Renegade Immortal

Volume 13: Dim Lights Chapter 2014: Once in a Lifetime!

"There are one hundred and ten steps on the stone platform, and every hundred is the cultivation level of this deity! One percent! Among all the great deities in the past and present, no one has ever been able to step onto the six hundred steps under my will.

The largest number of people was a Great Heavenly Lord from the Immortal Clan named Donglin. He failed at the 600th level and left something behind, so I asked him to leave.

As for you... "Let me see how many steps I can go up!" The cold and vicissitudes of voice echoed throughout the world at the moment Wang Lin's footsteps landed on the 100th step.

As the sound appeared, Wang Lin saw the steps leading to the top of the mountain in front of him. These steps seemed to have turned into a dragon, and suddenly revealed its form. It turned out to be a real dragon, its body was completely black, and it transformed into a dragon. Between the sky and the earth, a roaring wind swept up and headed straight for Wang Lin!

The fishy smell hit his face, carrying a stench, coming with the storm, as if to stop Wang Lin's footsteps, and appeared on the hundredth step. In an instant, the dragon was approaching!

Wang Lin's eyes flashed. Although he looked pale at the moment, he did not flinch at all. Instead, he raised his head, raised his right hand suddenly, and grabbed it in the air. The outline of the Great Heavenly Lord behind him suddenly shrank a bit, and bursts of black and white light condensed. A strange scene formed on Yu Wang Lin's right hand!

But he saw that Wang Lin's right hand had a white palm and a black back. At the moment when the dragon was swallowing him, he pressed his palm against it and touched the dragon.

The roaring sound echoed in the sky at this moment. The dragon's body shook and let out a shrill scream. The huge head collapsed immediately, and the collapse spread throughout the dragon's body at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the blink of an eye, the entire body was The dragon immediately disintegrated completely and turned into ashes, dispersing into the heaven and earth.

At the same time, the steps leading to the top of the mountain were no longer twisted and returned to normal, as if the previous scene was just Wang Lin's illusion.

Wang Lin spat out a mouthful of blood, and at the moment when the dragon collapsed, his right hand also dispersed, as if disappearing out of thin air, but soon, a new arm formed again under the swirl of black energy!

But his right foot touched the dragon with his right hand, as if his body was bombarded by countless mountain peaks. Under that strong force, he lifted his right foot and dropped it to the ninety-ninth step back.

Once it falls, it means that he cannot step on the 100th step!

Just when his right foot was about to fall, Wang Jing let out a roar, and a loud banging sound came from his body. However, with the body of his ancient race, he could withstand this strong force, and his right foot He suddenly changed direction, lifted it up and stepped down suddenly.

But it's not the ninety-ninth level, but the one hundredth level!

Wang Lin took a deep breath,

He vaguely felt that in his body, after stepping on the 100th step, there seemed to be a trace of integration between the immortal power of cultivation and the power of the ancient clan. This phenomenon made Wang Lin's heart move.

In silence, he lifted his steps and stepped forward again. His speed was not fast, only ten steps at a time, but every time his steps fell, the ancient mountain would roar.

From the hundredth step back, the pressure from this mountain and from the Great Heavenly Lord of the Ancient Path doubled. Under this pressure, Wang Lin's body seemed unable to bear it. When he reached the 150th step, , his body was already shaking and he had to stop there.

At the top of the mountain, on the top floor of the tower, Xuan Luo looked at Wang Lin, with heartache in his eyes. He had already made a decision. Once Wang Lin failed, he would try his best to offend the Great Heavenly Lord of the ancient path and take him away!

"I brought him to the Ancient Clan for me. I must take him away!" Xuan Luo was silent.

"He can't walk up to two hundred steps. Xuan Luo, as a disciple, you should stay." In the mist behind Xuan Luo, the figure whose appearance was unclear came out with cold words.

But before Xuan Luo could say anything, Wang Lin, who was on the steps, roared and the outline of the Sun of the Great Heavenly Lord behind him suddenly shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Under its contraction, Wang Lin suddenly raised his head, took one step forward, and stood on the 160th step.

He did not pause and stepped forward again. The Sun of the Great Heavenly Lord behind him continued to shrink, and it seemed to have turned into infinite power and integrated into Wang Lin's body, allowing Wang Lin to step over the 170th step, the 180th step, and the 180th step. The first step, the 190th step, and finally the outline of the Sun of the Great Heavenly Lord shrunk to the limit and completely disappeared. At the same time, Wang Lin stepped on the 200th step!

The moment his footsteps fell, the figure in the mist in the high tower on the top of the mountain let out a soft sigh.

Xuan Luo's eyes lit up, and for the first time, a smile appeared on his face.

"Burning the Sun of the Great Heavenly Lord in exchange for the strength to step onto the 200th step is a way, but how will he walk through the last 100 steps." The blurry figure spoke slowly.

On the steps of Gudao Mountain, the moment Wang Lin's footsteps landed on the 200th step, on the four huge pillars around the tower at the top of the mountain, among the four men in gray who were sitting cross-legged, the one on the northern pillar suddenly stood up. He opened his eyes that had always been closed, and there was a flash of gray light in his eyes. The man swayed and disappeared immediately.

