Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang No. 10 Yang Chapter 1908 One is missing!

Chapter 8 of Volume 12 of Immortal Gang Tenth Yang is missing one!

The same door, the same arm, Wang Lin has seen it several times before!

Whenever the Heavenly Rebellion is perfect, such a door can appear. Wang Lin has entered it before, but in the end he still couldn't see anything from inside. All he saw was the vast expanse.

Especially the cyan arm contains extremely powerful power, preventing everyone from stepping into the door.

Now, Wang Lin stood outside the gate again, looking at the gate and the blue arms, Wang Lin was silent.

"Before the death of the scorpion soul, he said... white beads... what does it mean..." Wang Lin's eyes were gloomy. For a long time, his eyes shone with light. He swayed and walked slowly towards the gate step by step.

The moment he approached the gate, the blue arm suddenly moved, carrying a pressure and went straight to Wang Lin to grab him. He was so fast that he approached Wang Lin in an instant, and the outstretched five fingers were even more... In this forward movement, five scratches of nothingness were opened.

Wang Lin's expression was as usual, and his steps did not pause at all. As he walked forward, he raised his right hand and slapped the huge arm that he had grabbed.

In this shot, the sky and the earth roared, but the blue arm was shaken, suddenly rolled back, and directly lifted dozens of feet high by Wang Lin's shot.

The arm that frightened Wang Lin back then was no longer able to stop him after Wang Lin became the Lord of Sky Tribulation. Wang Lin calmly walked towards the door step by step.

His pace was not fast, but with every step he took, there would be a roaring sound, as if his feet were about to crush the void. When he was still seven steps away from the door, the lifted blue arm suddenly lifted up. It roared towards Wang Lin again.

This time, a terrifying power emitted from it, as if it would never give up until Wang Lin was stopped!

Wang Lin frowned. He didn't want to destroy this arm. The moment he looked up, he raised his right hand and pointed at the arm.


With one word, he stabilized his body, and the huge green arm suddenly stopped in mid-air, motionless.

Wang Lin took seven steps in a row and stood calmly in front of Tianni Gate. He raised his left hand, pressed it on the door, and pushed inward hard!

With this push, a muffled sound came from the Tianni gate, and a gap slowly opened. Although the gap seemed small,

But for Wang Lin, it was several feet big.

The door opened a crack, and Wang Lin stood there, silent for a moment, then raised his feet and took a step toward the door.

The whole person has completely stepped into the gate of Tianni.

This time, what appeared in front of Wang Lin was a world he had never seen before. There was heaven and earth here, but there was no sign of life. What was there was just a tower towering into the clouds among the mountains. !

The tower has no substance, but flickers between illusion and reality, sometimes real and sometimes illusory.

This is not the place where Wang Lin saw the Realm-Sealing Supreme. To be precise, the scene that unfolded after the consummation of the Heavenly Rebellion this time was completely different from what Wang Lin had seen before!

It was as if everything was a fog before, but now the fog was lifted, allowing Wang Lin to see the secrets that were infinitely close to the core of this Tianni!

Looking at the strange tower from a distance, Wang Lin walked slowly in silence. As he moved forward, the mountains gradually became illusory and spread out from in front of Wang Lin, causing Wang Lin to walk to the tower step by step. in front of.

This tower has four sides, becomes thinner as it goes up, and has a very strange shape. In the corner below the tower, there were four skeletons sitting cross-legged.

These four skeletons have existed for who knows how many years. They have always existed here throughout the ages. Two of the skeletons were wearing white robes, and the other two were wearing black robes.

They were sitting cross-legged, motionless, exuding bursts of deathly energy.

After Wang Lin's eyes swept over the four skeletons, he looked at the tower with confusion in his eyes.

What is the Heavenly Rebellion? This question has always troubled him. It has been with him for more than two thousand years, and it has been the same for nearly three thousand years.

He had groped for that day's reverse gate several times, but only this time he saw the tower and the four skeletons in black and white robes under the tower.

This tower has no door!

Standing outside the tower, Wang Lin's eyes became more confused. After a long time, his consciousness spread towards the tower. The moment his consciousness touched the tower, there was a roar in his mind!

Countless tiny sounds immediately emerged in his mind. Because there were so many sounds, Wang Lin felt extremely noisy and couldn't hear a word clearly!

He faintly heard the baby's cry when he was born, heard the old man's sigh when he died, and heard many indistinguishable sounds. There were shrill screams and gentle murmurs in the sounds. All these sounds seemed to make Wang Lin Being in a huge capital in the mortal world, I heard all the sounds in the capital!

In the end, this endless sound turned into a buzzing sound, buzzing crazily in Wang Lin's mind and ears, making Wang Lin's face immediately turn pale. With his current cultivation level, there were signs that he could not bear it.

It seemed like if he continued, his whole body would collapse.

