Renegade Immortal

Volume 13: Dim Lights Chapter 2004: Prince Jidu

"As for whether this matter is true or not, I don't know. However, since this delegation is accompanied by Prince Jidu, the First Ancient Emperor must have agreed to this matter. Otherwise, the city lord cannot order the city to be closed.", the big man said one by one.

"Choose a concubine?" Wang Lin was stunned and didn't think much about it. He just felt that the emperor of the ancient Dao lineage whom he wanted to protect in the future actually sent missions to the other two ancient countries in order to choose a concubine. This matter was very strange. absurd.

"However, since we can meet people from the Daogu lineage here, they must have detailed maps to the twelve Daogu counties, which saves me the trouble of looking for them." After pondering for a moment, Wang Lin was about to After asking some questions, his expression changed, and he looked up at the city, only to hear footsteps coming from the city. Soon after, two groups of ancient soldiers wearing blue armor walked quickly out of the city gate.

There were approximately a thousand people in these two groups. After they appeared, they immediately lined up outside the city gate. While showing an evil aura, three people walked out of the city gate.

Among these three people, the one in front of them was a burly man. This man was nearly a foot tall, obviously taller than the others. He was wearing golden armor and red skin, and he strode out with a calm look on his face.

On the left side behind the golden-armored man, there is a middle-aged man who looks like a monk, wearing a green shirt, an immortal style, and an extremely handsome appearance.

This man has a three-filter beard on his chin, fair complexion, and holds a black fan in his hand. Although he looks like a fairy, there is something strange lingering in his eyes, especially his left eye. There seemed to be a mass of mist swirling around, which was very strange.

The last person stood on the right side of the big man in golden armor. This person was a young man in black. His face was indifferent, but he could not hide the violence and killing behind him. He stood there as if his body was burning inside and outside. "Fire" is just that this fire is extremely cold.

The two of them were obviously led by the big man in golden armor. The big man walked out of the two groups of ancient soldiers and stood at the front, about to look into the distance. Suddenly he seemed to notice something and turned his head sharply to look at Wang Lin!

Not only him, but the two people behind him also turned their heads almost at the same time, their eyes focused on the nine star points between Wang Lin's eyebrows, and the three people's eyes flashed.

"See the Holy City Lord, Lord Demon Saint" Lord Demon Saint! "The two big men in leather armor beside Wang Lin, and the five similar big men outside the city gate, immediately knelt on one knee on the ground without thinking at this moment, showing great respect.

But the big man in golden armor didn't pay any attention to it. He looked at Wang Lin with doubts in his eyes.

"This clan member is very unfamiliar. I am the Lord of Black Rock City, Liang Yun." I wonder if a clan member is coming to Black Rock City and needs help? "The big man in golden armor raised his fist towards Wang Lin.

"I'm here, Kong Si.

"The middle-aged man in a green shirt with strange eyes had a smile on his face and also gave Wang Lin a fist.

"Only the young man in black" glanced at Wang Lin, remaining silent and indifferent.

"I, Wang Lin, passed by this place by chance." I heard that Prince Jidu and the Daogu envoy were approaching, so I stayed to take a look. I wonder if you are willing. If it is inconvenient, Wang will leave. "Wang Lin smiled, cupped his fists and spoke.

He does not have any arrogance because of his high cultivation and status. Wang Lin's character has always been that if others are polite to him, he will naturally respond politely.

"The visitor is a guest. Brother Wang will just stay and wait with us." The man in golden armor laughed, looking very cheerful.

Looking at each other, especially feeling the power of the ancient gods in this big man, Wang Lin felt warm and friendly. He smiled and took a step forward to come to the three people.

"Brother Wang is also a saint. He must have passed the second damage. He should have reached the stage of melting demons and refining demons. I wonder how the progress is now?" The man in golden armor looked at Wang Lin and said with a smile.

"Melting demons and refining demons?" Wang Lin's heart moved, but his expression remained as usual, he shook his head and smiled, but did not speak.

"How can it be so easy to understand, integrate, and refine? Judging from his appearance, there is no demonic aura emanating from him. He must be still in the groping stage. Liang Yun, your words are the same as not asking.", that has always been the case. The silent young man in black said coldly, his eyes sweeping over Wang Lin with a trace of disdain.

"Meng Luo!" The big man in golden armor frowned, glanced at the young man in black, clasped his fists towards Wang Lin, and said with a wry smile.

"Brother Wang must have noticed that Meng Luo is a demon saint and has a bad temper. I hope Brother Wang won't take it to heart. This art of communication, integration, and refining is indeed too difficult. Now Liang, Not much progress." The big man in golden armor looked apologetic.

"It doesn't matter." Wang Lin smiled slightly. He really didn't mind these little things.

A few people chatted for a while. The golden-armored man and the demon saint Kong Si seemed to be deliberating on Wang Lin's history, but they never asked anything until the end.

Gradually, several people lost the intention to continue talking and slowly became quiet.

