Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1941 My Master

Volume 12, Immortal Gang Tenth Yang, first update)

Under Wang Lin's own eyes, he saw Liu Jinbiao take out two purple-red herbs. The colors were similar, but also different, one was darker and the other was lighter.

Pressed on the eyebrows of the two children respectively, the purple-red herb exuded bursts of strange fragrance. It looked like an extraordinary thing. After blending into the foreheads of the two children, it spread faintly into a network under their skin.

Staring at the herb, Wang Lin felt a faint vitality in it. Although this vitality was weak, it was extremely pure. If absorbed by Wang Lin, it could have a healing effect.

However, the vitality contained in these two medicinal herbs is too little. If they are used to heal wounds, at least 10,000 herbs will be needed.

The faint vitality was pure because it was filled with immortal energy. The vitality emanated from this immortal energy. Although it was very weak, it made Wang Lin's eyes narrow.

He has never seen this kind of medicinal herb, and even his time in this land of immortals is not too short. He has experienced many things, seen a lot, and seen a lot of information about medicinal herbs, but no matter how he thinks about it, There is nothing like this herb.

But he could feel that these two herbs were not harmful to the two children, but could actually strengthen their bodies. And under Wang Lin's observation, his eyes showed strangeness, but he saw that the two children's aptitude for cultivating immortals had changed after fusing the medicinal herbs!

The darker-colored herbs formed a network of veins in the boy's body, covering up his true aptitude for cultivating immortals. After finally hiding in his body and disappearing, it suddenly turned into a body with excellent aptitudes. .

With Wang Lin's cultivation level, he can naturally see the clues, but if he is a second-step monk, it will be difficult to notice. Only the third step is powerful. When he looks at it carefully, he can vaguely see something strange. Because of the network veins of the medicinal herbs, It is almost completely integrated with the child, and because of the existence of the immortal energy, it can be somewhat hidden from the sky.

This scene surprised Wang Lin. He looked at the girl again. The same thing happened to her body. She had transformed into an ordinary person with entry-level qualifications, far beyond her previous self.

"The things created by nature are extremely unpredictable..." Wang Lin's eyes were filled with gloom, this purple herb was very extraordinary!

"But if Liu Jinbiao continues to cheat like this, he will definitely be killed if he is discovered..." Wang Lin shook his head secretly. There are many immortal sects in this immortal land, and the third step is not among them. As for whether he can succeed in It depends on his luck that Liu Jinbiao was discovered before he left the Great Holy Continent safely.

"He is also cautious and is not greedy to force all children to be like this. Otherwise, once there are more people, the possibility of exposure will double." Wang Lin glanced at the proud Liu Jinbiao and said,

A wry smile appeared on his face.

After the two children were fused with the medicinal herbs, Liu Jinbiao looked quite proud. Looking at the two children in front of him, his eyes glowed faintly.

He stood up, rolled up the two children, turned into black wind and flew out of the cave, speeding all the way south.

Not long after, a mountain shrouded in clouds and mist appeared in front of Liu Jinbiao. This mountain was extremely steep, and under the year-round clouds and mist, the roars of beasts could sometimes be heard faintly.

"It has been a while since I came to this Great Holy Continent. I visited many sects before, and I planned to leave. Now that I have finished this last job, even if no one shows up, I still need to change my mind and leave this Great Holy Continent to go to other places. ." Liu Jinbiao looked at the mountain peak in front of him, his eyes flashed, and he thought to himself.

"The many elixirs and magic weapons I cheated in this Great Holy Continent should allow me to cultivate to the Yuanying stage. After reaching the Yuanying stage, I will go to other continents to find a sect to join and become a disciple for dozens of years. After a hundred years, we will go out to find business." Liu Jinbiao took a deep breath and led the two children straight to the cloudy mountain peak ahead.

Wang Lin followed him all the time, watching Liu Jinbiao expertly circle around the mountain peak a few times, enter it in a flash, and fly out alone a moment later, with excitement and excitement in his expression.

Flying out of the mountain peak, Liu Jinbiao sprinted away without any hesitation. Wang Lin glanced at it and suddenly his expression changed. He looked up at the sky, only to see a layer of ripples echoing faintly in the sky, which disappeared in an instant.

The ripples could not be noticed by ordinary monks, but in Wang Lin's eyes they were extremely clear. It was someone's derivation and calculation that caused changes in the movement of heaven and earth.

And this change is centered on Liu Jinbiao.

"Someone is deducing Liu Jinbiao's position!" Wang Lin's eyes flashed with cold light. The moment he looked at the place where the ripples in the sky disappeared, his eyes seemed to break through the void. With the power of the other party's derivation and calculation, he saw In a magnificent sect hall, there were seven or eight second-step monks worshiping respectfully. Right in front of these people, there was a strange boy with his eyes closed. Behind him, an old man pressed his right hand on his Tian Ling, making secrets with his left hand, seems to be making deductions.

After a moment, the old man opened his eyes suddenly, revealing a cold light.

"We have found Jin Biaozi. He is hundreds of thousands of miles away from here. You wait for the teleportation array to pass by and capture this man immediately. Remember, don't destroy his soul, I want to search for his soul!" The old man said, with his left hand Swinging forward, a piece of desire flew out.

