Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang Chapter 1981 Black-haired Wang Lin!

"The roar of murder and the roar of silence merged together to form a killing thunder that commanded destruction!

This thunder contains the destruction of the world and the structure of the destruction of life. Its existence is the source of all darkness in the world and the expression of all death and destruction!

The moment Wang Lin opened his eyes, there was no golden light in his eyes, but only darkness. This blackness replaced his pupils, and even made his hair turn black at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Long black hair, black eyes, black Wang Lin!

"I wonder if I can get through the first level of Tianzun Nirvana in my current state... Wang Lin smiled at the corner of his mouth, but this smile will give anyone a chill if they see it!

This smile does not reveal happiness, but cruelty!

The moment Haizi Tianzun in the distance saw Wang Lin's smile, his whole body became cold, as if the person in front of her was a complete stranger to the Wang Lin she was familiar with!

This black-haired Wang Lin even gave her a feeling of extreme fear, like a natural enemy, making her tremble and take several steps back!

And the finger that pulled out the inkstone from the void was also slowly withdrawn at this moment, and two pairs of shocked eyes were faintly revealed from the void!

"Start the killing." Wang Lin's hair was black, and a loud roar erupted from his body. However, countless black thunder appeared out of thin air, surrounding Wang Lin. He looked up to the sky and roared, and rushed straight to the approaching enemy in front of him. Hundreds of figures left.

These hundreds of figures are not afraid of death. They are dead soldiers. The purpose of coming here is to complete the mission at the cost of death. Even their emotional fluctuations have been deeply suppressed and almost wiped out!

But at this moment, after seeing the roar and approaching footsteps of the black-haired Wang Lin with their own eyes, these hundreds of figures were shocked. But at this moment, they had no way out, and they were all coming!

The corner of the black-haired Wang Lin's mouth showed cruelty, and his eyes showed madness. He stepped directly towards the approaching hundreds of people. He raised his right hand and suddenly waved forward. Black thunder roared into the sky, forming a black thunder net. .

As the roar reverberated, the dozens of people at the front of the hundreds of people self-destructed one after another when the thunder net came. The roaring sound was shocking. The power formed by the self-destruction came into contact with the thunder net.

But the strange thing is that although this power can blast away the world, it is fragile in front of the net. Once the thunder net is dispersed, it turns into countless people and rushes forward.

Anyone touched by this thunder,

Each one of them immediately trembled and their bodies were shattered!

Wang Lin walked like the wind. Facing these hundreds of people, the thunder of his sacrifice continued to appear. Wherever he passed, all the approaching figures were smashed into pieces with a roar!

He was so fast that he appeared behind a figure blurred by the wind and snow in a blink of an eye. He raised his right hand and pointed at the figure. From this point, black thunder flashed out. The monk trembled and exploded directly.

Wang Lin's body swayed, and he continued to kill in the flash. He seemed not to be tired, and even no longer hurt. The power formed by the self-destruction bombarded his body, leaving him without any pause.

"Formation!" In just a few breaths, half of the people died under Wang Lin's thunder. The remaining hundred people, under the low roar of one of them, gathered together to form a strange formation. The formation was formed in an instant. The earth shook, and earth energy seemed to erupt. It poured into the formation of a hundred people and suddenly turned into a huge palm. The palm was completely black. After the transformation, it went straight to the black-haired Wang Lin and grabbed it. Come!

Wang Lin's footsteps did not stop, and when he raised his hands, hundreds of black thunder suddenly appeared out of thin air. The power of destruction and killing contained in them turned into black smoke, drowning Wang Lin, making his body like countless thunder balls. The meteor formed went straight towards the arm.

Boom boom boom! !

The arm suddenly collapsed, and the hundreds of people inside it smashed the dead Si Shi. Wang Lin walked out, blood spilled from the corners of his mouth, but his eyes became even crazier. He was about to step forward when suddenly, in front of him, ripples in the void appeared. At the same time, the finger that disappeared before suddenly appeared and pointed at Wang Lin's eyebrows!

"Everything that exists will become nothing..." With a finger pointing, this strange voice echoed in the world.

But under the fingertips, Wang Lin raised his head fiercely, his eyes became more crazy, but showed no sign of disappearing.

"Destruction is to make all existence become nothingness. How dare you make me disappear with your mere strength!" Wang Lin raised his right hand and punched the world in front of him. In this punch, a lot of distortion appeared in the void, and there was a faint sound. The injured groan echoed with the ripples, and the finger on Wang Lin's eyebrows immediately dissipated.

The moment the fingers disappeared, thousands of blurry figures suddenly appeared on both sides of the long street. After these figures appeared, they all rushed towards Wang Lin!

The corner of Wang Lin's mouth was full of cruelty, and the look of madness in his eyes was overwhelming. As the fierce woman turned around, her black hair floated up, suddenly lengthened strangely, and turned into countless shapes. She galloped in all directions and came into contact with those thousands of figures in an instant. .

The roar echoed, and the moment those thousands of figures were touched by the black hair, Shebu chose to self-destruct, forming a vortex that destroyed the world and enveloped Wang Lin's body.

During this roar, Wang Lin spurted out a large mouthful of blood, but most of the bombardment was countered by the countless killing thunder emanating from his body at this moment.

