Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 The 10th Yang of the Immortal Gang Chapter 1990: Jie Mourning Death!

Forbidden Palace in the Ancestral City!

There is a huge hole in the sky, emitting bursts of faint light. Surrounded by eight peaks, there is a ten-foot-long head. This head floats calmly in the air, motionless.

But his right eye was opened, and instead of being dead, there was a trace of energy in the eye, but it was still turbid. The energy was like a whirlpool, spinning rapidly in the right eye of the Immortal Ancestor.

As it rotates, a vague shadow is faintly visible inside. That shadow is none other than Wang Lin!

Immortal Ancestor's right eye was like another world. Wang Lin's eyes were closed tightly, floating in this dark world, which was empty and full of death.

Wang Lin's body and hair changed rapidly, sometimes white hair, sometimes black hair. He seemed unaware of this change, closing his eyes and not moving at all.

Within his body, there was even more golden light faintly exuding, as if it had penetrated his skin and was revealed. This golden light was slightly dim and seemed to be extinguished at any time. In that golden light, Wang Lin looked calm, as if he was sleeping, without any feeling. .

I don’t know how much time passed, but the golden light on Wang Lin’s body slowly became brighter and brighter, spreading outwards. At this moment, his body was like a turbulent sea, carrying out a battle of inheritance and seizing, suppression and counterattack. What a bloody fight!

Wang Lin, who looked as usual, had a golden light group inside his body at this moment. This golden light group contained the power of the Immortal Ancestor. It was the golden light that it emitted and spread throughout Wang Lin's body, causing it to All the flesh, flesh, and bones in Wang Lin's feet and legs were invisibly transformed into an existence suitable for this golden light.

That golden light is extremely domineering, and it contains an aura that can control all living beings and can even drive people crazy. This aura is enough to show that even if the national master does not seize the body, Wang Lin will become a person without self-awareness if he inherits it by himself. madman!

The overbearing and crazy golden light spread and destroyed all Wang Lin's will to resist. After completely occupying his arms, it enveloped Wang Lin's body.

But there is a position on Wang Lin's body that cannot be changed no matter how much golden light invades. This position is where the soul and blood of Wang Lin's ancient ancestor resides!

The soul blood of the ancient ancestor is equivalent to the cultivation inheritance of this immortal ancestor, and the golden light cannot do anything about it. However, there is not much soul blood after all, so it is difficult to spread resistance, and the two gradually stop attacking each other.

"After the golden light has taken over his entire body, we can suppress his soul and cause it to collapse. I will replace him!" Within Wang Lin's body, at the core of the golden light, the spiritual thoughts of the national master echoed.

His body is dead,

What is now in Wang Lin's body is just a ray of spiritual consciousness. He also knows that it is not easy to seize Wang Lin's body, so he always seduces him. In fact, his purpose is to take advantage of the tyranny of the immortal ancestors' inherited cultivation. He wiped out Wang Lin's struggle for himself, so that this body, while possessing the immortal ancestor's cultivation level, had no soul that resisted at all, so that he could occupy it without any danger.

When this golden light occupied all of Wang Lin's body except for the place where the soul blood was and his head, the golden light emitted from Wang Lin's body was already dazzlingly bright, and even the head of the Immortal Ancestor was faintly revealed. If you look at it from the outside, Come, you can clearly see the head of the Immortal Ancestor floating in the air, with a faint golden light emitting from its open right eye.

In this golden light, the head of the Immortal Ancestor seemed to have a glimmer of life!

"This Wang Lin's body is extremely weird. There is actually the aura of the ancient ancestors. This aura cannot be eradicated... but it can be imprisoned so that it will not interfere with my plan!" With the divine thoughts of the national master, the golden light in Wang Lin's body suddenly glowed. It immediately condensed at the location where the soul blood was, swirling around layer by layer, covering it there. Although the soul blood was not dissipated, it did not hinder the Imperial Master's seizure of the body.

"The body has been occupied. Next, it's his head. After occupying the head, he suppresses his soul!" The imperial master was slightly excited. He felt the golden light in Wang Lin's body. After covering the position of the soul blood, it turned into Waves of golden waves were made, running along Wang Lin's neck and heading straight to his head.

Wang Lin's body shook, and his head was immediately filled with golden light, spreading out from his seven orifices.

The golden light spread around Wang Lin's head, and with its unique dominance, it instantly blasted away Wang Lin's head guard, completely occupying his head and body!

At the moment when Wang Lin's body was completely occupied, golden light flashed out violently, causing the Immortal Ancestor's head floating in the Forbidden Palace to shine brightly from its right eye.

"Suppress the soul!!" The national master's spiritual consciousness immediately appeared. Taking advantage of the golden light inherited from the immortal ancestors that filled Wang Lin's body, he spread his spiritual consciousness and looked for Wang Lin's soul!

A moment later, he faintly felt the fluctuation of his soul in Wang Lin's body. With excitement, he rushed over without hesitation.

"Everything that exists can become nothingness because of its existence! Soul, turn into nothingness!" The moment the master's spiritual thoughts reverberated, the soul of Wang Lin discovered by him immediately disappeared and ceased to exist.

