Renegade Immortal

Volume 13: Dim Lights Chapter 2022: Furious! (1)

This woman was wearing a phoenix robe. The color of the phoenix robe was bright. It gave her a noble temperament. She lowered her head, her appearance was covered by a string of beaded curtains, and her frowning eyebrows were faintly visible. She walked towards the road step by step. Ancient Emperor Zun.

The sound of the bell was actually not coming from the bell, but from the strings of beads covering the woman's face that collided with each other as she moved.

At this moment, in the square and on the platform, all the people from the three tribes who came to the night banquet came together and focused their eyes on this woman. This woman's appearance was not that exquisitely beautiful, but she had an indescribable feeling. , very soft and comfortable to look at, as if the mind will calm down.

The temperament of this woman is tranquility. Like the lily in the empty valley, it blooms silently. Only the birds flying among the white clouds in the high sky occasionally fly by. If you look down, you may be able to see the beauty and youthfulness of that moment.

Wang Lin stood there. The moment this woman appeared, the upset and anger in his body disappeared instantly, as if it had never appeared before.

"Song Zhi..." "Wang Lin recognized this woman at a glance. He still remembered seeing this woman outside the Black Stone City of the Ancient Clan when he first came to the ancient land.

Daogu Huangzun showed admiration, looked at the phoenix-robed woman approaching, smiled, flicked his sleeves, and spoke loudly.

"Queen, come and sit next to Lian. Today is a happy event for our Taogu lineage, and it is also a big day for Lian and you."

The phoenix-robed woman paused, walked over quietly in silence, sat down gently on the dragon chair where the ancient emperor was, raised her head, and looked outside the hall.

She was still frowning, confusion hidden deep in her eyes, giving people a feeling of helplessness.

The moment she raised her head, the first thing she saw was Wang Lin, who was looking attentively in the hall!

For a moment, the two people's eyes were focused together in this hall.

When the two people's eyes met, there was a roar in Wang Lin's mind. The roar came too suddenly, like countless thunders exploding at the same time. It spread throughout Wang Lin's body and even caused his soul and soul to explode. Trembling, this trembling seemed like the woman in front of him was an indispensable part of Wang Lin's life!

Wang Lin's expression changed and he stared at the woman. His heart was beating quickly. This woman gave him a very familiar feeling, but this familiarity was hidden in the mist. Wang Lin I can’t think of a familiar source!

"Wan'er..." Li Qianhui... "Zhou Ru..." so red..." Wang Lin stared blankly into the woman's eyes.

Faces appeared in my mind, but I couldn't pinpoint the familiar source.

"It doesn't seem to be either..." When Wang Lin looked carefully, he found that this woman was extremely strange, as if she was very different from what he thought.

"Wang Lin!" A low-pitched but majestic voice echoed in Wang Lin's ears.

"Queen of Lian, do you attract your attention so much?" Daogu Emperor looked at Wang Lin, a coldness flashed in his eyes. Even though he was the Emperor, but now that the Queen walked out, everyone looked away at the sight of her. , but this Wang Lin was the only one who looked so wildly. He was already dissatisfied with Wang Lin. At this moment, he frowned and his words became cold.

Wang Lin was silent. He seemed to wake up from the words of the ancient emperor, and his eyes showed complexity. He ignored the ancient emperor, but still looked at the phoenix-robed woman.

He wanted to find the familiar origin in this woman, but as he looked at it, he sighed secretly, with confusion in his eyes.

He doesn’t recognize this woman…”

He also vaguely found the source of the familiarity. It was this woman's temperament, that tranquil temperament, which was very similar to Li Muwan.

"It can't be Wan'er..." It's just that the temperament is similar, it's my illusion..." "With Wang Lin's current cultivation level, if this woman is really Li Muwan, Wang Lin can tell it at a glance, but at this moment, let him No matter how you look at it, it's just familiar, but you can't find the slightest fluctuation in Li Muwan's aura.

"Wan'er is in the sky-avoiding coffin, and her remnant soul is missing..." She can't be found... "This woman, no, it's just that in this world, there is someone with such a similar temperament..." Wang Lin closed his eyes. , covering the sadness in his eyes.

The woman's face was slightly red, and her eyes showed anger, as if she was unhappy with Wang Lin's rude gaze. But she couldn't tell it herself. Deep in her heart, she seemed to have a familiar feeling towards the person in front of her. As soon as this feeling appeared, it strangely dissipated and seemed to no longer exist.

"Lian is asking you something!" The ancient emperor raised his left hand and slapped the armrest of the dragon chair fiercely, making a loud bang, but the armrest was not damaged at all.

But in this hall, at this moment, dozens of murderous intentions suddenly appeared, locking on Wang Lin, and at the same time, it was faintly visible in the hall, around Wang Lin, there were more than ten smoke-like phantoms. The shadows were looming, as if they would all take action as long as Daogu Huangzun gave the order.