When he appeared, he was on the steps. When he stepped towards Wang Lin, he flicked his sleeves and raised his right hand. His face was expressionless, as if he was wearing a human skin mask. When he came, he pointed towards Wang Lin! again

When this finger fell, the world changed, as if at this moment, a huge hole was opened in the sky, causing the earth to tremble and the ancient mountain to shake.

The pupils of Wang Lin's eyes contracted. In his opinion, this finger was comparable to the Great Heavenly Lord! !

"This man in gray clothes, who looks like a mask, actually has the power of the Great Heavenly Lord. This man..." Who is it! ! "Wang Lin didn't have time to think too much, the finger had already come, and landed directly between his eyebrows.

If Wang Lin were hit by this fingertip, even his ancient body would not be able to withstand it, and he would definitely be destroyed physically and mentally!

At the time of crisis, during the process from the 150th step to the 200th step, Wang Lin's body absorbed all the power of the Yang outline of the Great Heavenly Lord, and burst out in his body.

Even Wang Lin's cultivation was running in his body. As his origin was revealed, ninety-nine phantoms appeared outside his body. He raised his right hand, pointed towards the coming finger, and suddenly punched away!

In this punch, an ancient shadow appeared behind Wang Lin, and the ancient gods, ancient demons, and ancient demons all punched together! Even in the sky above this ancient shadow, a golden brilliance appeared. This brilliance looked vague, but it exuded pure immortal energy, lingering with the power of the ancient clan, and also formed a punch.

Wang Lin's body was emitting a large amount of black energy at this moment. This black energy revealed killing and madness, and there was also the presence of thunder, forming a punch of killing thunder, and followed it away!

The roaring sound continued to echo on the ancient mountain, rising from the sky and the earth and spreading in all directions.

The fingertips of the man in gray collapsed, and his body swayed. He stood there without moving. He just gave Wang Lin a meaningful look, then turned and walked towards the top of the mountain. When he disappeared from Wang Lin's eyes, he appeared in front of him. He sat down cross-legged on the northern pillars around the tower and closed his eyes again.

Blood spurted out from the corner of Wang Lin's mouth, and the Daogu Xusu behind him dissipated, along with the golden light emitting pure immortal energy. He was breathing rapidly, but he stood firmly on the 200th step!

The moment he stood firm, he clearly felt that the power of the ancient clan and the power of cultivation in his body were slowly merging in a strange way that he could not imagine. This fusion was in this ancient path. Under the pressure of the mountain, they were forced together.

"Neither the Heavenly Lord of the Immortal Clan nor the Yue Heavenly Lord can step onto the Middle Way Mountain of this deity. Only the Great Heavenly Lord can. If you can step on the 200th step, you already possess the preliminary power of the Great Heavenly Lord. Go on and let me see if you can climb the 300th step." The cold voice echoed in Wang Lin's breathing.

"Great Heavenly Lord of the Ancient Path, he is my disciple!!" Xuan Luo's low roar suddenly came from the top of the mountain. At the same time, a long rainbow came quickly from the high tower on the top of the mountain, and turned into a rainbow next to Wang Lin. Xuan Luo.

"I brought him here, and I want to take him away! Great Heavenly Lord of the Ancient Dao, I, Xuan Luo, have been a member of the ancient Dao lineage all my life. I have never considered any personal gain or loss. Throughout the ages, Xuan Luo has never had any complaints. I have devoted myself to My ancient tribe!

But today, Xuan Luo begged the Great Heavenly Lord of the Ancient Dao to let me take away my disciples! "Xuan Luo raised his head, looked at the top of the mountain, and spoke word by word, with a sense of determination in his words.

There was silence on the top of the mountain. After Xu Jian, the cold voice seemed to have softened a bit.

"Xuan Luo, when you first became the Great Heavenly Lord, I proposed to accept you as a disciple and live with me in this Ancient Dao Mountain..." You refused because you wanted to protect the ancient Dao lineage and didn't want to stay here all year round... "

You protect the Daogu lineage, and everything that has happened in these eternity has been seen by me..." This is your first time to plead, and I agree, but this is also the last time..."

Xuan Luo had a complicated look on his face and bowed to the tall tower on the top of the ancient road, about to take away the weak Wang Lin.

"Master..." Disciple is okay! "Wang Lin took a deep breath and stood up straight.

"You..." Xuan Luo's eyes showed concern.

"Master, the pressure of the steps of the Ancient Dao Mountain is the best place for disciples to practice. I want to continue walking!" Wang Lin's eyes were firm. After bowing to Xuan Luo, he suddenly turned around and walked towards the 201st On the steps!

The moment his footsteps fell, Wang Lin's body immediately heard an unbearable sound, but his eyes were extremely bright.

"The power of the ancient clan in my body exists because of my bloodline, and the cultivation of the immortal clan exists because of my origin, but these two have never been able to be integrated..." Back then in the cave world, I tried to merge, but failed Failure, these two forces are incompatible..." can only be dispersed in my body.

But right now, there is no better place than here to help me integrate Immortal Ancient! The Great Heavenly Lord of the Ancient Dao is currently the number one person in Immortal Gang. His pressure is the best help for the fusion of Immortal and Ancient! "

The reason why Wang Lin insisted on stepping on the stone platform again was because he felt an opportunity to integrate his immortal power during the first two hundred steps. This opportunity was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him!

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