across like a strong wind until it dissipated.

The wind cleared, and Wang Lin sat there, drinking. His Five Elements avatar stood behind him, looking at the sky indifferently, motionless.

The sky was dark, just like a person's gloomy face. Gradually, a cloud of calamity spread invisibly and enveloped the sky. In the slow movement, bursts of roaring thunder echoed in the clouds, and there were even streaks of lightning. Wander around and illuminate the earth momentarily.

The dozen or so Green Devil Continent monks thousands of miles away witnessed the collapse of Xuefeng Liangjie, and there was silence at the moment.

The sound of thunder became more intense, and the calamity clouds appeared in large numbers, completely covering the sky and pressing down heavily. There were more lightnings inside, and as they moved around, the roaring sound revealed a sense of madness and violence.

But all this still couldn't move Wang Lin. He drank wine calmly, looked up at the calamity clouds and thunder and lightning in the sky, and suddenly smiled.

"Thunder?" Wang Lin looked at the calamity clouds in the sky, the thunder and lightning, shook his head again, and leaned down to take a sip of wine.

As he shook his head, a loud roar came from the clouds in the sky, but as soon as the calamity cloud moved, a thunderbolt that seemed to connect the heaven and the earth rushed straight to Wang Lin and fell. This thunderclap brought with it a shocking force. The force was approaching in the blink of an eye, as if it was about to kill Wang Lin with a thunderbolt!

"How dare you!!" Wang Lin suddenly raised his head and let out a low roar!

His roar surpassed the sound of thunder and overwhelmed all the thunder sounds in the world. It suddenly arose in this thunderstorm. In this low roar, a thunderous will burst out from Wang Lin's body. This The will of the stock is the master of the thunder of heaven and earth! !

The huge thunder disaster that was about to fall trembled violently,

When he was only a hundred feet away from Wang Lin, he immediately rolled back, as if he was afraid of Wang Lin. During the roll back, not only did he not attack Wang Lin, but he went straight towards the tribulation clouds in the sky!

"Since I have achieved great success in thunder, I am the only one who can inflict thunder calamity on others!" Wang Lin raised his left hand and suddenly grabbed the calamity cloud in the sky. With this grab, the cloud layer trembled violently, and the lightning in it seemed to be unbearable. There was a roar, and bolts of lightning flew out from the clouds and headed straight for Wang Lin.

In front of Wang Lin's left hand, these countless lightnings gathered together crazily and turned into a huge thunder ball in the blink of an eye. When Wang Lin's left hand swung it, the thunder ball roared straight towards the sky and touched the clouds in an instant.

The roaring sound was earth-shattering at this moment, and the calamity cloud suddenly collapsed and split into pieces without any pause, causing the darkness in the sky to dissipate in an instant!

Mysterious calamity happened three times, and it collapsed every time!

Those dozen Green Devil Continent monks thousands of miles away couldn't see Wang Lin, but they could feel the passage of these three mysterious tribulations. It was simply unbelievable!

Although the power of these first three mysterious tribulations is ordinary, most monks who have the courage to attack these mysterious tribulations can survive it, but it also requires a great deal of strength to get out of those three consecutive tribulations, in exchange for a sudden increase in soul. Twice the creation.

However, people who can get through it so easily are too rare!

"It must be Lord Green Goblin! Otherwise, it would be impossible for others to do the same!"

"The Green Devil's cultivation has already experienced such a mysterious calamity back then, so he will be so calm when facing it again this time!"

The more than ten monks showed respect in their eyes, looking at the land of mysterious calamity thousands of miles away, where the green demon who was waiting for them walked out not long after.

Wang Lin sat on the scorpion's tail and looked at the sky. The previous three mysterious tribulations made him a little disappointed. Now he was waiting for the arrival of the fourth mysterious tribulation to see if this fourth mysterious tribulation would be brilliant.

The moment of youth when watching that mysterious disaster from the balcony is not about words, but about doing it. Wang Lin used his calmness to see the beauty of Xuan Jie.

"What kind of mysterious disaster will it be the fourth time..." Wang Lin took a sip of wine.

At this moment, suddenly countless ripples appeared in the calm sky. In the reverberation of the ripples, the sky looked like a large number of ripples on the water.

In the ripples, a coercion suddenly spread out, and while covering the surrounding area, the ground below shook. An extremely huge Canggu, about a thousand feet in size, slowly condensed and descended from the sky.

The double-sided Canggu was made of unknown materials. At this moment, there was no sound coming out, but there was a sense of vicissitudes of life, permeating the surroundings.

The moment the drum appeared, Wang Lin took the wine bottle and looked at it intently.

"It's interesting..." He murmured, and his eyes flashed.