Thousands of figures appeared again on the long street. After them, another group of thousands of people transformed. This time, they were killed in the killing.

Wang Lin looked ferocious and roared to the sky. He raised his right hand and grabbed it hard on his chest!

"Beetle Soul Armor, get away!" As he growled, he tore his right hand violently, and suddenly pulled out an illusory beetle soul from his chest, and threw it outward, and his On the body, there is no longer the armor of the Longhorn Soul!

After the armor was thrown away, the madness in the black-haired Wang Lin's eyes suddenly disappeared, turning into a dead calm, but Yiri still had that cruel smile on the corner of his mouth.

The loss of the soul armor immediately caused the black-haired Wang Lin's cultivation to drop sharply, but at the same time, the aura of killing and destruction in his body increased several times. Under this aura, traces of traces appeared outside Wang Lin's body. The black air filled the air even thicker, and he swayed and walked straight towards these thousands of people!

The killing continued as Haizi Tianzun's mind trembled. Wang Lin was like the Demon Lord. Every time he killed someone, one more black thread would appear outside his body. Every time someone is killed, the strangeness of Haizi Tianzun will increase by one point!

Under this crazy killing, a moment later, as thousands of figures were torn apart by it, Wang Lin's body was surrounded by endless black energy, making it difficult to see the figure clearly. At this moment, outside the black air where Wang Lin was, the disappeared finger reappeared and pointed fiercely. However, before the finger could reach it, Wang Lin grabbed it with his right hand and jerked it outward while laughing wildly. Pull.

With this tug, half of his arm was pulled out.

"Come out!" Wang Lin grabbed the finger and knocked it away with a low roar. The heaven and earth roared. As the arm collapsed, an injured groan came from the void again!

"Everyone, Shebu enters this place and kills this person!!" In the void, a murderous voice came out from Yi Na's muffled groan!

As the voice appeared, figures on both sides of the long street quickly transformed. In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of figures came out and occupied all the positions here. They paid no attention to Haizi Tianzun and went straight to the place. Run to Wang Lin.

The black-haired Wang Lin took a few steps back. His body was shrouded in a large amount of black energy, and his eyes were dead. It seemed incongruous with the cruel smile at the corner of his mouth. His right hand suddenly raised, and he slapped his eyebrows fiercely. !

"Five Elements True Body, get out!!!" Under this shot, Wang Lin's body trembled violently, and overlapping shadows appeared outside his body, but he saw that the Five Elements True Body was actually caught in this shot. It was shaken out of the body!

The Five Elements real body was rolled back, with an extremely solemn look on its face. As it retreated, it appeared next to Haizi Tianzun and looked at it intently.

But I saw that the black-haired Wang Lin, after losing the Five Elements True Body, had a sharp decrease in cultivation, and at the same time, the murderous aura outside his body became purer!

"Restrict the origin, get out!!"

"Taizu Yuanyuan, get out!!"

"The origin of thunder is coming out!!!" Wang Lin, who was shrouded in black energy, roared one after another, and the origins in his body were shocked out of his body one by one!

At this moment, tens of thousands of figures were approaching in large numbers. Wang Lin, who was in the black aura, raised his head sharply. His eyes were still lifeless, but the cruel smile on the corner of his mouth had disappeared a lot. He swayed and was separated from the tens of thousands of people who were coming. , and started to kill.

The roar continued, and after a moment, Wang Lin spurted out blood, and his body seemed to be shattered and collapsed. No matter how strong he was, he could not withstand the bombardment of tens of thousands of people!

"Void life and death, cause and effect, truth and falsehood, get out!!" Wang Lin in the black energy let out a final roar. During his roar, his body trembled, but he saw that the three origins of the void were also affected by it. Forced out of the body! !

At this moment, the black-haired Wang Lin has only two origins in his body, one is silence and the other is killing! ! There is no real body anymore, only this body!

The black energy outside his body suddenly shrank at this moment, turning into a black robe and wearing it on Wang Lin. His hair turned completely black, his eyes were dead, and there was no smile at the corner of his mouth. , the whole person looks like the incarnation of death!

He calmly looked at the approaching tens of thousands of people and closed his eyes. The moment his eyes closed, the tens of thousands of people suddenly trembled. When the black-haired Wang Lin opened his eyes again, this Tens of thousands of people, Shebu disappeared into thin air in front of him!

What dispersed was the long street and the houses on both sides, all soundless, becoming the dust of history and turning into ruins. Even the wind and snow were coming, turning black one by one.

"Lock the fate of heaven, seal the Ming Dynasty, and prevent all living beings from attaining the true way. They will always sink into the sea of ​​suffering, and will never lose the true way. They are dedicated to the practice of cultivation!" Wang Lin murmured, raised his right hand, and grabbed a hand that suddenly appeared by his side. On the pointing finger, pinch it gently.

With a click, the finger was crushed by him! With a tug, a figure that sacrificed itself and emitted white light was pulled out of the void by him.

"You are not a national master." Wang Lin did not look at it. After pulling out the figure with white light, he released his right hand, grabbed the figure's neck, and squeezed it again.

The figure's body trembled violently and collapsed.

"You..., you are not Wang Lin!!! Who are you!!" Haizi Tianzun's horrified voice echoed in the silent night.

The black-haired Wang Lin turned his head, looked at Haizi indifferently, and walked away step by step.

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