Renegade Immortal

Volume 13 Dim Lights Chapter 2048 108 Spirit’s Pleading!

Volume 13: Dim Lights Chapter 2048: The Pleading of One Hundred and Eight Spirits!

The first bridge and the second bridge still seemed very close, but in fact, Wang Lin felt that he had flown out for several days before arriving under the second bridge.

This bridge was several times larger than the first one. Standing under the bridge, Wang Lin did not hesitate and stepped forward. The moment his steps fell, his soul body roared, as if it was about to collapse. With his level of cultivation, he is not qualified enough to step on this bridge.

In this roar, Wang Lin's mind seemed to be exploded. As the world turned around, his consciousness and soul seemed to be separated. He could faintly see a continent deep in the mist of the earth. He was familiar with that continent. On the left Seventy-two continents, thirty-six counties on the right, in the middle of a vast basin, there is an upright ocean, spinning crazily.

As for the depths of the ocean, he saw nine huge pillars connected into the shape of a door.

The door was closed and not opened.

"Treading the sky... am I stepping on the sky now..." Wang Lin couldn't feel his own presence and looked at the earth below. In silence, he looked in the direction of the immortal clan. In his view, the entire immortal clan The seventy-two continents of the clan suddenly changed and turned into seventy-two ferocious beasts. The seventy-two beasts roared towards the sky.

Inside, there were beetles, the Green Demon Scorpion, and more of the ferocious beasts from the sky that he had seen in Tianzun Nirvana. These ferocious beasts seemed to have noticed Wang Lin's presence and his gaze, and roared at this moment. , Wang Lin could even clearly feel that they were afraid, but that fear contained other meanings.

At this time, at the moment when Wang Lin retreated into the legendary realm after the air tribulation, the land of the Immortal Clan suddenly shook slightly. The seventy-two continents were shaking, and waves of coercion spread, causing the Immortal Clan's The monks felt it clearly one by one, but they were also at a loss as to what was happening.

Wherever there are temples of suppression, those temples are the center of shock in every continent!

The vibrations became more intense, attracting the attention of many strong men on the land of the Immortal Clan. They flew up one by one in shock and looked at the earth, only to see the suppressed souls of beasts from outside the world in their respective continents. There were signs of instability, and as the earth shook, he became violent and at the same time, there was an incredible scene that was about to appear.

On Tianniu Continent, a huge longhorned beetle was the first to appear. Its huge figure was illusory, covering the entire longhorned beetle. This huge longhorned bull roared up to the sky, and its eyes were filled with excitement and fear at the same time. However, What’s more, it’s pleading! !

I beg the sky, which feels the strange existence, to release it and let it be free!

With the appearance of the beetle,

More souls of extraterrestrial beasts that were suppressed by the seventy-two continents were gradually transformed in each continent. Even the existences that had become dead souls in some legends actually appeared one by one, although the phantoms they transformed were blurry. , but the screams looking up to the sky with a hint of fear and pleading are equally astonishing.

Almost all the monks in the Immortal Clan saw this earth-shattering scene in various continents. They were at a loss, but more of a panic. The tremors on the ground became more and more intense, as the transformed beasts continued to roar. , it seems like there is going to be a big chaos!

"What happened!!" In Dao Yizong, the great Heavenly Lord flew up and stood between heaven and earth. His expression was gloomy, with a hint of panic. With his cultivation, he could clearly feel that the entire All seventy-two immortal continents suddenly experienced such drastic changes.

He stared ahead at a towering tree that had transformed from Shanhai Continent. The paper strips of the tree danced and roared.

"Damn it, isn't this demonic tree from the sky already dead?! It still has a soul! What on earth happened? Could it be that there was something wrong with Daofei's suppression in the Ancestral City Palace!" Dao Yi looked at that person. Giant tree, take a breath.

At the same time, in the land of Beizhou, Wu Feng looked at a huge glacier giant in the distance between the sky and the earth, with the same gloomy face, containing a hint of fear.

And in the Ziyang Sect, the twin Great Heavenly Lords flew out together, looked at the world, and frowned.

In the ancestral city, in the Emperor Mountain, Jiudi Great Heavenly Venerable looked at the heaven and earth with his hands behind his back. He seemed to be normal, but the contraction of the pupils in his eyes showed his shock at this moment.

"There is no problem in the underground palace. Lian Daofei is still sleeping. Even so, he has been suppressing these seventy-two souls from outside the world." Behind Emperor Jiu, Haizi sat cross-legged and opened his eyes from his closed eyes.

"Have you calculated the results? What happened? Even those extraterrestrial spirits who pretended to be dead screamed in the sky and begged at all costs. They sensed something!!" Emperor Jiu's voice was cold, but his heart was filled with emotion. There was a kind of fear. He looked at the sky, but couldn't see anything.

It’s just that those seventy-two extraterrestrial spirits are clearly begging to heaven...

Haizi was silent, and while he was making secrets with his hands, a little person appeared in the heart of his right hand, kowtowing to him continuously, but Haizi's brows were furrowed and he found nothing.