At the same time, the thousand-foot-long drum suddenly seemed to have an invisible force colliding with the drum surface, and a muffled roaring sound came out. The drum sound set off countless echoes. At this moment, it seemed that there were countless people Beat the giant drum in all directions, turning into a wave of sound.

At the moment when the drum sound reverberated, Wang Lin's flesh, bones, and meridians all trembled suddenly. He clearly felt that the drum sound that filled the world was not coming from the drum head, but from the drum head. It suddenly spread from within his own body!

This scene made Wang Lin's eyes light up even more intensely. As the drum beat inside his body, bursts of itching sensations immediately appeared in Wang Lin's heart. At this moment, his body was shaken by the sudden drum beat in his body and he was unable to move!

At this moment, as the sound of the drum dispersed within Wang Lin's body, a large amount of fog condensed out of thin air in the space around the giant drum, and suddenly turned into a huge fog sword. This sword was completely illusory. , as if it didn't exist, but the moment it appeared, there was a sudden surge of evil energy.

The mist filled the sword. As the sword was raised, the evil aura became stronger. As it lingered, the sword suddenly aroused and went straight to Wang Lin, slashing down from the top of Wang Lin's head!

This sword does not cut off Wang Lin's body, nor Wang Lin's soul and soul, but cuts off the connection between his soul, soul, and body in his body. Once this sword falls, it can kill Wang Lin's soul, soul, and body. It was completely divided and could never be fused. In addition to the connection, what was severed was also the blood pulling in the body, making the divine body completely incompatible with fire and water!

The soul is hidden in the soul and forced to leave the body!

This is the first of the three inner catastrophes, the catastrophe of separation! That big drum is the key to triggering the three inner tribulations. Once the drum comes out, it means that the three inner tribulations will begin!

This calamity is strange. Throughout the ages, too many monks have failed in this calamity. Once the divine body is separated, the physical body will collapse in the sound of the drum, and the soul and spirit will disappear in the sound of the drum.

The fog sword was silent, but the evil energy roared on it, swirling around the fog sword. From a distance, it looked like billowing black smoke, heading straight towards Wang Lin, roaring towards him. For countless years, such a sword has cut off many powerful people who wanted to break through this mysterious tribulation and step into the empty tribulation, causing them to be cut off by this sword from the connection between their souls and their physical bodies.

Now, this sword reappeared, slashing at Wang Lin!

Wang Lin didn't know, and he didn't need to know, that those monks who had survived this calamity often had to prepare for a long time before they dared to survive these three calamities, and most of them spent it one at a time, carefully and cautiously. , with fear, looking for the place of life!

At this moment, the sound of the drum vibrated the blood, flesh and bones in Wang Lin's body, trying to restrain Wang Lin's body, but it could not restrain Wang Lin's heartbeat. He didn't know how others could survive this disaster, but he had his own method. At this moment, his heartbeat was beating. The thumping, thumping sound suddenly intensified in an instant, turning into heartbeat thunder, which spread loudly in his body. The moment it came into contact with the sound of the drum, Wang Lin's restrained body immediately gained the power to move.

At the moment when he could move, when the mist sword filled with evil aura struck, Wang Lin looked calm. He let go of the wine bottle in his right hand and suddenly raised it. There was a stinging pain in his palm, but he saw a bone-shaped penis. The knife suddenly spread out, and the Yin knife exuded a torrential cold air, turning the world into a gloomy hell!

"Well done!" Wang Lin smiled and did not get up at all. Instead, he held the Yin Bone Sword in his right hand and suddenly swiped away at the Fog Sword that was coming at him!

The swords collided in an instant, making a shocking sound. The fog sword trembled violently, cracked countless gaps, and collapsed suddenly. The evil energy on it seemed unwilling to retreat, and was about to rush out and swallow the king when the sword shattered. At the same moment, Wang Lin raised his head fiercely, and his body suddenly erupted with a murderous aura that far surpassed the evil aura of the fog sword. This aura soared into the sky, shockingly exceeding the evil aura several times.

The evil spirit seemed to have a spirit, and it suddenly collapsed and rolled back, not daring to face Wang Lin's murderous intention, and quickly dissipated.

The first of the three catastrophes, the Zhanli catastrophe, collapsed! The moment it dispersed, the big drum in the sky suddenly let out a second shocking drum sound!

The sound of the drum was several times more intense than before, causing the sound waves in the heaven and earth to roar and swirl. After spreading for thousands of miles, it spread far away, like war drums from heaven and earth, sounding a horn of destruction!

The moment this sound came out, Wang Lin stood up for the first time. He grabbed the wine bottle that he had let go before with his left hand, put it to his mouth and took a sip. At the same time, his body swayed. , head straight for the sky!

"Destroy this drum, and see how beautiful Xuan Jie is!"

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