Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1950 Return!

For a monk, thirteen years have passed by in a flash. During these thirteen years, Wang Lin has completely understood the origin of Taichu in his heart, giving him an extra special origin!

As for the origin of silence, after watching the night swallowing the light more than 4,000 times in the past thirteen years, coupled with the insights in Donglin Pond, I gradually understood it, although I have not yet completely grasped it.

In the past thirteen years, I have experienced Donglinchi many times, but that deep voice has never appeared again.

Wang Lin sat cross-legged on the altar platform outside the east facing pool, with his long hair hanging down, at the same level as his waist. In the past thirteen years, his cultivation has remained the same, but his hair has changed during the observation of the sunrise and sunset. For some reason , slowly grew up.

After a long time, he opened his eyes. There was a ray of sunshine in his left eye, and there was darkness in his right eye. These two strange appearances made Wang Lin full of weirdness.

"The origin of Taichu can be merged with the true body of Thunder, and merged with the killing and prohibition, becoming the fourth source including the true body of Thunder. As for this silent person... I still haven't fully understood it, and it's just a small improvement, but It does not hinder the fusion. With the power of fusion, my cultivation may be improved due to the concentration of the five origins including the Thunder True Body..." Wang Lin looked calm. The reason why he came to Donglin Sect , just to find an opportunity to make a breakthrough in my cultivation.

Once this opportunity arises, if he breaks through in cultivation, he can enter the land of Tianzun Nirvana and complete the preparations before going to the Immortal Clan Imperial City.

Wang Lin was cross-legged, and an overlapping shadow appeared on his body. However, he saw an arc of lightning wandering around, and his thunderous true body flashed out, sitting cross-legged opposite Wang Lin's body.

The avatar of Thunder had a cold expression on its face, and lightning flashed all over its body. In the silence, it made a clear and crisp sound, and a feeling of destruction could not help but emerge in Wang Lin's heart when he looked at the avatar of Thunder.

"The killing thunder existing in this Thunder True Body has caused indescribable destruction. This power is unfamiliar to me..." Wang Lin looked at the Thunder True Body, which was now wearing white clothes like him.

After a moment of silence, Wang Lin raised his right hand and waved towards the thunder avatar.

"Since you contain killing, and the thunder is full of destruction, then you wear the black clothes of my early years and incarnate into darkness. In this way, you can better understand the origin of silence."

With a wave of his hand, the white clothes of the Thunderbolt Avatar turned completely black, as if darkness swallowed up the light.

The moment the black-clothed Thunderbolt's clothes turned black, the feeling of destruction in his body seemed to be stronger.

Silently looking at his own thunder body,

The outline of Chu Yang in the pupil of Wang Lin's left eye slowly emerged without the slightest ray of light, floating between him and the real body of Thunder. After a moment of pause, he went straight to the real body of Thunder, and met with the real body of Thunder. In an instant, he merged into Thunder's true body.

Thunder True Body immediately shook its body, and dazzling rays of light emitted from its body, like its bright power. In this fusion, there was a repulsion with the destruction of Thunder True Body.

Wang Lin observed for a moment and ignored it. Instead, his right eye suddenly became dark, spreading like ink and condensing on Wang Lin's right hand, turning into the outline of a sun, but this sun was a black Positive.

With a wave of his hand, the black sky sun went straight to Wang Lin's thunder body and merged again!

But at the moment when the black sky sun merged with the Thunder True Body, Wang Lin's spiritual consciousness immediately spread out and descended on the Thunder True Body with a powerful pressure to force the Thunder True Body into the body. All the origins of it merge according to its will!

Although the black sky sun does not contain much origin, perhaps because of this, and because it itself is similar to destruction, as soon as Zhou merged into the real body, he was immediately absorbed by the killing thunder, and after merging into one , this killing thunder has changed again!

The killing thunder originally destroyed the world, tearing apart all the light and turning it into nothingness. After merging with the source of silence, a breath of destroying the world suddenly spread out from the true body of the thunder. In this breath level , even Wang Lin's will felt uncontrollable.

Killing all living beings, destroying a world, tearing away the light, shrouding the night, and turning everything into nothingness and ruins. This is all the power contained in Wang Lin's unintentionally created thunder avatar!

It's just that this power, due to the existence of the forbidden origin, is trapped in the true body like a seal, and it is not allowed to go out. Once this power disperses, a terrifying catastrophe will occur!

The previous Thunder True Body was barely balanced, and the restraining source tightly locked its body. But at this moment, due to the integration of the silent source, the already cracked balance collapsed directly.

But Wang Lin had expected all this before. At the moment when the forbidden source could not limit the killing and destruction, and collapsed, the primordial source, which represented the light, immediately merged with the forbidden source to form a new seal, which was once again balanced with the killing and destruction.

Under these constant seals and confrontations, Wang Lin's thunder avatar is like a flame that can burn at any time. This kind of thing is like a mortal holding fire.

Either take complete control or be burned in the fire.

Destruction and seal, darkness and light, guided by thunder, barely reached balance again on this true body at this moment. However, the fusion of the restriction and the origin of the beginning seems to be unable to compete with the killing and silence. The crisis has not dissipated, but Wang Lin must do so.

