Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1956 1 Shocking (6)

"There are seven people who stopped on the thirteenth floor. In addition to these forty-seven Yue Tianzun, there are two strongest people. One is Cai Weizun, who has passed the fourteenth floor! There is also one, It is the most powerful among Yue Tianzun, Ming Dao Zun, he stopped at the sixteenth floor!

Starting from the eleventh level, each level is extremely difficult. It is not as simple as smashing the stars in the first ten levels, but to fight against... the seventy-two beasts outside the world that the Immortal Ancestor fought back then. !

The seventy-two beasts outside today are either strong or weak. Although the ones that exist in Tianzun Nirvana are only illusions and their strength has been weakened a lot, they are after all the spirits that can fight with the Immortal Ancestor back then!

If you can defeat all the seventy-two external spirits and return to the path of the Immortal Ancestor, then when you break through the 19th level, you will naturally have the strength to make the Great Heavenly Lord unwilling to take action easily!

And starting from the eleventh level, there is a great blessing, but not everyone can obtain this blessing. Even if they pass through the eleventh layer, there are still people who cannot obtain it.

As for the specifics, I don’t know much, but I know that someone once obtained the magical power of the Immortal Ancestor on the eleventh level!

But throughout the ages, in the history of our Immortal Clan, there has only been one Yue Tianzun. After breaking through the nineteenth level, he became the Great Heavenly Lord in the ancient divine realm. Apart from him, no one can break through the nineteenth level!

Even today’s Great Heavenly Lords can’t do it! Even among them, the Great Dao Heavenly Lord and the Eight Great Heavenly Lords of the Immortal Emperor were only Heavenly Lords back then, but by chance, one became a Great Heavenly Lord in the ancient divine realm, and the other inherited the bloodline of the Immortal Ancestor!

The Twins Great Heavenly Lord and Jiudi Great Heavenly Lord are rumored to be from the same generation. It is said that they were once under the command of the Immortal Ancestor. I don’t know whether it is true or not, but I know that Wu Feng Great Heavenly Lord was also a member of the Yue Dynasty. Monk Tianzun, he has only broken through the fourteenth level and cannot compare to the current Ming Dao Master!

The reason why I choose to follow him is precisely because of this. After all, we, Yue Tianzun, are arrogant. Even if we become Great Tianzun by chance, how can we follow him if we are not convinced! "Xue Yuyue Tianzun looked at Wang Lin and spoke slowly.

"Which Great Heavenly Lord is the only one who has passed through the nineteenth level during the time of Yue Tianzun?" Wang Lin had never heard of these things, but when he heard it now, his expression immediately became condensed.

"Donglin Sect, Donglin Great Heavenly Lord! Before his death, he was the greatest Heavenly Lord of our Immortal Clan. Even Jiudi Great Heavenly Lord was extremely fearful in front of him... He relied entirely on his own strength. , Step by step, I have reached the level of the Great Heavenly Lord, and I can sustain..." Obviously, the Donglin Great Heavenly Lord is someone that Xueyu respects very much. When he mentioned it, his expression was a little downcast.

Wang Lin was silent, and the old man in the Donglin Sect who relied on dreams to keep himself from being lonely appeared in front of his eyes, the descendant of Donglin Great Heavenly Lord...

"Thank you!" Wang Lin took a deep breath, gave Xue Yu a fist, then raised his head to look at the eleventh floor above,

His eyes were decisive and without the slightest hesitation, his body flashed in the eyes of Xueyu and the others. Under the exclamations of all the Tianzun monks below, at the moment when the indifferent-looking Tianzun Zimingyue's eyes flashed, Wang Lin's figure, Like the sword shadow rushing into the sky, it goes straight upward.

Its speed was so fast that it penetrated the layers of clouds and mist, and suddenly arrived outside the eleventh floor of the hall!

This eleventh level within Tianzun's nirvana is the yearning and pursuit of all Tianzun. When you reach this level, whether you have passed through it or not, it is the strongest symbol of identity and strength!

The eleventh floor of the main hall is somewhat different from the first ten floors below. Not only is it larger, but also the pressure is much stronger. It is even dark and full of darkness, giving off a sinister atmosphere.

"Those who have passed through the eleventh level, including those nine people, there are only twenty-two people in the entire Immortal Clan now! How can they become a blockbuster... Breaking through the tenth level and becoming Yue Tianzun is not enough!" Wang Lin's eyes widened. In a flash, without hesitation, the figure turned into a rainbow and stepped into the eleventh floor of the hall!

The moment Wang Lin stepped onto the eleventh floor, all the deities below gasped one by one. Angry, with expressions of shock and excitement. This kind of expression should not appear on these Tianzun monks. You must know that any of them are people who can make the world change by stamping their feet. But at this moment, because of Wang Lin's Everyone became excited and horrified at the crazy behavior they saw.

"I thought he would stop after breaking through the tenth floor, but he still wants to break through!"

" many floors does he have to break through?? How many floors can he break through?"

"Crazy. Either this Wang Lin has enough self-confidence, or he is driven into the glory of Yue Tianzun and goes crazy! This kind of thing is rare, extremely rare!"

Xueyu and the other three were looking attentively at this moment. They were not optimistic about Wang Lin's actions. In their judgment, Wang Lin's possibility of failure accounted for more than 90%. After all, they had broken through this eleventh floor before, but they had failed. It failed, and most of the Yue Tianzun stopped here!

They didn't believe that Wang Lin, who had just become Yue Tianzun, had this ability!

"I have an aggressive spirit, but this eleventh level is not that easy. Back then, I also broke through the tenth level and then tried to break through this eleventh level, but failed... After many years, I successfully broke through. .

