Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1952 1 Shocking (2)

The golden rice covered the land of Tianzun's nirvana, dyeing the earth into gold. The hundreds of Tianzun on the ground all had calm expressions, as if they were not surprised at all.

There were even many people who did not look up at all, but were immersed in meditation without even opening their eyes. It was as if the golden light that had passed through the fifth level was of no interest to these people. .

The Bamboo Forest Heavenly Lord in the distance also did not open his eyes. He was immersed in his inner world, deducing how to pass the eighth level. His cultivation should have passed the eighth level, but it stopped there. …

"This white-haired Heavenly Lord entered the fifth floor... After many attempts, a golden light appeared, and it took a little longer... Far less than the rumored speed when he broke through the first four floors... It seems that this person, here There must have been some trouble on the fifth floor.”

"Although the time is still very fast, it is similar to the ordinary Tianzun breaking through the fifth level. In this case, there is really nothing worth noting."

"I don't know if he will choose to leave like he did back then, or if he will try the sixth level... But he probably won't be able to survive this sixth level..."

Those Heavenly Lords who looked up thought to themselves one by one. Some of them were slightly disappointed. After all, the reason why they cared about Wang Lin was because they either heard about or saw in person that Wang Lin broke into the first four floors. speed!

If not, spending a mere fifth level, although amazing enough, would not attract much attention.

In the golden light of the fifth-floor palace in the sky, Wang Lin's figure rushed out. He looked calm and did not look down. Instead, he looked up at the sixth floor. His eyes flashed and without any hesitation, he went straight to the sixth floor. Go away!

His actions were seen by the Heavenly Lords below, and they all immediately became attentive.

"He actually went to the sixth level. I stopped at this sixth level and couldn't get through it. This person had a harder time even on the fifth level, and the time was longer than me. I couldn't get through this. On the sixth floor, he will definitely fail!"

"This white-haired Heavenly Lord didn't leave?"

"The sixth level is interesting. If this person can pass it, you can make some friends with him."

Few of the Tianzun monks below thought that Wang Lin could successfully break through the sixth level. After all, Wang Lin's time on the fifth level was too ordinary and not surprising at all.

Some of those Tianzun monks who had not opened their eyes to look in the golden light of the fifth floor palace opened their eyes at this moment and looked towards the sixth floor.

The bamboo forest god in the distance,

He was opening and closing his eyes with a calm sweep, and just when he was about to close his eyes again, suddenly a dazzling golden light suddenly appeared in his pupils!

At the moment when the golden light appeared, the Bamboo Forest Heavenly Lord's expression suddenly condensed.

He was not the only one with golden light in his eyes. At this moment, outside the first floor of Tianzun's hall, all the Tianzun monks who looked up had golden light in their eyes! !

This golden light is not contained in themselves, but reflects the light of the sixth-floor palace in the sky! !

But he saw that the sixth-floor palace in the sky, less than seven breaths after Wang Lin entered, suddenly erupted with a shocking golden light, which merged with the golden light of the fifth-floor palace and reappeared. The glory of the year!

"It's... it's..." Among the Tianzun monks below, someone stood up immediately, with shock in their eyes, "He actually broke through the sixth floor!! It only took seven breaths!!"

"More than ten years ago, he reached the fourth level in a row, and now he appears again, and he can even reach the fifth and sixth levels in a row. This person's cultivation is absolutely extraordinary!"

"Being able to break through the sixth level means that this person can integrate at least fifty magical powers into his body. There are no more than four hundred Tianzun monks in the entire immortal clan who can do this!"

The Tianzun monks below looked solemnly and looked at the sky one after another. Even those Tianzun who had closed their eyes and ignored it before, feeling that they could not be attracted to look at it, now opened their eyes and looked into the sixth layer of golden light in the sky. The figure that rushes out!

The sixth level of Tianzun Nirvana is considered a strong one among the Tianzun monks!

The Bamboo Forest Heavenly Master stared at Wang Lin's figure in the sky with an extremely solemn expression. Wang Lin at this moment reminded him of that time, when he didn't pay any attention to it, but he passed through the fourth floor in a row and caught his gaze. .

"The seventh floor, he is going to break through this seventh floor!!"

"He went so far as to break through the seventh floor. There are less than 200 people in the entire immortal clan who can break through the seventh floor! Although he is very easy on the sixth floor, this seventh floor is by no means easy!"

"I can't say... he can really get through!" The Heavenly Lords below all looked excited. Under their gazes, Wang Lin's figure in the sixth layer of golden light did not sink, but went straight to The seventh floor above whizzed away.

His figure was focused on by almost all the eyes below. In these eyes, there was expectation, suspicion, and even some disdain. Apparently, they thought that even if Wang Lin had the strength to break through the sixth floor, in this seventh floor, But it is extremely difficult to get through!

The Bamboo Forest Heavenly Master stopped meditating, and instead stared at Wang Lin's figure disappearing into the seventh-floor hall, with a very solemn expression. After all, if Wang Lin could break through the seventh floor, it would mean that he and the Bamboo Forest Heavenly Master had revealed the same person. Level, such a monk, and he saw Chuang Tianzun Nirvana twice with his own eyes, how could he not care!

