Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1976 Madman!

This hair fell into Wang Lin's hands, and the familiar feeling made Wang Lin more clear. He didn't know why, but this hair seemed to be a part of his body.

The hair in his hand did not cause any harm to him. Instead, it was like ordinary hair, hanging down at both ends, as if it would float again if the wind passed by.

In the Immortal Palace, after several breaths of silence, the Immortal Emperor's voice came.

...This thing is not given to you as a reward, but since you want it, I will give it to you. "

Wang Lin's words of thanks played a key role. After all, it was his canonization ceremony, and it was attracting everyone's attention. The entire sect of the Immortal Clan was witnessing it.

In addition, this Celestial Lion Beast was originally summoned during his canonization ceremony. Even if Wang Lin took away the white hair, others would not be able to say anything.

The national master in front of the Immortal Dao Hall, Shang Xuan Dao, looked at Wang Lin meaningfully and spoke slowly.

...The blood sacrifice is over, the last step of the canonization ceremony. Wang Lin, everyone here can challenge you, but only three times. After three times, the Immortal Emperor canonize you! "

At the moment when the Imperial Master's words ended, in the crowd below, among the four royal palaces, except for the Li Mansion, the other three patriarchs suddenly raised their heads. These three patriarchs were all old men, and they were cultivators of Yue Tianzun!

One of them, wearing a red robe, turned into a rainbow and lifted into the sky. He cupped his fists and bowed to Wang Lin a hundred feet away.

...I want to be the first challenger, and I hope the white-haired Yue Tianzun can give me some advice! "The old man's eyes revealed a dim light. When he looked at Wang Lin, without waiting for Wang Lin's reply, he sat cross-legged in the air with his right hand raised. Veins bulged all over his body, and traces of black energy spread out from his body. In an instant, a huge black shadow formed outside the body!

This black figure seemed to be wearing black armor, with its face blurred and its eyes closed, but its appearance caused the color of the palace to change, and the storm to roll back.

...Wang Lin gave me some advice! "The old man let out a low roar, bit the tip of his tongue and spurted out blood. The blood fell like mist into the black shadow. Stimulated by the blood, the black shadow suddenly opened its eyes and the inside was red.

With a muffled roar, the black figure raised a black spear in his right hand and suddenly transformed, rushing straight towards Wang Lin in an instant!

Wang Lin's eyes flashed. He didn't recognize the other party, but he vaguely guessed from the monk room where he was that the other party was one of the four royal palaces!

The black shadow was filled with extremely strong power, and it was coming with a roar,

As if he was about to split the sky, Wang Lin did not retreat. After the beetle soul armor on his face instantly filled his body, he raised his right hand and punched out every time.

This punch landed at the exact moment when the black shadow spear struck. They touched each other and let out a shocking roar!

Under the roar, Wang Lin's body swayed and his right hand slowly retracted, but the black shadow in front of him suddenly collapsed and was torn apart. The old man sitting cross-legged in the air immediately turned pale, but he gritted his teeth and held up his hands. Lift it up and slap it hard on the forehead!

In this shot, he actually sacrificed his longevity vitality, and the richer black energy spread violently from his body. With every ray of black energy dissipated, the old man's face began to age in a wide range, as if he had just passed away. Like crawling out of a grave.

This majestic black energy condensed, making the black shadow not only completely restored, but also as if it were real. Under it, there was also a war horse condensed. The war horse neighed, carrying the black shadow on its back, and rushed towards Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's expression hidden under the soul armor was slightly solemn. At the moment when the black shadow came, he put his hands on top of his head, bent his body slightly backward, and rushed forward as if he was hit head-on!

The beetle hits!

With this collision, a huge long-horned beetle immediately appeared behind Wang Lin. The beetle roared upwards and directly hit the black shadow with its two huge horns.

Boom boom boom!

The black shadow and the war horse beneath him collapsed at the same time. It seemed that they could not withstand the force of the impact and collapsed suddenly. The shadow of the cow penetrated the black energy of its collapse and went straight to the National Master Shangxuan Dao outside the Immortal Dao Hall below. go!

All this seemed like a coincidence. The beetle roared and crashed away. The expression of the national master, Shangxuan Dao, was as usual, without any change. He just raised his right hand and pointed forward as if calculating.

This finger touched the approaching beetle shadow, and the beetle's shadow trembled violently.

...Nothing is a kind of Dao. Because it exists, when it is lost, it is called nothingness. "As the Imperial Master Shangxuan Dao spoke leisurely, the long-horned beetle shadow in front of him disappeared into thin air.

Because it exists, it disappears and becomes nothing. This scene is exactly the same as his words.

The pupils of Wang Lin's eyes shrank sharply. At that moment, he felt an extremely terrifying wave in this national master. This wave represented a profound understanding of the Tao.

The beetle dispersed, and the shadow of the old man who sacrificed Shouyuan also disappeared. He was sitting cross-legged in mid-air, his complexion turned green, and he looked much older. In bitterness, the old man stood up, bowed to Wang Lin with fists in his hands, and did not continue. He opened his mouth, but fell to the ground in a flash and returned to the monks of his family.