At this moment, in the square outside the main hall and on the hundreds of platforms, the people from the Lan tribe also noticed something strange, and they all looked strange. After their eyes swept over Wang Lin in the main hall, they looked at him again. He looked at the slightly angry woman in phoenix robe.

"This woman looks very much like an old friend of Wang..." "Wang Lin opened his eyes and saw the sulkiness in the woman's eyes. For some reason, he felt pain and loss in his heart. He was now sure that this woman , not the person he is looking for..."

It was just the similarity in temperament that evoked Wang Lin's sadness and heart-wrenching pain.

"Oh?" The ancient emperor's eyes flashed invisibly, and he turned to look at the phoenix-robed woman beside him, then looked at Wang Lin, and suddenly an unpredictable smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Queen, do you know the future guardian of my Daogu lineage?" Daogu Emperor said leisurely.

The phoenix-robed woman lowered her head and shook her head lightly.

"When the Imperial Master gave this remnant soul to me, he said that this remnant soul has his seal and will not emit the slightest breath fluctuation. Even if he meets the person who is most familiar with this woman, he will never see any clues. .Unless he can surpass him in Zhui Yan calculation, even if he has the cultivation level of Great Heavenly Lord, he will not be able to see anything in this aspect." Daogu Emperor smiled slightly.

"Interesting, could it be that this remnant soul is really similar to Wang Lin in beauty?" Daogu Emperor was quite surprised in his heart, but his expression still had that elusive smile.

"Perhaps it's not necessarily true that you two know each other. It would be best for you, Queen, to walk down to the future guardian of our Daogu lineage and let him take a closer look. If you are really old friends, it would be another thing. What a happy event." Daogu Emperor said slowly.

The woman in phoenix robe was silent, stood up gently, looked at Wang Lin, and walked slowly over. Wang Lin looked at her blankly. He vaguely seemed to see Li Muwan coming, his mind was shaken, and his body was even shaking. one time.

Until the woman came up, stopped a few feet in front of Wang Lin, and looked at him calmly. Her eyes were more suspenseful, giving Wang Lin a faint cold feeling. The strangeness in the familiarity made him seem to have forgotten to think. , I forgot that I was in this ancient palace, I forgot that I was in this land of ancient tribes, I forgot that I was in this Xiangang Continent, I seemed to have returned to the cave world, back to the valley of Suzaku Star, looking at each other blankly, The sadness in his eyes seemed to melt the world.

When the woman saw that sadness, her heart suddenly stung, her face turned pale, and there was confusion in her eyes, but the confusion quickly dissipated and turned into sadness again.

"You..." Not her. "For a long time, Wang Lin showed bitterness. He suddenly wanted to drink, and wanted to get drunk once, so as to forget the pain and sorrow of his soul. He knew that everything he had just experienced was an illusion.

But this illusion aroused Wang Lin's longing, making him recall scenes from thousands of years ago, making his sorrow deeper and stronger.

Wang Lin staggered back a few steps. He didn't look at the woman or the ancient emperor, but he didn't leave either. Instead, he returned to his desk and sat there, staring blankly. For a long time, he grabbed the wine bottle, put it to his mouth and took a big sip.

However, even though the wine was spicy, it could not make him drunk..."

Wang Lin rarely cried, but at this moment, as he drank wine, tears fell from the corners of his eyes. Among the tears, Wang Lin drank the wine one mouthful at a time, and the tears came into his mouth. They were very bitter and astringent, just like his sadness. smell.

The phoenix-robed woman returned to the Ancient Emperor and sat down calmly, always lowering her head and saying nothing. The Ancient Emperor smiled more on his face, and his eyes fell on Wang Lin from time to time, with pride in his eyes. And a flash of joy.

"It seems that there is a high probability that this Wang Lin is acquainted with the remnant soul..." And the confusion that the remnant soul showed after merging before was probably because of this Wangzhi..." It's a pity that in life, No matter what your level of cultivation is, no matter how much soul blood you have, even if you have Xuan Luo as your teacher, the greatest sorrow is that we are both in front of each other, but you don't know each other..." However, such a thing, but It makes me very happy for tea..." "The ancient emperor laughed loudly, raised his wine glass, and drank it together with the nearly ten thousand people who came at this night banquet.

According to the tradition of the Daogu lineage, he should have let the phoenix-robed woman leave at this moment, but the Daogu Emperor did not do so. Instead, he kept her sitting next to him. He wanted to continue to see Wang Lin. His expression seemed like this, he could find the greatest satisfaction and pleasure.

Suddenly, due to the cheerfulness of the Daogu Emperor, the night banquet seemed to have reached a climax, with people shouting and congratulations pouring in, making it look very lively.

In this bustle, Wang Lin was the only one sitting there silently, drinking wine one mouthful at a time. The sadness in his eyes could not be drunk away with the wine.

"Queen, Wang Aiqing seems to be in a bad mood. Please join me and have a drink with her." The ancient emperor said with a smile.

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