Renegade Immortal

Volume 13 Dim Lights Chapter 2051 10 Yang!

Volume 13: Dim Lights Chapter 2051 Ten Yangs!

The Great Heavenly Lord can feel the marginal changes in the rules of heaven and earth. With his strong belief, he can use these felt changes to condense them into essence. The so-called creation out of nothing is like this.

But it is just something out of nothing, turning everything illusory into reality, but you cannot be like Wang Lin, who grabs the rules of the world and arbitrarily uses them for your own use. This is still not borrowing, but a new one. Reach a higher level and control the rules of heaven and earth!

Song Tian couldn't do this. In his memory, only the Great Heavenly Lord of the Ancient Dao saw a similar scene with his own eyes when Song Tian went to visit him.

"This is impossible!!" The huge ancient demon that Song Tian merged with a trace of his spiritual thoughts showed disbelief in his eyes. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Wang Lin, who he thought was nothing to worry about in his heart, actually After this retreat, he has such amazing power to control the laws of heaven and earth.

The moment his entire body of the ancient demon walked out of the crack in the sky, he was completely stunned. His mind went blank for a moment, without any thoughts in it. The only thing that existed was Wang Lin's grabbing towards the sky just now. The movements and the scenes involving the rules of heaven and earth in all directions.

The appearance of this ancient demon did not arouse the slightest concern to Wang Lin. He did not even look at it. He looked at the head of the Immortal Ancestor that was melting rapidly in front of him. The head was surrounded by the blood and the rules of heaven and earth he had given before. , most of it has melted at this moment.

Those melted parts were completely absorbed by his Great Heavenly Lord's Sun, making the golden light in this sun become brighter and brighter. The three-color Great Heavenly Lord's Sun bloomed with strange light on the sky.

The Immortal Ancestor's head shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye, and bursts of golden light penetrated from it. After a moment, only half of it was left. It no longer looked like a head, but a ball of dazzling golden light.

As it gets smaller and smaller, the three colors of Wang Lin's Great Heavenly Lord's Yang become thicker and faster, as if they are real. When the Immortal Ancestor's head completely melts, when the three colors of the Great Heavenly Lord's Yang are completely absorbed. After that, this Yang will become the real Yang of the Great Heavenly Lord, and Wang Lin will become the real Great Heavenly Lord!

Moreover, he will be the second strongest among the Great Heavenly Lords in the entire Xiangang Continent, besides the Ancient Dao! !

The ancient demon with Song Tian's divine thoughts in the distance took a breath at this moment and recovered from his trance. He didn't want to believe everything he saw, but the reality in front of him made him have to believe it. At this moment, his mind Shocked, he slowly backed away without any hesitation.

Seeing that Wang Lin ignored him, he rolled back as fast as he could, heading straight for the crack in the sky that he had arrogantly torn open before, and was about to escape.

As a great deity,

Such an action is rare in this life. He has already shown timidity even before the battle. Compared with his arrogant appearance before, the contrast between his escaping appearance is huge.

But just as the ancient demon's body approached the crack and was about to quickly dive into it to escape, a cold voice suddenly echoed in the world.

"Are you just leaving like that!"

The appearance of this voice immediately caused the ancient demon, which contained Song Tian's divine thoughts, to launch at full speed like crazy and desperate.

But almost at the moment when the voice echoed, Wang Lin's eyes looked over coldly, and fell on the ancient demon's body. Suddenly, in the world around the ancient demon, thin threads appeared, lingering under it. , directly wrapped around the body of the ancient demon, causing his body to tremble and freeze there, motionless.

Wang Lin had speculated about the Body Holding Technique a long time ago. This technique is related to the rules of heaven and earth. At this moment, with his current cultivation and understanding, he no longer needs to seal the secret. With just one look, he can This technique appears instantly.

What Wang Lin was fixated on was not only the ancient demon, but also Song Tian's divine mind in his body. His divine mind trembled and could not move at all.

At the same time, Song Tian, ​​who was sitting cross-legged on the primitive mountain outside the ancient imperial city, suddenly opened his eyes. His face was pale, and there was a hint of shock in his eyes. His spiritual thoughts were solidified, and he was also It vaguely affected his spirit.

"Open the primitive formation!!" Song Tian did not hesitate at all. The moment he opened his eyes, he immediately let out a low roar. In the low roar, all the strong men of the ancient lineage who followed Song Tian in the entire primitive world , one after another in a daze, quickly flew up, each came to the formation, and arranged it with all their strength.

"Master..." Chi Man was behind Song Tian. He didn't know what happened, but seeing his master's gloomy look, he felt extremely depressed and had a bad feeling.

"Shut up, don't bother me now. If it weren't for your throne, how could I activate the primitive formation!" Song Tian turned around fiercely, glanced at Chi Man, his voice was cold.

"I have tried my best this time. If I fail in the end, the Ancient Emperor in a hundred years will not be you, but that Jidu!" Song Tian also felt angry in his heart. After saying this, he swayed and Running towards the sky, in the sky, he raised his right hand and grabbed it fiercely downwards. Suddenly, the primitive mountain roared continuously. As soon as Changhong penetrated from the mountain and appeared in Song Tian's hand, it was a huge battle axe!

