Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang No. 10 Yang Chapter 1938 Persistence without regrets

Volume 12, Immortal Gang Tenth Yang, first update)

At the edge of the mountains and seas, Wang Lin's figure appeared like a shuttle. After appearing for a moment, he took one step forward, his whole body merged into the world, and disappeared without a trace in a flash.

After far away from Shanhaizhou, in Shanhailinzhou, a land filled with eternal green pines, Wang Lin's figure transformed, standing on a green pine, looking back at the end of the world behind him.

Just now, he used the Can Ye Xin Technique to collapse and weaken the phantom of the Broken Palm. Without any pause, he took this opportunity to rush out. The moment he rushed out of the sea, he faintly felt that there seemed to be three auras in the sky that could oppress the world. The looming existence, combined with his previous guesses, it is not difficult to imagine who these three auras are.

Sitting cross-legged on the green pine, Wang Lin took a deep breath. The vastness of the surrounding world was much more comfortable than the light curtain protection he had endured for several years.

"There must be something secret in that broken palm. I gained a lot from this trip to the mountains and seas. In addition to the tree spirits of the mountains and seas, the most important thing is that I obtained a fragment of the Immortal Ultimate Sword!" Wang Lin's eyes flashed, and with his right hand As he lifted it up, a golden light flashed faintly in his palm.

"In the light curtain of Haizi Tianzun, this object cannot be absorbed in front of him. Now that we are out of trouble, we need to integrate this object into our sight as soon as possible!" Wang Lin was ecstatic, and also considered the issue about the Great Tianzun, but the three big ones Since Tianzun watched him leave without stopping him, he must have passed their test.

With a sway, Wang Lin's body was slightly blurred, and slowly merged with the green pine beneath him, immersed in the ancient tree, and disappeared. In this ancient tree, Wang Lin sat cross-legged and took out the last two mountain and sea tree spirits.

"Over the past few years, I have absorbed the other tree spirits, and the wood source in my body has been fully developed. I can feel the original breath of all trees in this world. There are still two of them at the moment. I wonder if the original true body can be born after fusion!

However, this wood source is a bit strange. After it is integrated into the body, the absorption becomes slower and slower. I don’t know when it will all become my own source! "Wang Lin took the two wood spirits, held them with Shen Yinzhong's right hand, and immediately integrated the two wood spirits into his body, and began to slowly absorb and refine them.

"There is no rush. This refining will take some time. The most important thing now is to absorb the fragments of the Immortal Extreme Sword. After absorbing the fragments, I have to think about the next step." Wang Lin In silence, he turned his right hand, and immediately in his palm, the fragment of the Immortal Sword that Wang Lin took the risk from within the seal of the Mountain and Sea Tree emitted endless golden light.

This fragment was as big as a palm and had irregular edges, but it exuded a sharp aura that seemed to be able to cut apart everything in the world.

Staring at the fragment in his hand, Wang Lin's eyes slowly emitted a golden light. Faintly, there seemed to be a fragment of the Immortal Ultimate Sword looming in his pupils.

The golden light in his eyes and the golden light of the fragments in his hands,

At this moment, they seemed to be intertwined and merged with each other. Waves of strange attractions spread out from Wang Lin's mind. The call that existed outside the mountains, seas and trees immediately echoed in Wang Lin's mind.

As this summoning and attraction became stronger, he saw the fragments of the Immortal Sword in Wang Lin's hand, melting into the golden light, and suddenly turned into countless golden filaments, as if the fragments melted, forming golden thin lines. After that, he went straight towards Wang Lin's eyes.

When the last golden thread merged into Wang Lin's eyes, the golden light in the pine tree suddenly dissipated, no longer revealed, and fell into darkness. In this darkness, Wang Lin sat cross-legged, breathing calmly.

Time passed slowly, and seven days passed in the outside world, with darkness and day intersecting several times. The pine forest in this season belongs to autumn, and the pine leaves are blowing in the wind, making a sound like countless people clapping their hands.

There are also fallen leaves rising and falling with the wind, like wanderers who have left home, not knowing where they will live in the future. During these seven days, some monks passed by this pine forest, but they did not realize that there was a monk in one of the pine trees in this vast forest.

For seven days, Wang Lin remained motionless, but there was an astonishing golden light hidden under his eyelids. At the same time, in his mind, the seven days seemed like countless years had passed.

In his mind, there were two fragments of the Immortal Ultimate Sword that were merging with each other. Both fragments were about the size of a palm, and both had irregular edges. But right now, in these seven days, in what seemed like countless years, these fragments were The two fragments have been completely fused together.

As they merged, a golden sword about one foot long suddenly materialized. This sword exuded sharpness and was filled with supreme pressure. After the sword body was formed, it became more and more powerful in Wang Lin's mind. of solidification.

On the eighth day, the moment Wang Lin's eyes suddenly opened, monstrous golden light spread out from his eyes. This golden light contained several times the suppressive power of Wang Lin before, and it seemed to have turned into substance. The sword came out and the earth shattered, causing the pine tree where Wang Lin was to be shrouded in gold.