Her eyes flickered, and she suddenly bit the tip of her tongue, spitting out a mouthful of blood, which fell on the little man in her palm. The little man immediately turned into blood, let out a shrill roar, and kowtowed to Haizi again.

This time, Haizi's body suddenly shook, and he staggered. His face turned pale instantly, and his eyes showed disbelief.

"They felt a sky-piercing eye, looking at them in the sky of our Immortal Gang Continent!!"

"What!!" Emperor Jiu's face changed drastically, and he could no longer hide his inner emotions. He raised his head sharply and stared at the sky. He suddenly felt a chill in his bones. He couldn't see anything except the sky, but he But it seems conceivable that at this moment, there is a gaze from outside the sky, looking at Xiangang Continent, perhaps, looking at himself.

"Ta Tian... this... this..." Jiudi's body trembled, and his body's cultivation was beyond control, causing his body to go from aging to middle-aged in an instant, but immediately turned into an old man again, constantly changing, Enough to show his shock.

Wang Lin looked at the land of the Immortal Clan, watching the seventy-two beasts from the heavens screaming and pleading at him in fear. He even saw Dao Yi's shock and Wu Feng's fear on the land of the Immortal Clan. The twins were puzzled, and there was also the gaze of Emperor Jiu in the Emperor Mountain.

He saw them, but they could not feel his presence. When Wang Lin's eyes fell on the ancestral city, they swept past Emperor Jiu. At this moment, it was Emperor Jiu who looked at the sky with furry bones. moment.

He saw Haizi...and saw Lian Daofei turning into a mountain in the underground palace under the Imperial Palace of the Ancestral City.

"Junior Zhou Luojiu, see you senior, what did the senior say? I will definitely complete it with all my strength!" On the Emperor Mountain, Emperor Jiu's face turned pale. He quickly flew up and bowed towards the sky.

Since he became the Great Heavenly Lord, he has never worshiped like this before, but at this moment, he was filled with fear, looked extremely respectful, and bowed to the sky.

However, he did not get any response until the phantom of the beast from the sky transformed from the seventy-two continents of the Immortal Clan. The screams turned into despair, and gradually the pleas became deeper, and finally dissipated one by one, causing the earth to return to normal and no longer shake. , Haizi's body trembled and he spoke softly.

"This person...has left..."

After hearing this, Emperor Jiu still bowed there respectfully. It was not until another stick of incense passed that he raised his body, his face pale, and his body fell.

Wang Lin withdrew his gaze from the Immortal Clan. When he saw the Longhorns and Lian Daofei before, he had the idea of ​​​​rescuing them, but he could not do it.

In silence, he looked in the direction of the Ancient Clan. The moment his gaze fell, the entire Ancient Clan erupted in the same shock as the Immortal Clan before.

The earth trembled, and in the thirty-six counties, thirty-six ferocious beasts from the sky appeared one by one. Among them was Luo Hu, whose soul was partially devoured by Wang Lin.

At this moment, Rahu's figure was completely transformed. His head was a huge meat ball, which looked like a cultivation star. His tail was like a dragon's tail, and there were not one but nine tails. He looked up to the sky and roared, showing a sign of pleading.

Xuan Luo woke up from the retreat and immediately flew out. Looking at the scene in the world, he took a breath.

And Song Tian, ​​who was from the ancient lineage, was in mid-air, dumbfounded by the changes in these thirty counties.

"This...could this have something to do with that Wang Lin! It's impossible, such an amazing scene has absolutely nothing to do with this person!"

The very mysterious Great Heavenly Lord in the ancient lineage is also in his retreat at the moment, feeling this scene gloomily.

Wang Lin saw all this, and finally his eyes fell on the ancient road mountain. Inside the towering tower, he saw a figure on the top floor shrouded in mist.

A sigh came from the figure's mouth, and he opened his eyes. His eyes were calm. When he looked up at the sky, he seemed to see Wang Lin's eyes.

The moment the two people's eyes touched, Wang Lin also sensed that the most powerful man in Xiangang Continent had indeed seen him.

"You have finally reached this level... Which bridge are you on now?" The figure in the mist spoke slowly.

"Second Bridge, where are you?" Wang Lin was silent for a moment and slowly sent out his spiritual thoughts. With his current cultivation level, he still couldn't see the appearance of the Great Heavenly Lord of the Ancient Dao in the fog.

"I crossed the fifth bridge many years ago and stopped at the sixth bridge..."

"If you cross the ninth bridge, is it the fourth step?" Wang Lin asked calmly.

"I don't know... throughout the ages, no one has stepped across the Ninth Bridge..." the figure in the mist said softly.

"No one? Where are the ancient ancestors and the immortal ancestors?"

"They all crossed the Eighth Bridge and... stopped at the Ninth Bridge."

"What kind of place is this Sky Bridge?" Wang Lin asked his doubts.

"The Xiangang Continent is very big...but there are more continents outside the sky. According to my understanding, this bridge to the sky is a common path for all living beings." The Great Heavenly Lord of the Ancient Path sighed softly and spoke. There was a trace of confusion in it. Perhaps, even he was confused about this issue.

Wang Lin was silent and slowly withdrew his gaze.

beg! ! ! ! ~!

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