"If you keep this simple, you can find Jin Biaozi! As for this inner disciple... he will be sent to the outer sect. It depends on his own efforts."

Wang Lin's eyes flashed, and his consciousness emanated from the ripples in the sky. He looked at Liu Jinbiao flying in front of him without any notice, and shook his head and sighed.

"That's all. If he doesn't suffer some hardships, he won't learn a lesson."

It didn't take long. About half an hour later, Liu Jinbiao was flying when suddenly four rainbows roared in front of him. The monks in those four rainbows were the ones Wang Lin had seen before, who were sent to capture Liu Jinbiao.

After teleporting hundreds of thousands of miles, the four people quickly found Liu Jinbiao with Yu Jian's locking and pulling, and they came in a hurry with coldness.

When Liu Jinbiao saw this scene, his expression suddenly changed. He knew something was wrong but did not run away immediately. He clearly felt that the four monks' powerful cultivation meant that he could not escape at all.

He rolled his eyes and quickly moved away, pretending to give way, but the four rainbows came in an instant, surrounded him and turned into four monks, staring coldly at Liu Jinbiao.

Liu Jinbiao was extremely nervous, but his expression didn't show any signs of it. Instead, he frowned and looked at the four of them coldly.

"The four seniors, I don't know why they blocked the way of this junior..." Their expressions were quite calm. This calm look made the four people who were destined to be captured couldn't help but be startled.

"Capture!" The four monks took a careful look at Liu Jinbiao, flicked his sleeves, and a monk immediately stepped out next to him. With the second step of cultivation, he went to capture a golden elixir monk. Liu Jinbiao simply couldn't Just can't resist.

Liu Jinbiao's face was still calm, with a sneer on his face, but he was secretly panicked and nervous, but his thoughts were spinning. He immediately guessed that a certain sect must have sensed something unusual.

"How presumptuous!! Huh, you don't need to wait to capture me. Liu will just go with you!" Liu Jinbiao opened his eyes fiercely and spoke coldly.

The calmer he became, the more strange the four people felt. The monk who came to capture Liu Jinbiao did not take action during the meal. Instead, he stood behind Liu Jinbiao, pushed him and took him away.

"You and other sects dare to come and capture me. If I am harmed in the slightest, my master will destroy your whole family!" Liu Jinbiao sneered, showing no sign of fear, and calmly followed the four monks, turning into four rainbows and disappearing in the distance.

After these people left, Wang Lin's figure appeared, looking ahead and shaking his head slightly.

"After being caught, you still have to hold on. This Liu Jinbiao... who is the master he is talking about?" Wang Lin looked strange and followed behind. Those monks needed to be teleported back, but to Wang Lin, it was just a matter of time. Hundreds of thousands of miles can be reduced to an inch at a time.

More than half an hour later, in the northern part of the Great Holy Continent, in a valley basin, there were attic palaces everywhere, and even protective formations filled the air. This place was an ordinary sect in the Great Holy Continent.

Liu Jinbiao was captured here. In a palace in the valley, although Liu Jinbiao was trembling with fear inside, his expression was calm, and there was even a sneer and contempt at the corner of his mouth.

In front of him, an old man sat cross-legged. This old man was the one who deduced and calculated Liu Jinbiao's location.

He looked at Liu Jinbiao with a cold light in his eyes.

"You are so brave, how dare you deceive me, Yunmen." The old man spoke slowly, his words filled with a cold meaning.

"It's a lie. A Yunmen from the Great Holy Continent dares to capture me. You have no courage!" Liu Jinbiao's eyes did not waver at all as he looked at the old man.

The old man frowned.

"If I have the slightest injury, my master will come immediately. Not to mention you Yunmen, even the Donglin Sect of this Great Holy Continent will respect my master when they see him." Liu Jinbiao sneered and spoke slowly. , but it contains a firmness, especially in conjunction with his expression, which can't help but add a bit of credibility.

When the old man heard this, he suddenly laughed, but his smile was even more chilling.

"Oh? Then who is your master?"

"Under the command of the Twin Great Heavenly Lords, Guya Heavenly Lord!" Liu Jinbiao looked proud and spoke leisurely.

His calm look and leisurely words stunned the old man.

"What a joke, if you are really a servant of Guya Tianzun, how can you cheat here? How can you only have a mere golden elixir cultivation level!" The old man didn't believe it at all.

"The art of cheating is the artistic conception I have cultivated. As for my cultivation, open your old eyes and take a closer look. Is your Immortal Jin Biao really a Golden Elixir monk?!" Liu Jinbiao waved his sleeves and said coldly. Open your mouth.

It's just that at this moment, his heart is extremely frightened. However, he has been cheating all his life. Over the years, he has realized the second step of deception, which is to deceive himself. He has deceived himself a long time ago and even deceived himself. , don’t be afraid of others not believing it!

Wang Lin sat cross-legged on the side of the palace. No one could notice his presence. He looked at Liu Jinbiao with a wry smile on his face, while memories of the past flashed through his eyes.

Here is the first update, monthly tickets are not enough, please give me monthly tickets! ! !

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