From the moment he inadvertently created the killing thunder of this true body, it was already destined that this true body was special and completely different from the Five Elements.

At the moment when the special origins of the Thunder True Body merged and confronted, and barely formed one body, the true body suddenly opened its eyes. The left eye was light and the right eye was dark. It took a step towards Wang Lin, as if it were transparent, and Wang Lin's body was completely different. Overlapping and sitting cross-legged, they merged into Wang Lin's body.

At this moment, Wang Lin's cultivation aura suddenly increased, rising continuously from the early stage of the Sky Tribulation. As his cultivation increased, the color of the sky and the earth changed, the wind and clouds rolled back, and the sky above Donglin Sect was sometimes dark, sometimes bright, and intertwined rapidly. Under the transformation, a muffled roar came from Wang Lin's body, his white hair floated, and his clothes seemed to be blown by the strong wind. His cultivation suddenly broke through from the early stage of the Air Tribulation and became a great master in the middle stage of the Air Tribulation!

Wang Lin suddenly stood up, and the changes in the world disappeared in this moment, returning to normal. The wind stopped, everything remained motionless, and there was silence.

He stood there, and after a long time, his body swayed, and immediately the golden sea dragon from a distance, which was becoming more and more awe-inspiring to Wang Lin, flew over, causing Wang Lin to step on top of it.

Liu Jin choked. He looked at Wang Lin with the same awe. This kind of awe was like this in the cave world, and it had not changed at all in the Immortal Gang Continent. He quickly flew up and landed on the back of the golden sea dragon. , standing respectfully behind Wang Lin.

In the past thirteen years, due to the awakening of memory and the help of the golden sea dragon, most of his cultivation has recovered.

Hai Long rose into the sky, with Wang Lin above his head, looking at the Donglin Sect below and the Donglin Pond. After a moment of silence, he clasped his fists and bowed deeply to the Donglin Pond!

"Although the senior is dead, Wang will remember the kindness he received from him." Wang Lin's eyes finally fell on the Donglin Hall. He seemed to vaguely see the lonely and sad old man in the hall.

With a sigh, under Wang Lin's spiritual thoughts, Hai Long's huge body swayed and turned into a rainbow, heading straight into the distance.

Behind Wang Lin, in the Donglin Death Sect that was submerged in the mountains, there seemed to be a melancholy sigh, containing countless years of loneliness and sadness, and even more persistence...

Because of his loneliness, the dream barrier evolved, and the phantom of memory accompanied him.

Because of his sorrow, he stayed in this death sect over the years, counting his memories and guarding him silently.

Because of his persistence, even for thousands of years, his hatred and madness hidden in the depths of sorrow seemed to have turned into a blood donation, copying the words on the stone tablet one stroke at a time!

Wang Lin left.

But he did not leave the Great Holy Continent. Instead, he sat cross-legged on a peak of the continent, guarded by the golden sea dragon, and paved the way with his formation restrictions. Facing the early sun of the distant world, he closed his eyes. eyes.

"I'm going to break through Tianzun Nirvana! I broke through the fourth level back then. This time, I will break through several levels..." Wang Lin closed his eyes and meditated, calming down the fluctuations in his body's cultivation base, waiting for three months. Later, when he gradually became familiar with it, he raised his right hand and waved it in front of him. Many magical powers were condensed in this wave.

"During the initial stage of the Sky Tribulation, due to the limitations of my cultivation, I could integrate up to thirteen magical powers into my body. Now, in the middle stage of the Sky Tribulation, I can integrate as many as I can... plus the superposition of my true body and my origin..." Wang Lin's eyes flashed with light. and expectations.

Taking a deep breath, Wang Lin closed his eyes, and his consciousness suddenly condensed into the sky spirit, turning into an invisible body and heading straight into the sky.

"This time, I want to make a big splash! This time, I want all the Heavenly Lords in this Immortal Clan Continent to look up to them... This time, I want to be one of the Yue Heavenly Lords!

This time, I want to become the 49th Yue Tianzun on the Immortal Continent! This time, I'm going to use the power of the Longhorn Soul Armor! "

Wang Lin's consciousness went straight to the sky, like a pillar of air that no outsider could see reaching the sky. As it continued to climb, there was finally a bang in his mind. When his vision became clear, he saw what he had been there back then. That strange heavenly nirvana!

He saw the main halls floating in the distance, rising layer by layer, and even saw hundreds of deities sitting cross-legged and meditating outside the first-floor hall!

Similarly, these Heavenly Lords also saw Wang Lin, who turned into a rainbow and came speeding towards the ancient special teleportation array!

"White-haired Heavenly Lord!"

"I remember that he broke through the first four floors in a row with very short intervals. At that time, I thought he would go to the fifth floor, but he gave up and left..."

"I probably felt that I couldn't get through, so I retreated. This time, I probably have some confidence in getting through the fifth floor, so I came here."

"It's him!" Outside the main hall on the first floor, there was a middle-aged man in black. He seemed to be withdrawn and there was no one around him. When Wang Lin arrived, he was the first one to see him.

His name is Bamboo Forest! I passed through the seventh floor, but stopped at the eighth floor! ~!

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