After a quiet moment, Wang Lin seemed to be aware of it, and he raised his head to look at the sky casually. Kong Si had always been paying attention to Wang Lin. Now that he noticed Wang Lin's actions, he also raised his head, but he didn't find anything in the sky.

But just when he was about to look away, his expressions immediately became condensed. The man in golden armor and the young man in black also looked up at the sky, their expressions showing respect and enthusiasm.

But at this moment, the situation in the sky suddenly changed. Ripples suddenly appeared, echoing in all directions. There was a shocking roar, and a huge fist appeared out of thin air in the sky, punching the sky.

As the roaring sound continued to spread, the sky curtain seemed to collapse, with more ripples and more and more cracks in the curtain. In the end, it seemed that two palms penetrated through the curtain and tore the sky apart. , causing a huge crack to appear in the sky all day long.

A cyan shadow, about tens of thousands of feet in size, with a single horn, tore open the curtain of the sky and took a step forward!

The cyan shadow, wearing cyan armor, exuded a torrent of demonic aura. This demonic aura was so thick that it turned into a mist, shrouded in all directions, and spread endlessly.

This is clearly an ancient demon! ! Its eyes were blood red, showing a violent look. After it appeared, it immediately looked up to the sky and roared. As it roared, the ancient demon took big steps, completely walked out of the crack, and then landed on the ground amid the roar. On the ground!

As his footsteps hit the ground, a wave of air mixed with the countless dust spread around, rolling back like ocean waves, like a strong wind blowing against his face.

Wang Lin looked at the ancient demon, his heart was shaken and his eyes were bright.

"This... this is not an ordinary ancient demon!" Wang Lin saw the clues at a glance. He had also seen ancient demons in the cave world, but that kind of ancient demon, like an ancient god, would not appear if it were not revealed. The original body is like ordinary people.

But even if his true form is revealed, he will maintain his sanity and will not fall into madness. The most important thing is that the evil energy erupting from this ancient demon's body actually gave Wang Lin a feeling like In the Immortal Clan, it is equivalent to the power of a Tianzun monk.

"See you, prince!" The ancient demon tens of thousands of feet stepped on the ground and roared to the sky. His voice shook the earth. The big man in golden armor, the demon saint behind him and the young man in black left one knee. Kneel on the ground and speak respectfully.

Not only them, but the nearly a thousand soldiers on both sides were all kneeling there with fanatical expressions. Even inside the city gate, everyone who saw this ancient demon was trembling in their hearts and knelt down to worship him.

In and around the entire city, the only person who did not kneel down was Wang Lin.

The big man in golden armor knelt down on one knee, and immediately realized that Wang Lin was still standing. He was stunned for a moment, with a look of disbelief in his eyes. Not only him, but Kong Si was also the same, and even the young man in black was stunned. , showing shock.

How could a mere prince make Wang Lin kneel down? Not to mention him, not even the Great Heavenly Lord could make Wang Lin kneel down. Even the Immortal Emperor could only clasp his fists.

Wang Lin calmly looked at the roaring ancient demon, and at the top of its head, there was a person standing. This person was wearing an imperial robe, with swaying black hair. He was a young man. This person had an ordinary appearance, but there was something about him that said There was a lingering aura about him, and he stood there, seemingly precious.

Behind him, there was a woman wearing a blue dress. This woman seemed to be young. Her eyes fell on Wang Lin with a look of surprise.

The young man in imperial robes also saw Wang Lin, who was the only one standing. As he stared, when there was another roar in the sky, the young man raised his head and looked at the sky instead of Wang Lin.

But in the sky, from the crack that was torn open before, a huge shadow once again walked out. This shadow was slightly smaller, only ten thousand feet in size. After stepping out, it had double horns on its head, and its whole body was pitch black. It was a statue. Ancient Demon!

The ancient demon's eyes were still red, with madness and violence, as if it was uncontrollable. It roared out and stepped on the ground. Seven people stood above its head.

The seven people, five men and two women, bowed to the young man above the ancient demon with clasped fists. When they raised their heads and looked at the earth, their eyes were immediately attracted by Wang Lin, the only one standing.

"The disrespect of the tribe makes you laugh." The young man in royal robes smiled at the seven people on top of the ancient demon's head, then turned to look down at the man in golden armor who was kneeling down to worship the central god because of Wang Lin.

"Liang Yun, is he your new subordinate?", "Prince, I don't know this person because of his humble position. He just appeared here and said he wanted to... have a look at the prince. He is guilty of his humble position, so let him stay... Now, I am humble enough to kill him as a warning to others!" The big man in golden armor showed anger and murderous intent in his eyes.

"No need!" The prince said coldly, his eyes flashing and staring at Wang Lin.

"Tuoluo, kill him!" As the prince spoke, the ancient demon tens of thousands of feet below him immediately roared and roared. Its huge right claw suddenly raised and grabbed Wang Lin!

It looked like he was going to grab Wang Lin and crush him to pieces! Especially on his right claw, the sharp nails seemed to be able to cut through the void, turning into several black lines, carrying a monstrous aura, heading straight towards Wang Lin!

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