But soon, the golden light emanating from Wang Lin's eyes shrank inch by inch. In the end, it took several hours for all the golden light to be condensed in the pupils of Wang Lin's eyes, without any leakage. Even Wang Lin His pupils didn't look abnormal at all, just clear.

But within this clarity, there is a fierceness and majesty hidden in it. It seems that if you look into his eyes, your heart will roar and you will retreat without a fight!

This is the power of suppression! Use the Immortal Ancestor's Immortal Extreme Sword to suppress all living things!

Taking a deep breath, Wang Lin slowly closed his eyes, and opened them again after a while. At this moment, even the hidden fierceness and suppression had completely dissipated, and it seemed that he had returned to his original nature.

"The Immortal Extreme Sword is the pinnacle of all metals in the world. I didn't expect that after I took the second fragment and fused it, the last source of the five elements, the gold source, was born in my body!" Wang Lin looked calm, thinking about this. Although it was sudden, these seven days of refining made him naturally gain some enlightenment.

"A fragment is equivalent to the mountain and sea tree spirits that I have absorbed for several years..." Wang Lin raised his right hand and waved forward, only to see ninety-eight afterimages transform, and finally merge with his right hand, and he made a fierce fist.

Bursts of snapping sounds came from the palm of his hand. The sound was crisp, but it conveyed a sense of destruction. Nine black cyclones emitted from his fist. Each of these nine cyclones contained the magical power of fusion.

Before Wang Lin went to the mountains and seas, when he entered the land of Tianzun's Nirvana, he could integrate nine magical powers into one fist and one finger. Now he was staring at his right hand, and in the blink of an eye, he saw it surrounded by nine cyclones. In the right fist, as the sound of snapping echoed, a tenth cyclone roared up, surrounding the nine cyclones at the same time.

"There should be more than ten!" The moment Wang Lin released his right hand and clenched it again, a muffled roar came from his fist, and then, the eleventh cyclone suddenly appeared!

These eleven cyclones represent that when Wang Lin does not unfold his true body and origin, he will blast out eleven magical powers with one punch and one finger. If he unfolds his true body and origin, after the true body appears, , with one punch and one finger from Wang Lin, forty-four magical powers can appear!

After all, his Five Elements True Body is the same as his main body. When expanded, he can exert double the magical power. When coupled with the Thunder True Body, the power increases sharply again. Finally, there is the Void Origin. Although this Void Origin does not condense the true body, it can The virtual origin is inherently more mysterious than the real origin, especially the integration of Wang Lin's three virtual origins into one, which is enough to achieve this.

This kind of superposition is his own way of combat power that he came to understand on his own after slowly merging during the fifty years of challenges and relying on the characteristics of his true body.

"It should be okay..." Wang Lin murmured, raised his left hand, and pressed his right hand with his palm. With this press, Wang Lin's whole body shook, and a low roar came from his mouth.

But he saw his right hand surrounded by eleven cyclones. Suddenly, under the roar, a twelfth cyclone appeared. After the twelve cyclones appeared, the thirteenth cyclone immediately followed.

Wang Lin's breathing was slightly rapid. He could feel that he was at his limit now!

"If the thirteen magical powers are unfolded and the true body and origin are superimposed, even without the soul-piercing armor, I can still fight against the Tianzun who has fifty-two magical powers!

I don’t know if I can survive the fifth level if I go to the land of nirvana with my current fighting power! Thinking about it, it should be enough! "Wang Lin had a smile on his face.

However, he has no intention of going to the land of nirvana right now. The opportunity has not yet come. Wang Lin has already made up his mind. If he doesn't go there, he will do it. Once he goes there for the second time, he will definitely make a splash!

"To attract the attention of all the Great Heavenly Lords, let's see how we can enter Heavenly Lord's Nirvana for the second time! Now I don't need to continue to challenge the Heavenly Lords. What I need to do is to go back to Dongzhou and go to the Donglin Pool of the Donglin Sect to take a look at this pool. , is there anything different from me in the fantasy world of the cave world?" Wang Lin stood up quietly, with a bright light in his eyes.

"Go to Donglin Sect, and then enter Tianzun Nirvana for the second time to see how many levels I can pass! After choosing a Great Tianzun, it will be my last stop on this land of immortals, Zhongzhou Imperial City!!

After resolving the knot in my heart in the imperial city, I left this land of the Immortal Clan and went to the Thirty-sixth County of the Ancient Clan to meet my master Xuan Luo and fulfill my promise! "Wang Lin took a deep breath, swayed, and disappeared from the green pine. He transformed into a figure between the sky and the earth, turned into a long rainbow, and galloped away towards Dongzhou in the distance.

"I can feel myself getting stronger and stronger, Wan'er, when I become the Great Heavenly Lord, that will be the day when I personally resurrect you, my wife!

This day is not far away, very close, very close... Wan'er, very close. "While Wang Lin was galloping, his eyes showed a rare tenderness. In that tenderness, there were memories, and there were scenes that were not flowers before the moon and under the moon, but were thousands of years of unrepentant persistence.

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