...The second pick..." The national master standing in front of the Immortal Dao Palace smiled slightly and spoke slowly, but when he said this, Mizhou frowned.

Not only him, but Wang Lin also turned and looked into the distance. Among the monks below, some of them immediately noticed and looked at him, but all of them frowned at the same time.

. Xiang Humph, you are so brave. You don’t call me the king for such a lively matter. Do you... do you still have the king in your eyes? !

Xiaohong, Xiaoqing, Xiaobai, Xiaolan, please clear the way for me! "I saw a group of people walking out of the nine gates of the imperial palace in the distance as the light of the teleportation array flickered.

The leader of this group of people was a young man wearing a colorful gown and holding a fan in his hand. He had an angry look on his face and the fan in his hand was fanning the wind rapidly, causing his hair to float continuously.

Beside him, Xu Liguo's face was pale, and his legs seemed to be shaking here. There was also the young man in green, who also had a pale face, and was even more frightened. He grabbed the young man in colorful clothes, almost with a pleading tone, He spoke quickly in a low voice.

...Wang...Wangye, this is the royal palace! "

"Forget the palace, I am the prince, you slave, clear the way for me!" The young man in the flower shirt was very dissatisfied, grabbed the young man and pushed him forward.

Xiao Hong, show your prestige when you go to the Li Mansion, and don’t lose my name! Otherwise, I will go back and make you look good! "The young man in the colorful shirt kicked Xu Liguo on the butt. Xu Liguo was trembling as the gazes of tens of thousands of monks in the square were focused on him. Gritting his teeth, he walked a few steps quickly and looked like he would risk his life, but he immediately spat out a mouthful. There was blood, and he held the place where his butt was kicked with both hands. After twitching for a few times, he became motionless.

ah? died? "The young man in the flower shirt was stunned, and looked down at his feet with a puzzled look on his face.

Wang Lin stood in the air, silently looking at the young man in the flower shirt in the distance. His appearance had changed, but he recognized him at a glance. He was a madman.

The young man in the colorful shirt shook his fan vigorously, circled Xu Liguo's motionless body several times, and kicked him several times.

Huh, pretending to be dead, right? Dare to pretend to be dead in front of me. Let me tell you, I have met someone who pretended to be dead before... Hey, who is it..."... In the murmur, I thought for a long time. Without thinking about it, he simply forgot about Xu Liguo, who was on the ground and walked forward swaggeringly with an arrogant look on his face. After seeing him, all the monks on the way frowned and smiled bitterly, and stepped back to avoid him.

Meet the prince! "

...See the prince! "

Such sounds continued along the way, and the young man in the flower shirt was still muttering as he walked by.

...Why are there so many people today? Could it be that my brother is not able to choose a concubine? Hey, Old Man Luo, what's wrong with you? You've aged a lot and you look like you're wilting? "The young man in the flower shirt paused in front of the old man who had attacked Wang Lin before, opened his eyes wide, and immediately roared loudly.

Whoever dares to bully my little Huahua’s grandpa or grandma, I will teach him a lesson! ! Old man Luo, tell me who beat you like this! ! "The young man in the colorful shirt licked his grapefruit, shook his fan vigorously, and kept yelling.

Is it him! ! It must be him. I've long disliked this guy. He's obviously young, but he still likes to look so young. It's you! I...I'll strangle you to death! ! "The young man in the colorful shirt pointed at the frowning Imperial Master in front of the Immortal Palace, and ran a few steps quickly, as if he was going to strangle him to death.

Just as he was about to rush over, he saw the young man in green, who had been following closely behind, hugging the young man's leg.

...The prince, the prince...he...he is the national master! Your Majesty, let’s go back... The young man turned pale with fright, and he refused to let go even though the young man in the flowered shirt shook his feet.

He bullied Xiao Huahua’s grandfather, how could I let him go! You slave won’t let go, right? Okay, I’ll take you with me! "The young man in the colorful shirt fanned vigorously again, dragging the young man with him, showing a fierce look, as if he was going to strangle the Imperial Master to death at any cost.

Wang Lin was in mid-air, looking at the lunatic below, with a complex expression on his face in silence. He came to this ancestral city just to see if this former friend could still recognize him now.

He watched the other party constantly fanning himself, dragging the young man who continued to persuade him, and walked step by step to the Immortal Hall. Xu Liguo in the distance was still lying on the ground, but his eyes quickly opened and he glanced into the distance. After meeting the young man in colorful clothes, he immediately closed it again without hesitation.

Daofei! "Just when the young man in colorful clothes dragged the young man in green clothes to the Imperial Master, baring his teeth fiercely and raising his hands to strangle his neck, the helpless voice of the Immortal Emperor came out from the Immortal Dao Palace.

……What are you doing! You didn't tell me when I chose a concubine, are going too far! ! "The young man in the colorful shirt looked fiercely at the Immortal Emperor on the dragon throne in the palace.

...Dao Fei, stop making trouble. Today is the canonization ceremony of your benefactor. Why don’t you go pay your respects when you see your benefactor! "The Immortal Emperor spoke slowly, and a gentle force spread out, pushing the madman dozens of feet away from the national master.

Benefactor? "The young man in the flower shirt was stunned.

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