Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1916 Wait for the Heavenly Lord to come!

Volume 12, Immortal Gang, Tenth Yang Chapter, Waiting for the Heavenly Lord to come!

After devouring the leader of the Dao Demon Sect, Wang Lin closed his eyes and heard a loud banging sound in his body. He suppressed the spirit of the leader of the Dao Demon Sect within his body. After erasing his consciousness, he integrated into the divine veins of the Divine Art. When he had free time, At that time, he can rely on the souls he obtained this time to gradually increase the number of divine veins.

After a moment, Wang Lin opened his eyes. With a flick of his sleeve, a loud rumble came from the ground, and he saw the half-disintegrated lake and the island. As Wang Lin flicked his sleeve, it was like being swept by a storm. It turned into a complete ruin.

Dao Demon Sect collapsed!

The royal envoy in the golden light in the sky stood there with an embarrassed look on his face until he saw Wang Lin open his eyes and clasped his fists with a wry smile.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, don't be surprised... this... I didn't expect this content in the Immortal Emperor's imperial edict... If I had known this, I would have killed this official together with my fellow Taoist!"

Wang Lin looked calm and looked at the royal envoy without saying a word. In fact, he was quite surprised at the content of the imperial edict, especially the last few sentences, in which he expressed his unkindness to Julien.

"The madman's real name is Lian Daofei... When I opened the storage space for the first time that year, he and the woman in silver were swept away by the void of the broken space, and they disappeared without a trace... This madman often calls himself the king, and he is from Master Xuanluo. I also heard a little bit about this person’s brother, who is the Immortal Emperor...

Could it be that the Immortal Emperor found the madman, and after the madman woke up, he told the Immortal Emperor about my relationship with him..." Wang Lin was in a daze, and the royal envoy on the curtain was trembling with fear, feeling extremely remorseful in his heart, and he cursed the person with a bitter look on his face. The dead leader of the Dao Demon Sect.

"This damn Dao Demon Sect Master, you will die if you die, and you will also bring trouble to me. If I had known this, I would not care about Wang Lin's killing, and finish reciting the imperial edict first...

Who is this Wang Lin? The Immortal Emperor actually spoke to him in such a tone... Thanks to Daofei... Even Prince Daofei woke up thirty years ago, could it be..." The pupils of the royal messenger's eyes shrank and he quickly dispersed. With all the thoughts in his mind thinking about this matter, he knew that there were some things that he could not know and guess.

"Wang Lin has such a level of cultivation, plus..., he must be valued by the Immortal Emperor. Alas, this matter needs to be repaired as soon as possible." Thinking of this, the royal envoy suddenly showed a respectful smile on his face, and continued He cupped his fists and bowed to Wang Lin.

"Friend Wang Dao, don't blame me, don't blame me... I was really confused before I went down. This demon sect leader deserves to be killed!" The royal envoy said while checking Wang Lin's expression and saw that Wang Lin didn't pay attention to him at all. He remained as usual. After feeling a little gloomy, my heart skipped a beat.

"It's bad, this person must still care about my previous two attacks... If he says a few words in front of the Immortal Emperor in the future,

I...I..." The royal messenger's forehead was sweating even more, and when the wind blew it, it turned into ice.

"Haha, this... Fellow Daoist Wang, I have some specialties from Zhongzhou here. This is the first time you and I have met. The gift is not a sign of respect. I hope that Fellow Daoist will accept it." Enduring the heartache, the royal envoy quickly took out a Yu Jian, along with The imperial edict was handed to Wang Lin respectfully.

Wang Lin was meditating on the cause and effect of this matter. Hearing this, he raised his head and glanced at the royal envoy. After receiving the imperial edict, he did not look at it, but looked at Yu Jian.

His consciousness was swept away, and his expression remained calm, but his heart was moved. This desire slip was not engraved with any content, but a storage space-like existence, which contained a large number of Yuan stones filled with immortal energy.

Putting away the slip, Wang Lin looked at the royal envoy coldly and said nothing.

Under his gaze, the royal envoy cried out inwardly. Gritting his teeth, he waved his right hand again, and a bottle of desire appeared in his hand. He squeezed out a smile despite his extreme heartache.

"Ah, I forgot, here is a special product of Zhongzhou. It is not too valuable. Fellow Taoist must accept it!" With that said, he handed the bottle of desire to Wang Lin respectfully again.

After Wang Lin took it, he scanned it with his spiritual consciousness in front of the royal envoy. There were a large number of elixirs inside. These elixirs were all used for healing, and many of them were extremely precious.

It is difficult for ordinary monks to obtain it, and only this royal envoy can find a way to get it in Central Continent.

After sending two great gifts in succession, the royal envoy was extremely heartbroken. He looked closely at Wang Lin's expression and found that Wang Lin's gloomy face had softened slightly. Then he breathed a sigh of relief. However, despite this, Wang Lin's His cold eyes, after reading the elixir, were still staring at the royal envoy.

Under Wang Lin's gaze, the royal envoy cried out inwardly again.

"It's too greedy...this...this..." The royal envoy could not help but smile on his face, his right hand trembled slightly, gritted his teeth, and took out a piece of Yu Jian again, squeezing it tightly. smile.

"I still have a property in the capital of Zhongzhou..." He said, handing the jian in his hand to Wang Lin with extreme heartache.