Just when he was about to be unable to bear it, a baby's shrill cry pierced Wang Lin's mind, causing him to wake up suddenly. He took more than ten steps back and turned pale.

There was a roar in his mind, and he stared blankly at the tower. After a moment, Wang Lin turned around fiercely, turned into a long rainbow and roared straight into the distance, leaving this space in an instant. With his induction, he found in this Tianni. The sleeping souls of Wang Ping and Wang Ping’s wife were revealed.

Wang Lin was silent as he looked at his own flesh and blood prince, Wang Ping.

The shrill cry of the baby that woke him up just now was familiar to him. That sound was the first one he heard when Wang Ping was still a resentful infant.

"That tower, what on earth is..." Wang Lin's eyes were confused. For a long, long time, he looked at the sleeping soul of flesh and blood, with tenderness and sadness in his eyes. With a sigh, Wang Lin turned and left.

For the second time, he came to the square tower in that strange space.

Looking up, looking at the highest point of the tower where illusion and reality flicker, the top of the tower is blurry.

After a moment of silence, Wang Lin gritted his teeth. After taking a few steps forward, his consciousness spread out again. This time while spreading out, he raised his right hand and saw that his nails immediately lengthened and became as sharp as needles. As soon as he grasped it in the palm of his hand, the sharp nails immediately penetrated deep into the flesh of the palm, but there was a layer of soft light blocking them, preventing them from penetrating into the flesh.

However, this soft light is quickly dissipating. According to this speed, it may only take ten breaths at most before this light will be lost. Wang Lin's sharp nails can pierce into the flesh and blood, causing severe pain.

Time was running out. Without thinking, Wang Lin dispersed his consciousness and headed straight for the tower. The moment his consciousness touched the tower, the chaotic sounds from before were suddenly transmitted into Wang Lin's mind again.

Wang Lin's body trembled, and he seemed to have lost his mind. He was enveloped by the chaotic sounds, like a lonely boat in the angry sea, submerged by the huge waves of the sea.

The sound was endless. After all the sounds were merged together, they formed a buzzing sound that echoed in Wang Lin's mind, making it impossible for him to hear clearly. As time passed slowly, Wang Lin's face became paler and his eyes were dull. While his body was trembling, the white light gradually dissipated in his clenched right hand. At the ninth breath, the white light completely dispersed, causing his sharp nails to pierce hard into the flesh of his palm. The pain immediately spread throughout the body.

Under the sudden severe pain, Wang Lin looked struggling and suddenly woke up. At the moment when he woke up, he still heard a voice among the chaotic buzzing sounds, which seemed to be vague and clear in an instant!

" is missing..."

When he heard these words, Wang Lin fell back hundreds of feet. In these short ten breaths, he seemed to have experienced the test of life and death. If there was no baby crying for the first time, there would be no second morning. Be prepared, I'm afraid he will be immersed in the noisy sound and lose himself!

Staring at the tower, Wang Lin's eyes showed rare fear. Until now, he still couldn't figure out what the tower that appeared in the Tianni Pearl was!

And the sound I heard the moment I woke up before...

"One is missing...what do you mean by this!" Wang Lin was silent. After a while, he glanced at the towers in the mountains, turned around, and left.

The Green Devil Continent, where the Scorpion Temple was supposed to be, was now filled with a storm. In the storm stood a white young man. The young man's eyes were closed, but they suddenly opened at this moment.

The moment he opened it, there was still deep fear in his eyes!

Wang Lin took a long breath and looked down at the Tian Ni Bead that was integrating into his body in his palm with a complicated expression.

"What on earth are you..." Wang Lin murmured, and the inverse bead completely disappeared from Wang Lin's hand that day, blending into his body and leaving no trace in his soul.

"My spiritual consciousness is not strong enough... it is far from enough. One day, I will be able to overpower the noisy voice, hear the words hidden in it, and know the deepest secret inside this Heavenly Inverse Pearl!!" Wang Lin's eyes flashed, and he suppressed the confusion in his heart about this Tianni Bead. He had obtained this bead for almost three thousand years, and he already had enough patience to wait for the moment to unlock the answer!

And now he had a vague feeling that being able to see the tower meant that he was very close to the true secret of the bead!

At this moment, Wang Lin's eyes showed coldness, and he looked up into the distance. There was the location of Dao Demon Sect!

"The Dao Demon Sect...I made an oath back then to destroy the whole Dao Demon Sect and destroy its orthodoxy so that from now on there will be no more Dao Demon Sect in this Immortal Gang Continent!" Wang Lin flicked his sleeves and the storm suddenly turned around. , forming a huge black hurricane, rolling up Wang Lin's body and roaring away into the distance.

Dao Demon Sect’s calamity, surrender!

Tomorrow may be a little later. I have to go out to do some errands. I think I can make it back in the afternoon. Also, tomorrow is Monday, please vote for me!

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