"Hey, it's so fragile that it doesn't even preserve its memory... It should be that the golden light inherited by the Immortal Ancestor is too domineering, so Wang Lin's soul is weakened to the limit, so it falls apart at a touch!"

Without the soul, this body was like a dead person, but at this moment, the national master spread his consciousness and controlled Wang Lin's body under the golden light.

The moment he took control of Wang Lin's body, he saw Wang Lin, whose whole body was radiating endless golden light. His eyes suddenly opened, and the golden light in his eyes became even more brilliant, pouring out!

But at this moment, Wang Lin no longer has his own consciousness, but belongs to the national master!

"Success!! This Wang Lin is cunning and has always been suspicious of me and has not cooperated at all, but now, with the power of the Immortal Ancestor's inheritance, he is still possessed by me!

This body is very strong! ! You can refine more incense power! ! "The Imperial Master who had taken away Wang Lin's body opened his eyes and flashed with excitement, and suddenly he clenched his fists.

"It's a pity that the inheritance I obtained is not complete, but this is only the first step of my plan. The next step is the second step. Once successful, the people of my clan can get rid of the imprisonment of the immortal ancestors and regain their freedom!!

I have been waiting for this day for a long, long time. There is nothing in this world that I can sacrifice everything for more than gaining freedom!

For the sake of my people, even if my body and soul are destroyed, I am willing to do so! ! "The eyes of the national master who occupied Wang Lin's body were filled with excitement and melancholy at the same time. The scenes of the past in his memory seemed to appear before his eyes. Every member of the clan was destined to live a lifetime from the moment he was born. fate.

"Wang Lin... don't blame me..." The Imperial Master sighed, but then his eyes flashed, showing decisiveness. He did not choose to go out in the Immortal Ancestor's right eye, but raised his hands to make a seal, and immediately The golden light emitted from the body caused a shocking change!

But he saw that the golden light outside his body spread out crazily at ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times, and ten thousand times. This spread, like burning, caused the immortal ancestor's cultivation in Wang Lin's body to rapidly... blasted outward!

In this explosion of golden light that was more than ten thousand times greater, Wang Lin's body was like a sun, its rays of light were overwhelming, almost completely illuminating the dark world in his right eye, making the surroundings clearly visible and no longer dark!

This extreme light emitted from the right eye of the Immortal Ancestor's head floating in the Forbidden Palace over a large area, shrouding the Forbidden Palace in golden light!

At this moment, the head's right eye was blazing with light, and it looked shocking, as if it had been resurrected!

"Left eye!!" The national master who occupied Wang Lin's body in the right eye of the Immortal Ancestor immediately made a hand gesture with both hands, and roared with complex spells.

As the spell came out, the left eye of the Immortal Ancestor's head suddenly opened. The left eye was turbid, revealing a dead silence, which was completely different from the golden light and abundant vitality of the right eye!

The moment the Immortal Ancestor opened his left eye, a huge suction force suddenly emerged and went straight to the place where the hole in the sky was!

At the same time, there was a clicking sound immediately, but it was outside the cave of the sky, outside the pool of blood where the underground palace collapsed, and the madman who was chained by nine iron chains above the altar. The iron chains outside his body could be seen with the naked eye. They were all sinking at a visible speed, as if being pulled by the suction force, trying to rush towards the place where the blood pool collapsed!

That clicking sound was exactly the sound made after the iron chain was stretched to the extreme by the suction force and stretched straight, as if it could not bear it!

In fact, this suction force is not sucking away the iron chain, but sucking the madman who is tied by the iron chain. The madman's body pulls the iron chain and goes straight to the location where the blood pool collapsed. When he is less than a few feet away from there, , the iron chain was not long enough, and in a moment, under the suction force, the iron chain that was difficult for Wang Lin to destroy suddenly broke into three pieces with a few roars!

The remaining six only lasted for a moment before they all collapsed and cracked!

After all the iron chains were broken, the madman's body was immediately sucked directly into the collapsed blood pool by the huge suction force, and appeared in the hole in the sky of the Forbidden Palace. It turned into a golden rainbow and went straight to the left eye of the Immortal Ancestor!

In an instant, the body of the madman was approaching, and under the mountain, the Immortal Ancestor's left eye was sucked into it like it had swallowed Wang Lin before, and disappeared!

At this moment, in the left eye of the Immortal Ancestor, the blurry figure of the madman transformed, and an even more dazzling golden light emitted from his body, which penetrated the left eye and spread outward. In this way, when he looked at it, the Immortal Ancestor Both eyes of his head were opened, and golden light rose into the sky, as if he was truly resurrected! !

"The Immortal Ancestor speaks!! Release the mourning clan and seal the whole clan!!" In the Immortal Ancestor's right eye, the Imperial Master occupying Wang Lin's body immediately screamed in excitement, but he did not notice at all that there was a hidden place in his body. In his position, Wang Lin's soul surrounding the Tianni Pearl was watching all of this coldly.

Following the words of the Imperial Master, I saw the head of the Immortal Ancestor. In the flash of golden light in his eyes, his closed mouth slowly opened, and a vicissitudes of voice came out. This voice sounded like exactly The voice of the national master!

"Relief...Mourn...Death..." The voice roared and slowly came out.

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