After taking the slip and looking at it, Wang Lin slowly showed a smile on his face. His smile fell in the eyes of the royal envoy, and he immediately felt completely relieved.

"You don't have to be polite, messenger. Since these Zhongzhou specialties are not valuable, it would be disrespectful for Wang to reject them."

"Yes, yes, they are not valuable things." The royal envoy felt a little pain in his chest and said with a wry smile.

"When the envoy came to this Green Demon Continent, he must have passed by Tianniu Continent. I wonder how the war is going there?" Wang Lin said slowly.

"There are three imperial edicts, one for the Great Soul Sect of Tianniu Continent and one for the Guiyi Sect. Now the war should be over and everyone is rushing back to their sects." The royal envoy did not hide the matter and said immediately.

"Daofei is also in the imperial city?" Wang Lin put away the slip, changed his words, and asked casually.

"Prince Daofei has been in the imperial city since he woke up. It is said that he wanted to go out, but the Immortal Emperor refused." These things are all rumors, and the royal envoy said it without any hindrance.

"Oh, I have a long history with Dao, and I was somewhat kind to him." Wang Lin said with a smile.

The imperial-robed envoy nodded quickly. He had noticed this when he delivered the decree before, and now that he heard Wang Lin say it himself, he was even more convinced.

"Tao is not a character... Well, I haven't seen him for a long time. Is he still the same as before?" Wang Lin shook his head and sighed.

"Prince Daofei..." The royal envoy hesitated for a moment, but after thinking of the content of the imperial edict and Wang Lin's previous words, he continued to speak.

"As a subordinate, I can't see Prince Daofei, but I heard someone secretly say that after Prince Daofei woke up thirty years ago, his character was a little different from before... But sometimes, he still looks the same. ..." The royal envoy hesitated and spoke slowly.

Wang Lin's heart moved, and he stopped talking while smiling.

Seeing this, the royal envoy immediately knew whether to advance or retreat, and bowed to Wang Lin with clasped fists.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, this imperial edict can be used for teleportation. This place is far away from Zhongzhou. It takes eight teleportations to reach it. I have to go back to recover first, so I won't go with my fellow Taoist. When I get to the imperial city, I will definitely go there. Welcome." The royal envoy said, resigned with a smile, and left in a hurry. He was afraid that if he stayed for a while longer, Wang Lin would be unhappy with those words, and he would give me another small profit that was "not a valuable thing."

When the royal envoy left, the smile on Wang Lin's face immediately dissipated and was replaced by gloom.

He did not leave the ruins of the Demon Sect, but sat cross-legged on a bluestone in the ruins, his eyes flickering.

"Lian Daofei...his greed and many of his negative thoughts have been swallowed up by Tianyunzi, who was transformed by the way of heaven back then. Logically speaking, his character will be very different from his previous one...

The words of the royal messenger also revealed this meaning. His personality has changed, but I don’t know what it has changed into now..."

Wang Lin frowned, looked up at the darkening sky in the distance, and continued to ponder.

"However, if he really changed his character, how could he have been awake for thirty years before his brother, the Immortal Emperor, came to announce his will... If he really wanted to thank me, thirty years ago, I was In that scorpion temple, enduring pain and fate...

The content of this imperial edict is very interesting..." Wang Lin's eyes showed coldness, he raised his right hand and waved suddenly towards the dark distance, only to see a black wind whistling away, followed by several shrill screams. Go out and be quiet.

Wang Lin is cruel, and once he is determined to do something, he becomes even more cruel. Since he wants to destroy all the Dao Demon Sect, he will naturally not let go of the remnants of the Dao Demon Sect who have gone to Tianniu Continent.

Those who were the first to come back were all monks with high status, who came in advance with the teleportation array at all costs. The reason why Wang Lin stayed here was not only to wait for these cultivations to come back one by one, but also to wait for one person!

"The ancestor of the Dao Demon Sect should be on the road. This person is a Heavenly Master. If he wants to truly destroy the Dao Demon Sect's lineage, this person must die! And even if I don't cause trouble for him, he will still bear a grudge against me. Come and hunt!

Tianzun... I wonder how I will fare with Tianzun after I put on the soul armor! "Wang Lin sat on the bluestone and looked into the distance.

"After solving the matter with the Dao Demon Sect, I have two choices, either to go to the Donglin Sect and enter the Donglin Pool to see if my other origins can condense my true body...

Or, just go to Zhongzhou to see what kind of dragon pond and tiger den there is, and whether Lian Daofei still remembers me and his brother, the Immortal Emperor, and what thoughts he has...

However, Master once said that there are five Great Heavenly Lords among the Immortal Clan, and among them, Immortal Emperor Lian Daozhen is one of the Great Heavenly Lords! If you go there, there might be a crisis..." Wang Lin closed his eyes and remained silent in the dark night.

There are five continents away from the Tao Demon Sect of the Green Demon Continent. A long rainbow is galloping in the sky. In the long rainbow, there is a red old man. The old man has a calm face, but there is anger in his eyes!

In a blink of an eye, the sky and the earth roared, and he disappeared on a teleportation array in the distance. At a huge cost, in exchange for the power of teleportation, one continent after another went straight into the distance!

He is the Grand Ancestor of the Green Demon Sect under Dao Da Tianzun! !

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