This battle ax was stained with rust and looked unattractive. However, after Song Tian held it, there were screams and screams coming from the axe, which turned into countless green remnant souls, surrounding it. The green light around Song Tian made Song Tian's expression look strange.

While Song Tian was making all-out preparations, in Luohu County, between the heaven and earth above the Jidu Palace, Wang Lin looked up to the sky and let out an astonishing roar.

During its roar, the winds in all directions changed, and the Immortal Ancestor's head, which melted into a small half and turned into a dazzling golden light group, finally began its final melting.

It became smaller and smaller, and after a while, the head of the Immortal Ancestor was only the size of a fist. After that, the Yang of the Great Heavenly Lord completely solidified, even much more solidified than the Sun Yang of other Great Heavenly Lords.

Staring at the golden ball of light the size of a fist, Wang Lin's eyes flashed. In a flash, he saw his right hand raised and grabbing the void of the palace below. Immediately, Wang Lin's three major voids of life and death, cause and effect, and truth and falsehood were in the palace. The origin suddenly penetrated the secret room and flew out, heading straight for Wang Lin, approaching instantly and integrating into his body.

At this moment, all the origins returned to their original positions, and a roaring sound came from Wang Lin's body. His hair moved automatically without any wind, and a shocking momentum broke out. Under this momentum, Wang Lin looked calm and confident, and turned towards the fist that melted into a fist. The remnants of the Immortal Ancestor's head, big and small, exhaled a breath of its origin.

This breath was invisible and only Wang Lin could sense it. The moment this breath came into contact with the fist-sized immortal ancestor's skull, the skull suddenly trembled violently and suddenly melted! !

It completely melted and disappeared completely. After being completely absorbed by Wang Lin's three-color Great Heavenly Sun, this Yang became a real thing! !

To become the Sun of the Great Heavenly Lord, send this sun into the sky of Immortal Gang, and let ten suns exist in that sky from now on. This is the true sign of a person becoming the Great Heavenly Lord. As for the past, it can only be said that Wang Lin is still Not a complete Great Heavenly Lord!

At the moment when his Great Heavenly Sun was completely solidified, Wang Lin raised his hands and looked at the sky. The three-color Great Heavenly Sun next to him seemed to be held up, slowly rising up, heading straight towards the high sky. The sky is gone.

Watching the Sun of the Great Heavenly Lord that belonged to him gradually rush towards the highest point of the sky, Wang Lin couldn't help but think about the first time he saw a trace of his consciousness in the cave world when he came to the Xiangang Continent. To the sky, the strangeness of those nine suns.

"Great Heavenly Lord..." Wang Lin murmured. He looked at his Great Heavenly Lord's Sun, which burst into three colors of intense light at the height of the sky and the earth.

The entire Xiangang Continent, from the areas of the Immortal Clan and the Ancient Clan, as Wang Lin sent his Great Heavenly Lord's Yang into the sky, it affected the power of all the Great Heavenly Lord's Suns!

On the land of the Immortal Clan, Daoyizong, Beizhou, Ziyang Sect, and Emperor Mountain of the Ancestral City. At this moment, each of these four places had a huge sun rising into the sky, emitting light in the sky of the Immortal Gang Continent.

Remember, in the palace of the ancestral city, a golden sun suddenly appeared and became the fifth sun belonging to the immortal clan on the sky!

At the same time, on the land of the ancient tribe, in the sky where Xuan Luo was in retreat, the Sun of the Great Heavenly Lord belonging to Xuan Luo transformed into the sky and rose into the sky. In the ancient imperial city, the mysterious Great Ancient Heavenly Lord also transformed into his Sun Yang on the sky!

There is also the ancient lineage, Song Tian's Great Heavenly Lord's Yang, which is not under his control at this moment, transformed and went straight to the sky.

What finally appeared was Zun Yang, who belonged to the Great Heavenly Lord of the Ancient Dao Mountain on the Ancient Dao Mountain. At that moment, ten suns suddenly appeared in the entire Immortal Gang Continent! !

The appearance of the remaining nine Great Heavenly Lord's Suns was not controlled, but transformed on their own after Wang Lin's Great Heavenly Lord's Sun rose into the sky, as if they were pulling each other.

This situation is familiar to all the Great Heavenly Lords. This is exactly what happened to the heaven and earth phenomena in the Immortal Gang Continent after the rest of the people on the Immortal Gang Continent became Great Heavenly Lords, except for the lineage of Immortal Emperors.

And at this time, because the suns of all the Great Heavenly Lords are transformed in the sky, the entire Xiangang Continent, the power of heaven and earth is rolling, and the rest of the Great Heavenly Lords can clearly feel the breath of this new born Great Heavenly Lord. !

The ten suns on the sky have obvious differences in size. The largest one belongs to the Great Heavenly Lord of the Ancient Way. The size of its sun is almost equivalent to all the other eight suns except Wang Lin's three-color sun.

The second one is Wang Lin’s three-color Zun Yang. Although it is not as big as the Zun Yang from the ancient path, it is still nearly half the size! It emits a light that is not weaker than that of the Ancient Dao Zunyang.

"Father...the Great Heavenly Lord..." In the palace in Luohu County, Prince Jidu stood there stunned, with unprecedented excitement in his eyes, and he burst into laughter. ! ~!

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