Among the more than forty Yue Tianzun, only Caiweizun and Mingdao Zun were the only ones. After the two of them broke through the tenth floor, one stopped at the twelfth floor and the other stopped at the thirteenth floor! The reason why these three people are so famous now and are known as the strongest Yue Tianzun is also closely related to this. This person is impossible! "Zi Xianyue Tianzun, who had a short head and looked like a boy, looked as usual, but he was sneering in his heart.

At this moment, not only all the monks here are paying attention to this place, but also the Great Heavenly Lord from the outside world, and even more Yue Tianzun. Through their own methods, they also know that the forty-ninth Yue Tianzun has appeared on the Immortal Clan Continent. , and this newly appeared Yue Tianzun did not leave immediately, but went out again!

Dao Yizong, Dao Yizong Tianzun seemed to ignore everything around him and stared at the reflection on the water. His expression was still the same at this moment, but his fists sometimes showed a strange light.

"This boy must be recruited as his subordinate!"

And in the glacier land of Beizhou, Wu Feng Great Heavenly Lord is staring at the glacier with determination in his eyes!

As for the middle-aged monk in Ziyang Sect, who heard the screams in his ears from time to time, he was extremely excited at the moment. He looked at the mirror in front of him and murmured to himself.

"If he can become the subordinate of the Twin Great Heavenly Lords, he will definitely be of great help to the Great Heavenly Lords!"

In Zhongzhou, Emperor Mountain, the Nine Emperors were sitting there lazily, facing the sun, like an old man unwilling to move, basking in the sun. When Wang Lin broke through the tenth floor, he opened his sparse eyes. Glanced.

"You have passed? Even if you have passed the tenth floor, you are still just a bigger ant... You can't compare with Master Caiwei, let alone that Master Ming. Alas, in this Master Ming, you don't know what the immortal was back then." What benefits did the emperor give..." The old man sighed softly, as if it was a pity that he had not successfully exhibited the Ming Dao Zun back then.

In the palace of Zhongzhou Imperial City, a murmuring voice came from the deserted palace.

"Mingdao, what do you think?"

As those words echoed, ripples suddenly twisted in the palace, and a person walked out of the ripples. This was a young man in black, extremely handsome, and filled with coldness. He glanced at the illusory curtain of Tianzun's Nirvana in the middle of the palace.

"It only takes one breath to kill him!"

For the time being, Wang Lin became the Yue Tianzun. Let's not talk about breaking into the eleventh floor. At this moment, Wang Lin stepped into the eleventh floor. For a while, the starry sky still appeared in front of his eyes.

But there were no stars in the starry sky. Instead, it was shrouded in mist. The mist was so thick that it seemed impossible to push it away, shrouding the surroundings.

"What is the Tao!" A majestic voice suddenly appeared in the starry sky, setting off countless echoes that kept whirling in Wang Lin's mind and ears.

"What is the Tao!"

"What is the Tao!" The voice became more intense, like a murmur or a roar, shaking Wang Lin's body, and even his soul seemed to be scattered under the sound.

Wang Lin's face is slightly pale, but his eyes are bright. His understanding of Tao has turned into the origin of the three major voids. His understanding of Tao alone far surpasses many people in Xiangang Continent. Even some Tianzun, Yue Tianzun, cannot compare with Wang Lin in terms of understanding and enlightenment!

This Feng's understanding of Tao cannot be seen by outsiders except himself. It is more like the sublimation of his thoughts.

"Life and death are ropes, this is the Tao!" Wang Lin said slowly.

The moment he opened his mouth, in his nearly three thousand years, his understanding of life and death has turned into the origin of life and death. The moment it enveloped his whole body, the voice suddenly disappeared. At the same time, the fog in front of him rolled and condensed in awe. Together, it formed like a rope, surrounding all directions, and while spreading in all directions, it revealed the bright starry sky under the mist, and even more, revealed a figure wearing a golden robe and an imperial crown in the starry sky.

In front of the figure, there was a huge scorpion. The scorpion was about ten thousand feet in size. It exuded bursts of coldness and at the same time, it let out a sharp roar.

Wang Lin's eyes flashed. When he finally regained consciousness, he seemed to have replaced the golden figure and fought against the scorpion!

"Green Scorpion!" Wang Lin did not hesitate, and at this moment, he put on the soul armor!

Time passed slowly. Different from the previous one where he passed through the first level in just a few breaths, after Wang Lin entered the eleventh level, half a stick of incense time had passed. There was silence here, and everyone's eyes fell on it. The sky, covered by mist, waits quietly.

"It doesn't matter if he tries to break through the eleventh level. After he fails, he will know the difference and understand that this place of Tianzun's nirvana is not a place that can be broken through just by being crazy." The Xueyuyue Tianzun looked above. , he secretly thought that until now, he didn’t think Wang Lin could succeed.

"Does he think he is Cai Weizun or Ming Dao Zun? At this eleventh level, I worked hard and endured a lot of hardships before I could barely get through it. What is the word of Tao? I pondered it for a long time without saying it. Faced with it, I The seven consecutive battles with the Outer Spirits were extremely difficult... There was no way he could get through it in one go!" The boy-like figure jumped up to Tianzun, his eyes flashed, and while he was sneering in his heart, suddenly he suddenly Shocked, a look of disbelief suddenly appeared in his eyes!

A burst of golden light suddenly erupted in the eleventh-floor hall where the sky was shrouded in clouds and mist!

"This is impossible!" The Ziyue Tianzun opened his eyes suddenly.

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