When Wang Lin entered the seventh floor of the palace, there was silence in Zhou Xingshi. Almost everyone looked up and stared.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths, four breaths, five breaths... The moment the fifth breath passed, suddenly many of these Tianzun monks exclaimed in surprise and disbelief! !

But I saw that in the sky, the palace on the seventh floor suddenly erupted with astonishing golden light in response to the fifth breath. This golden light merged with the light on the sixth and fifth floors. Completely reflected in it, like the sun!

Especially the figure walking out of the seventh layer of golden light. Under that golden light, the white hair seemed to turn golden, and it was filled with an aura that made the Heavenly Lord below even take a breath!

"Regret...he broke through the seventh floor..."

"Five breaths of time is actually faster than breaking through the sixth floor! What kind of combat power does he have? He can break through the seventh floor. This person will definitely become famous throughout the world in a short time!!"

"Five breaths passed the seventh level... I have never heard of this speed..." The hundreds of monks below were all shocked. At this moment, they no longer had any disdain, but looked at the figures in the golden light in the sky. , with respect.

Some of those who stopped on the fourth and fifth floors looked at Wang Lin with vaguely complicated eyes.

Among Tianzun cultivators, the gap between strength and weakness is huge. Those who can pass the seventh level must be respected even if they are also Tianzun! For example, the Bamboo Forest Heavenly Lord, even though he is lonely and arrogant, if he goes to achieve the Heavenly Lord's nirvana, everyone will stare at him.

"The seventh floor..." Zhulin Tianzun was silent. He did not expect that the other party had such strength.

"Will he break through the eighth floor... The eighth floor is difficult!"

In the sky, Wang Lin stood in the golden light on the seventh floor with a calm expression. On this floor, he dispatched the Thunderbolt and Five Elements Avatars and unleashed all the power of the two avatars. Only then with an overwhelming advantage, Passed this seventh level.

"This Tianzun Nirvana, the higher you go up, the more difficult it becomes. I wonder if this eighth level will be like a servant... Wang Lin raised his head and looked at the eighth level. With a sway, he turned into a rainbow and went straight to the eighth level. go!

He was focused on breaking into the Nirvana of the Heavenly Lord, but he did not pay attention to his actions. What kind of storm was set off among the hundreds of Heavenly Lords below!

"The eighth floor...he went to break into the eighth floor!!"

"What an arrogant person. Zhulin Tianzun failed at this eighth level. This person... alas, I can't say for sure!"

"There are less than 150 people in the Immortal Clan who can pass through the eighth level. This is only possible after many years of accumulation. This level is said to be extremely difficult. Once someone passes it, they will be known to the Great Heavenly Lord immediately. !" At this moment, almost all the monks on the ground stood up. This kind of continuous entry into the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth floors was enough to arouse their solemnity.

The Bamboo Forest Heavenly Lord suddenly stood up, no longer crossing his legs, but staring at the eighth floor of the palace in the sky. He broke through the eighth floor several times, but failed. At this moment, he saw someone in front of him. After breaking through to the eighth floor, his eyes were gleaming... He even flashed out of his body and looked straight into the air.

"The eighth level, regret... can you survive it!"

These people thought that the passage of time would be long while waiting, but after three breaths, the golden light suddenly burst out in the eighth floor palace, and everyone here was completely stunned.

The eighth layer of golden light has not bloomed in this land of Tianzun Nirvana for many years, but at this moment, after this golden light merged with the light below, it suddenly enveloped the land of Tianzun Nirvana layer by layer, permeating everyone there. Endless Golden Light Car "He passed the eighth level..." Zhulin Tianzun's face was pale, with shock and complexity in his eyes. He tried to break through this eighth level several times, but all ended in failure, but now, he saw it with his own eyes. For others, the three breaths of time can be spent calmly!

The hundreds of Heavenly Lords below who were filled with golden light... all of them had forgotten to think and looked at Wang Lin's figure in the sky... all of them were silent.

"What's your name?" The Bamboo Stick Heavenly Lord suddenly raised his head and let out a mighty voice. This voice woke up hundreds of Heavenly Lords around him. Some of them knew Wang Lin's name, but most of them only knew Wang Lin's name. Know the white-haired Heavenly Lord!

"Wang Lin!" Wang Lin looked down in the golden light of the eighth floor hall and spoke calmly.

After he opened his mouth, his eyes suddenly fell upward to the ninth-floor Tianzun Nirvana Hall, which was slightly blurred by clouds and mist!

After passing the ninth level, you will reach the peak of Tianzun!

After breaking through the ninth level, you will be completely famous in the Immortal Clan Continent!

After passing the ninth floor, you will be infinitely close to Yue Tianzun!

Wang Lin has been in the land of the Immortal Clan for a long time. After hundreds of years, he has reached this point. He is not excited, but has the calmness of an ancient well.

Under the attention of all the Heavenly Lords below, Wang Lin took a deep breath and walked towards the ninth-floor hall above, which had not emitted golden light for tens of thousands of years. ! ~!

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